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9BlskÍ! L tf tf P o (O gB-5 fl g H Q P i h H r R H minffnirmwrmi! LOWEK PRICES ! LOWER PRICES ! Don't fail to visit the Cash Grocebt Honra ot of Edward Duffy, durinj; the next tliirty diiys, and examine liia Teas and Coffeics of th6 latest importations, -whicli will be sold AT NEW YORK PHICES. Sugars, Syrups, and Spices, together with a full line of Ueuerul Oroeeries, very low tor Cash. Chenp bargaina for tho next Thirty Duys in BOOTS ól SHOES India Rubber and wool lined Gooda, together witli a full line of Gentlemen'a Furnuhing and Hosieiy Gooda. Pleaae cali and ex:imine goods and prices, and 1 will ensure öatiafaction. It pays for everybody to trade-at tlie CASH GKflCBüï HOUSE - - or - - EDWARD DUFFY. Maynard Block, Cor. Main and Aun St., 1511 Ann Albor, Mich TVEW BOOT AND SHOE S'IOKE, Opencd April 1, 1875. I havo openert i Tïoot nnd Shoe Store in the Fantle lilock, No. 43 South mamtítreet. I have one of THE HOST ATTRACT1VE STOCK of Boota and Ulioes ever shown m Ann Arbor. They are aefected witli great care, and otieied at very low prices. In La&ies' Fine Shoes Ihaveafull line, comprising all the Novelties of the seasou. 1 am uow receiving NEW GOODS DAILY. My stock Is entirely New. thorouglily assortcd, and marked at pricea that will suit the most economical buyers. Picase g-ive me a cali before purfli:ifc.iii{i elMewkere. IMteiB JOHN BUR(Ï. Dissolution of Co-partiiersliip. Noticeis herebygiven, that the co partnership heretofor exinting between ('hurles A. Leiter and Ttaoy W. Root, under the name, stylo, or rlmi of CA I-eiter&Co , in the city of Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, in the businesn of buying and seliing drugs and medicines, is this day dissolved. TRACY W. ROOT. Ann Arbor, Mich., April 19, 1875. 152T NEW ARRIVAL -OF - - SPRING AND SÜMMER GLOTHING. WM. WAGNEE lias .f ust Rcccived A FINE STOCK, Which MUbT anti will besoldat PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES Alao a full stock of Cloths, to be OUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Styie and Work warrunted to auit. Also a Full Line of Furnishing Goods. C ALL and C. WM. WAGNER, 21 Soutii Main 3t. in Arbor. 1496 ROOFING. THIH ROOFING IS DURABLE AND WATER. PBOOF; VKUY FLEXIBLE; KAR BETTEE T1IAN ZINC TO STOP LKAKS AHOUND ('HIMNEYH ANb CONNECTIOXÜ BÏTWEüN WOOD and BK1CK. Th is Rooflng has been in nse five years and is the bost in use ! ROOFING PAINT! This paint will preserve ahingltid mtjt's an indefi Dite peiiod, tind is etiually adapteü totin or iroii roof It is flrc and water prooi'! Thispaintwillbepiiton by tlie Comjmny 01 solil by the gullüii, with inöLructions how tü itpply the sanie. 3 No Caul Tar is uscd in cillicr. We solicit the public piitronnge. All work will be warnmted. All commuoiciltions shouia be addressed tü the HUTCHINS BOOFIN(J E0., ■ P. O. Box 1ÍJ, - ANN ARBOE, MICHICiAN. lioidenee 4U South Thayer Street. 14T8 tf VT OTICE TO LIME DEALERS. The underBigned has mude arrangemaota to furnish uil ouutomen with the very beat of Kelley Island, Ohio and Honrue White Lime. ALso keops od huiid "Water Lime, .Akron, Ohwego ind Louis ville Cement, and Plastering Hair, and the best warranted Land Piaster of Grand RapUU. BUSINESS CHANCK. I will sell at a b.'iryain, all ot' the Lime Kiln Propërty, eituated on the M. 0. H. K., neor depot, with all the required tstockof Tools, Horse, Wagon, frc , stock of Lime Btone und ílve hundred eordts of wood, all ready i'or bxisiuess. ANDBKW BIRK, P. O. B'ix 17. 152r.má Ann Arbor, Mich. T IVE (BESE FEATHKKS PIR8TQTTALITT Cünainnt'yonh-and andforBaleby BACHfr ABEL.


Old News
Michigan Argus