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Go East, yomig man ; ge Eiflt ! ïon wil] nover probably have a botter opportunity. F:u-e to Baltimoro from Ölicago only ;8 curreuoy The famona Gten. Fitz íóbn Porter boa been mado CorainisBionor of Public V.'oifcof New York city. A dispatcii from St. Jolnift, N. l, s:iys : "Tussday, Maren '2, the hip from Frauoe to St. Pierre, laden with Balt tod BW&ar, was abandoued in the ice iu St. Maxy'a bay. The captain and crew were saved. I'ecple from the shore then wout to save the ahip, but a northeas: ga!e ecattered the ice, aiul twenty of them wero lost, and tweuty-twn otlicrw are atjll missing." The Italiaii bark (iovanna. was recently wrecteJ cíf Capo Cod, tófl oll on board, with tho oxcoption oi' the uteward (üfteeupersous) periahed. . . .TUe (Mass.) eilver mines are yieldiug at the rate of 200 ounces of silver to the ton. Tuk (iovoriKr of little Khode Island is highly imiignaut becaunu a United States J[arci!:iü interfered with t'aa State Conatabulary for the ueiznre of oomo hqnorS, and aya if such thiuga are to be tolerated the 8tato Jiuiifinry imd Executive "may as well resigu tbeir ofiice3 and , eave the control and direction of State affaira to subordinates of the United States goverr.ment." The Englioh KÍeamíthip liuc:3 running to No. York havo agrecd to an advance of S5 on tlieir Bteerago paisage ratea, The advanco ii ailect tliose taking pasaago to or from this oonntry. THE WEST. Ths President, twelve Directora, and the Superintendent of the Union Pacific railroiuï wcre aiTeatod the ether day at Council Bluffs, upon on indirtment for faihire to coniply with the order of the United States District Court designating the eaisteru terminus of the road. Bail in the Mini of Í8.000 was reqiiired of each of the psïties. and tho trial is eet for March 22. Chicago pacliers, during tho pucking Beasou just doséd, himtUcd 1,CV1,739 hoga, against 1,522,217 for t!;e same poriod last season. A HiAUF. oompany is being formed at Sionx City to rwu a lino of conveyancea from that place into tho Black HiEs. A coMi'ULsoitY education bill ha-s been do fcated in tho Minnesota Legialature. . . .Tlie Indiana TvOgielature has passed a bill eetabliahin asystemoi" public warehousing and inspection of grain. The tide of einlgraüon to Uio West and Southwest has commencod early this oeaaon. A reccut dispatoh from Sedalia, Mo., eays : "Col. Tliomas Donvin, General Passenger Agent of Uio Missouri, Kansas and Texas railroa'l, brought a special train of thirteen cars of frcight and eighty-fivo passengere from HannibaL Mo., en route to Southern Kansas, where they will settle. Tbey are frcm Obio, Indiana, lilinoia and other States, and wero provided with stock, farmiug implements, etc." Live hoga are selling for ?8 per liundred ponnda in Chicago. . . .The Indiana Legislatura has pasBed a bilí making raüway ' ' ticket scalping" illegal Thoater-goers having had a surfoit of opera bouffe, leg 4rama, and such, are now to be treated to somo of tho legitímate for a chongo. A new star in tho dramatic fiimameut, Mrs. Bousby - a popular actress combining great personal beauty with dramatic talent of a high order - bas been induced to como Weat, and is now playing at McVicker's Chicago Theater in ' ' Twixt Axe and Crown, " by Torn Taylor, the eminent London dramatiat, author of ' Speed the Plow," "Old Heads and Young Hearte," etc. In this play is dcpicted all that was lovely and gencroua in the daughter of Henrv YIII. and Anno Bolej-n, the future good Queen Bess, famed in for her masculine mtellect ü'on will, and dospotic temjjer. According to Eastern critic.-;, the part assigued to Mrs. Bousby (tbat of PrüxMss Ehzabetii) is one whicL yeverely taxeB the lady's powers of eudurance as for four houra she ia eeldom more than a few minutes front the taj;e. A I.AWÏEH of Iroutou, O., haa discovered a specimen of ere which proved to be an eg gloir.oratiou oï ure diamonds, weighing twenty ouneen, and worth al out Í400.00Ü X wol'ul tale of Indian bavbarity comes from tlie West. 'l'!:e 2G.OCO Iii'liimH. fieacled by étene Calf, who reoently Hurrenderod at the C'heyeDne Ageney, wero accompnnied by Eila and Lizzie Qermain, Bnrvivore of the Smoky Hill massacre, where their pareutu and one (sister were killed by the Indiana. They teil a pitiable tale of suffering and teiTible treatment. Gray Beard took Ella, aged 17, and ütone Calf had Lizzie. aged 11. Klla. wlio in enciente, savs she can identify all who took part in tho killing. They were dressed in Indiau costume, and were neaily storved. Tbs amount of wheat romaining unshipped u JDjaesötai is st;tt6d at 2,344,740 busliels, against 5. 05:3, 779 bushelB at this time in 187i. THE SOUTH. The jjiinoipal lottery dealers of Leniuville, Ky., to thenumber of atjout thirty, have been iu-Jictcd by the grand jury of the City Oourt of LouÏKVille In couaequence of the Civü Kights bil!, and fearing trouble, both of tko ïrincipal hotels in Alexandria, Va., have canceled their lioensea and closecl. Tle Park Hotel, in Balfcímore, has alno beeu olosed. In Tjnnessee, a proposition is pending in the Lsyislatiu-e to abolish the law liconsing hotels, tbiis evading the (Svil Rights bill by allowing them to go ander the name of private boardiug hOU8CB. üvku a million dolíais' worth cf property lns beta sncpt awaybythe fiood in the TeuneHsee rivcr. . . .There was great rejoicing in Arkansas over t!;e action of Cougreea in arlopt ing tha Toland non-interveiitioii rosolatiou. Gun.3 were f red at Fine Bluff and other prominent points. Joint reaolutionii passed both liousos of the Lpgifiliiture, thajiking tlie membera of Cöngresa who voted for tlie Toland report, au 1 )leilo'ing tlie Htate gorernir.ent to Bea that fvpui! a;iil exact jutiLioe xh done to all men. Senator Hancock, liepublican, introduced in theSona!-' h ic'olution reijuenting the Clovcrnor to disbnnd tlie ïuüitia, and reeitnig that the Repr.blieaiw accept tho Hituatiou ae it is. The recent snow-storm in St. Louis was t.he heaviopt she haa had in twenty yeai-s A Mempms disparen of the 3d mat. ays : " The first result of tho effect oí üio patssage of the Civil Righte bill occurred at the new MemphiH theater to-night. Tno colored men, who had pmchat-cd tickets for the dress eirelo, applied for admiasloñ, and were refmed and the mouey retnnied to them. Another one, who "was into.dcated, attompted to enter without a ticket anti waa arrested by tho pólice at the hmtance of the manager." The Arkansas T.pgiBlatiirehas adjourned uutil Noyember. Pending arbitration, the Louitüana Legislature ha adjourned sine die. The first lawaait nnder tbc Civil Iiights bill occaried ín Wilxnington, N. C, where a colored Citizen brouglit an action against a saloonkeeper for refufiBg to ell him a driuk. Tho CDurt Bcrutinizcd tho ncw law cloeely, and deoided that it didn't apply to bar-roome The Alabama Ijfgislature lira expelled one of its colore.l mepben for tho trifling matter of havUig oftered to seÜ hia vtte for Í300. A mu. Ims been iiitroduced in the Virgini L'igiBloture to punish parties creating disturbaueee in bótela, tl ealer, aud other places of iiniK. iiifni. lt provides that person who créate diáturbinoe in hotels by bowterous demandü for accommodation, after the proprietor or bis agent has decliucd to entertain them for want of room or other reasonable specified cansen, nhal be jiunishod by fine and imprisonment. Ia caso cf theaters, managers are to have the right to ineao reserved Eeat tickets stamped " uní tnmsferable," and when a party, not the original purchaser, demands admita tance, the door-keeper can refuse him, bvit the pricc of t'.ic ticket mast be rcfundcd, &nd if he refuücH to toke tho monoy. and thereby creates' difiturbarice, he is liable to arrest and fine. In bot!i cases half the fine goes to tho hotel-keeper or manager, as the case may be. Ttiere are similar ] rovisions regarding eteamboats and railroadn. POLITICAL. Ijon. Gr.", ('t. Whioht, United States Senator from Iowa, announces that ho will not be acandidate for rc-election. Ho bas determined to withdraw altogethfir froni the politicul arma and reaume the practioe of hie profession - the .sgal . . . . Howard Knowlea bas beon appoinled tor for tbe Fifth District of IUiuoifl, vioe li. II. Whiting, elcotod to ('oiigrcss, and 8XOongrossman Bansir (ooldred) ban boen appointcd OoHeotor for the Beoond District of South Carolina. T; e President bas nomiafttad to the Senate Hou. Godlovu i'.. Oifj. of indiana, for Minister to Austria.... Tbe 2Gth of Maroh has been net apart by Got. Garlan of Arkansas, as a daj of ving to the Almighty for the aotíoD of Congresa In adopting tbe Tiiland report. WASHINGTON. A WAsamoTOH telegram Bnnouucea t!..e de&th, at the advnnced ago of 72 yeara, of the late Adjutant (lencrol Lorenzo ïhorans. Tuk bill to enable Colorado to baoome a State is now a law, but tbat enabliag her next-dcor neighbor. Nevi Mexico, wljoinmg her on the south, to dolikewiHe, was defeated in Congreaa. Onohundrod and forty-two miUÍDn dollars ia the aggregate of the appropriation billa paeaed by the laat Congreae. Amono meaeures whieh vrere left pending m Conrostj are the Steamboat bül. Bxe b)B propoaing an amsndment to Uie Cciistitiitiou ohanging the wanner of the election of rresideui and Yioe Treaident of tho United States, Col. Scott's racilic raüroad bill, and eovoral other railroad relief bUln. Tiie HonBe election or i'orco bill, the emanation of the House cauCUS, was reatfa ñratand scoond timo in the Keuate. Bevond thiü, the Seuate took no f iirther aotion. It therof ore failed. It is annouueed from Washington that the President will not interfero in the affaire of Arkansas. A rnusoNAi, colliaion occurred in Washington on the last day of the Beasion between (ongreaünien Sener and Editor Brooka, of tho AVmbiican, in whick tho latter came off necond beet. Hoeack Maynaed bas been appoiuted Minister to Turkey. Doubt ia espressed as to the possibiiity of a roorganization of the Treasury Department, owing to tho alleged discovery of a clerical error in engrosfiment The President will Boon isoue an order aboliahingthe Civil-Service ralea in tiie Eïecutive Departmout. . ..Bill King arrived at "Washington the othor day, and of courss has been interviewed. Ho said: "Ho help me God, I did not make any improper use if one dollar of the monoy." Ho was glad to ; : ay that the committee, as he put it, vindkratod , lim on that. subject. Ho will claim hia scat in Ue next CongrcHH ; will not reêigfi ; wiH boldly neet all charges. Ho says he can fully explaón he ápparent discrepancies as to lus testimony, md eau dinprove the pack of lies told against j jim. OriNioNS differ as to the length of the extra ession of the Seuate- sonie Senators believing bat the dieoussion of the resolution j ug the Kellogg goverumeut, and admitting Pinchback. wül prolong the session to six or eight -weeks ; while others are sure that the j Bion will end withiu a month. THE TILTON-BEECHER TRIAL. Foktt-itrst Day.-- The examination of witnesses for tho defenae was commencod by the introduction of Mr. Edward J. Ovingtou, in whoaê house Mra. Tilton took r-f ugo upon leaving her husband's domicile, and where she has ever since remainod. He testifled that diu-ing hor stay at hio houso Mrs. Tilton has conducted j hersolf properly, récoivïn'g calis f rom but foiv people. Upon eross-examination the witoeee stated that Plymouth Church had paid him severa! hundred dollars for tlie board and clothing of Mrs. Tilton and her children, and that he expected more from tho samo source. A Mr. Holmes, who VM President of the Young Men'a Cliristian Association at Winstod, Connecticut, at the time Tilton lectured there several vean ago, swore to having called at Mr. Tilton'H room previoiia to Lia leeture. aiid found a young lady there who was not fully dres3ed, and Tilton lying upon the bed. Fouty-second Day - Mr. E. J. Qvington was recalled. at his own request. to testify reganling some pointe upon wiiich bis memnry was at fault the previous day. He stated that the amount collected by Plymouth Church and paid to .ra for tho maüitenanee of Mm. Tilton and cJiiklrou reac.hed 1,215. Jtrs. Ovington then took tlie witness btand, but lier tostimony was of little impoi-tauce. Midi Sarah 15. Putnam was next swom, and tcatiflod to tho affActionote relatious existing betweeu Tilton and his v.ife. In reooivhig friend;!. Hts. Tiltou adopted the Quaker faehion, saying, "I groet thee." In receiving friends of the family, llm. Tilton kissed the gentlemen and Tiltou kissod tho ladieH. At this point, 3:45 o'elock, ajuror, Mr. ■ JatTrav, got faint tod vau assisted to a windew, and giveu a glass of water. Mr. Pntnam sent tura her bottle of Binelüng Balts, ana at tuo suggeesion of Mr. Erarta the court adjouruGd. Fobtï-thied Day. - A day of surprises, scares and scnsations. The smaü-pox haa broken out in the court, and may Heriously iuterfere with the progreso of the triai. Oue of tho reporters : was taken down wiih the diaease several days : ago, and one of the jurors exibited sytnptoms of tho samo eomplaint. His illnesa will unavoidabl- delay the trial of the case, if it does not compel itn disoontimiance. Jndge Kfilson, though UBuaHy in robust health, ! Hhowi evident eigns tliat the continuoiis mental strain and Htilling atmosphere are telling npon him, and lie complaius of severe headache. Among tho rumor ciuTcnt is one to the effect that, as the lawa of that títate allow a defendant in asuit to address the jury on his owu behalf, and as defendaut's friends are not eatisfied that hia counsel, mth the exceptiou of Erarte, are a match for Tilton's, it has been decided that Beecher will avail himself of tho legal privilege, take the floor, ai;d acldross the jury. Shoidd this bo correct, the speech will bo ono of tlio most memorable and intereeting on record. Foety-fouuth Day.- Jeffreys, the juror who had been indisponed ; was wdl enough to be in his seat, though it is feared bis poor health will lead to an abrupt terminaticn of the trial. liciisic Turner was in court, iuv is lo be a v.itness for the defendant. By order of Judge fieilson, all ticKetn 01 ariimsHion are uuïeu u) and the holder excludod, after tho Keats are i full, thiiH clearing away hundredn oí' idlcra. Luuching in the court is no longer tolerated, and theventilation is much improved. Mrs. F. B. C. Putnam and a Mrs. Moore testitied as to I their lmowledge of Mrs. Tilton's domestie J grievances. GENKKAL. The tmtter aud cgg men of the country have Just been holding their natioual j tion in Chicago. The Union Pacific and Central Paciftc railroadH and the Pacific Mail SteaniHhip ('onipany combination hau refiultcd in a prompt advance in tho rato of transcontinental freiglit of frorn 60 to 100 per cent. Hkcent doatlm : At Fali Biver, Mass., Hou. j Jamen Bufflnton, Itepresentative of the Firet Coñgireseiónal District of tbat State, agcd 58 ycarB ; he bad been in ill hoalth ïur Home time, and it íb believed that hia death vra baBtoned by tho fatigue attendant upon the protracted aesaion of the House over the Civil Eighta bill ; in IjOndon, Arthur Holps, the celebrated Englinh author, essayist, etc., agcd 55years ; in London. Licut.-f lov. Jamen Hope Grant, the celebrated j English commander, aged 67. FOKKIGN. A MAinii telegram reporta a severo figlit at Jiilufiobetwccn (JaiiistH and AlfonBÍsts, iu whk'li tho íormer woro defe-ated Tiirkoy is stül menaccd by Montenegro. A IjOndon dispatch states that John Mitchel is utierly proetrated, and ha frequent fahitinjí fits. It is üjouglit that ho WÜ1 bo oompoüed to withdraw from the election contet in Tipperary. Tuk. Ktcmr.or Qsttenburg has been wreoked on ono of the Founieaux Islande, in BaasStrait. bctwocn Van Diciiian's Lairl and AuHtraüa. Hhe had on board 85 piuiHengere, and a crew of 85. Gi tfcese ordy 4 persons are known to be saved. Three boats íilled ivith passengere and crew are yet to be heard fiom. Adtices from Buenos Ayrea state that the palaco of tho Catholic Arcbbishop of that city was eacked and the homes of the Jeeuits set on lire. . . . Jolm Mitchel bas ;u;am been nominatod for Porliament from Tipperaiy. A London telegram tatos that ñevcral onsen of tnsanity liave resnlted frorn the revival meeting:! of ilewrs. Moofly and Sankoy, the Atnorioan evangeliste. . . .Thore uro Foznors of another war in India. Tui: famiiio in Asia láinor baa decimat3 Borne districto to l'ue extent of two-tiftbü of thoir populatiuu Figlitiag BtU] continúes in Cuba. Tue convention betiveen Spain and tlie United Statef for tbe Bettlemeot of the Virgiitíiia atiair bas been t'ij;n; d. . . ,Th Alfonniatu and Carliata aro excfianging r.riBooers . . . . A diapatch from St. Jolm'a. IS'ewfoundlaud, statcs that the bodiefj of over forty peraoua who dio.d there during tlie pset winter have boen temporarüy interred in the enow, whioh liea in suoh immense quantitiea in the cenaoterieB as topraveut the opening of the graves.


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Michigan Argus