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I W H O - H ftSg cl s 8sJgSf: Cl rf IÍ ft 'S I TO THE Gitizens of Ánn Ator ANJ THE STCDENTS OF THE LMVËBSITY. I would respectfully announee thut ray stock of Fine Wooiens for AVI N TER AVE AR is now complete, and will be constantly replenished witb The Novelites of the Season. Gentlemen wishiug Comfort in Dress, combined witb ELEaANCE AND STYLE, will be fully satisfied by giving us a Ir al, and are invited to favor aa with a cali. H. HINTERMISTEB, Merchant Tailoh. 209 Jeffeoh Avenue, betweeu Bates and Randolph Sta. EiSTABLISHED IN 1860. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain moitgage whereby the power therein contained to sell has become oporative, executed by Charles E. Treadwell, of the town of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, and Lucinda A. Treadwell, his wit , of thu same place, to the undersigned Ludema E. Fuller, of the city of Ann Arbor in eaid county and State, as mortgagee, díited ihe eighth day of Míirch, A. D. oue thousand elght hundred aud seventy, and recorded on the eleveuth day of March A. D. 1870, at three o'elock p. m., in the office of the Register ot Deed for the County of Washtenaw, in the State of ïli higan, in liber 42 of mortgages, on piige 351, upon which aaid mortgage there is claiined to be due at the date of this notice the sum of two thousand and eighty-four dollars and tifteen cents, and no suit oi' proeeedings at law or in ohancery having been instituted to recover any part thereof : Notice is therefore heieby given, that by viitue of the pcwEr of sale contained in said mortgage, I shull, on Saturday, the twenty-sixth day of June, A D. 8 5, at ten o'elock in tue foreuoou, sell at public auction, to the highestest biddeT, (the sale to take place at the south door of the Court House, in the eity of Ann Arbor, in eaid eounty, said Court House being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county of Washtenaw J the pi emises described in such mortgage, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due on sueh mortgage, and legal costa and charges of such sale, together with au attorney fee of thirty dollars covenanted for therein, that is to say the following piece or parcel of land situated in the town of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, known, bounded and deacribed aB follows, to wit: Commencing at au iron stake in the center of the road, running in a northerly direction through the east half of the northeast quarter ot section number twenty-one, town two south, range six east, trom which in the direction north ï&% degrees west is an oak gate post, distance 50 links, also south 3(j % degrees west is a red oak, diameter 15 inches, distance 'iV, links ; running thence south on the line meridiun ten chains and six links to the quarter seetion line; thence south 1-65Í degrees west on tho quarter section line Uve chaina and thirty-seven links to E. West's line; thence north 24?; degrees, west seven chains ann thirty links to the center of the road on the half quarter line; thence north W degrees east up the center of the road tive chains and ten links ; thence north 68 degrees east in the center of the road four chains and nine links to the place of be. ginning, contaiuing six and twelve hundredths acres more or lees. Uated this thirty-flrst day of March, A.D. 1875. LCDEMA E. FULLER, Z. P. King, Mortgagee. Att'y tor Mortgagee. 1524 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain mortgiige, made by Anthony Laffery and Catharine Laffery, üis wife, of the city of Ann Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw and átate of Michigan, to Emanuel Mann of the same place, dated October twenty-first, A. D. 18(8, and recurded in the omce of Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County, Michigan, on the twenty-ttrst day of October, A. D. 1868. at 3:30 o'elock, p al., in liber 39 of mortgages, on page 342, upon whicn said mortgage there isclaimedto be due, by virtue of the conditions thereot, and remaining unpaid at the date of this notice, the sum of sixteen hnndred and oue dollars nd fortyfive cents 1(1,801.46), and an attorney fee of f orty dollars provided tor in said mortyage ; and no suit or proceediugs having been instituted at law to recover the sumnow remaining due and secured by said mortgage or any p:irt thereof: Now, therefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, and by virtue of the statute in such cases made and provided : Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the nineteenth day of June next, at twelve o'clock, noon, of that day, at the front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, (said Court House being the nlaee of holding the Circuit Court tor said county.) there will be sold at public auction or vendue, to the highent bidder, the premisea described in said iuortfrage, to-wit; All of lot number seven, in Svithfl's addition of Ann Arbor, according to the recorded plat of said addition. EMANUEL MANN, EUOENE K. FBÜEAÜFF, MortglIgBB. Att'y for Mortgagee. 152 5td AdiuinUtrator's Sale. IN the matter of the estáte of Perkins Gilir-er, deceased Notice is hep'by give that I shnll sell to the highest bidder, at public auction. on the thirteenth ayof May, A. I). 1875, at tel) o'olock In the forenoon of said day, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, in the oniintv of Washtenaw, pursuantto hcei:se to me dulv ermted by the Probate Court of the county of Mïcosta, in the State of Michigan, on the Irst day of June, A. D. 187-1, all the estáte, nght, litleand interest of said deceased in and to all the followini! described land, to wit : ISeirimmig at a ooint nine chains and seveateen links east of the iiuarter slake beiween sections twenty-one (21) and twntv-eight (28), in township tw (1) south of range six ftlj cast ; thence running east along the line three cliains and lorty-two links; sout, at right angles, four chains and fitty hnks to tlie north boundsof the Michigan Central Kailroad; thence westerly along the north line of gaid railroad tlireo chaius and sixtyfour links ; thence north three chains and twenty-eight links, to the of beifinning, contaiuiug one and one-half acres of l:ind Dated March lffi AaminJFtrttor, Commissioner's Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ss The undersigned havinu been appointed by the Probate' Com-t for said county, commissioners toreeeive, examine and adjust all claims and denïands of all persons against the estáte of John i . W Linm, late of said county, deceased hereby mu,!,, hal Kix wouths from date are a lowed, bv order of said Probate Court. for creditors to m ", H tlu-ir claims againt the estáte ot said deI, anrt thatthey will.mect at the store of 1 eonhkrd Gruner, in the city ot Ann Arbnr, in 2 cóunty, on Tucsday the twenty-Htth day ,.f 7Lv an on Wednesday, the twenty-ötth day o August next, at ten o'clock a. m., of each of said d-Jk to riweíve. examine and adjust said claims. ÍuVéH Fcbruarv 2i, A. D. 187Í). IHIUStSn fefACH, Commia9loner9. LEONHARU (íRUNliR. ( Mortgage Sale. OÈFaXJLT having been made iu the conditiun of ! u certaln mortgage, made and execated by Wil Ham Rayei and Min;i iiayer, his wife, oí' Aun 8 bor, Michigan, to l'hilip Bach, of the name place, c ted the nlneteenth day of April, in the year one L thousand eighteen bundred and ieventy-one, and ' i In i he office of i he Register ol l ■■ - I ■ county of Waahtenaw, State of Michigan, on the 22d ' day of April, a. i. 1871, at ü 1-2 o'clock, a. m., In l ler 4 i-j' mort gages, on pae 'Wi, and on which l gage i h f ie is cliiinu-ii to bedueat thedatenf this no ' tice ;in inatallment of Interest ainountiug to one f hondred and thirtepn dollars and eighty-ttve cents, : wiili another Installineni of one huodred tind tn dollars lo beeemedue on the oineteenthdai of April next, together with ui attorney's fee t' t flirt y dolían shouïd any proceüdingii be taken to forecloee the same ; and no suli or prooeedlnga atlaw having been Intltuted to recover saíd buiii of raoney or any part thereof: Ñow, therefore, notice is hereby given, tUal by vlrtue of the power of ale in sahl mortgage contained, 1 shall sell al publie autlon tothehighesi bidder, on ö aturda y thk twrnty8 ond day of Maynbxt, atten o'clock in ihe forenooti of sald day, al the soutfa door of the Courl House tn the cftvofAnn Arbor (that belngthe place of holding the i reuil Court tor sai'l county of washtenaw), the premises descrlbed In said ruortgage, to atisfy Baid amounts, wlth Interest, cesta, and expenses allowed by law, which preniisefl are: " All that certain i raci or paree] of land described ai followa, to wit: commenclngtwenty-two feet easi i' the Borthwest corner of lotnumber four(4), block one Bouth of range flve east, on Huron streel In the ctty "i1 Aun Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State di' Michigan, thence eaat twenty-two feet on Iluron itreet, thence south tne bundred toet, thence west twenty-two feet, thence; north one hundred fet to the placo of beginning; also, the right and privilege of using ai any and afltimea an alleyelght roet wlde at the south end of thüilot; alao, the east half of tlieeast brlck and stone wall of the building and store, trom the tou to bottom, Bituated on the oorthwest corner of said lot number four, saiti building being the same hieh was erected and ís now ueed and occupied as a store by Luman H. Blawson ; also, the ground upon which said eaat half of saiá wall now standa." Dated, February 25tH, 1K7ó. PHILIP iïACH, Hortgagee. Estáte of Robert Powell. OTATE OF MICIIIGAN, Coun-.y of Washtenaw O ss. At a HPssiüu of the Probate Court for the cuunty of Washtemiw, holden at ihe Probate office, in rhe city oí Ana Arbor, on Tuesday, the tweutythird tlay of March, ín the year one thousand tiighthundred und rteventy-li vc. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the ma'ter of the estáte of Robeit Powell, deceased. On reading and tiling the petition, dnly verifled, of ïïorace A. Fisk, prayinL tliat a certain instrument now ou tile in tin Court purporting to be the last will and te&tament of said deceastd, may be adraitted to Probate, and that Administration of said est;ite may be gianted to some suitable person. Thereupou it ia ordered, that Monday, the uineteenth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of aaid petition, and Ihat tne devisees. legatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested Ín said estáte, are required to appear at a seRsion of said C urt, then to be holden at the probate office, in thf city of Ann Arbor, and show c.iuae, if any there be, why the prayer oí the petitioner should not be granted ; And it is further ordered, that tatd petitioner give notice to the p rsons inter ested in said estáte, of the pendeney of said petition and the hearing thenof, by citusintr u copy ol this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county three successive weeks previoun to said day of hearing(A true copy) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1523 Judge of Probate. Estáte of James H. Smith. TATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtenaw, 88. At a seasion of the Probate Court for the county oí' Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Otfiee. in the city of Ann Arbor, on Friday, the nineteenth day of March, in the year one thouaand eight hundred and seventy live. PreBent, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In tho matter of he estáte of James H. Hmith. late of Towneend, couuty of Norfolk, Province of Ontario, Carada, deeeased. On reading and tiling the petition, duly verifled, of Mary 0. Sraith, prnying that a certain instrument now on file in this court, purporting to be a duly authenticated copy of the last will and testament of said deceased, may be admilted to Probate, allowed, liled and recorded, and that she may be appoiuted sole executrix thereof. Thereupon it ia ordered, that Mon.lnv, the nineteenth dity of April, next at ten oV. ck in the forenoon, be aëaurc for the hearing of said petition, and that the deviseea, legatees and ÜBll at law of said deeeased, and uil other persons ntere.stod in said estáte, aré required to fippearata sefaionof said court, then to be holden at the Probate;0fiice, in the city of Ami Arbor, in said coun'ty, and show cause, il' any theve be, why tlie prayer of the petioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons intcrested in said eatate, of thependency of aaid petition, and the hearing thereof, by eausing: a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Aryus, a newspaper printed and circulated in said county, three sueeessive weeks previous to said day ol hearing. (Atruecopy.) NO-H W. CHEEVÉR, 1523w3 Judge of Probate. Mortgage Sale. ÜEFAULT liaviiifi been made in the condition of a certaln mortgage executed by Patrick Wall and Mary Wall, hia Wlfe, lo .Totm Richards, on the ninth day t February, A. D. 18(57, and recorded in the otfice of Register ol' Deeds for the oounty of Washteitaw uní State of Michigan, in liber 30 ot' mortgages, on page li'iti, by which default the pover of sale contained in said mortgage bas beeome oj erative, on which mortgage tliere is elaimed to be due ut the date of this ootfee lor principal, interest and attorney fee aaprovided tor in said mortgage, tho suni of six huudred and thrrty-one dollars and twenty-tliri'i' cents, andrno wilt or proceedingat law or in equity haring been in.stituted to recoTer the amount due on said mortgage or any part thereof: Now therei'ore, notice is hereby gtven, that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage I shall sell at public auction, at the south front door of the Court House, tn the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the building In which the circuit Court tor said county of Washte&aw is held) on the twelfth day of June, A. i. 1875, at ten a'clock in the forenoon of that day, the following premises described in said mortgage, viz : All that tract or pan:el of land situated in the city ol' Anti Arbor, in the county of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, kuown and described as lot thirteen (Kij, blockiour(4) north range four (4) east, known as the Lavery place, according to the recorded plat of the village (now city) of Ann Arbor, in said county of Washtenaw, and so inuch or sm-h part or parts thereof as shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due upon said mortgage. Dated 12tb day of Mareh, A. D. 1S75. JOHN RICHARDS, A. J. Sawyek, Mortgagee. Att'y for Mortgagee. 1521 Mortgage öale. DEFAULT haviníí been made in the condition of a mortgage executed by George W. Havens and Mary Havens, his wife, to Charles T. Wilmot, all ot the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated the thirteenth day of April, A. D. 1870, and recorded on the fa'ï th day of May, A. D. 1870, at twc o'clock in the afternoon of tbat day, in hoer 41 of mortgages, on page 610, upon which mortgage tbere is claiined to be due at the date of this notice the mi in ot' one thousand flve hundred and forty dolíais, and no suit or proeeedings at law having been instituted to recover the niortijaged debt, or auy part thereof: Notice is iherefore hereby given, that on Saturday the twelfth day of June, 1875, 1 shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, the mortgaged premiseH, or so much as will satisfy the amount due on such mortgage and legal costa and charges of such sale, together with an attorney fee of twenty-Üve dollars, to wit : Lot number tive, blok nuraber eleven in Hiscock's addition to the ei y of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and Stat, uf Michigan, except four rods in width otï trom the north tide of said lot. Pated Ann Arbor, March 19, 1875. 1522 CHARLES T. W1LMCT, Mort;agee. Slieriffs Sle. BY VIRTUE of one execution iasued out oí and under the sealof tlie Circuit Court for the eoun ty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, to me ilirected, wherein John Clancy is plaintilf itnd Patriek Kelly and Eliza Kelly are defondants, and for the want oí goods and chattels, I have this duy seized and levied upon 11 the right, title aud interest of Patrick and Eliza Kelly aforesuid, in and to the lollowiug deecribed property, to wit: The east half of the southeast quarter of section thirty ; also the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Bection twenty-nine, all in township number one south of range six eust, Washtenaw eoun ty, State of Michigan, which above descriled property I shall exposé for sale at public auction, as the law directs, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the eighth day of April, A. D. 187J, at ten o'clock a. M. of said day. Dated, February 15, 1875. M. FLEMING, Sheriff, 1518 By Wm. H. McIntyre, Dep'y Sheriff. Sheriff 's Sale. BY VIRTL'E of om1 writ of e.-ctïon Issued out of and ander the aeal ol the Circuit Court for the county of Washtenaw, to me directed and delivered, I have on this sixteenth day of February, A. D. 187ö, levied upon all the right, title and interest of Cornellus B. Henion, Henry M. Hen on, and S. Newell Henion in anti to the fo]owing descrilied real estáte situated in the county of yaahtenaw, state oí' Michigan, to wit: All that córtalo tiurf or parce! of land situated in the township of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw, Michigan, known, bounded and describcd as lolIowb, viz.: Being a part o!' seeuon number thirtytwo, Ín townsliip number two south of range six east, commeneing at the quarter stake in north line of said sectlon thirty-two, running thence W8B1 alons said north line, ninechiiius and sixty-ooe and oiit-iourili links, Uience soutn oijae degreee and thirty iiiinitte.s east one chain and tifty links, thence east paralej with leotlon line eleven ohaina and i'.irty-nine Jinks fo the Saii)e PJank Road, thence north thirteen degfeefl, east one chaip and (Hty-six links to the north Jine of said soction, thence west alona said nortb line of seeticni, one chafn and nintty-nine link to the placeofbeglDniug, Whii h above deacribed property 1 ihall expone for saie tn the hlghest bidder, at the aouth door of the Court House in the City "f Ann Arbor, ui the 3d day uf April, A. I). L875. af (en o'clock, a. m. of said day. Dated Feb. 17th, 1873. 1518 M. FLEMING, Sheriff. rjAvioi.i.ix; iiorsfcs für sale. A large and very well built brick house, with two oi more lots. Two large framed housea. Also a good sized brick house and frame huus" ; and a amall frame house on a good lot, intended tor adding a front. For sale on fairterms and a roasonable credit. Also other buildings, lots, and property, IWONEY WANTKI- So many wihhing to bnrroio inoney appl; to me thfit I can readily obtainfor Uwirrs good aatisfactory investmenta at ten percent, interest. E. W. MORUAN. Ann Arbor, Am-il 28, 1873. I428tf paOTICE! 411 persons indehted to tho late Ann Arbor Trad ing Aa&ociíitíon ure notifled to ca!l and aettle thier acecounts immediately, and tbereby save cosls. Settlements will be mad ap the late place of busi-'s, 18 South Main street. GEO. SUTTÜN, Assignee. I Ann Arbor, Feb. 10, 1875. Mortgage Sale. DfiFAT-LT havingbeen made in the condili oí a eer lam mortpujse (whcreby the ñlv aleiuri.iid mortgage Ims beecme iWnifm utedhy Merehant H. Goodiich i.fiir v?,?' irbor, Wawiteniiw cooul}-, Michigan toki,?.ii! imilh, ol Plymouth, nu anti i f be"1 irhicb moitt ..■ ii dted the eventh ai ember, A. 1. 1872, and tecorded in the .1 ,,i i,,,i,, o) Wanhteiww coukh ' he Kveriüi la) ai September, A. li K' On leïi d o'i lock a ■!. al Iiber46of m' "' jagen, on page 348, whicb aid mortgaite ri "' FiMiKued t,:, „aid Eiizabeth Mnitl, to r'. í Í Vaugbn, bj deed oí awignment, dated FebS twenticth, i;4, wbich iweignmeni ni Ouh y corded intht o oeol said Kegisier ai Ti.o re" the tourth 'l.-y ,,i Jan -,ry. A. !)■ Is" . , o'olock a. u. ('t rtiiid day, iii lib(-v 4 oi' assitiin ot mortKiige, on 177. and by tniSla nl Vimliii iul'. ngsigned to -ïpniaha ï Noble, by liufd of i.amnnil, duttd vJtl twenty-nevriith, 874, whioL asaignment S1 recorded in the of siiid Reeintei of I), öi the foorthday of Jnnuary ISTS.atSo'cloekjui ''" ■aid doy, in líber i oi aüBignmünt ot mortimiS uu paL 478, umi tliL-iu being cluimed tu be diLat,! onpud On .-aid inortgHge, and the accom,,. . inti the same, at the dute ot tliin notice them ot six bundred and twenty-thpee dollars and fift'01 ninecenU(kl 8.6], lojiether witta thirt] .idi',. iiúA mortjfage, tipulnted and agreed to t)6 tmi'f as an attorney'a or aoliciioi's fee, in cuse pioc ' ins sfaould be tnken to toreelope smd mfirieai-. und no proceodings at Ihw or in quily haviuA' instituted to recover tb"" me or any part th" Notice is Ihereiore, hereby given, tliat on Momi the tweiftli day of April. A. L. 1H7Ó, at ten o'ctó' in the forenoon of aaid day, at the soutli flrior f tbeCourtUoum in the eit y of Ann Arboi ftk I beingthe place lor holding the Circuit CoWtfo! taid eonnty oi Waêhtenawj] Bhall Ml al uviiucti.m, to the blgheat bidder, the premiáis Z Beribed insnid mortffage or so mucn thereof shiiU be aaeeaaftry lo satisfy mud amount wth interest, eostaand expendes allowed by law, 'whioi' said pitmi.-eö are dewcribed in said mortáaee J' follow, to-wit : All of lola numbered thirtn and fourteen H3 umi 14j, in block numberthreen north of Hnron street, in range number four i4j "1 the original pint ot the city ot Ann Arbur, L tenaw ooiffity, Michigan. Dated January 4, 1875. JERU8HAP. NOBLE, Tbactí W. Root, AsMnee of Mott Att'y for Asüignee. ' Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT liaving been made in the coi of acertain mortgage iwhereby the pon in contaiiii'd to sell has become operative by Louis R. Buchoa, of the city of Airo the State of Michigan, ti the undersigni S. Brusfa and Elnüna K. Brush, as mortga the twenty-eighth day of November, Á. D hundred and aeventy, and recorded on , rluv of December, 1870, at eleven o'cli Ln the office of the Register of Deeds, fin ■■'■ of Washtenaw, in the State of Michigai 44 of mortgages, on page 685, upon wlui h there is claimed to dut; ;it the (late ol the mm of two thousand and two dolli cents, and do lii or proceedings al I . cbaacery having been instituted to recover inT part thereof: Notiee is therefore, hen thaton Saturday.the twenty-fowrth day of D. 1875, at ten o'cloek in theforenoon,wesh public auction, i" the higheat bidder, ■-., place at the south door of the Court Ji city of Ann Arbor, in sairi county, , House belng the place of holdiníí the Cip for saïd county of Washtenaw), tlit pp Bcribed in such mortgage, (or so much thereof shall be necessary to satisfy the amount dne en such morteage, and legal costs and char] sale, togetner with an attorney I lara con venan ted for therein), tltiit ia ■■ following piece or parce! of land situat city of Ann Arhor, in county of w and State of Michigan, viz.: Beingon that partof lot number four, in block number tluve north. in range sixeast, that east of Detroii Beginning on the east side of Detroit str ii crosses the south side of North stro eaatalong North street ninety-nine link south parallel to the cast side of aaid lot foor, ttq ehains ; thence west parallel to North stas seventy-two and three-iourths links; thi ftfty-flve degrees west chain and thirty. four and one-half links to Detroïl atra Dorth-east along theeast side of [etroil chain and flfty-one links to the place of begiuaju, Ann Arbor. Mich Jannary 28, 1875. GEORGE S. BRt'SH, ) ,. . ELMINA R. BKUSHJMortWM 7. P. KlMG, Atfy tor Mortgageea. 151fi Mortgage Foreciosure. DEFAULT having been made in the ot' a moTt gage, ext eui ed by i'atnck i and Nancy Kennedy to Elijah W. Morgan, daU Jamiary ürst, A. D 187 , and recorded H Bame year, in the Washtenaw County Register Otiice, in liber 46 of morlgages, page 435, and lisigned to Christian Helber, assignment dated amt recorded Fetruaty lventieth, same year, inlibti 48 oi mortgages, page SOS, by which defanlt th power of sale theitin contained beeame operatic and tlie sum of three hundred and uinety-five dollars 18 claiined as now due thereon (incuidingprmium paid for insnrance and a reasonable ittv aey'sfee,) and there are tive turther iristaUmewj wil li interest to become due, and no suitorprceedin'ia having been instituded to recover tk mortage debt or any part thereof: Notiïe i therefore hereby (jiven, that said mortgage willU foreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged i ■urne part thereof, to wit : Lots mimbra threehii fourteen, in block nnmber three north, in ran:i two east, in the city of Ann Arbor, at the Coi House in said city, on the Fifth day of Jane ikx:, I at noon, said mortf;nge was riveli to secure t:. payment of the purehasemoney for the mortgagti premises. Ann Arbor, Murch 4, 1S75. CH1ÍISTIAN HEI.Hr.I!, E. W. Moegan, Assignee. Attorney. 1520 Chancory Notice. IN PURSUANCE and by virtue of aiecreeof lli Circuit Court Cor tlie eounty of Washtenaw, q Chancery, made n the 2i;th day of I-Vbruary is;5, in a cause therein pending, wherein James L Miutull is complainant and Lm-y E. Mitohell, Benjamin F. Hudson, Catherlne P. Hudson, Jotl i Mitcheil, Cháuncey E. Mitchell, Julio P. Marbt, Qeorge E. Southwick, and Frank G. Ri signee in bankruptcy of said Southwick, aredefendants. Notice is bereby given, that I sh; public vendue to the highest bidder, at two u'ckt in the afternOOD, on the 19th day of April, 1S75, at the front or south door of tho Court Ho i-ity ol1 Ann Arbor, tlie following described land-, viz: Dorthwest auarter tt' scctioi; and the weet half of the northeast nian. twenty-six (26), and the south fiftj halfoi the soul bwesi quarti rol' sectioo twentj-thrt (23), all beiiiR in township two, south of rangefal east, in the State ol Michigan, being iu the ton ■hip of Lima, in said county ol' Wash containing in all two hundred and ninety acres Land, mort or less. Dat cd, March 3d, 1875. J. F. LAWRENTE, Circuit CourtComniissioner Waakten 1520 County, -Mi' Mortgage Sale. DEKAI'LT having been made in the condit of a certain mor! gage (whereby tLe power i sell therein contained has beconie optTatne.l ■- cuted by Jane A. Gritñth, of the city of Ypsilirt county of Washtenaw, and State ot llichism," Julián (1. Dickinson, of the city of Detroit, Wï- county, Michigan, dated the seventeenth dit September, A. D. 1S74, and recorded in the ' of the llegister of Deeds for the county of WiiJ tenaw, in the State of Michigan, in liber i! _ mortgages, on page 236, upon which mortji there is claimed to be due at the date of to notice the sum of twenty-seven hundid '" seventy-eight 10-100 dollars, and no suitot! ceedings at law having been instituted tu WCOm any part thereof: Notice is thertfu: given , that on Wednesday, the twenty-eigMï . us, of April, A. D. 18Ï5, at ten o'clock io the tortnoon, I shall sell at public auction, to the hifbidder, (sale to take plact at the front di Court House, that being the place where th W cuit Court for the county of Washtena a ■ ally held, in the city of Ann Arbor, ffashtem county, Michigan,] the premises contained in"" mortgage, or mo much thereoi as shall be neeö!i to satisfy the amount due on such moitgagSi w ten per cent. interest, and legal costs, toje" with an attorney fee of twenty-flve dollars, : ■ nanted for therein) that is to say the fow fiiece or parcel of land sitúate in the cis anti, in the county of Washtenaw, udí Sw_ Michigan, and described as follows, to v mencin on the east line of Hurón street, one n north of the northwest corner of lot one bun and eighty-flve ; thence north alongsaid e"", six rods ; thencs east at right angles with no" line to the Huron river ; thence soutlierl) "; the Huron river to a line six rods dist" and parallel with the north line of land ""' I conreyed; thence west to place of begin" Dated Detroit, January 22, 1875. . JULIÁN O. DICKIN( v J. G. Dickinson, (in person) Mort? I Att'y for Mortgaííee. 1515 Mortgage Sale. , l DEFAULT having been made in the condit' a certain mortgage exeouted by Frederu and Christina Kim, of the cit j of Ann ArborC ,. ty of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, w "" ard Vaughn and Martha Vaughn, of the sMePy on the flrst day of November one e-! hund'ed and sixty-nme, nnd recoided intM "J of the Register of Deeds for the counu naw, atoresaid, on the 4th day of November, 186'J, at S.% o'clock p, m.. of said day, in Li' moitgage. on paee 48, and there is now cUin. bedue upon said mortgage and bontl accomp!" the same, the sum of one thousand aud s' dollars and seventy-eight cents, also an fee of thirty-flve dollars, should any P"S5 be taken to foreclose the same ; and no pi in law or equity having been had to red sum of money or any part thereof. Now, tM , notiae il hereby given, that by virtue of t '7Lt of sale in said m'irtgae contained, I snau ' public auction to the highest biddor, on tlie wj teenth duy of April next, ut 2 o'clock !■ day, at the tront door of the Court Hot city of Ann Arbo', county aforesald, [tl the p ace of holding the Circuit Court for - ty), all that certain piecc or pnreel of 1:11id'sl%l in the city of Ann Arbor, coimt; of asM j'V( State ol Michigan, afuresaid. knowD, bouw " A deecribed as f ollows to wit : Uting lot nul (B) block numbei tour [4J, south, raiigi-nu"111 ,iv. I f2) west. accordmgto a plat of Williiun naid's addjlion to tho city of Aun Arbor, collv' Wasliteuaw, aforesaip. Dated'J'mU"ly2Ml LEUN ARD VAIT, MARTHA VAVOHX John N. Gott, M"rt";f!f' Attorney ior Mortgagees. ___Í- Elecliun lotice. SHERIFF'S OFFICE, Washtknaw Au Ak hor. Mica 7Vi Ou Elednrs nthe County of H'ashtcnav y ou are hereby notiSed iliat at the El held on theflrel Monday of April, in "' .„J, Michigan, thefollowing offleera are tu W TwoJusticesofthe Supreme Court : n of Benjamin F. Graves, whose terra o' " expire December 81, 1875, and one to tili ' cy occasloned by the resignation ol 'j „urt tfancy; Also, two Elegents of the 1 ntyersi of Thomas D. Gilbert and llinun A. Bu term of office will expire December si, ' u, U a Circuit Judge for the Fourth .IikIhkiI wbich this county is attached, in place ander D. Crane, whose term of office ' (j0„i Dece er 81, 1875: Also a County SupeV of Common Schools, in place of deorg whoSe term .f J ImA Sh


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Michigan Argus