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Transient Newspaper Postage

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The nmv postal lsrw - whiob is a fair sample of the legislativa capacita oi' Ihe Porty-third Congreee - is severely oon demned by the daily pree of the country, and for two reasons. First, beoaam ii iinj)osc8 au uitreasonable tax on transient aewspapers. Socond, becausc it aflecte j the daily press, tlicrcl iv reducing their sidos. Ñow, "vo oannot lut smile at this loud whine of the daily journftls on the Bsive (in öb transient newspapers. It pro vos tliat when Huir ox ië gored they have a wonderful sympathy for the public, and au lioncst sincere eontempt for Congressional stupidity. But when CongrcsH surpxised every aano man and woman in the coivutry by making the publishersof newspapereprepay thepostage for their subscribors, tho daily press "had notMng to eay." Why? Becanse nine-tenths of the daily newspapers are oircnlated outeide the mails - are delivered by caniers and sold by newsdealevs. The burthen feil ümost solely on the weekly press - and a very serióos burthen it in, especially ti those of largo (dom.-


Old News
Michigan Argus