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Tke iJetroit jXoveity jjmciune wurtuj, wuiuu waa iueorporated four years ago, with $100,000 capital, has gone up the spout. ïhf. manufacture of salt bas growu to be ono of the ;reat industries of ïliuhigan. Aa Kast Saginaw correspondent of the Chicago Timo eompüos sotoo intereoting figures boaring upon the trade, frm which ivo learu tliat, in the Sagiiiaw valley, or along the öaginaiv river, there was manufactureil in 1864 about 4,000 barrels, and sinco that date the foUowing amovtüts : Barrel. Barrel. 1880 4,000 18B8 IS65,fflW 1861 li5,00O lüfi'J 698,873 I 1863 243.00U IK70 640,516 j 1833 6,358 18Ï1 755,015 , 1304 520,07? 1872 715,318 1865' ' '.'. 477,200 1873 810,495 1866 407,077 1S7 871,587 1867 474,731 Theao flgnrea apply to the Bagmaw vulley alone. Duriug the past two or three yeara, aud particularly the past year, üie salt-producing I territory haa been extended. A well ha been Blink üt Tawas, Iohoo comity, and works nre in opcration there. At ('hboville Port Auatin, White Ilook, New lüver, nd Port Hopo, all in Huron county, wells have oen snak, and work are in operation. From lie annual reporta oí the State Inspector for lie past ais. ye&rs, since State inspection beamo a luw, we give the foilowiug summary of alt inspectoa, intluding tho product of Huron ounty, -which ia not included in tho aboTe ablo : 1810. 1871. 1872. 1873. 1874. ïhTe 36fL329 655,923 672.034 746,700 960,757 ■W 17860 14,677 11,110 23,671 20,090 iolar ... 15,507 87,(145 21,4(51 32,267 29.391 ïo 2 19Í659 19,930 19,876 20,706 16,741 ieiuac. 7,018 4,262 Total .. 628979 732,437 724,481 823,344 1,020,979 rKKSOJM.AX. Phtti Pabsons ha been re-electod President , 3f the Detroit Board of Trade. CASrALTIES. Aíexandsb CAMEEoy, of HanisTille, vraa reccntly strack on the head -while skidding logs, and diedin fivo minntes. Iíichard GooBWEix, a young man of 19, while fitealing a ride on the front end of a baggage car on an Indiana railroad train, feil off betwcon Eockford ond Edgerton, wlüle the troin ivas running at full speed, and was cut iu pieces. He had no permanent residence. A bbick building on Front street, at Grand Eapids, occupied by F. Drew L Sou, grocers, was dostroyed by íire a few daya ago. Loss $6,000, partially insnred. A ítüNAWAT lioroe ai urauu luipii-in un tolegraph polo, which fel! and demolúihed f400 wcrtk of píate glass. DEATHS. Mns. Jacob Nestob, of Orana Rapids, cuher throat with a razor, a few days ago, while laboring uiider a fit of tomporary insauity. A colokiíd raau named Powers, who han j been niisaiug from bis home near Yicksburg, Kalamazoo coiiüty, was found a few days ago üi a Btraw etack, dead, and partially eaten by rata, j A íauE occurred at. tUe resideucs of Mr. Tripp, at Bíddwiu, Lake couuty, a few niglifci ago, tu wbieh Denuis Kobinson, who was topping at the houee over night and elept in an upper room, waa burued to death. The fire liad gainod sueh headway beforo discovored that it was with the greateat diöiculty that the family on the lower floor escaped. LEGAL. Robeet Cook has recovered judgmont in the Circuit C'ourt at Oriaid Rápida againñt the Detroit und Müwaukeo raili-oad for 5f5,0(K) for injuries received whüo in the employ of tho rood. The Supreme Court of the Uuited Statoa, at V,rasliiugton, has decided that a State has the :i, fr fav lunri-írrmit. lunda'wiiile tliev ai'e atül i posscssion of the railroad companiea. A sst oase was taken to tho tribunal from Michjaa, More than 500, 000 are involved in this uestion in tliis State alone. The jury in the Superior Court at Detroit a j ew (laya ago ronderod a verdict of $5,30G.24 i a favor of the heira of May Stephens, of ■ anti, who died by drowning in her kitc'uen , ern in December, 1873, and agaiuet the Mielü;an Mutual Life Intsurance Company. A few ! nonths previous to her death she had procured M9,000 inauranee on her Ufe, including fö.OÜO n favor of chiidrcu. in the Michigan Mutual, -which resiHted and mado their case tho ;est caso whioh would govern the payment of ;he other insiu-ance, the claim being that ehe j liad effected the insuranoe with a view to defraud, intending euicide. Exceptious were aiken, and tho caso goea to the Supreme Court. KAItKOADS. The earninga of tho Detroit, Lansing and Lake Michigan railroiui for the year 187a are roixjrted au f ollovm : PaaBOnger earnings &iS"2 Freight t-arning ., 'SSS'S Earuiug from niiscollaneouB souroea .... iö,li.i-.4. Total Í8O7.007.38 CB1JIIÏ. Ths torch of an wa applied to a lath-mill at East Saginaw, a few nighta ago, destroying property valued at L7,000, on which there ia no insnrauee. During tho following day a firo was discovered in some mmer uu mo Russell MUI doek, and about 700,000 f eet ware 1 burned befors the fire was under control. The lamber was ownod by 8. V. Harknesn, of Cleveland ; TO wüilh about L8,000, and was not Luüured. The BtiUneSB of the day alone aaved $50,000 other property from destruction. BBtaCEüAJiEODS. It b the Grangers who have the corporations' nosos on the grindstone now. The Grand Rapids Eagle reporter says he has in hia mind'e eye a Bchool district on the line of the Orand Rapóla and Indiana raiboad, in wliich there are but dozen families, and not a chiló that can be eent to school. The residente concluded they moet have a new school-house, one worth nearly $700. Of all the residente of the düftrlct but one was liable to taxation on roal property. the others being homesteaders who are temporarily exempted. These persons, who had no toxesto pay, wauted the school-housc built now, becaue in a short timo they wiU have to py tases, the period of tl'.eir exemption closing soón, and thoy wiustod it whon it wouH oost hom nothing. They agreed to club togetner to 1SJ the bU oí the one neighbor liablo to taxaio'n, the vote to buiïd the eohool-hóüse eumed. ,he 'contract was let to tUenwclvce , and tlio resident land have to pay the büls ; of these, . llmoStall&re railrond landa owued by the (1. B and I. In t'.int (üstrict laiwlH are tuxed 60, i 70, aud 80 cente au acre tot sohotí paipotm , alouc, and some of tliem the companv would bfe rigbt glad to lal VS au acre if it conld, oi c í-2.5ü per acre, whjle the most expensivo landa in the district uro rated by the oompany at Í7.D0 au E. P. Wabeek, a watohroaker of Tliree OftkB, naya the Lansing BepubJican, has invented e. oalcuiating machina whieh, if it performs hall the wonders daimed tor it, wfll do away viüx the uoe of brains in mathematicB. It ia intonde 1 1 work cxamples iinder nearly every rule of ! rithmetie. It is raacle inostly of steel, is reiy compact has over 2, 100 specially f ormcd picceK will nm baekwara as wdl as forv.ard, and w.U detect an error ir.stantly. The interest ou $7,671.09 for twoyoare, soven montho, and mne days, at eight per cent., was eomptuêd in twonty oeconda. Scientific men wlio have ex unined tho diffc-reuco enginn ;it I.'udley Uüiversity iiay tliat tais machino far mirpaiwes it. Aljieut Lono, of lonin, was found in tho street at East Baginivw laat werk, with nothiDg 011 but bis s'uivt. H. f eet uid lega were frozeu r.tLff. Long went to East BagüÍÉW afcont av.eek ago, and was tal;en down irith tbe mfeaale. Ho yot up in the nlght wlülo toUtÜUB, and got on tl:o Blreet. PhysiciauB pronounco üiat ho cannot recover. TUK LKGI.SI.ATU11E Tüesdat, MarcJi 2.- tenate- Tbe great suow Btorni haA oo Impeded raihvay truvcl tliat many mombors tvcto absenta and the Bcnato had u quorum. Hovfic - Hmaeram petitiona were received for the abolition of tho Couuty Superintendency ; for a more ftrin'eut proliibitcry U(iuor law ; for tbo repsal of the same, ana lor a legüúativc requeet to camcïme to aive Boldiors aud nailora $200 in money in beu of 100 acres of land. . . A bilí wan reported in favor of permltting !'J" inrorporation uf Stete and ,...1 ,;„„+„ „mnff et 1'atronBof Huawtfiurv . . . . Th:, rejnaínder of lie iwoeion wa bent in mmrtteo of the whole, in considiring the HU appropnatiñ(! Í8 000 fnr a public hoi piUil at the Michigan tnivtreity. requiring Oo.mty Trcaíurer lo pay uvcr aU íatawit reeaived íor public moury, pnh;bltmg the use of or coal-oils for ljihttoK raüroad car, an.l pormitting thc sulo m Uu-i htate of a petroleum ofticially iriepected ín r-th.T States and crrtiflod to be of 150 Fahrenheit fire-teet. Weiinesday, íínrcli 3.- nai6- Nnínerous petitiouB werc recoivod ín thc Bcnt for thc repeal of the County Supcrintendency of Sctools, and both for and against a Prohibltory Liquor Iw ; and favorable, report werc made, by eoumiiUcc on the bilí appropf isting luoney to defray Ule repensé oí aCommiaaionertosupf-rrfHetho Michlgaai Department at tho Ccntennlal ElMbition, and maliiuy aprrorriaüoaa to the Aricultur&l CoUnge . . . . '1 lte bilí maktng appropistions for z. stone cómico toihe new Capítol wwrccoiwidcrea and rcconir.nttPd . . ..The noiwe requentccl to return tho MU for the establiehmentof a Btate Práon in Uio wper wmüurala. Thc Hougü bilí ainondRtiry of the act rcgulattñg'the raíting, bX)ining, and running of logs was pasKed. TToihí- Petitions wcr? reci-ived eklng the Legislaturo to memoralize Oongress to grant to Boldiera í200inUüuof ICO acres of land. .. .TIn; biils entabllahimz a Superior Oourt at rar.d Eapiá, and Tacatimí ; tho towns of Hurón auil Wfebuler and uttachiiiK thfüi to Portago townellip, Houghton county ; re:ineorporating Mnrqucttc, prohiWtvng thc une of coal oil in paHBCliger can., tnd authorlzing . I'awpaw i„ t un riíintn niv i luk'niL'ilta aaalnst mu town, forti paased. Thciuíday, Marcli 4.- Sowie - Billa frcre Kwsecl airecüui thfl placing of the funda nrisine roin Uio ealc of Agricultura! College lando to the ■nnfral fund ín the State Treamiry, but ippropriiting tho interent thereon to the support oí the col%■ ■ reorganiring the Tenth and t.tabliHhmg the fwenty-flrst Judicial Circuit ; aothonüng raüroad ■mployesto cut ovcrhangir.g trees tliat emlaiiger lie nafetv of trains, and ainendlug tho act relattYe a embezzlcnient by officers of oirporationa. House- A lengthy memorial was reccivcd from ;ho .oLllcer3 of the Michigan Homeopathie Medical Society, reuioustrating against tho rwvment to thè Cniersity of ono-twentieüi of l UI tax, unül the Itegents of üiat metitution ihaU -BtublMh two Pi-ofenaorships of Uonuopathy ui Uie Mdil Department, as required by the act pasaed m 1873 Mumeroua renlonxtranoeB were rewived, deiirecaüni' tho proponed repeal of the l'rohibitory Liquor law....Abül authorizing tho appotataent of Commiesioners to cach county, whose c uty it shaU be to look after juvonüc oflenders, and to obtain, lf poasible, llieir adopüon in MepMttWe famiüoB riteer than to confine them to the Kefonu School. vraspaHKCd.... A long debatí took pliioe on thebili fiiiig the ealaries of the nulüary olhcera of the State, which ended in leartng the paj of the Miutant-General, Quartermaeter-Heneral, and Insi.octor-Oeucral eatablished at $600 per annum. Fiuday. March 5.-Senate-To bil! to prevido for a State House of Correction In tho Saginaw vaUey was orderod printed, and placed on the general order The bill to prevent frauda iu tke nJxfnR of Mtehigan wheat with inferior kinds and qualiS ïvai reported back by the Committee on State Iffairt on whof-e recoamiendation it was referreuto to iu'dicia Comnnttce....ïhe biU granüng 16 Sctions of State tonda to the müe, m d of a raüroad to be constructed from Marquette to the Btraita of Muckinaw. poesed and was ordered to take unmediate effect ... A joint rwolntion proposmg an Snendiaeut to the Con'tituUon, eo as t. jepeal the nrovision whith prohibits the Ucenemg of the sale of SZÓr, wa, tubleíl. The design ta to ktt ares relatiug to licen-se or promuiu uu .. :ne and tlio same time. Ilnnee- Bills i-assed : Ktempting private buriid grounda f rem taMtion; to prevent trespasees by tumters aml trappers, and amending tho law relative to Township Commissionera of Highways, eo as to House latiné to the liquor traíBo, come half dozen in uní?, "havo been made the ppecial order for Marcii 25. Batceday, March 6.-iai&-The House was requested to return Uie bffl organizinj; a new judicial ciroiitt, the Twenty-test, it being Bho that the proposed circuit had but 26,000 people, and Would conotituto the miJlcst circuit by far intbo State ...Tke-Committee on Poblia Hoalth reported favorablya biil to eetabtoh a Board of Mescal CfMora, but not including the matter of midw.fery whloh is not to be cODtrólled by the board. . . .A biU was passed to pay the military caUed out to Buppreu rïïinere'riot in Marquotte and Montciüm cninues ; airo a bül for tho relief of mslituüons aiid'detaobiug territory f rom Hehooloralt ceiuityand attaching it U) Marquctte couuty. Ilvum- The House, in committec of tho whole, agreed to the bill amending the act regulating tie furnishing of riead bodies for üiesection. It provides that fiuperintendenta of alm-houses and m-isons Bhall furnlên the tinfveTsKj of Michigan, ■ wheñ reonired, the doad bodies of fit" who woutó have to be burled at tho public ïïHhanreoelre {15 in each case for boxmg and ÏÏLurmg for BWwnent. Freferenco mUKt wvb he glven to the oraer 01 u .u.,. 3 313 14 ...The Judiciary Commutee rcpori. bScSdlDS til BtatoTre.mrer topUW m? to the ITnivcmty imk-M homeopathie 801 L Medicine are appointed, and also garat the eetobHeJxmont of a departiuent of deotistry thore. Mondaï, Marob 8.-Senote-The Kouse bül in rcference to iiluminating oils was advcmely reportecl upon, a.ul tabied .... The Honso amendmeut to the act estaWwhing State agents to caro tor iuveiiile offendeñ waa ívorbly responded i tot couïör i deemod botter thau conlmiug &L% 5 State Reform School. -J' dnt'oB iho SUte agcut i tq look aftel the t,ufare of the childreu, and, if impropf rly treated bj cit'e V considerable Btmba of bilis cre cilproS Öi Michigan at (Meto taJunenext, and at Philadeljiliift in lSiG. ÖoiiM-The senate bilí transí arring $400,000 froiu tüetinkingtothe general f mid was taken from the committee on the whole and ptaced on the generti order The bul to reduce the number of swamp tod Steie Eo4 CommisHioners from three to on. raBHcd the cominittee. A fruitlCBS ellort a mado 1 fo ct down t pay from f800 to JW0 per annum. An Englisli phyeician reoently removen seetion of a patient'a livor, placed it on plate, scrapeditcarefully, andreturned to ite piBM, fully restored to lts norial action. This promises to work a ■vohition ia thé taea'tmént of diseuse, ad in a few years we vvill have an addion to domestic literature sometumg ke tMs ' ' Husbaud, I wish y ou would ike John'8 right luug dowi to the doca_.this morning. and have the muküo mg tixod," or, " Wül yon stop mto the Lo'-tor's vfcm you ccme homo tlusnoon, ,nd seo if he ha MaryV Uvor uiemiad, í he autB to go out to tea this evennK " The ptactibe VÜJ become so coniaon in time, We are sure, that none of he neighVorB vrül be in MJ Wy startled i, fife, iU R yeü m ai-ound her lead, leaning out oL a bedroom window, md Bhoutmg to a reoeding husband : Jerexiah ! Teil I)r. Scrapen to sond WilUo' right kidneyatoiice, whether it ím done L not. He's liad it Üiore more'n a week, and the child might as well be -without any lddney, and uone with it l-FXtnburt News. A cumoDS cemetery existe i". TfNothiag human ia intcrrcd Üi.w ita tombsfones, ite_ eia to ite graves soúght by JL aber the oC0WatB, .fflYo SS ■".. utls Ifaat have died ■ bwtodüi :S The favorito elephaat, Qieyrette ; ' the first giratfè eVêr seén in Parw, and tatdy the htige rtrinaesB, ure buned there. The rhicocesoa yfflf one oí the best kixnvn of all tjje límala ui the Jaidin, hoving bcea in tíápfivity aearly i thirty years. 1'nisCKss Mahv, a Mc.lo.' squaw, and sister of the late LsuneAted Cwtaui Jack, is sojourning in Kansas City, Aio.


Old News
Michigan Argus