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NEW ADYERTISEMENTS I A Dim CD O Taks tlie Michigan Farmeb and keep poated. The best market eports A live agrieultural paper. $2 per year nd 15o postage. Engraving to every subscriber. Agenta wanted. Specimens tree. Johnöïone & 3IBB0NS, Detroit. " p A QAA SEND for free speeiJImLo CCf DU I u men copy of " The Litflk People." $1 per year and 10c postage. Enjraving to each subscriber. Agenta wanted at 3very school. Big pay for work. Johhstone & iiBBONS, Detroit, TO THOSE BUILDINtt.- Three articles I agree to furnish at Lowest Bottom Prices : Trencb and American Glass, all sizes, doublé and ingle thick for stoie fronts, dwellmgs. pictures, fee", all kinds of Stained and Figured Glasa. I ilso guarantee the best made Sash in the State. Haas ready set - French or American - and warrant safe home at my risk, and all kinds of Show Cases, White Metal, and Walnut. Send in your orders. Send for prices. t. I', i: A KI,, 44 Jefferson Ave., Detboit, Mich. Business Men PROFESSIONAL MEN -AND- STUDENTS are respectfully invited to inspect a line of 6-4 Real Celtio and Baimockburn Scotch Suitings ind Trowserings for Spring and Summer wear, which we have just received from New York, and which were aold at agreat sacriflee to the importer. rhe-o goods are equal to anything of this clase to e found among the flrst Broadway Tailora, and are mtrinsically worth $3.50 per yard in Gold bat will be reUUed for the merely nominal price of $2.OO PER YARD surrency, making'.them the cheapest fine woolens in the United State. WM. McPHERSON & SONS. FARHER'S STORE, Ann Arbor, March 10, 1876. Mortgage Sale. EkEFAULT having been madE in the condition of f a certain mortgage executed by Patriok Wall and Mary Wall, hls wii'e, to John Richards on the ninth day of February, A. D. 1867, and recorded in ihe office of Register of Deeds for the county of Waahtenaw and State of Michigan in liber 35 of mortgage-, on page 626, by which default the power of sale contained in said mortgage has become operative, on which mortgage cuere is claimed to be due at the date of this notice for principal, interest and attorney fee as provided for in said mortgage the sum of six huudred and thirty-one dollars ana twenty-three cents, and rno suit or proceeding at law or in equity having been instituted to recover the amount due on said mortgage or any part thereof: Now therefore, notice is hereby given that by virtue of the power of sale contained iii said mortgage I shall sell at public auction, at the south front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for said county of Washtenaw is held) on the twelfth day of June, A. D. 1875, at ten a'clock in the forenoon of that day, the followinit premises described in said mortgage, viz All that tract or parecí of land situated in the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, known aud described as lot thirteen (13) block iour (4) north range four (4) east, known as the Lavery place, according to the recorded plat of "p ""w city) of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, and so much or such part or partí thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage. Dated 12th day of March, A. D 1875 , , _ JOHN RICHARDS, A. J. Sawyer, Mortíácee Att'y for Mortgagee. 1521 T)UT YOUE MONET WHEEE IT WILLDO THE :most aooDA. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND ,. PRICES TO DE F Y COMPET1T1ON AL90, A FULL LINE OF Gents' Furnishing Goods. 3gT" Cali liefore purchasiug. 1 ñ South Main Street. „JLfl XJOTICEl All personB indebted to the late Ann Arbor Trading AsBQOition nre notifled to eall and settle their acccounts immediately, and thereby save costa. Bettlements will be made at the late place of busi'"■ïb, 18 Bouth Main street. GEO. SUTTON, ABsignee. Ann Arbor, Feb. 10, 187S. DON'T READ THIS! That ever reliable dealer, WM. WAGNEE has in store a full stock of Ready-MnJe FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Which most and will be sold at PRIOES TO SUIT THE TIMES Also a full stook of Cloths, to be GUT AND MADE TO ORDER, Style and Work warranted to auit. Also a Full Line of Furnishing Goods. CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 South Main 8t. Ann Akbor. 1496 RAILROADS, MTCHltíAH CENTRAL HAILROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE. QOINQ WKBT. Ht i Ai STATION. W p, _X , 3JÍ._IíJ_.l Detroit, leave, i 7 OÓlÓ 20 8 3Ó 5 4010 0 Wayne, ! 7 5811 06 4 241 6 40 10 47 ïpuilanti, 8 81 11 SI í 02 7 10 11 12 AunArbor, 8 55 1149 i 32 7 45 1130 P. M Ia.M. Dexter, I 9 22 6 02 8 10 Chelaea, 9 40 a 19 8 80 Grasa Lake, 10 07 G 46 9 00 Jackson, 10 43 1 15 7 15 9 35 12 66 - , '■"■ A. M. Kalamazoo, 9 05 3 45 12 80 3 15 Chicago arrive, í 05 9 00 7 00 8 30 üoinq uil. . ■& i ik i i A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 8 30 6 14 9 00 P. M A. H. Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 23 10 80 2 35 K. A. M. A. M. Jackson, 2 10 4 00 7 10 12 65 4 55 Orass Lake, 2 45 7 39 6 23 C' finca, 3 10 8 07 6 50 Dexter, 3 25 8 25 6 08 Aim Arbor, 3 65 6 08 8 55 2 22 6 28 Ypsilanti, 4 S0 5 25 9 15 2 42 6 48 Wayne, 4 51 5 43 9 43 i 3 02 7 11 Detroit, arrive, 6 45 31) 10 30 1 S 50 i 8 00 JAPfADA SOCTHÜÑ PÊailway Line. The route opened f or through travel. DECEMBER 7, 18T4. Until further notice, traína will leave Detroit from Depot, foot of Third St., at the following hours, Sundays escepted: 8:05 a. M., for Toledo, ariiving at Toledo 10 15 A. M. 11:30 a. m., for Buffalo, arriving at Bnffalo at 9:06 p. m. 1:00 p. m., for Toleöo, arriving at 3:10 p. m. 6:00 p. m., for Fayette, arriving at 8:50 p. m. 8:23 p. m., (daily) for Buffalo and Toledo, arriving at Toledo at 10:38, Buffalo at 6:40 a. m. This train has sleeping coaches to Buffalo. Trams arrive at Detroit at 6:40 a. m., from Bnffalo, 9:35 a. m., Irom Toledo, 10:30 p. m., from Fayette, 4:35 p. m., from Toledo, 10:02 p. m., from Toledo and Buffalo, daily. Through tickets to all parts of the East, West and South, may be obtained at the Company'a Depot ticket office, and at office corner Jcffeison avenue and Second streets, office corner Atwater and Randolph atreeta. and at Michigan Exchange ïïotel. B. McCHAN, General Passenger Agent, Buffalo. W 8NYDER, General Superintendent, St. Thomaa. Flint& Pere Marquette R. R. TOLEDO, SAGINAW AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable connections made at Wayne Junction with trains of the Michigan Central R. R. Pour trains North and four South daily exceDt Sunday. Time Card op Deoembkb 14th, 1875 GOISO KOBTH. w , [ P-K. P. M. p. M. Wayne, leave 9 00 2 00 6 03 1110 Holly, 10 45 3 17 7 45 ii 60 Fllnt, 11 28 4 001 8 24 4 58 Eaat Saginaw, ' 12 45 1 S 061 9 60 6 26 SaginawCity, 12 52 6 12; 9 6T Bay City, 1 20 S 45 10 15 7 25 Reed City, 6 30 12 "5 Baldwin Oity, 6 20 1 1,3 Ludington, 8 00 2 55 I p.m. i p.m. p.m. p.m. GOINQ flOUTH. .__. , A. M. A. M. B. M.l P. M. Wayne, leave 8 20 11 30 3 00 6 03 I P. M. Mnroe, 9 25 12 30 3 55 Í 20 Toledo, arr. 10 30 6 00 9 P5 8ANFORD KEELER, An't Supt. J. P. Noübse, Gen'i Ticket Agent. DETEOITJeTiLLSDALE & INDfANA RAILROAD. OOING WE8T. -1875- OOINO KAST. stations. Mail. Exp. stations. Kxp. Mail. A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:00 3:óO A. M. p. m. Ypsilanti.... 9:15 6:46 Bankers 4:00 2:15 Saline 10:00 6:21 Hillsdale ... 4:18 2:25 Bridgewater.. 10:27 6:42 Manchester.. 7:0T 4:07 Manchester. 10:67 7:05 Bridgewater 7:40 4:27 p.m. Saline 8:10 4:45 Hlllsdale 1:30 9:04 Ypailanti.... 9:00 5:16 Bankers 1:46 9:15 Detroit 10:30 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take effect Aug. 13, 1874 W. F. PARKER. Bnp't, Ypeilanti. CLOTHINCÏ! GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE -OP- READF-MADB CLOTHING Gents' Furnishing Goods, HATS AND CAPS TEÜNKS &c, -A.T OOST For the next Thirty Days at IYIABLEY CO'S. 33 South Main St. MARTIN'S BLOCK, Akn Arbor, Michigan, GEORGE BULL, 1508 OTanafrer FIRE! FIRElT r- 1 For Insurance against Fire, go to the old ageucy oí C. H. MILLEN, No. 4 South Main Street. Agent for the HOME INSURANCE CO. of 5ew ïork, Capital aua Surplus nearly 15,000,000, CONTINENTAL FIRE INS. CO., N. Y., G'npitul and Surplus f2,600,000, ORIËNT, of Hartford, Connecticnt, Capital and Surplu $700,000. GIRAKD, of Phlladelphia, Capital and Surplus $800,000. C. H. MILLEtf, Asent. 1609m3 flvEÖEESEFEATHjfiK8 rmsT Q-crAi.iT-2t'onittntlyonhaiid sndforaaleby BACHfr ABEL.


Old News
Michigan Argus