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RAILROADS. M UJtíAS CENTRAL RAILROAI). WINTER TIME TABLK. QdlNO WEST. STATIONS. .m Á " V j_J_ lf J_j_ A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. P. H. Detroit, leave, 7 00 10 20 3 30 5 1 10 00 Wayne, 7 56 11 06 4 24 6 40 10 47 VpailHiiti, 8 31 11 31! í OS 7 10 11 12 AnnArbor, ■ 8 56 11 49 5 Ü2 7 45 11 30 P. M. A.M Dexter, 9 22 6 02 8 10! ' Chelsea, 9 41) 6 19 8 80 (iriiHB T.ake, 10 07' (i 46 9 00! Juckaon, 10 43 1 15 ; 15 U 35 ÍS áS "■ A. K.I Kalaniazoo, a 05 3 45 u 3SÍ416 Chicago arrive, 8 OS ; 9 00 , 1 m s if aOINO BA6K. llPillL I A. M. A. H.i P. H. P. M. Chicago, leave, 5 00 8 30 5 15 9 00 P. M. A. M. Kalamazoo, 10 50 1 23 10 SO 2 35 P. M. A. M. A. 11. Jackson, 2 10 i uu 7 10 12 5.". i 55 OrassLake, i 2 45 7 3a 6 23 Chelsea, 3 10 8 07 6 90 Doxter, 3 25 ' S 26 6 08 Ann Arbor, 3 55 5 08 , 8 65 2 22 6 28 Ypsilanti, 4 20, 5 25; 9 15 2 42 6 48 Wayne, 4 51 5 43 9 43 3 02 7 11 Detroit, arrive, 5 45 6 3U1U 30 3 50, 8 00 Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. TOLEDO, SAGINA W AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and rcliable connections made at Wayne Junetion with traina of the Michigan Central R. K. Four tram North and four Soutb. daily except Suuday. Time Card of Apbil 4th, 1875 OPIMO SOUTH. A. M. A. M. p. M. P. U . Wayne, leave 9 uo 2 OU ti 03 11 10 Holly, 10 45 l 8 27 I 45 4 "i l'lint, 11 2.r 4 (IJ 8 24' 4 5S SaginawCity, 12 Í.2 6 2l 947 East Sagiimw, '2 4U: 7 6;" 10 ij Bay City, arrivo 1 20 ü 00 1 7 S5 P.M. Reed City, 7 20 ti :;5 Baldwiu City, 8 13 8 86 Ludiugtuu.ariirt) a 40 II 40 P. M. P. M. P.H. P.M. .(} SOUTH. I A. M. A. M. r. M. F. II Wayne, leave , ö 00 6 20 8 20 P. M. Monroe, 3 65 7 36 9 23 Toledo, arr. 6 00 9 ('5 10 30 8ANFORDKEELER, Ass't Bupt. J. P. Noukbe. üen'i Ticket Agent. D"ËTROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RA1LROAD. GOING WR8T. - 1S7''- r.OIKrt EAST. STATIONS. laü. Ëxp.i STATIONS. Kxp. Muil. A. M. P. Jl. Detroit, dep...7:0i f. p' ' Ypsilnuti.... K:35 6:4ó Bankers 3:15 2:15 Saline 8:80 6:21 Hillsdale ... 3:30 2:25 nridgewater.. 10:00 B:42 Mancheëter.. 6:21 4:07 Manchester. 10:33 7:05 : Bridgewater 6:55 4:27 P.M. Saline 7:25 4:4;'i Uillsdule 1:28 9:04 Ypsilanti.... 9:15 5:2S Baukei-B 1:45 9:15 [ Detroit 10:00 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take ellect March 28, 1S76. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. TO THE Gitizens of Ann Arüor AND TH F. STLDEATS OF THE LMVERS1TV. I wouUl respectfully announce thdt ray atock of FlXJE AVOOLENS FOR WINTER WEAR ia now complete, and will be coustautly repleniahed with TlIE NoVELTIES OF TUE SeASOK. Gentlemen visbing Comfort in Dress, combined with ELEGANCE AND STYLE, will be fully satisfled by glviug us a trial, and are iuvited to favor us with a cali. H. HINTERMISTER, Mebchakt Tailor. 209 Jeffrojt Avenue, between Bates aud Randolph Sts. ESTABL1SHED IN 1860. A GRAJND ACHIEYEMEIVT! $175,000 TVortli oí CHAMPION Mowing1 (Si. Heaping1 Machines ASE ONE SHIPMENT. Makino Two Immense Tbains of Twexïyïwo Cabs Each, Loaded Entieely with Champion Machines fbom One Conoees. !■: vi-t-l 1 inir In Iflaffuitude, Value, anti i 11 Displaj , any Shipuieut ui' sricultitral Impleiiients ever made on tUe gTlobe s' M. ROGERS, Agent. MANHOOD : How Lost, How Restored ! m_ Just published, a new edition of Dr. WtjKSjÊ&y ün the radical cure (without medi"■K cine) of Sfebmatobbhíea or Heminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Loases, Impoten0Y, Mental and Fhysical Incapacity, Impedimenta Lo Marriage, etc.; also, Consumption, Jpilkisv iind Fits, indulaed by aelí-indulgenee or sexual [ixtravag"ancef &c. Price, in a sealed envelope, only six centa. The celebrated author, m this admirable Essay. elearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' succeastul practico, that the alarming consequencea oí' aelf-abuse ma be radically cured without the dayero lis use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at once aimple, certain and effectual, by means of whu-h every aufterer, do matter what his condition may be, may cure hiiuaelf cheaply, privately, and ically. B This leoture ahould be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. 8ent under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addrooi jwirf paid, on receipt oí six centa ür two poattige stainps. Address the Publiahers, CHAS. J. C. KLIJÍE & CO., 127 Boweryi New York ; Post Office Box 456. Sweet Home! A very heavy First-clas COOK STOVE with all the latest Iraprovementa, weighing over 500 puuudB, very cheap at Peas's. New Wire Hanging Baskets, some new pattorns just manufactured, at Peaa's. Now is the time for Wire Plant Stands. Every une who has guod taste, and would fiee home aurrouudiut,' beautiful and attractive, should get ouc. Heveral styles, very cheap, at Peas's. Every body is cordially invited to cali and examine the Superior merits of my Levkr Clotiies Wkingkr over any such wringer in the market. If you wnt ti wringer, take one home and try it, if not natiHÜed tlüit it" is the best wringer mauufaclurcd for all practical use, return it. THE PIUL4DELPU1A LAWI ilÖWER ! t;ikes the Premiums U'herever exhibited. Gtt one at . .T. PERSE'S, 46 South Main Strem. C' "i (APor day at home. Terms free. Ad ?t) tu S-iixus 4Cu., Portland, M


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