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■% A TC klfQ Have you an invention lor IJH ICIilwi wbich you desire a Patent, either in the U. S. or tny foreign country ! Then eend to the Mechamos and Inventora' Association, the only reliable Patent Agency in Michigan. 37 W. Conip-ess St., Detroit. 1522ml TH08. S. Sl'KAGUE, President. C A DMCDO Take tne Michigan Farmeb and iMnlVICnO keep poated. The beat market reporta A live agricultural paper. $2 per year and 15c poatage. Engraving to every subscribe!1. Agenta wanted. Specimens tree. Johüstome & Gibbonb, Detroit. PI Dl C St DOVO SEND for free speciUImLO Oir D U I O men copy of " The Little People." $1 per year and 10c postage. Kugraving to each subscriber. Agenta wanted at every school. Big pay for work. Johhstone & Gibbons, Detroit, )O ÏHOSt HUILDINU.- Three articlea -l I agree to furnish at Lowest Bottom Pnces : French and American Glass, all aizea, doublé and Bingle thick for etoie fronts, dwellings, pictures, &c, all kinda of Stained and Figured Glasa. 1 alao guarantee the best made Haeh in the State. Glasa ready set- French or American- and warrant Bafe home at my risk, and all kinde of Show Caaes, White Metal, and Walnut. Send in your orders, eend for prioes. 1.. I'. EAUL, 44 Jefferson Ave., Detkoit, Mich. "The Wr to WealtU, it you desire it, is as plain s tUe nay to tlurket." - Franklin. AGENTS WANTED to canvasa in Washtenaw and adioininij Counties for the new book " BUCCKSS IN BUSXXKSS," or TXTfiTCf TÍV This country has money XT i M, for everybody. Money in and Trade, in the Mili, in Minos, :E3!O"W on the Farm, in the Garden, To in Wheat. in Oom, in Stook, t t 1Í V IT andiu Poultiy. This bo k ÍT1AH-XJ iim shows how Business Men, Farmera, Workingmen, Young Men and "Women, nll may get, save loan and uae it. It ia just the book needed, and will sell Cast. Addreas lor circulara and term, J. C. HcCURMV k CO., (Succesaors to Ziegler & McUurdy,) 108 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O.: Filth Avenue & Adams at Chicago, 111. ; 620 Olive St., St. L,ouis, Mo. N. B- The People'a Standard Ediüon of the Holy Bibie, published by ua, is the flnest, cheapest and beat. Agent make from %ÖO to S8O per month aelling it with other books, without extra expense. (iwl520. OUT YOUE MONEY WEERE IT WILLDO THE 3VEO1ÏT QOODA. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND FRICES TO DE F Y COMPETITION ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Gents' Furnishing doods. JJfp" Call hefore purchasing. 1 5 South Main Utreet. 3PH TNJ OTICE 1 All persons indebted to the late Ann Arbor Trading Aasociation ure notiüed to call and settle their acccounts immediately, and thereby Bave costa. Settlements will be made at the late place of busifm, 18 South Main street. GEO. SUTTON, Assignee. Ann Arbor, Feb. 10, 1875. DOFT RE AD THIS! That ever reliable dealer, WM. WAGNEE has in store a full stock of Ready-Made FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING Wbich must and will be sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Also a f all stock of Cloths, to be GUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Style and Wolk warranted to suit. Also a Full Line of Furnisliing Goods. CALL and C. WM. WAGNEK, 21 South Main St. Ann Arbor. 1496


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