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- Somethiug nw for thia looality : ■' niiii Btorm, ït came yesterday. - See advertisement iu anotlier column headed " wanted to purchase." Wirt Waite haa purchased the drug store of A. W. Oleason at Dexter. - The Washtenaw Couuty Pioneer Society will meet at Chelsea to-niorrow (Saturday.) - We have a few more copies of last week's Aeoi'3, containiug Eev. Dr. Brigham's addreas. - Profs. Fowle and Berdan give one of their popular dancing school socials this evening at Haugsterfer's Hall. Rev. Mr. Brigham will give on Sunday evening next, in the Unitarian Church, a lecture on " Athanasius the Great, Saint an d Doctor of the Uhurch." - Eobison & Baxter have just added another new hack to their line. It is trom the famous manufactory of Cuuningham & Sons, Roshester, N. Y. - The saloon of A. J. McMahon, on Main street was burglarized Suuday night. A small amount of change was taken from the money drawer, and some cigars were missing. - The horse of John Pfisterer got scared Tuesday evening and ran away on Main street, breaking the wagon to which he was attached, and injuring some ol' those aew boards which were recently put upon the Court yard fence. - The store of E. Osterline, on Ann street was entered by burglars Saturday night and the money drawer was robbed of a small amount of change, and three or four boxes of cigars taken. The entrance was effected through a cellar window. - John W. Joünston, of the Fifth ward, says that il uring the past week he has received many congratulatious upon his promotion to a position upon the pólice forcé. He is not the man that was appointed, and says that he has do aspiratious in that direction. - Large audiences assembled at Ziou and Bethel churches, in Freedom, Suuday, to wit, ness the ceremony of conti rmatiou, which was admmistered to a large nuinber of persons in both churches. Similar services will be held at the Germán church, in Scio, next Suuday. - Mrs. E. M. Gregory, formerly of the Gregory House, and other hotels of this city, is about to remove to Chicago, where she expects to eugage in keeping a large boarding house. She has been a loug resident here and won a wide reputation as a hotel manager. - There was a very remarkable gathenng of old people at the resideuce of Mrs. J. W Mayaard last eveuing, the occasion being the 90th birthday of Mrs. Col. Jewitt; Mrs. Maynard's mother. We hope to give our readers some particulars of this interestiug meeting, in our next issue. . - Tired of waiting for the city to provide meaus for furuishing our citizens with water, Jas. McMahon, Esq., has introduced the "bauly" system, from a well ou hisown premises on North street, and on Monday started a street spriukler and a wagon lor furuishing private families with water. - The church and property belonging to the Free Methodist Society of Kawsonville, was sold by Sheriff Fleming, Monilay noon, at the Court House, upon an execution issued from the Circuit Court. It is said to be the nrst sale of property that has taken place iu this State uuder the mechanic's lien law. - Willie Root, a little four year old son of Chas. M. Koot, wliile putting some chips upon atu'e which was burniïig in the garden of J. W. Lawson, his clothes took lire, and were considerably Lurned, and but for the prompt sssistance rendered by Mrs. Lawson, the child would undoubtedly have been burued to death. - A number of Union school boys gave Pro. fessor Wilsey - music teacher of the Union and ward schools - a honiing"on Tuesday evening, last, for some real or imaginary wrong, for which five of the boys have been suspended. When onc of the boys informed his father of his suspension he was told that the garden needud raking. - Pat. Kennedy, was again befor3 the Central' Stiition court yesterday, having been arrested Mond;' y eveuiug, for threateniug to kill his wife. The court kuowing Pat's desire to emigrate to the Black Hills, deemed it advisable to let hira go, and therefore suspended sentence and ordered him to leave town immediately. - A i etition is being circulated for signers to present to the Conimon Council at its next meeting, asking a repeal of the ordiuauce just passed preveuting cows running at large. The Council did a wise act when it passed the law abating this nuisauoe, and we sincerely nope they will turn a deaf ear to the petitiou and euforce the ordinauoe to the very letter. - Albert Stevens, clerk of the Clifton House, while huntiug near Whitmore Lake Saturday afteruoon, met with a severe accident. His gun slipped from his grasp and dropped upou the ground behind him. The lorce of the fall discharged the gun and the contents entered his heel, producing a terrible wound. It is thought that he will lose his loot. - Dr. Silas Pratt, of the Fifth ward, having become disgusted with politics and politicians, has decided to enter the field as a lecturer. He will deliver his first lecture in this city at McMahon's Hall, this (Friday) eveuing. Subject-" Poison." The Doctor claims to be an eloquent lecturer, and says that all who patromze him will be well repaid for their time and money. - O. M. Smith, one of the most prominent residente and business men of Dexter, died Saturday, aged about 60 years. His funeral was largely attended Tuesday, at which time all places of business in the village were ciosed. He has been engaged in business in Bexter during the past 25 or 30 years, and has done much towards building up the village. His loss will be severely feit by all classes of citizens. - Our city now contains a large number of rough lookiiig characters, who have "struck the town" duriug the past week, none of whom appear to have any business or show auy desire to obtaiu work, but have the appearauce of being a regular pack of sneak thieves. They have been prowling about the c''y, probably makiug a general survey preparatory to a general raid. It will be well for ur citizens to be on their guard. - A convention of Township Superintendeuts of Schools was held at the Court House yesterday, with but 14 or 15 towns represented. W A. Millard, of Ann Arbor, was elected chairman, and Geo. Baweon, of Bridgewater, Becretary. The fornoon was consumed in estahhshing grades, G. S. Wheeler, late Couuty Superintendent, was present and gave much valuable information relativo to the various schools and their management. We hope to give a full account of the proceedings in our next is3ue. -- The County ofh'cers have sent a challenge to the City otficers for a match game of base b&ll, to be played at any time designated b; the City nina. It is understood that the chai leuge will be accepted. The County niue wil be composed of the folio wing : N. W. Cheever Judge of Probate; M. Fleming, Sheriff Peter Tuite, Clerk ; Chas. H. Manly, Deputy Clerk; E. G. Schaffer, Register of Deede; R E. Frazer, Prosecuting Attorney ; J. F. Law reuce and J. Willard Babbitt, Circuit Court CommissiouerB ; Smith Wilbur, Surveyor The defeatd to pay íor a iupper. - We learn that considerable excitement was created in Dexter, Wednesdfly evening by the arrival of some 10 or 12 hard looking charcters, who were suppo8ed to be a gang of hieves. A large number of watchmen were put upon the streets, and all places were guarded agninst any rlenionstrations. Most ot the number left daling the night. A complaint was made before Justice IcMahon yesterday against one Pat. Kent, hack driver, charging him with cruelty to animáis. It is said that he has been in the ïabit of driviug his team upon some back treet, and then taking a club and giving them a severe mauling, tor the purpose oí making hem excited, so that he might " cut a dash " hrough the more prominent streets. - The other day a business man, who wiahed to get the address of as many dealers in his ine as he could, borrowed our Aun Arbor exchanges to look over the advertisements. He etunied them remarking ttiat they gave but a poor showing of the busiuess of that city, and were of not much use to him on account ot the fewness of advertisers. We fear the ame might be said about the papers of this city. - Ypsilanti Sentiurl. - The M. C. E. R. have reduced their rateB or freight from Detroit to Grand Bapids, rom 50, 40, 30 and 20 cents per 100 Iba. for irst, secoud, third and fourth class freights 0 cents per 100 lbs. on each class, making hem all equal, aud on the special class üve ents per 100 Iba. Whiit the company loaes by his transaction will probably be made up by an advauce of the ratea to and from Ann Arbor. That ia the way the company has for quahzing its rates. - Monday beiug the anniversary of the eaablishment of üdd Fellowship in the United States, Wolverine Lode, ot Milan, obaerved ,he day with a grand celebratiou. About 20 membera of the Lodge in this city were presnt, also several from Dundee. J. B. Gilman, G. M., of Manchester, delivered an address at one of the churches, upon the rise and progress of the order. After the address thort peeches were made by D. Cramer, J. Sprague, C. Krapf aud L. Colby, of Ann Arbor, and by lev. Mr. Tompkms, of Milan. An excellent upper was furnishod at the hotel. A grana )all in the eveuing closed the proceedinga. A general good time was had by all. Wolverne Lodge was established but about two and half years ago, and is now one of the most rosperous Lodges in the State, uumberiug bout 7-" ineuibers.


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