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OUT YOUE MONEY WHERE IT WILLDO THE MOST 3-OOXA. A. TERBY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND GAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PTCICES TO DEKY COMPE T1T1O K ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Gents' Furnisliing Goods. J3 Cali hefore purchasiug. 1 5 South Main Htreet. & ïrAEM FOR 8ALE ! of 120 acre, 100 improved, 20 in timber, In Superior, 2 miles north of Ypsilanti. Buildings in f?oo fftir condition, and well watered. Pnce $65 an Those wiwhine: to buy would do well to looi it over. For particulara enquire of HENRV K. WHITE. Ann Arbor Town. 1523tf DON'T RE AD THIS! That ever reliable dealer, WM. WAGNES has in store a full stock of Ready-Made sPRiiraCLOTHING Which must and will be sold at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Also a full stock of Cloths, to be CUT AND MADE TO ORDER, Style and Work warranted to uit. Also a Full Line of Furnishing Goods. CALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 South Main St. Ann Arbor. 1496 C. 33LISS & SOIT are now ready for the SPRING TRADE witli an Elegant Stock New Goods consistí ng of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, Silver & Plateo ff are and are oftering them at prices never before offered in the market. Homething new in TEA SETS and at a great rednction from former pricea. KTHemember we linvc the I,arift Stock in the city. Cali and aee for yourselve. REPATRING NKATLÏ AND PROMPTLY DONE. C. BLISS & SÓN. 1Ó22 CLOTHING! OREAT CLOSING OUT SALE -OF- RKAM-MAlCLOTBll Gents' Furaishing Goods, HATS AND CAPS TRÜNKS &c, A.T OOST For the next Thirty Days at IYIABLEY CO'S. 33 South Main St. MART IN'S BLOCK, Ann Arbor, Michigan, GEOKGE BULL, Ii08 Dlanaser. "DINSEY & BEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - FLOUR & FEED STORE. We keep consta ntly on nand, BREaD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE ahd RETAIL TEADE. We shall alao keep a mpply of DELHI JPLOXJIt, J. M. 8WTFT Sc CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAX FLOUR, RYE FLOUH.BÜCKWWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MBAL, FEED, At Wholesale and retail. A general stook of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS conatantly on hand, which will be aold on as reasonable term as at any other house in tb ie city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. fcy Goods delivered to any part of the eity without extra charge. HlJiSE V ác IEABOLT, Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1, 1875. 15Htf MORE TOTEAS AP COFFEES! LOWER PBICES ! LOWER PRICES ! Don't fail to visit the Cash Grocebt House of of Edward Duffy, during th next thirty days, and examine bis Teas aütd Cofpees of the Iatest importations, which will be old AT NEW YORK PRICES. Sugars, Syrups, and Spices, together with a full line of G-eneral Groceriee, very low for Cash. Cheap bargains for the next Thirty Days in BOOTS & SHOES India Rubber and wool lined Goods, together with a full line of Gentlemen's Furnishing and Hosiery Goods. Piense cali and examine goods and prices, and I will ensure tiatisfaction. It pay for everybody to trade ai tbe CASH GROCBRY HOUSE OF EDWARD DUFFY. Maynard Block, Cor. Main and Ann 8t., 1511 AnnArbor.Mich "The Vj to Wi'uiiii, if you detire it, is as plain a tbe way to ITIarket.'?- Fbanklin. AGENTS -WANTED to eanvaas in Washtenaw and adjoining Counties for the new book " 8UCCESS IN BUSINESS," or TVTfllITÏy This country has money # for everybody. Money in akd Trade, in the MUI, in Mines, HÜW "n the Farm, intheGarden, To in Wheat, in Corn, in Stock, u i y n jri) and in Poultiy. This bock J1YJ ej J.l shows how Business Men, Farmers, Workingmen, Men and "Women, all may get, save loan and use it. It is just the book neeaed, and will sell fast. Address lor circulara and term, J. V. HcCCBOY éc CO., (Successors to Ziegler & McCurdy,) 108 W. Fourth St., Cincinnati, O.; Fifth Avenue & Adams St., Chicago, 111. ; 620 Olive St., 8t. Louis, Mo. N. B- The l'eople's Standard Edition of the Holy Bibie, published by us, is the flnest, cheapest and best. Agenta make from 50 to $8O per month 8elling it with other books, without extra expense. 6wl620. Y IVE ÖEE8E FEATHJSKS FIRST aTTA.l4lTT CoDettntlyonhand andforsalebv BACHfr ABEL. rIS9OL,UTIOIV OF PARTNERSHIP. The partnership heretofore existing under the flrm name of Tripp, Ailes & Price, is this day diseolved by mutual greement. All liabilities of the company, will be settled at their old place of busises ; and all who owe them, either by note or account, are requested to cali and znuke immediate settkmcnt. THAB. TRIPP, ROBERT K. AILES, ROBERT J. PRICK. Dated Ann Arbor, Feb. 1, 1875. 151Cw TOTICE I AU persons indebted to the late Ann Arbor Trading ABsociation are notiñed to cali and settle their acecounts immediately, and thereby ave costs Bettlements will be made at the late place of busif"B, 18 South Main street. OEO. SUTTON, Assignee. I Ann Arbor, Feb. 10, 1875.


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Michigan Argus