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Gossip Of The Day

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ChakijEY Ross paragraphs have ieconnner.ced their newspa] nr oirculation. The latent minor puts the missing child uway up in Xova Bcoün. Thkuk are iil'ry-soven Cftrdinals in all. In the event of the Pope's death, n twothirds voto of the body will be reqtiired to eleci a new man, who must be f'voin among their own nuniber. A younö lady the othor day performed the reniarkable feat of walking from Kashaii, N. H., to Lowell, a distance ( flfteen miles, wfaü in a somnambnlistic lit. She was ciad in her night-clothes. AiTEit leaving the wituess stand thp I other day, Mr. Beeoher was jocosely asked by a friend how he likel it. " Oh well," he replied, laugi'ing, " eels don't mind being skinued after they get usejd to it." The jurors iu the Beechar caso get but .10 a week for their services, and ' n rally begin to feel that, howcver íunny tli; trial may be to the spectators and principáis and wel-lfed lawyers, it is martyrdom to them. O'Leary, the Cliicago pedestrian, may now be set down as the charapion walker of the Continent. In a recent matei) with DeWitt, of New York, he walkecl a lnuidred nales in loss than twenty-four bouw. O'Leary is panting to out-travol that pedentrian frand, Westón. OhïcagO Tri hi mr: "The editor of the Oarlyle Constitution attended the funeral of a subscriber recently, and placed on the coffin a palm-leaf fan, a Unen coat, mul a thermometer, and everybody understood at a glance that the dear depórteU was four years behind on his subscriptiou. " Mr. Hokace R. Hobart, a year past editor and proprietor of the Jacksonville (111.) Daily Journal, has purchased a controlling interest in the Chicago Moniing Courier. Mr. Hobart is a journalist ' of experienco and ability, and will no doubt make the Couricr a lively and interesting paper. Uka Carruth, the Vineland (N. J.) editor who was recently shot by Landis, is recovering. Carruth is not the only man who lias carried a bullet in his head. Oen. Johu F. Miller, of San Francisco, has just been relieved pf au qnnce ball which entered his eye at Liberty Gap, Tenn., July 24, 1863. It was teken from behind the eye-ball. (kntlkmek. let us again joiu and ing the praises of reopeniug spring in Tcunynonian eitie. ■ Here goee for & starter : In the ppring thcblithe stroet-eprinkler 'gine to ruin vernal plaats; Iu the sprin;,' the landlord's fanoy turna to Uioughts of ui advance. - Chicago Times. In the spring the ïdler's biceps will rclinquish balw and halls ; Iu the spring tho idler's fancy turus to thoughts oi ] 1 ase au l balln. The modern Danion and Pythias uiv living at South Abingdon, Mass. They are the hvo oldest living graduaos of Browu University, it is said, and are both over 90 years oíd. They were born Í in the town, aro menibers of the same I church, were partners in practicing law, served together as Eepreaentatives in the Legislature, and are connocted by fanrily ties. They are boüi in good health. Two important marino experimenta are aunounced from Englaud - one, a trial i trip across the English ohannol by tho newly-constructed seasick-proof Bessemer steamer; the other, the atteanpt of a man to float across the English ohamiel - oyer twenty miles- by means of a new life-presorving upparatus. The steamer trial trip is pronounced entirely satisfactory, and the floating experiment almost o(juallyso. In tlie Lynchburg (Va.) News there is ■iu obituary notice of Mr. Charles Henry Lynch, who, it is stated, was the gramlson of diarios Lynch, the originator of the famous " Lynch law." Tho oíd tree is still standing in tho yard of the family homestead from which Judge Lynch's viotana wore suspended. This statement is eonflrmed by the authoriry of Webster, who says " the term is derived from i a Virginia farmer named Lynch, whotlms took the law into his own hands." The ov.í of civil and religious liborty ! which the youthful King of Spain { ftted was to begin with his accession to j the throne has probably boen postponed ! untü a more ponvenient soason. The right of petitioning for redress of wrougs is oue of the fundamental principies of ! t'iat constitutional system in England which he jjretends to admire. Yet two ! prominent professors of tho Madrid University have boon nrrestod for exercising this right, aud numerous others are also to be proseeutod. Senator Inoaiíls, of Kansas, went i ciu-ity for his brother to the amount of I $50,000. The lattor, who is iu the shoe I business, failed, and the Senator was hold rosponsiblo. H; ha'i assignod all his Atchison property for the payment of the debt, pledged his salary as I tor for one year in advanco, and is still debtor to the amonut of $25,000. If Iugalls were a mean man this would not be so bad, but as he is one of the most gonerous men in tho United States, and was ! never knowu to refuse a loan in his life, his loss will be generally mounied. Tho "Washington ïsational Monument Association have issued au appeal to the United States, in which they state that the monument has stood iu its present oonditiou for moro than twenty years with-mt the means to carry on the work. It will cost $500,000 to finish it. The csntennial year of American dence is faxt approaching, and the Association feel that the shaft shoiüd bc eompleted as soon a.H possible. They, thorefore, ask all of the various orders, lodges, societies, granges, brotherhoods, miliUiry organizations, etc. , to give something so that the work may be resumed and the cap-stone placed on the highost structure ever erected to man, during the most joyous year in tho world'fl history - the year of American Jubilee. It iio,s s.-cni tm if people oT infc-lli ■ rusli to greator extreme than ll others. After sontence of doath had been pronounced upon Ruloff, the logíst and Binghamton murderer, doctors of medicine and the.ology and men distingnished in othor profeseions begged Í tliat Iris lift? miglit either bo eured by the exeeutive or lengthened smfficiently to perrnit lln elaciáaüon of sWne fnterestiug ideas tlicn under Snvéstigation. i He wan hanged, thoiigli, on time. Now Í the doctors of Boston and vicinity re' gard Jcsso Pomeroy, the boy mnrdcror, n? the subjeot of n wanderftd mental dinS casi', om in t'.-K't that should be carefnlly i studio! tor future reéognitiM and Ëreotmeiit. But Uuh poor boy (ihIk none bnt a company of ladios to rnise a voioe to tho Qovemor in Iiík behalf, while the doctors, professors, and " many othr prominent citízens," Iiavo urged his immodiate execution, bocause it would be daixgorous to have liim running loose. Bef ore he comiuitted the lant Hvurdar Jesse begged to bc placed wKere he conld do 110 haiin. His request was unheeded then, but it will be now, in a tVw months.


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