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piNSET & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - ANDTLOflt &. FKICI) STONK, We keep coDBtantly od uand, BBEAD, CRACKEHS. CAKES, ETC , FOR WHOLESALE and RETAIL ÏKADE. We sliall also keep a supply of ÜELHI PLOUR, J. M. SWIFT & OO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLOUE, HYE Ki.OÜE, BCCKWWHEAT FLOUlt, OORN MKAL, FEED, &(;.. 4iu. At Wholesale and retail. A general itk of GROCERIES AND PKOVISIONS onstantly on hand, which will be sold on as reaOBtible terina m at ny other bOQBfl In tbif city. Cash paid tor Butler, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. %& Goodx delivered to auy part of the city without extra charge. KIIVSKY Sc 8EABOLT. Ann.Arbhr. Jan. 1, 1875. ISUtf Mortgftge Forecioaure. DEFAULT having been mude in the oomiitiun ot h mortgaf. executed by Patnck Kennedy iud Nancy Kenuedy to Elijah W. Morman, dated Jauuary tlrat, A. D 187 , and recorded Maren first, same year, in the Wunhtenaw County Registen }tnce, in liber 4l of morl gages, page 435, and hd■igned to CtuiatUn Holbtr, mriflimwit dat ed and recorded February lwenlieth, sume year, in liber 48 ot' mortgagen, page 5M by which default the jower oi' sale thtrein contained became operative ind the sura of three hundred and uinety-ftve dolara ia claimed aa now due thereon (inclu premium paid tor insurance and a reasonable ftttorney's fee,) and there ire five farther intallmpnt with interest to become due, and no auit or proceedial having been instituded to recover the mortgage drbt or any part thereof: Notice i herefore hereby friven, ttat said mortgage willbe toreclosed by a sale of the mortgaged premises, oi mime jjart t herent', to wit : Lots number three'and fourteen, in block number three north, in range Lwo eaat, in the city of Ann Arbor, at. the Cour House in sairt city, on the Fifth day of June next at noon, said mortgage was given to secure tlic payment oi' the purchaeemoney for the mortgage jtreraiwee. Ann Arbor, Marcb 4, 1875. CHRISTIAN HELBER, iï. W. Moeoan, Assignee. Attorney 1520 SheriflTs ÍS Ie. BY VIRTUB of one execution isaued out of and under the se:tl ol tht: ircuit Court for tlie coun ty of Waslitenaw, State of Michigan, to me di rected, wherein John Clancy is plaintitf aud Pt riek Kelly and Eliza Kelly are detendants, uud ib the want ol goods and chattels, 1 have this da seized and levied upon all the nght, title and in terest ot Patriek and Eliza Kelly aforeaaid, in am to the followinj? deaeribed property, to wit : Th east half of the southeast quarter oí ection thirty also the northeast quarter of the southeaftt quar ter of section tweuty-uine, uil in townahip num ber one BOttth of range bix eaat, WabhteDaw coun ty, State ot Michigan, which above descrlbed prop erty I sha 11 exposé for sale at public auction, a the law direct, to the highest bidder, at the out door of the Court House in the city of Ann Ar bor, on Saturday, the twenty-niuth day of Mhj A. D. 1875, at ten o'clock a. m. of said day. Dated, April 10, 1875. M. FLEMING Sheriff, l&M By Wm. H. McIntïbe. Dep'y Sheriff. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT baving been made in the conflition of a certaiu inoitgage whereby the powe therein contained to sell has becorae operative, ex eented by (charlea E. Treadwell, of the town o Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, ant Lucinda A. Treadwell, bis wif , of the ame place to the undersigned Ludema E. Fulfer, of the cí t of Ann Arbr in said county and State, as mort gagee, dated }he eighth day of Maren, A. D. on thousand eight humired and seventy, and recordei on the ele ven th day of March A. D. 1870, at thre o'clock p. m., in the otBne of the Register of Deed for the Oounty of Waahteuaw, in the State o Ali'higjin, in liber 42 of mortgages, on page 351 upon which said mortgage there is claimed to b due at the date ol tuis notice the sum of two 1 hou band and eighty-iour dollars and tifteen cents, um no suit or proceedings al law or in chancery ha vin beeninstituted to recover any part thereof : Notice is therefore heieby given, tbat by viitue of th pcwer of sale contained in said mortgage, I shal on Saturday, the twenty-sUth day of June, A D ; 876, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, aell at publi auction, to the highestest bidder, (the sale to tak plaue at the auuth door of the Court House, in th city of Ann Arbor, in said county, said Cour House being the place of holding the Circuit Cour tor said county of WashtenawJ the premises described in aucb mortgage, or soiuuch thereof &. shall be necessary to satisfy the amount due o such mortgage, and legal costa and charges of suc sale, together with an attorney fee of thirty do lars covenanted tor therein, that is to say th following piece or parcel of land situated in th town of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Mich gan, known, bounded and descrlbed aa followw to wit: (Jomraencing ut an i ton stake in tb center of the road, running in a northerly d rection througL the east half of the northeas quarter of sectiou number twenty-oue, town tw aouth, range si.x e.tst, trom wbich m the direction north 289Í degreeB west is an oak gate post, dis tance 50 links, also south 3í5í degreea west is a ree oak, diameter 15 inches, dist anee 74 links; run uing thence south on the line meridian ten chain and aix links to the quarter tsection line ; thenc south b6% degrees west on the quarter section liu ftve chains and thirty-aeven links to E. West' line; thence north 24 íí degrees, west seven cbain and thirty links to the center of the road on th half quarter line; thence north W}- degrees eas up the center of the road five chains and ten links thence north 88 degreen east in the center of th road four chaina and nine linke to the place of be ginning, containing six and twelve hundredth acres more or less. Dated this thirty-flrst day of March, A. D. 1875 Lt'DEJIA E FCXXKR, Z. P. Ktnq, Mortgaged. Att'y for ttoftgftffM. 1624 Mortgage Male. DEFAULT haviug been made inthecoudilionao a certain mortgage made and executed by Her man Teats and Haunah Teata, of the city of An Arbor, Waahtenaw county, and State of Michi gan, to Alonzo Allen, of Clayvilie, Oneida county New York. on the uiteen th day of November, A D. 1872, aud recorded in the office of the Kegiate of Deeds for the county of Washteuaw aforesaid the third day of December, A. I). 1872 at tw o'clock and forty-öve minutes in the afternoon o said day, in liber 45 of mortgagee, on page 236 on whieh mortgage and note accompanying th same there is now due. April fit teen th, 1875, the sum of one thousand nine hundred and eijhty-two do liara, and no suit or proceedings at law havin) been inatituted to recover said sum of money o any part thereof : Now, theref re, notice is hertïb; given, that by virtue of the power of sale containet in said mortgage, I shall sell at public auction to thebighest bidder, on riaturday,theseventeenthda' of July, 1875, at two o'clock in the aftemoon of tha day, at the south door of the Court Houae in th city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court for said county of Washtenaw) the premises dfscribed in said mortgage, or so much thereof aa will satisfy said mortgaged debt, together with interest and costa allowed by law, anc an attorney fee of twenty-ftve dollars provided fo therein : That tract or parcel of land described aa lot number one in block number two south of Huron street, range eleven east, in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw und State of Miohi &Dated April 15, 1875. ALONZO ALLEN, By Attorney. 1526 Mortagee. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the condition ot a certain mortgage, executed by Joiin Zeeb and Kathrine Zeeb, hts wiie, both of the townshfp" of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to William April, Adnfínistrator oí the estáte of Veet Zeeb. late of paid county, deceased, beariug date the twenty-ninth day of December, A.D. Iö73, and recorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds of Waehtenaw county, on the second day ei' January, A. D. 1874. in liber 47 ot luortgages on page 443, at ten and one-half a. m. of aaid day, on wbich mortgage and the note accompanying the same, there is claimed to be due at the date hereof the sum of nine hundred and Hve dollars and eighty-ftve cents, also the sum of seven hundred and torty-one dollars and aixty-one centato become due, also an attorney'd fee oi fifty dollars provided for by the terma of aaid mortgage, aud no suit or proceedings at law or iu chancery having been inatituted to recover said amount or any part f hereof : Notice is Iherefore, heroby given that by virtue of the power of sale in aaid mortgage containtd, on the Seventef-nth day of July, a. D. 1875, at the hour of eleven o'clock in the forenoon o said day, I shail sell at public vemlue to the higliewt bidder, at the south door ot the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, [that being the building where the Circuit Court for t-he county of Waslitenaw is beid) tbe premises deacribed in aaid mortgage, or so much thereof aa ahall be necessary to satisfy said amount, with interest, costa and expenses allowed by law, aaid prtmiseB being doscribed in aaid mortgage as lolIowb : Al. that tract or purcel of land situated in thecouniyof Waahtenaw and State of Michigan, twunded and describcd'as follows viz : The west nalf of the northeast quarter of section number ni, in townrthip number two soiuli, in range numer aix, in the county of Washtenaw, said and beiojjr the same tract or parcel of land -íeeded ;o Daniel C. Haas by David Camp and wif e,, on ;he nineteenth of October, 1Ö58, and recorded in iber 44 ol deeds, page 186. Ann Arbor, April 20, 1875. WILLIAM APRIL, D. Ceamkr, Adm'r, etc, Morlgagee, Att'y for Mortgagee. IWtd Mortgage Sale. . DEFAUIiT having been made in the condilion oí a eertain mortgage executed by Willittm O'Hara and Hunnora O'Hara, hia wife, of' Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, to Bridget agan, oí tlie same place, on the muth day of July, A. D. one thousand eighl and seventy-three, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deedp or tbe county of Waahtena, aloresaid, on the elerenth day of July, A D. 1873, at three o'clock p. m., in Liber 48 oí pape 665, and there ie now olaimed to be due the aum of ttve hundred and ixty-flve dollars and seventy-four cents, also an atoruey'efee of thirty dollars, ehould any proceedngs be taken to foreclose the same, and no proeedinga in law or equity having been hHd to reuver the same, orauy parttbereof: Now, there'ore, notice is heroby given, that by virtue of the ower of sale in said mortgaj;e contained, I ahall ell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the e venteen th day of July next, at 2 o'clock in the fternoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, oounty foresaid, fthat being the place of holding the Ciruit Court for said county j, all that certain piece or mrcel of land, known, and deacribed as ollows, towit: Lot six {6}, block two (2), south auge twelve east, in the city of Ann Arbor, acording to the recorded plat thereof. Dated April 22, 1875. BRIDGET EAGAN, John N. Gott, Mortga?ee. Attorney for Mortffagw. 1527 Mortgae Salé. j EFl'I.T having been made in th. a rula mortmge, made and n ,, MlMi liam Ka ver and filua Bayer htartS"? btê? bor, Micfi igan, to Philip n.Vh.'o, '?,"'ƒ A" " u-d Ihe niuetc.-nlh ,jav u, .Wil iViï K d ' boumnd etghteen hundred and "■' rí; e. orded In the offl of the u,vu„ . '""ï-one ,„! ) f April a. i,. 1871, al 1-2 „.t"' 'HI ," r 12 mortgagei on page 87 ani ' V"--ui N Ice au Inatallmeni of Intereï J '',Im,( an.l,hirt.-..„ dollarTaVelXj withanolher ïustallmem of one h,, ■ dollars to becoiuudue on the ninet. r, ' iext,togethe, with n atton,,'' ,'dW; ars should auy proceedlngs be Li ihlru '.)■" kmthesaim; and no sull lor „r,,," ,." laviug heen inHtituted to recover ■y or any part thereof : Now, therifi",' lereby uiv, n, thai by virtue of the E ald inortgag mtajned, I hall UatTS othehüjhesl bidder, oñ .Satiki. "j '■ BECOBD DAl Of MaTKKXT, at ten .,!,, 1 ' T"l:v'.. ■ oon of said day, at the south d , ",," OUM tathe ,itv„f Ann Arbor . „"! 'h! 'r, i ■laceo) holiliiiu t Circuit Court Ibrïu u aintcwaw 1. the premises describa! i ge,toatlfyaM h ms, u, ,',; '1 .V-. iikI expsDU allowed by law lii,i, ■All thal certain tractor parcel „1 k,j? !l ollowi, to wit-. comimiDcIngtwontri.! he northwest corner of lot numWr f ne louth of range Bve east, oi, Uuronrt, ity M Ann Arbor, county of Wh-Ih, ,,„: rMoi. .f Michigan, tuerce twenty-two lü. "VW street, tin nee south one hundred i'.-hi ,L"n ""■ twenty.-twofc. lorth one hïnJS the place ofbeginnlng ; al), the right anii ■"' .1 uniogatany andan times a Ieren! ■'t the soul id of this lot; aUw th?2 theeaat brick and stone wal] of 'the " "f store, (rom ihe top to bottom, Ituated m i's '"' wesi corner of said lot number four SJiÜP1belng the same whlch ra erected andh and occupied as 1 More by Liiman R si-,. theground upon which said eaat biUtfJS Dated, Febraary 2Sth, 1875. . PJaiLiVBACHa Mortgage Sale. ÜKFAULT Iiaving bt-i-u made in theconi aeerlaln raortgage executedby ?at' and Mary Wall, ata Tfe, to.],,hn Rich , iiiiith day of rebruary, A. D. lsü?, aiulS.TJ1" oltice of BayUter of JUe-d fór the vZ '" Waslilenuw and ..f Michigan in ]l""j ' mortgagea, on pace ü-0. by whleh ilcfault th. '! of Mie contalned in said inortgaRc ha erative, on which murtgage there ú claij at tlie of flus uotlce for jirim-ij ' and attorni-y lee a providi-d for in sai' ' thaauuofaix huuJrml and i],iii„ p1 twenty-three ceuu, and "uo suit or mvM '"'' law or in equity havinj; been instituí the aiuouut due on said mortgage 01 thercof: Now tliereforc, notice is hnd that by virtue of the power of sale coniiïr said mortgag. I -1l:U1 s.-ll at public auctlon .1 i1 south front door of the Court House inthi , Ann Arbor, ithat being the building lartffl Circuit Court fur said county of Wxshttn. !':' on the twelfth day of June, A. D. IS7-, "„ a'clock in the foraooon of that day, the mL premtoM deaeribed in said mortgage,; 11, ;r'tract o' parool of land situated in the di Arbor, in the ematy of Waaatenaw, and H Michigan, kimwn aml descrlbed as lot thirtn " blockiour'4) north range four 1 ent bim Ihe Lavery place, acuordnig to the recurdi the Tillage(uo .iiymf Ann Arbor, 1, of Waehtenaw, and so much or íueh pn thereof aamhail necessary towtisfi ihea'' due upon said morí Datad lïtb day of March, A. 1) lwj JUH.N BICHAÍW A. J. Sawvkr. m„ . Atl'y for Mortgagee. l.v.'l Administrator's Sale. IN the matter of the estáte of Perkim Oik-, dectíaaed. Notice is hereby give that '., ' sell to the highest bidder, at puhhc auction, m tb thirteenth diiy of May, A. D. 1;5, at tatU n the forenoou of aaidday, at the pouth dooi ofts Court in the city of Ann Alta county of Wunhtenaw, punuant to liceDK to u dulygmnted by the Probate Court of thetm-t of Mecosta, in the State of Michigan onii flrst day of June, A. D. 1874, all the estáte, riii: title and inteiest of said decear-ed in and to ilhjj foUowiuB daionbed land, to wit: Bezinning si 1 point nine chrtins and seveateen links eastof :e iuart4r stake, belween sections twnn' iind twentT-eight (28), in township tw tíjarní 1 range six fti) etist ; thence running east alotüftM line three chaina and iorty-two linka; theneeiouti, at right ung-lea, four chaina and fifty ÜLka,totU north boumls of the Michigan Central Itailrwi; thence westerly along the north line of said nilroad three chaina and aixly-four links; thenw north three chains and twenty-eight links, to !ti phioe of bezinning, containing one and one-b' acreti of land. Dated March 26, 1875. CALVIW FBIOE. Adminiitnloi. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the eonditti of a mortgage executed by George W. HaTKi and Mary Havens, bis wife, to Charles T. Wikt, all ot the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated tb thirteenth day of April, A. D. 187H, and reeorid on the öf th day of May, A. 1). 180, at twu oi in the afternoon f that day, in hber 41 of mufgaííeB, ou page 616, upon which mortgage tlier-i claimed to be due at the date of thia notice t.t pum of one thousaud five hunüred and torty di.ïars, and no suit or proccedings at law haring betn instituted to recover the mortgaged debt, or sty part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby giveu, tlnit on Saturday the twelfth day of June, II, I shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the nouth door of the Court House in thedtyi-l Ann Arbor, the mortgaged premisep, or aomtiaiH will iitisl'y the amount due on suco mortgage til legnl costa and charles oí" suclv &&e, togethei w: nn attorney fee of twenty-iive doata,o -wil: U number live, block number eleven in Hi8cock'5!dition to the ei y of Ann Arbor, county of ft I tenaw a,nd State of Michigan, except fourrodíJ width otf f rom the north side of said lot. Dated Ann Arbor, March 19, 1875. 1522 CHAKLES T. W1LMCT, Mortgijie. Chancery Notioe. rpHE CIRCUIT COURT lor the county of Wi Í tenaw- in chancery. Peter C. Ross, compliit vb. Cnthnrine M. Ross, defendant. It Batlsfel ily appearing to thia Court by affidavit sndreturi oí the sheriff on the subpuena inued in this can-, that the residence of the defendant b m of New York, and that said defendaut U in the juriadiction of this Court, on motion of fr Cramer, solicitor for the complainant, II that the defendant cause her appearancetobeenw: in this cause within thcee months iiom the date.i this order, and that in cast: of her appearaDtf w cause her auawer to the comploinant'a bilí to J flled in this cause, and a copy thereof to be mm in the complainant or his soliciior wilhin tren'f daya after service on her or hei u of a copy of the bill of complainant file! m cauae, and a notice of this order, and in deail thereof, that the said complainant's bul be titel as confessed by the aaid defendant ; aDditliiKther ordered that within twenty dnys tl: plainant cause a copy of this order to bepoW'j in the Michigan Aryiis, a public nempaper pñ in said county ot Washtenaw, and that tbe pwcatión continue at least once each week fi ceasive weeks, or that he cause a copy of thi "r: to be peisonally served on the said defendart ■ cording to the rules and practice of thi8 Court, Dated April 2, 1875. „,... JOHN F. LAWBEKE. Circuit Court Commissionelin " D. Cbamer, Washtenaw County, MicbigU' 8olicitor for Oomplainant. 1525 Estáte of John Q. Miller. OTATE OF MICHIQ AN, County of Wisbten' O ss. Ata session of the Probate Court fort" county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate'' in the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday.the ! ty-ürst day of April, in the year one toom"1 eight hundred and aeventy-five. ' Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judgeof í,;,. In the matter of the estáte of John a. H10 deceased. .flpj On reading and flling the petition, dolí of Anna G. Miller, praying that a certain '?■ ment now on file in tlne' Court purportmi to ' last will and testament of aaid deceaeei, V admittedto Probate, and that ehe may be "PP"ed Executrix thereol. . a, Thereupon it ia ordered, that MonW. ' seevnteenth day of May next, at ten "J" ( the f oren oon, be apetgned for the ne t said petition, and that the devisees, m and heirs at law of said deceased, and UJV, persons interested in said estáte, a m tnappoar ata session of sa'.d Court, toet holden at the probate otttce, in the city Arbor, and show cause, if any the [ the prayer of the petitioner h0" w: granted; And it ia furtiier orderea, petitioner notice to the per'11 ested in suid estáte, of the peniienoy ■ ( petition . and the hearing thereof, Of ,,,1.; copy of this order to be published in '"f ft o Argos, a newspaper priuted and circuí", county three succeasive weeks previom t " of hearing. „T,r.vttR Atruecopy, NOAE WCHffj Commissioners' Notice. TATE OF MICHIGAN, county ""ÍSV Oas. The undersigned having been PPI'JLod the Probate Court for said County, """ „i era to receive, examine and adjust aU. .fgoM demandsot allpersons against the twQ jeK;, Powell, late of said eounty, deceaseo. give notice that six montha trom diite " „ jyorderof said Probate Court, for f" present their claima against the esta j .. deceased, and that they will meet ■ dence of said deceased, in the towuship 01 -,. tei in said county, on Monday, the "item J July, and on Tuesday, the nineteeutn rf Ootober next at ten o'clock A. M.i ■ jlualdays, to receive, examine and adjudt aa' rlEl.DlOK 8. 8N0W, 1 „ioni"DANIEL LEBAROX. }ComW' WILLIAM F. ALLBK.J ut Dated April la, A. D. 1S70. _____--- I Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in tie i" of a certain mortgage, m""6.'. o 't Lalfery and Catharine Laffery, hi Jlle.' "., of Ann Arbor. m the county of ?nD 'f State of Michigan, to Emanucl , P. same place, dated October twenty-urev ut i 18B8, and recorded in the office of w m tW Deed for Wushtenaw County, Miei". ."j'ggg. i twenty-first duy of October, A. " onrf 3:30 o'clock, p M., in liber 3!) of mortg'uinPi 1 342, upon whicn taid mortgage there i _ ,11 bedue, by virtue of the conditions vx ■emaining unpaid at the date oi to (ort!; um of aixteen hnndred und one doll w ( f0,i) BvecenU ($l,tiül.4ó, and nn ttornty ,,„,..■:. dollars provided for in said nortease, ,„, or procecdinga hiiving been institu te u . „„i. eoover the sum now remainmg d . . iy snid mortgn(re or nny pnrt Hiere' „„u hersfort, by virtue of the power of tun,1" n said mortgage, and by virtue ot fc ,,er, uch cases made and provided: ."irLth " 5 iven, that on SatuKÏw, the nmeteent une next, at twelve o'clock, noon. 01 " he front door of the Court House, 1 íp W nn Arbor, in said rounty ot J" iew " late of MichiKan, (aaid Court . BOJ d c0 „ot - lace of holding the Circuit Court tor ' „„du here will be sold at public auction .0 in he highest bidder, the premises dtri „, 1 , tuortgnge, to-wit: All of .lot nurobe, I wathcl's addition to the city o.l.A5jtioii. rding to the recorded plat of said aM Dated March 28, 1875. „„tjblJOJ üoisx K. FBCïAtwr, ,,,,fj Att'y for Mortgage. 't0


Old News
Michigan Argus