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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 0OlïO M' "" Phy8'ain and s, , Officp uil Maidence Nu. 7 tfsBhüjgton strcot (oor doors eaat of lffn, .nn Arbor, Hii h. EIÜGENE K. TUI 10 l l-, Aftorneyat Iai Notar; Publio, and Oommlntotrer of Deedn for Penneylvaui . Conulttion in tlin Bermjn or SBeh laogusge. Office, liill's Opcra-ltuiBes Ann Orbor, M'ch. WM. l.K1 ITT. M. I).. PhyuteUn !1Ud ,s„rfieou. Oflioeovcr Walts' Jcweliv Síore Main streft, Aun Arbnr. ANNAIiliOi: MINBB I.M-KIXis, M,rri„ Hal". M. D., Buisrlnii'ii(tfftt.. Office In building corner M mu and iveg( ü ,;i-. n streeta. TiriNBS .t WORDEM, 30 8oth MW .treet, tn In Dry Gtoodi Cirpt8 ard Oroocries. M4CK s',ilMI!. desuera i„ Dry Goode' Srocerloe, Crookwj ,&.-., N... r,i South Main street, W" H. JACKSON, üti tiBt. sartief bot to C. B, . Porter. Offioecrnnr aiiiaod Huron-sts , svertbe utore of K'o .■ Ttem u, Ann Arbor Mich iBMtho'ics aduiintet. red if requlrod. 8" lITHÜÜUMi 4 WHKDON, ]Jfe"anl Fire Insuranoe Ageni, nd doaera in Iioal Estáte Office on Hurou t tiM-t. ÍACH & ABEL, dealere in Dry Ooods, Gro ceriëB, te, fco., No. 96 Souto Main street, Ann Arbnr. ' Wf. WAOXKK, dialer .; 11. ady-MadTciötlTiii,", ulollui, C ssime . :. Veslings. Trunk Orpet Bags, ésc, 21 South M.nn ninct. - NOAH W. CHEEVEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Probate Office, Ann Arbor. MBS. H. ,T. HILTON, ít D., PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON ?#; and Besidence No. 88 Ann Street, corner of IngaBs, Ann Arbor, ffick. "Office hours 8 lo 10 a. in., nd 2 to 4 p. m. References- Prof. Siger, Prof. Fmlmer. DB. O. A. LEÍTEB, PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON. fflce over Watts' fewelry Store, Maiu Btrcet, W Baaldenoa 38 Kaal Huron Street, Ann Abbob, - . . Michigan. JOHN Q. OALL, Dealer in FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, Sausages, &c. Orám solicitea and promptly filtert with the best meáis in the market. Cor. Uuronaml Fonrth-st.., Ann Arbor. J. FBED. BKOS8J RTannfactiiier of CARRIACES, BUGCIES, Lumbor Wagons, Spring Wagons, Cuttcrs, Sleighs, &c. All worï warated of tbo best material. Benair. mg done prompUyand ,,■ al,l,. AUworkwui"wi R1Ve I'clfect Bat'BficUou. 68 Soulü Maiu CBOOKEBY, GLASSWABE AND GfBOOEBIES. J. & P. DONNELLY Have in stnro a laren Btock of Cro,-kcr.v, Olassware ! njtodWare, cutlery, örooeries, Ito., -., all to bè lowprices. A. 11 ns Hunm-sf , 4, rf)or_ HENBY BIATTHEWS, Dealer in RESH AND SALT MEATS, Smoked Ham, Sausage, Lard, etc. üuron Street, next lo Uonard Bouse. JMmv 1. f b] CTMtpmera promptly mied. HENBY MDBPHÏ, Dea-ler in CROCERIES, HOSIERY, CLOVES, And Notions, Ho. !) North Main tXreet, Ann Arbor. Produce taken in oxchauge. È V B Ii l'BODï S A Y 9 T HAT REVENAUCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. ?8 Btut Huroñ Street, up ttair. W. A. LOVEJOY, Tobacconist ! KEAM IN BOTH P0E-CUT AND SMOKING Tobacco, SNUFF. PII'KS, &c, At No. 7 East Huron-st., -N'cxt to the Exprcm Offlce, lABBOB, ... MICHIGAN. New Bakeryl E. STILING ÏÏ'!iK.f,T"' ,hi", """leroue f rifiuds and the public ttery M Confectionery Store, nï roi"'s '':' '' Btri['t ttentlon to bualneei to merit ! Jee Crea m Department. ti'il i'm8 nale'' pyrmW, al' kinds of Fruit Cakes i families or partjes on I ï8onhS'j ''''''"'' Fr"ilx :""1 OoDfectlpnery alt oïu' '; ' ''"" llrll""1l "'■'■ "r chsrge tn REMEMBEB THE PLACE, 28 East Huron St„ ANN AKBOK,


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