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He Bet Beeause the Odda Werc (íreat. A son of the faderland, sa ys au ex change, went into Barney Galligan's saloon the other ilay anti called for a drink. Barney observed how blooming lio wan with me "rosy" already, nnd ! shook hia bead, saying: ' " Yon have hftd enough." " Enongh of whad, I guess '." fakcd the Teaiton. ' Enough to drink." " Whw íh running niy machine, you of] I -. " " Yon are, and yoti aro running it j in the ground. " " I batte yim ten dolíais dat I am a ; ar," said ho, slamming his hand down tin : the bar. " There is no bet there," said Barney, smiliug. " Gife ns a drink." " No, you are dronk uow." " I bilde yon not." "Well, I wil! bef you fï ft v dollars tol one that you aro drunk," said Barney, while quito a number of bystauders , ered around to sec the fim. " (íood enongh, I bade you," said he, pulling out fi-aetional cnirenoy enongh to make w a dollar. "Now, who will ' yon leave it mid ? " " I'll leave it to yourself. Are you not drunk ? " " Yres, by jingoes, I am," said he, mournfully, " dake tier doHar." A friend of his happenod to bè in the crowd, and upbraided him for decidiug against himself. " But it was the clruth. " " Wol], supposing it was; what did you want to be fooi enough to bet for, : then ? " " I couldr.'t help it - der odds was so gread," he replied, turning away, more in sorrow than anger. Ten Years for Forty Cents. John Steptoe was yesterday seutenced to ten years' imprinonment in the State Peniteatiory for robbiag Barney Oswald of the sum of forty oents on the 16th of ' .December last. On the evening of that day the prosecutor, who resiáed at MoRee (üty, when driving toward his home, and when on Choutenu avenue, i near Grand, came across the prisoner, who threw a rock at and struck him, and I then jumped into tlie wagon and beat i him on the head with a soda-water bottle. He knew the prisoner, having formerly worked witli him. Another man, namcd ISam, held him while the prisoner rifled Í i his pocket. He only sneceeded in ! taining 30 Cent in money and 10 cents' worth of tobáceo. Oswald had a considerable amount of money in another i pocket, which the robbers failetl to tind. ; ü'. Louis Globe, 2W. When an antidote or remedy for any , particular class of disease obtains a widespreading notoriety, it is but reasonable 1 to suppose that it must merit the popu! larity it receives. It is within onr province to mentiou that Dn. J. Walker's 1 California Vinegab Bitters, so long and favorably known as the safest and most reliabje remetlial agent for the cure 1 of Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Glandular i Diseases, Mental and Physical Debility, and all esmplaints emanating from a corrupt state of the blood, etc, are in great demand. So satisfied are we of the intrinsic worth of this midicine, that ; we do not hesitate to notice it in omcolumns. It is well to mention that this medicine is compounded of roots, herbs . and flowers of California, and has no ! fiery material or alcohol used in its ; nreparationy We can idd uo better eulogium than the fact that we use it 1 stantly in onr awn family, and eacli ! ber tiiereof partakes of it, wlien 1 sary, acconling to directions. - New Vork Paper. 34 Cabruth, tlic Vineland editor, will recover, and continue in the newspaper business. If lio linda his liead is good for nothiug else, he can stick it out of the window for a bullet-iu board. . Whobveb buys a Masón & Hainlin Cabinet Organ may be snre he has got the best instrument of the class in the world, and this at the Lowest piice at which it e;tn be itl'ordcd by the makers having greatest facüities for manufacture. BTBiptomé of T.ivor ComplniTit, and of Sonie of the Disoases I'rodiiced by It. A sallow or yellow color of Bkin, or yellowisli brown spots ou face and other parta of body ; j dullucHs nnrl drowsiness witb frequent headache ; dizziness, bitter or bad taste in mouth, dryneea of throat and interna] heat ; : tion ; in mauy cases a dry, teasing cough, witb sore throat ; uneteady appetitp. raibiug food. choklng seusatio in throat ; distress, heavincR, bloated or full feellng about stomach and siden. pain in sid&s. back or breast, and about shonlders ; colic, pain and noreness through bowels, with beat : coustipation alternating ' witb frequent attacks of diarrhea ; piles, flatnlence, nervounness. coldness of extreniities : rus] i of blood to hcad, with symptonis of apoplexy, numbness of limb. especially at night : cold chilla alternating with hot flashes, kidney and nrinary difficulties ; dullness, low spirits, unsociability and gloomy forebodings. Only few of above symptoms likely to be present at one time. All ivho uso Dr. Pieree's Alt. Ext. ; or Golden Medical Discovery and Pleasant Purgative Pellets for Liver Córaplaint and its complieations. are loud in their praise of them. They are sold by all dealers in medicines. Still the cry is for the Wilson shuttle Bewing machine. And why ? lïecause it íh the most perfect and desirable sewing machine for ! family use aiul manufacturing vet invented, and iö the clieapest. The constant demand for ttih vuhmble machine bas niile it almost impossible for the manufacturers to supply tb e demnnd. MacbtnBwiU bc delivered at any i road station ia tilín county, f ree of tion charges, if ordered through the conipany's j brancli hoiise at 197 State ' street, Chicago. ! They send an elegant catalogue and ohromo circular free on application. This comjiauy want a few more good agents. Du. Wir.itoi r's Anti-Pkriodio or FeVEit and Aüuk Tomcl -Willioi'fs Toni.' ha estabÜHhed itself as the nul infallible Chili cnre. It is nniversalrv a mitted to be the only reliable and harmless Chili medicine now m use. lts etlicacy is oontirmed by thousands of cei-titicates of the very best people f rom all puts of the country. 'It cures malariouH diseacs oí everytype, from the nhnking agues of the lakes and valleys to the raging f evers of tbc toni.! zone. Try it ! It bus nevef been kuown to fail. Whkki.iick. Fini.av H Co., Proprietors. New Orleans. Fon sale bï ai,i. Dbcooist. Decldedly the best remedy that lias ever been disoovèred for rheumatiHin. Mwollen or stitT joints, llesh wounds, spjainn. bmisea, ente, and boma, is Jbhnsfm'ê Anodine I.iviment. We use it, and ahvnvn reconimend it to our tnends. We should not hesitftbe to reeominrinl to any friend of ours Pars&na' Purgative J'iils: tbey are si'if iitilit lly prepared, and are adapted to all the purposes of a good purgative medicine. Bubnett's Cocoaintï is the best and oheapest hair-dresning in tbc world. Olkn FliOBA Spbtko Wateb, at Waukegan, UI., cures all kidney diseanes. How Tii (Iei' a Home. See advertiaement. A GENTS. Chnns Chanpr sell? at siiclit. sosp. Samples ;i;totb. Chang Cuang Mfg. Co., Boston. dWK X ViV.l.K.. Agmta wantail everywhere. For p 4 t) outtil '-ÏM-. Fbitou & Walkkk. Dayton, Ohlü. ÏM' V.l,l I1I.K IFOHM,VTIiN, address 1 L. '.!. HAIUUS. I!,.x 3130, Boston, Mass. 4 Cil A o .%-J.-, PER Rend for ''Ohromo" tpXU cataloeue. J. H. BUFFORD'S SONS, Boston. ftOAA a month to airmts everywhere. Address PAUU Excelsior M'f'g Co., Buchanan, Mich. tn'ERY PAMILY WA"TS IT. Monny in lt Jbi Scld by Aü.ntü. Aídnwi AI. N. LOVELL.Biie.P. j {T ( F A A MONTH to male and femnle agents L Inll everywhere. Addros Kukeka ManufaclP4iv 'H'hing Company, Buchanan, Michigan. A f 7 ?TTL either sei ; Bteadyworkat homo. i_VXllil S Vahiable samples and terms, 10 cents SIMPSON SMITH, Oortlandt-Bt., N. Y. Cfc o t anrt expenses a mootti to agents, A(ldrcs3 8) OU A.L. STODDAED. Jonesvllle. Mich. I nTllTrnfi Wanted to canvaEB for Pictures to .-opy A tH N SI ■" enlaree. Address. with stamp, J. Huülilllj H.NASON. 312 A 214 SUte St., Chicago. n Catalogue Free. Rn■ J"i 1 "Vt O tlolpli tfc Co.. 1018 N. WWTEII AiJRVTS-fverywlimR to canvas for uur " Ccntcnnlnl llook, teorfhylhe nwrial natío of experlenoed fcgentB. For iu'i:ulars, adüress the publtaher, 11. I!. KUSSEIX, Boston, Mas. iMln THE BEST. All üolon. One Wafnr ; f rntkM 3 ouncM. Sairpla ind


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