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Finance And Trade

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An active movement of cmi'ency from the interior to thia city aml thence to New York is noted, and but little demand for cuiTency for tho country - as fin mera are not onding f orwnrd auy produce to amount to ariythiug. comparativdy Bpeakisg. Demand for local ífleéulative purposes fair. Interent noteB 7@10 per cent., nccording to securities. GoYernment banda in demmd and flrra, as follown : Ihmtiui. ScUliui. U. S. O'aof'Sl "122 mi, I'. s. .-.--ir of '02 in-, 18 V. 8. Ó-20V of '04 in ,,. liiiv II. S. R-20's of '05 , Ulo mZ V. s. 6-20's of "o Jaflnary and JalyAiof, 120, O. 8. 5-20's of 8T Jaüuary ml .lulj.ivi ', l'. B. 5-20' 6f 'fi jBQUSTy 1111,1 July.ia) ' 121. 0.8. 18-40)8 (ex. tot.) 110 116V 1 '. S. iii.-w .Th ot' '81 115 1 1 ." ,. ü. 8. currency fl's 120 ia)'.,' Latest gold quotatioua: Chicago, 115((611Bü: New York, 115%. r BBEAD8TÜÍI s. The following were the receipts and uhipments for the weck, as comparecí with the same time last year: , . , JÏvceïptï. SMpmmtti Arlides. 1875. j 1874. 1873. 1874. Flour, lirls.... et,7Ci Í0.889 02,282 03,112 Wheat, lm...: . 3(l,9-22 3H3.111 403.410 495 Hl G Cora, bu 50,670 530,03(1 87 014 1981990 Oats, bil 78,015 206,959 f,9,030 154' 75(1 "ïf. "l lijM 13,410 1,113 'hm liarley, bil 34,tl 10,140 (16,06(1 25 073 Dressed hogH.. 149 leo .. 10 Live hogs, No. 47,440 57,077 81.8M 47 417 Catüe, q..... 16,837 18.7H5 U.878 lijiui Dwing the past week the grain markets attrnoted conaiderably more attentiou from spoculators than for montha past, and at times considerable excitement prevailed. The buil element eeemed to have the entiro control of the trade, and tliey used their inflneuce bo well that a general advanco in values waa established on all options, and a more markcd advance for iinmediate delivery. The short interest were alarmed at the 'evident firmnesu of the . market, aud were anxious to próvido for their outstandiug contracta. The surrounding inflnences were generally of a favorable tenor, and snob as would naturally favor an advance. New York and Liverpool were higher. and the receipts were light, tho table published above showiug a general excess of ahipmente for the Week, as compared with tho shrpraents, save on oats. There was an increased numbor of specnlatire orders received from other markets and from the interior. The opening of navigatiou ia rapidly drawing near, and eome activity is shown in shipping circlos, there being a fair demand for gr in for shipment, with several charters already reported. At times a weaker feeling prevailed, shorts withdrawingafter buying. The general market, hovrever, was very lirm. aud closed steady at quotations. The following table shows the prices curreut at the opening aud close of the past week : Opevdng. Closing No.2 n'l .'at, casi. $1.03 (1.05 ï . ■ .April... .95 % .97 O1.03 . -. BL-Uer May 09i1.01 1.07,'@1.07Ji o. 2, seller June . . . . 1.00í@1.02 1.08.V(ñ M.08X No. 2 corn, cauh %& .71; .71 O .73X No. 2 corn, etller April .09,'., w; .70 ( .71 No. 2 oom, Beller May. .76„i .78 .79,' bid No.2 corn, Beller June .7fi @ .77!., .78-' bid So. 2 oate, cash 58 '.„? .S8 .S9;( .62.' No. 2 oatB, seller April .58.'„(oi. .58S„ '(„ ..'.)', No. 2 oats, seller May. .61'(i .62% m .01 " No. 2 oats, seller June .82'., (9 .63 .64', ; bid No.2rye,cash 1.03 c;1.05 (,. 1 l." No.2 barley, cash.... 1.08 @1.02 1.10 (Vi.1,15 No. 2 barley, 8. April. 1.05 Wl.OS @1.08 No. 2 barley, s. May. . .ï l.lll) , 1 .08 No. 3 barley, cash 95 (rf .97 (.. 1.03 rnovisioNs. An activo business was transacted in this market during the past week, and prices were cousiderably lirmer. Trices were rather irregular, and the market closod at about medium figures. Cash mess pork sold at i21.40@22.35, and cloaed steady at #21.50. Seller May ranged at $21.50@21.55. Clear pork closed at" $23.00. Sales of lard ranged at 4H.50@15.50, closed at Y15.20. Seller May closed with buyers at i?15.25, and seller June $15.45. LIVE STOCK. Firmness and activity have characterized the cattle market, and values were well maintainod. Receipts ouly moderate aud qnality good. Sales to hippers were made at $4.60@6.50 for mediara to extra steera, with the bulk óf tlie transactions at Yö.-10((f.C.20 for good tó choice smooth steers. Stock cattle continue to sell rapidly. and values were lirm at .Y3.50@4.50, accordiiig to quality. There wns a fair degree of activity ou local account, and sales were made at i-3.50@5.DÜ for commou to choice cowa j and fair fleshy nteerB. Hógs active and higher. j Arrivala light and quality poor ; closing at ■?7.40(!(ÍU!0 for poor light to extra heavy. The bulk of the salea were at S7.50@7.9fl for common to good light, aud $7.75@8i87 for common to ehoice heavy. Sheep closed quiet at Í4.5O@ G.50 for poor to choice. SEE1ÍS AND ÏÏIOHWINES. There was a fair demand for the better qualities of timotliy seed, but eommon ruled dull. ! Sales ranged at ï2.00@2.30 for common to ! good. and Y2.35@2.45 for prime to choice ; clover was scarco and iirm at ir fi. 60 (106. 85 for medium, and $7.75 for mammoth ; lïuugarion at 90c(i1.00, and millet at ifl.25@1.35 for good to choice. Highwines were inactive toward the close of the week, witli buyers and sellers apart in their views. Buyers tm} #1.11, aud $1.12 was generally asked. PfiODDCE. The butter market was wit out important change. Quotations range at 10@17c for fair to ohoice in rollB ; 10@13c for common to fair packed ; 14@17c for good choice do in lots. and 20@25c in a retaú way. Brpom corn was in good demand aud iirm at Ilji(al4e for good No. 1 to extra hurl ; ll@13c for etalk braid, and 9@10c for inferior bruBh. Beans were quiet at $1.80 for Eautern mediums in bugs, and .f 1.90 for choice in brla. Cheesc Avas dull and rather weak. Prime Westei-u factory 1C @17c ; good do 153 ( ;16c, and Bkimmed 5(i lic. ' ('ranbemes were quiet at í!11.00()r2.5O for good to choice cultivated. Dried peas were dull and quiet. Greon about ií2.0()(2.1f) per bu and manowl'at $LC5@í.7ñ. Trade in dried fruit was light, and prices ruled rather wenk at üw 9 't'c for Eastern, 8(@8%c for Ohio apples, and 0J4@3%Q for halves peach. Eggs were steady at 15((}16c for choice fresÉ. Choice turkey tail featliei-a were in demand at 35c per lb, but the other kinds remain dull and unchangcd. Apples dull and in largo supplv ; choice eold at 2.50(í2.75 in lots ; common about Í 1.00@1.50. Uiden in light request at Ka'Jc for groen;l 5@5c for grubby; 8c for heavy green salted, and 3c for light. Hops dül! at 38@40e. ; Honey offered l'roolv at 28(t'24.c for hoice, but ' there wnw no dpniand. Hay waa dull and eawy; timotliy. M5.0e@19.00 for No. 1 to No. 2, I and prairie, $il.50((t)14.50 for slough to ; choice upland. Poiiltry Bcarce and iirm at 14@16o per lb forturkeys, 12@lSo for chickens and $4.50(;4.75 per doz. Potatoea in liglit supply and firm at ifl. 15 for car lots of Eastern peachblowa and ïl.20 from atore ; Western do about 1.05@1.15, and early rose 1.08C:1.15. Tallow .{(imc. Vegetables weak at .3.00(a3.50 per brl for yellow onionp, 40(3 80c per bu for turnips, and 1.00(21.25 per doz for cabbage. COOPERAÓK, LtlMBEE AM) WOO1). The offerings of cooperage were somewhat larger, but there was a fair demand fcr packing descriptiona, and prices remain ateady and unchanged. Qaotationa range at 81.10 for pork brls, fl.35 for lard tierces, H.9O('Í2.1O for whisky brla, and 45(È55c for tiour brls. There was a good demand for lumber and prices ander light offerings were iirm ; quota ble at j ?26.00te40.00 for fair to choice "A" stock boards. Common boards, joist and scanting, 12 to 16 feet, $11.00@12.0(r ; fencing $18.00 13.50, and ahiugles Í3;6O@8.ÍO per 1,000 for A ! aawed. Wood wae quiet at former pricea. i Hickory and maple $7.50 per coi-d in yard, beech i:6.50, and alaba ÍG-OO per cord. Telegrapliic Market Keports. NEW YOEK. BEEVE8 10",i@ 124 Hoos - Dreued 9 @ 10 Cotton 1(5 (4 17 llijit - ttupï'L'liiic "Western 4 40 (rij 4 90 No. 2 Chicago 1 IS @ 1 20 Ho. 1 Spring 1 28 @ 1 30 Cokn 94 @ 96 Oats 74 ï 76 Bye 1 00 @ 1 06 PoitK- New Mess 21 00 @22 00 Lard 15 @ 15 V, ST. LOU18. Wheat- No. 2 Bed 128 @ 1 30 doBH- No. ï New 74 @ 76 ! Oats- No. 2 6t (S 66 Uïk- No. 2 99 @ 1 00 1'pitK- Mess 20 00 a21 00 LXrd 14 Mi 14 '.,' Hoos 7 00' '@ 7 75 Cattle 5 00 @ 5 75 MILWAUKEE. Wheat- No. 1 1 06 @ 1 08 No. 2 100 @ 102 Cohn- No. 2 n @ 75 Oats- No. 2 (0 @ 62 Ktk 108 U 1 10 liAKLBY- NO. 2 1 OB @ 1 08 CINCINNATI. Wheat- Bod 1 14 @ 1 16 Gons- New 73 @ 75 Oats B6 @ 68 Kye 1 14 (f 1 W! Pohk- Hess 21 00 @22 00 Labd 14 ( 15 TOLEDO. Wheat- Extra 1 22 @ 1 24 Amber 1 16 $ 1 18 Oohn- New 76 @ 78 DAM .'. 62 @ 64 DETBOIT. Wiikat- Extra 1 22 f, 1 24 Amber 1 14 SL 1 16 Oorn 74 $. 76 Oat 5 @ 66 CLEVELAND. Wqeit- No.l Red 1 18 @ 1 20 No. 2 Bed 1 14 1 1 Oobn 74 S, 76 Ors t!8 @ 68


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