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"The to imiIiIi, if yon dcsire it, Is as plain as tUe way to lUarItet" - Fkanklin. A.GKNXS "WANTED to canvass in Washtenaw and adjoining Counties for tho new book " SUCCKSS IN BUSINESS," or TUTf'Itnr'"V This country has money Ivlvil & X for everybody. Money in and Trade, in the Mili, in Mines, ÏÏO"A7" on the Farm, in the Garden, To in Wheat , in Corn, in Stock, ■mr krn Tru and in Poultiy. This boe k il AIVTj 11. shows how Business Men, Farmers, Workingmen, Young Men and Women, all may get, aave loan and use it. It is just the book needed, and will sell fast. Address for circulrs and term, J. C. McCUROY Sc CO., (SuccessorB to Ziegler & McCurdy,) 108 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, Ü.; Fifth Avenue & Adams öt., Chicago, 111. ; 620 Olive St., St. Louíb, Mo. N. B.- The Peopla's Standard Edition of the Holy Bible, published by us, ie the flnest, cbeapest and best. Agents make from $50 to $80 per month selling it with other books, without extra expense. 6wlb2O. 1 EPUBT oí' the condition of the First Natioiuil Bank of Ann Ar bor At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at theclotje of business ou the lst day ot' March, 1875. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, - - - $269,909.04 Ovordrafts, ----- 182.39 U S. Bonds to secure eirculation, - 150,000.00 Other stock, bonds and mortgages, - 18,850.00 Due from approved Reserve Agents, - 30,207.98 Due from other National Banks, - 8,897.37 Due from State Banks and Bankers, 11,403.96 Real Estáte, furnitureaud üxtures, - 19,290.00 Current expenses. - - 1,000.08 Checks and other cash items, - - 894.19 Bills of other National Banks, - 1,237.00 Fractional currency (includiiig nickela), 1,527.64 Legal tender notes, - 21,289.00 Five per cent. Redemption fund, 6,750.00 DuefromU. S. Treasurer other than the five per cent. Redemption fund, 1,000.00 8542,438.65 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in, - - $150,000.00 Surplus fund, - 40,000.00 Other undivided profits, - - 14,759.22 Circulating notes, outstanding, - 131,000.00 Dividends unpaid, - - - 1,128.00 Individual deposita subject to check, 146,127.52 Deniand certiflcates of deposit, - _ - 59,398.42 Due other National Banks, - - 25.49 $542,438.65 I, Johnson W. Knight, Cashierof the First National Bank of Ann Arbor, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the bewt.of my knowledge and belief. J. W. KNÏGHT, t'ashier. State ofHichxgait. Countyof Washtenaw, - Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 9th day of Maren, 1875. E. B. Pond, Notary Public. Correct- Attest, E. WELI-S, ) I'HIIJP BACH, Directors. JAMES CLEMENTS, J MORB KEWTEAS AKDCOFFBES! LOWER PRICES ! LOW ER PRICES ! Don't fail to vïsit the Cash Gkocebt House of of Edward Duffy, durin the next thirty days, and examine his Teas and Coffees of the latest importations, which will be sold AT NEW YORK PRICES. Sugars, Syrups, and fipices, topether with a full line of Generitl Groceries, very low lor Cash. Cheap bargains for the next Thirty Daya in BOOTS & SHOES India Rubber and wool lined Goode, together with a full linft of Gentleraen's Furnishing and HoBÏery Goods. Please cali and examine goods und prices, and I will ensure Satisfaction. It pays for everybody to trade at tbc CASH (R0C1Y HOUSE XF EDWARD DUFFY. Maynard Blook, Cor. Main and Ann St., 1511 Ann Arbor, Mich BUSINESS COLLEGE ANN ARBOR, MICHM Devotvd to the Practical Education of Young and Middle-Aged Men and Women. Day Classes throughout the year. Evening Classes from September to June. Instruction according to tlieinoet approved plans, and mostly individual, Studeuts can enter at any time and re ceive superior inatruction in Business Penmanship, Commercial Law, Business Correspondence, Business Arithmetic, Single und Doublé Entry Book-keeping, Graham's Standard l'honography , and Practical Telegraphy, Maiu line wires pass directly through the rooms of the Telegraphic Department, aifording the student every advantage of "Actual Office Practice." The progreas of the student in Book-keeping ia greatly facilitated by the use of a new Chart entitled " Book-keeping at Oae View," just published by the Principal of this College. Cali at the room during school houri, or addrsi, C. E. POND, Ann Arbor, Mica. I493tf TINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - FJLOÜR & FKEÜ STORE. We keep constantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FÜR WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. "We shall aleo keep a supply of DELHI FLOTJUT, J. M. SWIFT Sc CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, &c, &o. At wholesale and retall. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on aa reaaoimble terms as at any other house in this eity. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Froduce generally. V& Goods delivered 10 any part of the city without extra charge. KI1VSKY Sc SEAHOIT. Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1. 1875. 1514tf FULL LINE - OF - Sewing Machine Needies WINES & WORDEN'S. 150HÍ Coromissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of "Washteuaw, s. The underBigned haring been appointed by the Probate Court for sa d County, Oommisaion era toreceive, examine and adjust all claims and demandsof all persons against the estáte of Richard Flannery.late of said county deceased, hereby give notice that aix months from date are ullowed, byorderof said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the estáte of said deceased, and that they will meet at the store of Edward Duffy, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said County, on Wedneaday, the ninteenthday of May, and on Thursday, the ninoteenth day of August nfcxt nt ten o'clock A. M., of oach of said day a, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. PETER TUITB. co ' Dated February 20, A. Ü. 1875. 1519 J-JISSOLUTIONOF PABTHEBUUP! The partnership heretofore existinf? under the flrm name of Tripp, Ailes & Price, is this day dissolved by mutual agreement. All liabilities of the company, will be settled at their oïd place of busisess ; and all who owe them, either by note or account, are requested to cali and makeimmediate settloment. f'HAS. TRIPP, ROI3ERT K. AILES, ROBË11T J, PRICJü. Dated Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1875. 1516w6 IJWELLING HOUSKS FOIt SALE. Alargeand very well built brick house, with two or moTe lots. Two larere fraraed hous'es. Also a good sized brick house and frame ; and a sinull frame house on a good lot, in tended for adding a front. For sale on fairterms and a reasonable credit. Alsoother buildings, lots, and property. raONEY WANTED-Sü many wiohing to bnrrow money apply to me that I can readily obtainfor tenders good satisfactory investments at ten per cent. interest. E. W. MORGAN. Ann Arbor, Aoril 23, 1873. 1423tf o H O r ui H pas g i2 $20,00CT In Greenbacks - ++ - ÏWKI.FTH ANNUAL GIFT OF PREMIUMS TO SUBSCRIBERS OF THE DETROIT COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER WILL TAKE TLACE APRIL Sist 1875 SUBSCRIBE! SI KSC H I III: : Subscription Price $2.50 Per Year. l.css Tlian Two .Honilis to Elapse Be tore uur Animal Distrlbntion. A First-Clam Family Newspaper, ant Shmild be in Every Household. 152( Stt KT" Subscribe at Once witli In) o Our Authorized Atri-ntx, or Send fo Circular and Sample Copy to WM. H. BURK, 44 Tiiirued Street WcnI, Detroit TO THE Citizens of Ann Arïor AND THE STUDENTS OF THE UMERSITY I would respectfully announce that my stock o Fine Woolens for WINTER YEAR is now complete, and will be constantly replen isbed with The Novelties of the Season. Gentlemen wishing Comfort in Dress, combinei with ELEGANCE AND STYLE will be fully satisfied by giving ua a trial, aud ar invittíd to favor ua with a cali. H. HINTERMISTEM, Mebchant Tailob 209 Jbffron Avenue, between Bates and Randolph Sts. ËSTABL.1BHED IN 1860. " jfik333Fl.X O ROOFIrJC. THIS ROÜFINO IS DTJKABLE AND WATER PROOF-, VKRY FLEXIBLE; FAR BETTER THAN ZINC TO 8TOP LEAKS AROUND CHIMNETS AMD CONNECTIONÖ BETWEKN WOOD and BRICK. This Itoofing has been in use flve years and is the best in use ! ROOFING PAINT! This paint will preserve shingled roofs an indefl niteperiod, and is equally adapted to tin or iron roof It is fire and water proof ! This paint will be put on bythe Company 01 sold by the gallon, with instrucUons how to apply the sume. No Coal Tar is ueed in eUlier. We solicit the public patronage. All work will be warianted. AU Communications should be addressed to the HUTCHINS R00FINU CO., P. O. Box 222, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. Residence 43 South Thayer Street. 1478 tf New Ice Company. The undersigned wishes to iuform the citizens of na Arbor that he is now ready to take orders nd niake coutracts for FURNISHIN ICE next suiumer, to private famili hotels, &c, and At Veey Reasonable Rates. J. Win. HANGSTERFER. 1518ml Mortgage Sale. EF1 i,r baving been mode in the condltion of a certaln mortgage, made mul execuied by Wilnm HareT and Mina Rayer, hls wife of Aan Arr, Michigan, to PhlUp Bach, of the same place, da■d bbe uineteenth day of April in the y-nv ■ lousaud uighteen hundred and mrenty-oae, and scorded Ld the otl t the Regitei ofDeeda for the nmty of Waahtenaw, State or Michigan, on the -2 ay "f April, a. d. 1871, at 9 1-2 o'clock, a. m.. in i-■[■ v of mortgages,on page 687, hik! on whieb wort a tí1 tlitii f Uclaimed to bedueal the dateof this noce mi installment f Interesl ampuntliu ie undred and thirteen dollars and eighty-Ove ent8, 'ithanother irataHment of one hundred and ten ollara to becomedue on the n tMithdayof April ext, together with an attorsey' fe of tfilrty aolan shouM aay proceedings lm taken i forelus'- the ; ;unt m kuÜ .r proceedingi ;ii law taving ln-cn i 11-.1 irittfd in recover ■■;iiri suma of mony or any part thereof: Now, th ere f o re, notice is er b) giren, that by viriue ! the powei of ■;)(■ in ti'! mortgage contained, 1 hall sellal public autkn o the hfghesi bidder, on Saturdaï toe twkiïtyHONh hay i .M av nkxt, at ten o'clock in the foreloon of Raid ny, at the sou tb door of tht? onVI louse ín the cftv of Aun Arbor (that being the ilace -.f holding the Circuit Coarl for said louniy of Vashtenaw), the premíses describod in s;;il miuir;j.'-. Id iti .tv .;ti.i amnunts, wii.h interi rt, costa, nd expenses allowed by law, which premiaos are: All i certain tractor pami of land iieTihH ;i bllows, t" wit ; commencfagtwenty-two teel i-;it of he northwest corner of lot number fbur(4), block ne Houth of r&nge live east, on Ëuron stm t in the ■iiy of Aun Arbor, coanty o!' Wanhtenaw md Btate M tchlgan, tbence easi twenty-two (eet on Hu ron itreet, thenoe south one hundred teet, tbenoe wes( wenty-two 'vt. thence nortfa one hundred feel he place of beginning ; also, the right aui privilege of using at any and all times an alleyelghf reet widi it the .-mili (]! of thi.s lot ; also, easi half ol h" past liriik and nione wall of the building and atore, fron the top to bottoon, altuated on the uorthweat corner of aatd lol nuwber four, aaid buUdins telng tho same which was erecfed and la non ui tik! occupied as a store by Laman H. Sl&wson ; also theground apon wbkh said etuit half of said wal UOW stillids." Dated, February 26th, W75. PHILIP BACH, Mortgagee. Real EHtate for iSale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Waehtenfiw sh. til the matter of the estáte of Natban W' oom ter, deoeased. Notice is hereby tfiven, tha in purauance of an order granted 10 th1 underrtign ed, Administra trix, of the Kstate of naid d-ceaaed by the Hon. Judgp of Probate for the County o W:ishtenaw, ou the socond day of February, A. D IH75, therewill be sold at Public Vendue, to tht, highest bidder, at thu late] reHÏdonce of miid de ceaaed in the township of Northfleld, in th: í'oun ty of Washteaair, in aaid State, on Thursday, the ftratdiiyof April, A. D. 1876, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day (nubjeot to all encumbr anees by mortgage orothei wie exihting ut tht time of the death of iaid decewsed, ttnd ilno subject to the righ of dower of the widow of said deceased therein) the folio wing described real estáte to-wit : Tliirty-six and 80-HtO ucies of land, on the eaat hali of tb northwest quarter of section thirteen, in town o aouth, runge mix east, decribed u follow: Be inning at the southwest corner ot j_the east hal of the northwest quarter of Haid section, and run ninf thynce north along the wet line thirty-thre chains and twenty-three links, thence eat paral)? to the north line of said aoction eleven chaina ar ( nme links, thence south thirty-three chains an Hfteen links to the quarter line; thence wet on quarter line eleven chains and nine links to tn place of beginning. Alno the reversionary interes ol' naid deceased m the f olio wing deacribed piece o land on aaid section thirteen, it being a part. of th dower of the widow oi Aiphcus Wooster, late o said couuty. deceased, to-witi: The equal undivi ed one-half thereof, beginning at the novthwen cetrner ot' the eaat half of the uorthweet quarter o said section thirteeu, and running east along th north line of said section flfteen chains ; thenc south six chains and sevcnty-flve links ; thonce wes flf teen chai tm ; thence north six chains and neven ty-five links to the place of beginning, containin ten acres and twclve-hundredths of an acre, pil i said State. Dated February 2d, A. T). 1875. ANNA WOOHTER, 1-16 Administratrix Rual Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtena sa. In the matter of the enlate of Aon Mar Groas, Catherine Kader, Oaroiine Kader, Kmm 8. Kaïlcr and Godfrey M. K;h1ok, minors. Notice hereby given, that in pursuauce of au order granU to the undersigned guardián of the estáte of sd minors, by the Hon. Judge of l'roltale for the Coui ty of Washtfiiaw, on the niiith day of Februar A. D. 1875, thore will be sold at public vendue, the higbeat bidder, at the dwelliTij; house of Mi Kosina Haug, in the townshlp of Bridgevator, i the county of Waahtenaw, in said State, on Wedne day, the thirty-firat day of March, A. D. 1875, a one o'clock ín the afternoon of that day (subject all encinnbrancns by mortgage or otherwise existin at the time of the sale.) the íbílowing describí real estáte, to wit: It belng the undivided fiv serenths thereof, viz: Comniencing at the sou tl east corner of the south went quarter of the nortl eaat quarter; running west one hundred and wixt roils on the quarter section line of section twelve thence north thirty-five roda; thence east one hui drexl and sixty rofls parallel with said quarter line thence south thlrtynSve roda to the place of begin ning : and the northwest quarter of the southea quarter, and the east half of the east half of th the north cast quarter of the aouthwest quarter aud the southeast quarter of the northeast quarte and six acres from the north end of the east half the .southeast quarter of section twelve; and th west half of the northwest quarter of the southea quarterof the Southwest quarter of section thirtee in town four south, range four east, coutaiuing on hundred and thirty-six acres, more or less. Dated February üth, A. D. 1875. JOHN G.GROSS, 1517 Guardian. Sheriffs Sle. BY VIRTtTE of one execution issued out of an under the seal of the Circuit Court for the coun ty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to me di rected, wherein John Clancy is plaintiff and Pat riek Kelly and Eliza Kelly are detendants, and fo the want ol goods and chattels, I have this da seized and levied upon all the nght, title and in terest of Patrick and Eliza Kelly aforesaid, in an to the tollowing described property, to wit : Th east half of the Boutheast quarter of section thirty also the northeast quarter of the southeast quar ter of section tweuty-nine, all in township num ber one aouth of range six east, Waahtenaw coun ty, State of Michigan, which above descrlbed pro] erty I shall exposo for sale at public auction, t the law directs, to the highest bidder, at tlie sout door of the Court House in the city of Ann Ar bor, on Saturday, the eighth day of Apri A. D. 1875, at ten o'cloek a. m. of aaid day. Dated, February 15, 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1518 By Wm. H. McInttre, Dep'y Sheriff. Sheriff 's Sale. BY VIRTUE of one writ of exection issued out o and under the seal of the Circuit Court for th county of Washtenaw; to me directed and de livered, I have on this sixteenth day of February, A. D. 1875, levied upon all the rïgh title and interest of Cornelias B. Henion, Henr M. Henion, and S. Newell Henion in and t the following described real estáte situated in th county of Washtena, State of Michigan, to wit All that certain tract or parcel of land situated i the township of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenan Michigan, known, bounded and deacribed as fo lows, viz.: Beiug a part of section number thirtj two, in township numher two south of range si eaat, comniencing at the quarter stake in nort line of said section thirty-two, running thence wes along said north line, nine chaina and sixty-one an one-fourth links, thence south uine degrees an thirty minutes east one chain and fifty links, thenc east parallel with section line eleven chains an forty-nine links to the Saline Plank Road, theiu north thirteen degrees, east one chain and fifty-si links to the north line of said section, thence wes along said north line of section, one chain and ninety-uine links to the place of begin n ing. Which abov described property I ahall expose for sale to th highest btdcler. at the sou', door ot' the Court . Hous in the city of Ann Arbor, on the 3d day of April, A D. 187.5, at ten oYloek, a. M. of said day. Dated Feb. 17th, 1875. 1518 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. Comjoaiseioners Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Oounty of Waahtenaw ss. The undersigned having been appointed b the Probate Court for said county, comraisfioner to receive, examino and adjust all claims itnd de raands of 'ill persons against the estáte of Catharin Pidd, late of said county deceased, hereby giv notice that six'months from date are allowed, b order of said Probate Oourt, for creditora to pre sent thuir olaims against the estáte of said de ceased, and that they will meet at the resi dence of Kdward Drake, in the township of Lodi in aaid county, on Saturday, the twenty-secon( day of May, and on Saturday, the twenty-firp day of August next, at ten o'clnck k. m., of each o said days, to receive, examine and adjut sai( claims, Dated February 23, A. D. 1875. 1519 Coriiruissioner's Notice. tJTATE OP MICHTGAN, County of Washt.enaw ij sa. The undersigned hnvinc been appointed by the Probate Court for said county, comniipsioners to receive, examine and adjust all claims aud de iiiiiiuls of all persona againat the estáte of John F Weissinger, late of said county, deceased, hereby give notice that six months from dtite are allowed by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims apainst the estáte of srüd do ceastrd, and that they will meet at the etore o Teonhard (iruner, in' the city of Ann Arbor, in said county, on Tuesdfty the twenty fifth day o May, and on Wedneaday, the tifth day o August next, at ten o'ctock A. M., of euch of ai( days, to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated February 26, A. D. 1875. CHKISTIAÍí EBERBA0H, I c„T-mimllmpT. LKONUAKD GRUNER. j lommissloners. Eatate of Daniel G. Chamberlain. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. Notice is hereby üiven, that by an order of the Probnte Court for the County of Washtenaw made on the ninth day of February, A. D. 1875, Bix months from that date were allowed for creditors to present their claims against the estáte ol David G. Chamberlain, late of said County, deceased, and that all creditors of said deceatrd are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the ninth day of August next, and that such olaims will be heard before snid Court, on Saturday, the eighth day of May, and on Saturday the seve'nth day of August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of those days. Dated Ann Arbor, February 9, A. D. 1875. NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1517 Judere of Probate. NOTIOE is hereby given that a meeting of the Stockholders of the Ann Arbor Trading Association will be held at the store, No. 18 South Main St., in the city of Ann Arbor, on the !6th day of March, 1876, at 10 o'clock a. m., to consider wheth. er the Stcckholders apprnve or disiipprove of the assignment heretotore made by said Association, and what action ought to be taken by or on behalf of such ABBOo.ialiou, and to act on su h subjicts as may be brought bofore such meeting of Stocklolders, Dated February 26, 18i5. By order of Board of Directora. ' EO. BUTTON, Prfsid.-nt. 1520 C. T. WILMOT, Becretary. Af AOA Per day at home. Terms free. Adjt t0JJ)Udres G. StinsonACo., Portland, U: Mortgraae Saín )eFAT;T.Th„v.n(f,,fTri;th f oracenaiu mortgajre wl„ ,,.,v n ndllS mortgage ha, !,:,,„. .tedl MwchM.1 H.Uoodnei, „r C",bo,-, vsi,ii, eooBty, M1(hi nuh, ol Plyruouth, Wyne county , luoli mortgage wdated the seventh 1 "'"-■■ mher, A. D. 1872, and ncm.i, „ , , : ie Register of lleed, of ashten „ ' ie la „1 Beptemhn 'A ïf' (.-ven o'olock a. .-■ . i said liuj, ii'ilji',., ; ,.ll('2, ; ages, t, page S4, which said mortmJ ig,id ],y mid Blizabcth s,,, "f e M„.. anghn, by deed of ,„.-■ ,,,,,,.,,, , " rentjeth, i74, which ..„n,,. ,i ' id ntl wol said i..v,, , ie tourth .Iny ..f J&nuary, A I) dock a. M. .■! mld diiy, ni libei i „f i mortgage, on page -i", and „, v?ïMi man Vauzhn duly assigned to ÍL íMi oMe, by íeed of awignmínt, dated weoty-eeventh, 1874, w&cb assWnwït bn) ooi I ín the oSice of said Keffer Ofr,Wasdi he fonrthday of January 1875 itlvZ ,■ on page 478, and there being olaimed K6. pnpaH on uid mortgage, and the líos,. llWa ing the aarne, at the date oí thia nctiL' :pi:; ot six humlrod and twenty-three doiWr e"m ninent(e:3.W), fo.„.,fh,-r with SW% laid mort;ag, stipiilutert and igrecd tíi il ' u un attoruey's or solicitur's fee, in cam F" iniís shonld be tnken to foreclose said mflroce and no proceedings at law or in , qui,. kH"", instimted to recovar Ihc sume or 'inv ia lï8 Noticoisthereior. . hereby giren thal „v thetwelfth -l,iy of April, A. D. l76 a(f,?S n fcbe forcuoon of said day, it the mik í toe Court House, in the city oí nn ri ," being the place lor holding Circuit On',,,' aid county ; Washtenawjl .hall m, l,otn' auotjon, to the highest bidder, the prem'i? cribcd manir! miirtgage or so nnu-i, &LL shiill be neeeaaary to satisfy naid amount ■'■' interest, cosí and expense llowed bv la !■' said premúes are desoribed in saiil 'mmt!. ' follow, to-wit : All of lots numbere? ,h' " and fourteen f 13 nurl 14}, in bloek numheV ï " north of Huron street, in rHnjre numhei thfi original plat of the city of Ann Arbor w'? tcnaweounty, Michigan. ' Dated January 4, 1875. JERUSIIAP.NOBU TracyW. Root, ' Assignee of Mimi,, Att'y for Ausignce. Mortgage Sale. DEFAIII,T _liavinKl,..en i„ ft,, Of ac'l'Maill InovtH:mouvli(Ti-bytl)epoweTt in contained toaell haa become opeiativei S ly Louis E. Buchoz, of the rity of Anii S1 the State ol Michigan, to the underelgnedïï! S. Brush and Khiiina li. Hrush, aa mirtí'at'PM r the twenty-eighth day of NoTember. Á; ffSff hundrcd and seventy, and recordé on day of December, 1870, at ekven o'clock, in the office of the Register of Deeds, fortht,„."' ofWashtenaw, in the Mate of .Mi.'i, 44 of mortgagee, on page üR3, upon irhfch oonlz there is olaimed to be due at the date il the aimi of two thousand and two dolli cents, and no sult or proi dings al law ' ," ■ chancery havinc been nstituted te part thereof: Sotice is therefore, hei tbaton 8áturday,thetwenty-fourth da I). 1S75, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, publle auctlon, to the highest bidder, place st the south doorofthe CourtH city of Ann Arbor, in said county said r House being the. place of holding the Circuito," for said eouiity ofWashtenaw), the premtaiï ■ Kribed in siieh mortgage, ;or so mueb them,f ■han be ii Mary to satisfy the amo sueh mortgage, and legal costsand chai sale, togetnor with an attorney fee ,i lars coltvenanted for thereinV (bul b following plece or panel of land sim city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtimt and State of Michigan, viz. : Being on that pytj lot nuntber four, iu block mnnber tliree nonh a raiije six eaat, that lies east of Detroit Beginqingon the east sideof Uetroit stieel tfc, it crosses the soutb sidc of North -i east aloiif; North street ninefy-nini 1 soutb parallel to the east Bide of said lo ebaius; thence wesi parallel to Ño seventy-two and three-fourths links; tïfty-five degrees west one chain g four and one-half links to Detroit ntn north-east along the east sideof Detn chain and ftfty-one. links to the place ; Ann Arlr, Mich January 28, 1875. GEORGE B. BRüSH. ) ,, ELMINA B. BEUSafJ l Z. I'. Kim;, Att'y ftir Mortgagees. Mortgage Foreclosure. DEFAULT having been made in the condás of a mortyage, execiited by latnck Kern and Nancy Kennedy to Elijah Wr. üoi January first, A. D 1873, and recordei same year, in the Washtenaw County Registm Onïce, in liber 46 of mort gages, pue 435, andi.. yigned to Christian Helber, aswignment dated asd recorded February lwontieth, sime year, inbfer 48 of mortgaijes, pnge 505, by wbich defaullli power of sale therein contaiued became opennre and the sum of three hundred aud nin lars is elaimed as now due thereon (includiiigpre mium paid for inaurance and a reasonable itto ney's fee,) aud there are flve farther installmM with interest to become due, and no suit orpsceedinB having been instituded to recoïerfe mortgage debt or any part thereof: Notira j therefore hereby given, tiiatsaid mortgaf Rül - foreclosed by a sale of the mortgafre;f ; some part thereof, to wit : Lots namber thmty. fourteen, iu block uumber three north. in :.'. two east, in the city of Ann Arbor, at the Ci.-i House in said city, on the Fifth dty of Juie nfi'. at noon, said mortgage was piven to secure :U payment of the purchaee money lor tlie mongsgil premises. Ann Arbor, March 4, 1875. OHR1STIAX HELBEP.. E. "W. MoiUiAN, Attorney. 1520 Chancery Notice. [N PURSUANCEand by Tirtue ot ietree t lil 1 Circuit Court for the county of "WasMenaw, ;a Chancery, made on the 26th day of February lv, in a cause therein pending, whereia James L. Mitchell is complainant and Lucy E. Mitchell, Bffl jainin F. Hudson, C'atherine P. Hudson, John .1 Mitchell, Chaunoey E. Mitchell, John P. Marö; George E. Southwick, and Frank G. Russeli, ir signee in bankruptcy of said Southwick. aredtfeants. Notice is hereby giveu, that 1 sball sell Jl public vendue to the highest bidder, ai two . : in the afternoon, on the 19tb day of A, the front or aouth door of thd Court I! city of Ann Arbor, the followiug described laö'v viz : the northwest quarter of section twentil and the west half of the northeast quarterof !t twenty-six (26), and the south fil'ty acres of the s half of the Southwest quarterof sectimi : (23), all being in township two, south of rangeiw east, in the State ol Michigan, being inthewrcship of Lima, in said eounty of asbtfnaw, i containingin all two hundred and ninetyncM land, more or less. Dated, March 3d, 1875. J. F. LAWRENTE, Circuit CourtCommisaioner Washtenl 1520 County, Mkhigli Mortgage Sale. DEKAULT having been made in the coniiti of a certain mort gage (whereby tle power sell therein contained has become operative,! ïi cuted by Jane A. Grifflth, of the city of ïp county of Washtenaw, and Btate ot Micbra.'1 Julián G. Dickinson, of the city of Detroit, ffi! county, Michigan, dated the seventeenth d! _tSeptember, A. D. 1874, and recorded in Üie of the Register of Deeds for the oounl . tenaw, in the State of Michigan, in liberi. mortgages, on page 236, upou which """W there is elaimed to be doe at the date of wj notice the sum of twenty-seven hundred M. seventy-eight 10-100 dolhirs, and no suitorp' ceedings at law having been instituted to Kany part thereof: Notioe is thertfoie, ■ given, thal on Wednesday, the twenty-eigiui of April, A. D. 1875, at ten o'cluck in the fwt; noon, I shall sell at public auction, to the his; bidder, (sale to take plact at the front door of - Court House, that being the place where tl cuit Court for the county of Washtenaw b ' ally held, in the city of Ann Arbor, Washta'county, Michigan,) the premises contained mwj mortgage, or ho much thereoi as Hhall be necel to satisfy the amount due on such moitgaire '- r ten per cent. interest, and legal costa, togw with an attorney fee of twenty-flve d011":,1 nanted for therein) that is to say the 'r" fiiece or parcel of land sitúate in the city oí i P nnti, in the county of Washtenaw, ,BL!. Michigan, and deacribed as follows, "j mencing on the east line of Huron street, oc e north of the northwest corner of lot one ■ and eighty-flvo ; thence north along Lj six rods; thence east at right angles with ssiQ, line to the Huron river; thence aoutherlr " the Huron river to a line six roda distan and parallel with the north line of Uu".1' conveycd ; thence west to place of beginB Dated Detroit, Jannary 22, 1H75. .. JULIÁN G. WCKINSO J. G. Dickinson, (in person) MorW1 Att'y for Mortgngee. 1516___. Mortgage Sale. .. j DEFAULT having been made in the oo,, a certain mortgage executed by Frederi & and Christina Kirn, of the cit of Ann Art"y;,n. ty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to " ard Vaughu and Martha Vaughn, of the saaOT on the flrst day of November, one thoussw Jg hund'ed and sixty-mne, and recoided '"'ÏÏLw. of the Hegister of Deeds for the county of n ? na, aloresaid, on the 4th day of Novem"' . 186a, at S o'clock p, m., of said day, in h,L:i moitgages on page 48, and there is now ""a]jnU be due upon said mortgage and bond accomp ■ , the same, the sum of ono thousand and sevi . dollara and seventy-eight cents, also an " ; fee of thirty-flve dollars, should any P1"} be taken to foreclose the same ; and no Pr0"J,; in law or equity having been had to reco s sum of money or any part thereof. Novr, , notice is hereby given, that by virtue of uwg,,, of sale in said mortgaüe contained, I " „:. public auction to the highest bidder, od toe teenth day of April noxt, at 2 o'clock r. M. u; day, at the iront door of the Court House city of Ann Arbor, eounty aforesald, Ctns' „,. the piace of holding the Circuit 'onrt fora'" j tyi, all that certain piece or parcel of ten a, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of nsli n j State ot Michigan, aforesaid, kuown, lwl' ters:i. described as follows. to wit : BemK lot nu wtt(() block numbei iour [4j, south, range ""Tj,!(21 west. accordingto a plat of Wilham '',,,( nard's addition to the city of Ann Arbor, o ■ Washtenuw, aforesaip. Dated, January 22d, 1 xáVC0. John N. Gott, Moí1í Attorney for Mortgagees. Eleetlon motice. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, WASHTKRAWCog1') Ann Akbok, Mhh., i M, Ta Iht Ele.ctors of the County of Washtenav You are hereby notifled that at tl; Zsttff held on the ürst Mouday of April, i" " rifi!..i Michigan, the following offieers are to ik V Two Justices of the Supreme Court: one tó f Benjamin F. Graves, whose term o rat1). rplrebecember 81, 187S, and one to n il " nf. v occasioned by the reaignation ot ■':':„,- iancv: Also, two Regenta of the l ntvi'i.-n. jiff f Thomas D. Uilbert and Hiram A. tn -y i:„ era of office will expire Decembei . si, it w Circuit Judge for the FQiirth J.'dl0'f ' e „Í W. hich this couuty is attached, in pi „j eJpi nder D. Crane, whose term of 0J-"ri„tend' December 31, 1875: Also a County y wi,Irf, f Common Schools, in place ot eJW i;, ho.. t.rm of IwcÍÍLrFÍ.LSl. '


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Michigan Argus