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BAfflrKÍW Citv bfts a rafting-pin manufactory which turns ont 30,000 per day. . Tííe MaHtio Itooñng and Fáint Oímpany has been organized at Kalama.oo with a capital of 850. 000. PERSONAL. W. A. Tomlinson, of Kalamazoo, and E. S. 1 :i' v of Clitrlotte, liave beou appointed aud eoníinned as Trustees of the Kalaniazoo Insane AnyUmi. DEATHS. Ho.v. ]toi"EY C. Paink, ono of the most j epected and inflaential citizens of Nile3, died a few dayB ago. agcd 09 3-ears. lie liad be en engagod in the banking busiiienH for forty ycara, and no man stood higher in the estimation of tbc public. He leaves a large estáte. Ho was prominent in politica and private and public onterpriaes, aud held severa! offices in tho gift of tLe people of Western Michigan. Tho banks and public Bchools wero closed on the occasion of the funeral. A man naiiied Joseph Dmiceith, workiug at McTavish'B camp, on the Chippewa. was killed last week by a íailing tree. Tlie body was takeu to East Sagiiiaw aud au inquest held. Decoased was 27 years of age and hin home was at Toledo. Yi'm. A. Hanx'k, of Windsor, Eatou county, who had spent the greator portion of hislifc iuvestigating the principie of perpetual motion, died receutly, in the G8t!i year of his age. Hon. Kodney C. Iine, of Nilcs, formerly forty ycars a 'banker of that city, died a few Java ago, agod 69 yeara. He was highly esteeined by liia fellow eitizens, and at a meeting of the Common Cóuneil a eet of resolutions were i adopted onlogistic of bis character, and ; priate speeches made by all the Aldermen. LEGAL. A judgmknt waa rendered at Graud Itapid;-. a few dayH since, in the case of Aikin v. JohnKon, for L18, GM. Judgments, amouiitiiig in the aggregate to $50,000, have been rendered j againat Johnson during the paftt tliree years. - CRIME. .Toiin" and Fi'anciö Xíuggart, of 1 naw couuty, wero arrested aiid taken to Grand i Bapids a few days ago, to answer the chargo of attempting to murder the wifo of Jolm Huggai't, by adminintering poieon to her, by saiur ating caudy with atrychnine. An onalysis of the candy showed a largo qnautity of tho poison, and a small piece, fed to a cat, produced death. Johx Wells, of Bloomfield Junction, while driving home f rom Eaet Saginaw i eccntly, níet a party c f men, with whom he had a dispute regariling tho right of wsy, and was stmck on tüo head with an iron bar. injuring him so severely that he subsequentl}' died. The parties engaged iu the quarrel hare been lodged in jaü, charged with murder. ItAILKOADS. The Grand Rápida and Iudiana Bailrosd Company commenced, last week, the distrib'ition of a large immbor of caí loads of newiron betwee.n Kalamazoo and Grand liapids. A large quantity of the uew rails wil! be laid down at once. A meeting of the rtockholders of the j Saginaw Valley and St. Louis railroad will be held at Saginaw Ciiv, May lat, to ameud tïieir j ai'ticles of asociafïon so a.s to extend the road to Grand lïapids, an-Tinercase their capital stock to S50,000. MISCEIJL.VNEOUS. Tuf. funeral of the late United States Judge Longyear at Lansing, a few dayd ago, '.vas lurgely attended. The legislativo conimittec. State aud city officials, mombers of the bar of Detroit and of Ingham couuty, and numeroua citizens componed the funeral cortege. We are indebted to tho Lansiug Reptiblican for the followiug tablo, showing by counties tlie amount of taxable and improved land ia tlic State. It i a remarcable fact that but little over oue-fifth of tho lauds of tho State have boen improved : ACRKK. TaxabU Iwproved Cuuitits. land. kmd. Alcona 547,167.31 2,26-4 Allegan 309,289.27 141,028 ]pu,ia MI.WS.W li,482 Antrim 475,498.23 5,Ï93 Barry 337,167.80 148,707 Buy 465,252.54 14,484.50 Bonzie 168,696.21 6,506 Berricn 336,620.05 151,117.24! Branch 317,381!. 75 188,103.50 Calhoun 4!I9.629.4!) 342,539 QaBS 302,881.75 160,503.50 Charleroi 139,931.86 3,951.50 Chebovgan 285,352.06 2,898 Ohlppew 257.255 2,280 Clajre 318,6d3.S7 1,O'.I2 Olintóñ.'.... 358,251.67 1M.868.25 Delta 354.243.90 2,341 Ynbm 360,950.71! - 139,S1S Emmet .'...'. 44,903.81 4.451 Gsriesee 394,757.4K 170, Ml. si Grand Traverse 263 721.88 15,0.1C, Gratiot 352,059.45 50,688 Billsaaiè 887,212. T5 215,298.51 Hou.'hton 582.987.05 9.622.62 liaron 435,107.66 28,119.50 Inehani '".'.'.'.'. 340,277.34 189,877.56 l0I,jn 338,717.50 152,30.9 Ioco.. 391,673.01 2,675 Isabolïa" ".'.' 345,742.64 18,129 Jtoksou 437,152.75 251,077 Kalamazoo 343,467 210,886 Kalkask 501,879.24 1,591.50 Kent " .... 6Ï8,778.2 218.9S1 Keweonaw 202,960.90 11,987 I.alif. 270,470.1 3,1) Lamer 415,003.60 137,861 I.e'-lanaw'.'. 140,347.80 18,307 Lenawee 69,7B2.22 '250,562.62 Liimgaton 359,472 185,662 Macilnae 153,770.60, 1,393 Maoomb 269,896.73 153,222.78 Mr.uistee' 288,8.8 B,SM Manitou 24.403.118 1,652 Mamuctte. 1,307,555.73 6,7bo S3 '252,325.04 6,434.25 Heoosta 342,013.52 19,024 WenomiBM %L.$; -2?„ Midhiml 777,151.78 7,091.55 Ulanntea 281,209.42 1,186 M ;";!", .:.'■■ 342 235.27 147880.16 M 'alm .:.■■ 441 304.: B7 SSoisS Vu"(ioi . 270,157.01 26,174 Vcwavlo ■'■' 495 400.50 20,191 Oillmd 838,858.36 331,166.25 oSSSS: 296,520.28 19,8T6 Ontonaion 840,05038 8,838 j".öl" 327.4.4i 8.610 S?Sra 384,773.22 87,089.1 Psou'Íd 1M.270.3O 500 s.i.'.V.. 489,03-2.93 67,926.42 E i."".'.: .''■'' ... '■ H.HXI.r.2 63,018.55 Hchoolciaft 634,720,67 gtdawaaee 3-J9.3U4.ÍC, H8,78l.5C, St Claix 427,583.15 101,689,60 8t Jocph 303,532.50 197,404 Tuscol 470,418.0;j 60,501 Van Biiriil". '. 380.45(1.21 147,561.50 Washitenaw S7,789,18 269,716 Warne. 877,199.88 186,251.75 WVxK.rrt'. ].'.'.' !.".'. ■.'.'.'.'.'.;'. . 313,146.58 4,188.70 Total 2,530,l S8.a S,M0,S89.98 At a public raeetiug, callee! by the Mayor of : Jacksou, a few nigbts apo, for the parpóse of expresaing tho views of t'.ie leopie relative to jetaining the Board of Publio Works as a part j of the municipal sovcrmnent, resolutions , voring Buoh retentie vere auopted by large niüjority. A majoiuty of tbe stoei of the Pirst National Bank o 1' ..Li. (lenien-. whioll Was heretofore been owoea by oitizens of Detroit, bas been pnrchasea by n ■■ identa of Mt, deinen:. (',.i.. Vúhati.' v. of (rund Bapids, in orgkn. izing a company of orie handled men to go to thè Black HillB. Tlicy will start nbout tUe 1boi Sitty. The eonipany will rccruit at Nllea, KaJamazoo, and onc or twoother pointa only. THE LEGISLATI I(K Tulsdav. Maxell 10. -frnalr -AUxgenumber of remonetmnces wc tcédved igainst tot n uith Om Probibitory Liquor luw; ■■■'■ l.c(tú.Usfnrth,Tm,T,-al pf ta We to Sss -,t oí 1M5J KiUtaffilï Ui. Mta of railroad tickets. ...Huls passed : Anthonzini; the Auditor-General to adjut certain taxcs i;;; ;i t the Chicago and Lake Huron Kailroarl CciQpany; organissing tie Tenth -Tudicial Circuit, oomposeil of the coimticH of Gratiot, STi'lland, Isabella, Clara, Gludwin, and Boacommon; anihoiizing attorneya to ad ;. notarte 'u certaih cases. Houw- The f oUowisg bilh w(,repasscd: Srnaic l.:il r.). kling the I.umbc ifIUKpe:tio;i lw ; faling the County Si "f Bohoota tew I the office '. Oeiinly SupenitoBdent of Schools; mcorporatins graBgOf "f Pstron of tapania to rr.u par':or, chair and Bleeping-oars, chnrilig reaqoabln eomvensatioa U:r Oie t-amc. Ihe genera) la-.v ol the Stal id Ie to óharge te exoced ttu milfi fan h. whicb aots as ;■ prdhibittdn upon companieu running ttu Ir own Bleeping and paficrr oarp. and eninpcls thiii to ruil Kuch lor aleeping-caf (''.-nipanicK, upon private torms. ïhe bilí has already pMHd the Sfnat1, anti only neeii3 thci Govf-rnor'H approvai to become & law. ■'irEDNEfin.vï, M:reh 17.- Srnnlc- Tho bill to prevent too propaÉjation of the yoltom in pMMk trees was adversdy rcportetl pon, and tiibiüd.... The 1 ill to facilítate the coll ction of damaeea tor trcüpas on lnnds pass'"l Tho special order o tne Sas irae the considi ration "i the !.;llr, relating t„ the llqaor traffic, an.l the ra occupiod the time of Uw K. Bate until .id.iournp.iont. Ho!(- Petitions v,.r recoived oppoeing 'hc taxition of olnirch pTOperty and the organization of the propoaod co;i:üy oí Butler out of a 0Mtkn of Kar,iUw The l.ïll MTlaiug the geneml MiiiinRad Miii'ufacturing law was indcliniú'y poatponea . . . . The bill rtvising the Insur. Bd ;■ dncrag thn laz iïom :i per cent. on groi recipte t" t lr cent,, was considcred, and n-lurmd back to thu committee. Tiiühday, March 18.- Senate-The time of the Baatte wm almost cntirely consimicd in aiscuMing the Wil to tax tbc liauor traffic. ïhc Senatc after a Long debat.-, f irilnS out all cjcept the euactin- olauae. Senate BUI 40, whlch eeemed to Uoense tho traf'ic was tlDed, aa was a bil! aiming to regúlale it. bat the chief proviinous of wljicU aru alruudy oontained in üw compüed laws. II,. uw- Tüe House pansoil tlio foüowing bilis today: Hcnate bU178, ecUbUaUsg 3?oBUp Superintendents ot Hclioola ; incoryoratin? Musliegon ; reJattagtótlieasBeíBiaent ot property . . . . The passage of the bill rertoring the Townihip Sui.erintcnaenlB of Schools puts m end to the couuty Bystnn au.l wtori x the old oivlcr of Uüngs, eMP that onc Townahip tnspeotor aml onc Townghip hiipcrintenrtent are employeil, wliile fornierly thcro wore throc luKpeotors. Fmdaï, Jlaioh 19.- Señale- TUe business done consista in tli. billa orgauizing Ro8common coiinty, reiricorjiorating YpSilanti, itepeiiIng hanter 84 of the corapilftl lw, perniittinR tlie iiuprnvême-at oí hrbors and canal by private companies, and eMabüshing a Superior Court m Grand Kapi:lw. j,„Me_ï(unierou8 remoustrances were rcet-ivcd in the Honje asainsi tho passage of the bil! forbidUng the houndicg of deer, Ihat beiag coneid. ti l tho proper mode of himticg thoso anímala, and m.' BO aestruoUvo a„ bUU hunting, wM ■b rapidly annihilating the game . A resoluton was offered that it in tho senae of the House that the l'rohibitory Uijnor law ehoTÜd be repcalcO. A BUbstltute waa proposed that it ia the s aee 1 Uc thl the laW afllïlng a tax npoíí the h traffic Bhould b passed, and that nntU encli a law is perfocted, existing lawa relating to liquor ehouW remata The Governor announeod hls appiovd of the b'iils toprohibit the use of naphtha ana dangerous iiluminating oils in railrcad em, and anieniiug the boonuiig law.-. Satükday, Mai-eh 20.- ,nae- Bills were paesed reincorporating the foUowiug named and villages : Mnskegon, MaöMnaw, Lspr-cr, HastinKs ImlavL'itv, Mt.ClttWB, Bituks, and Grand Haven .ïUc House biil provi];i)j for uno Cominissioner oí BighwajB tutead oí Urn e was paweil . The Medical beníora' bilí wa tebled, tbore bmg bare (luorum of the Seniita present, and the monis of the bill faaring to 'uring it to a vote under neb olrcnmfltanoee. tlouat- The Gtovefnor notifled tin House Ihai hu had aiproved the büls incorporatíng Hancock and Bed Jacket; to allow raflroaa oompañle to run slceping car., and amending the act r, r.t-.vo to a Btale acenoy for juvenil.: offeiaers....The bcnalc bm?eS the iet relativo V, harboV oompjntai, and ilrit aaftorWng Ann Albor to atsess a tz fd a sjiDciöc purpose, were aleo passed. Mosday, Maroli 22.- Senate- Bills were f avorablv r.povted for the appropriatlon to the university, i to enable it to eaWblUb t v.ort, to take up the omranding '.varrants of the UBlTCrsStjr, ïïidtof 5?fiX SS titterofSgS; SsSaSSLSrSSSÊ dfflerent BepreKntatlTC dtatricta, and to ïbollaD cstatos in dower in wild 1-nuls. HoM The bill taxing church property had all after the enaetiug clause stricken out in the Senate, a- -i-t in whi"h the House boni urred by a yta and nav voteof (P to .. The cltrk of Iko House w iSTd to eacitownship, t.nd ato;Mh ?fe the new office of township Cqnaniayoner of baioole.


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Michigan Argus