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RAILROADS. M'CIIKJAN (JKNTRAL KAILROA1). WINTER TIME TABLE. aoINO WEbT. ft Mm " g W TATIONB. J, W p, ÖO t, '3 Sf "3 M " -e, !___ lA J_ 1. 51. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. 11. Detroit, leave, 7 (XI lli 3l 3 30, Í 40 10 00 Wayne, 7 56 11 06 4 24 6 40 10 47 Ypsilanti, 8 :il 11 31 5 01 7 10 11 12 AnnArbor, 8 55 11411 5 Si 7 45,1130 „ r. m. A.M. Dexter, 9 22 6 02 8 10 Chelsea, 9 40 6 19 8 S0 GrassLake, 10 07 6 46 8 00 Jackson, 10 43 1 IS 7 151 9 35 12 55 P. M.j A. M Kalamaioo, S 05 3 45 12 30 S 15 Ohicagoarrive, 8 05 9 00 7 00 8 30 QOINO KAST. J í s i!i i f a P 1? H W S5 A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Chicago, leave, 600830 5 15 9 00 P. X. A. H. Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 23 10 30 2 35 IP. M.j A. M.A. M. Jackson, , 2 lOi 4 00 7 10 12 55j 4 55 OrassLake, I 2 45 7 39 j 6 23 Chrlsea, 3 10, 8 07, 6 50) Dexter, 3 251 8 26! 1 6 08 AnnArbor, 3 55 S 08 8 65 2 22 6 28 Ypsilanti, 4 20 Í 25 9 16; 2 42 6 48 Wayne, 4 51 5 43 9 43 3 02 7 11 Detroit, arrive, 5 45 6 3010 3o! 3 50 8 00 Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. TOLEDO, SAGINA W AND NOKTHWE8TERN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable connectiong made at "Wayne Junction with trains of the Michigan Central K. H. Four trains fiorth and four South daily except Bunday. Time Card of Deoembeb 14th, 1875 QOIKQ MOBTH. _ , A. M. p. M. P. M. P. M. Wayne, leave 9 00 2 00 6 03 11 10 Holly. 10 45 S 17 Í 45 12 50 Flint. 11 28 4 00 8 24 4 58 East Sagirmw, 12 45 5 05 9 60 8 25 Saginaw Uity, 12 52 6 12 9 67 Bay City, 1 20 5 461 10 15 1 25 P. M Reed City, 6 30 , 12 26 Haldwiu City, 6 20 1 15 Ludiiigton, 8 00 2 55 P. M. P. M. P. M. P. W. OOING SOUTH. „r A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M. Wayne, leave 8 20 11 30 3 00 8 03 Monroe, 9 25 12 30 3 55 7 20 Toledo, arr. 10 30 6 00 9 P5 8ANFORD KEELER, Ass't Supt. J. P. Nouese, Öen'i Ticket Agent. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RAILROAU. GOINQ WEST. -1875- QOIHO F.AST. STATIONS. Mail. Eip.I STATIONS. Exp. Mail. A. M. P. M. ' Detroit, dep... 7:00 3:S0 A. M. P. M. Ypsilanti.... 9:15 6:45 Bankers 4:00 2:15 Halliw .10:00 6:21 Hillsdale ... 4:18 2:25 Bridgewater.. 10:27 6:42 Manchester.. 7:0T 4:07 Manchester. 10:57 7:05 Bridgewater 7:40 4:27 __ m. Saline 8:10 4:45 Hillsdule 1:30 9:04 Ypsilanti.... 9:00 5:15 Baukera 1:46 9:15 I Detroit 10:30 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take efiect Aug. 18, 1874 W. F. PARKER, Stip't, Ypsilanti. CLOTHING! OREAT CLOSING OUT SALE -OF- READY-MADB CLOÏHIJVG Gents' FurnisMng Goods, HATS AND CAPS TRÜNKS &c, jrc oost For the next Thirty Days at MABLEY CO'S. 33 South Main St. MARTIN'S BLOCK, Ann Arboe, Michigan, GEORGE BULL, 1M8 mauaxer, T3INSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - FJ.OLR & FEED STORE. We keep oonstantly on nand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and RETAIL TRADE. We shall also keep a supply of DELHI FLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUR, RYE PLOUR. BUCKWWHEAT FLOUft, CORN MEAL, FEED, &c, &c. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms aa at any otber house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggi, and Country Produce generally. KiT Goods delivered 10 any part of the city without extra charge. RINSIÏY A 8EABOLT, Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1. 1875. 1514tf MORE IEW TEAS AND COFFEES! LOWER PRICES ! LOWER PRICES ! Don't fail to visit the Cash Grocert House of of Edward Duffy, duriug the next thirty days, md examine hú Teas asd Coffees of the latest importations, which will be sold AT NEW YORK PRICES. Sugars, Syrups, and Spices, together with a full line of General Groceries, very low for Cash. Cheap bargaina for the next Thirty Days in BOOTS & SHOES India Rubber and wool lined Gooda, together with a full line of Gentlemen's Furnishin and Hosiery (.ioods. Please cali and examine gooda and pricea, uní 1 will endure Batisfuction. It pays for cvcrybody to trade at tbe CASH 6R0GBRT HOUSE OF EDWARD DUFFY. Maynard Block, Cor. Main and Ann St., 1511 Ann Arbor, Mich T IVE ÖEESE FEATHJSK8 FIHST QUALITT Constuntlyonhaud and for saleby BACH& ABEL. ISSOHJTIONOF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existinp under the lirm name of Tripp, Ailes & Price, ík this day diasolvcd by mutual agreeraent. All liabilitiea of the company, will be settled at their old place of busisesa ; and all who owe them, either by note or account, are requeated to cali and make immediate seltleuient. THAS. TRIPP, ROBERT K. AILE8, ROBERT ,1, PRICE. Dated Ann Arbor, ï'eb. 1, 1875. 1516w6


Old News
Michigan Argus