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TOEPORT of the couditiou of the First National Bank of Arm Ar oor At Aun Albor, in the State of Michigan, at the close oí busiuess uu the lst day of May, 1875. BESOUECES. Loans aril Diacounts, - 8266,389.52 Overdrafls, - - - - 162.73 0S.Bonds to secure circulatinn, - 150,000.00 Other stock, bonds and tnortgages, - 17,400.00 Due from approved Reserve Agent, - 59.277.8S Duefroin other National Banks, - 20.56 Due from State Banks and Banken, 14,206.68 Rea) Estáte, furniture and futuros, - 19,290.00 Current expenses. - - 1,956.32 Checks and other cash items, - - 1,231.76 Bills of other National Banks, - 1,347.00 Fractional onnencj (iucludiug uickels), 1,786.09 Legal tender notes, ... 41,491.00 Redeinption Fund with U.S. Treuarai (S per cent. of circulaticm), - - 6,700.00 Pue fromU. S. Treasurer other than the live per cent. Redemption fund, 1,000.00 Bills on Transit. .... 257.00 $562,716.54 LIABILITIKS. Capital stock paid in, - - - 1100,000.00 Surplus fund, .... 40,000.00 Other undivided profits, - - 19,739.9 Oirculation, outstanding, - - 132,llH).0( Dividends unpaid, - - - 54.00 Indivicual deposita subject toch eek, 154,782.52 Demand certifleatesof deposit, - - 56,040.10 S562.716.54 I, Johnson W. K ftlght, Cwhlwof tbc First Nationdl Hank of Ann Arhor, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of niy knowledge and belief. J. W. KNKillt, (asbier. Statk ov Mii'i!ii;.s, Countyof shtenaw, - Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 15tb day of May, 1875. W. A Toixhard, Notary Public. Correct- Attest, E. WELLS, ) PHILIP BÁCH, y Directors. C. H. MILLEN, j C. BLISS & SOU are ncw ready for the SPRIIMC TRADE with Hti Elegant Stock Of' New Goods consisting of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELHY, Silver & Platefl Ware nda erinjr them at prices never before offered in the laarket. Soinething new in TEA SETS and at a great rednction from former pricea. RfTRemember we have the I, arrest lurk ín ilic city Cali mul see for ourselve, EPAIRING NEATL7 AND PE0MPTLÍ DONE. C. BLISS & SON. 1522 DINSEY & 8EAB0LT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - ÁNDALO L'R & FKED STORE. We keep constan tly on nand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and EETAIL TRADE. We shall also keep a aupply of DELHI FLOUR, M. SWTFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAf FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKWWHEAT FLOUK, CORN MEAL, FEED, &c, &o. At Wholesale and retail. A general stook of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS onstantly on hand, whioh will be sold on as reaonable term as at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Frouce generally. BrF Goods delivered 10 anjkpart of the city withut extra charge. KIXSHÏ A: SEABOLT. Alin Arbhr, Jan. 1. 1875. 1514tf ÏCEiïCÊinCË!!! Great Reduction in Prices. I will furniah private families of the city off Ann rbor, for the low price of #1.5o per month, 15 LBS. EVER Y DAY, nd I will guarantee satiafaction, and to furniah ïem all summer and until there is new ice aguin, as I bave enough ice to supply 8OO FAMILIES or ten montbs, and I intend to keep in the busiess for yeurs to come, and not only for season. eud in yOur orders ai soon as possi1530 2 ble and oblige J. WI. HAIGSTERFER. mobTíwteaíaiíhoffbes! LOWER PRICES ! LOWER PRICES ! Dont fail to visit the Cash Grookby House of l Ëdward Duffy, during the next thirty days, and examine hia Teas and Coffees of the lateat importa tions, which will be sold AT NEW YORK PRICES. Sugars, Syrupa, and Spïces, together with a full ine of General Groceries, very low ior Oash. Chéap mrgains for the next Thirty Days ín BOOTS &, SHOES ndia Rubber and wool lined Gooda, together with full line of Gentlemen Jfurnishing and Hosiery oods. Piense cali and examine goods and prices, nd I will ensure Satisfaction. t pays for everybody to trade at the CASH GROCBBY HOUSE OF EDWARD DUFFY. Maynard Block, Cor. Main and Ann St.t 511 Ann Arbor, Mich TO THOSE HlIIilUXCi.- Three article I agree to furnish at Lowest Bottom Pnces : 'rench and American Giasg, all sizes, doublé and ingle thick for stoie frouts, dwelhngs, picturee, &c, all kinds of Stained and Figured Glas. 1 lso guarantee the best made Bagh in the State, lass ready set - French or American - and warant safe home at my risk, and all kindc of Show 7ases, White Metal, and Walnut. Sund in your rders. Send for prices. I.. F. EARL, 44 Jefferson Ave., 1539w4 Dktboit, Mich. mlTCUTC Have you an invention for Pnl tlllui which you desire a Fatent, U either in the U. S. or iny foreign country ? Then aend to the Mechamos and Inventora' Association, the only reliable Patent Agency in Jichiean. 37 W. Conaess St., Detroit. 1529ml THOS. S. SPKAGUE, President. ássTpaiñt: t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Window Glass, Plate Glass, Cut, Btained and Enameled Glasa, French and Uerman Lookinff GlaM l'latcs, also Boymer, Bauman & Co's Strictly Pure White lead, all at bottom piices. If in want of anythinf?, get our pnces. UI III Sc IIII.I.S, 108 Woodward Ave. and 10 and 12 ConRress Bt. E. 1629ml DETROIT, MU H. rrw7voÍG"pr SALVATOR BEER Is the best brewed in the West. Milwaukee Brewery, Grand Kiver Avenue, DETROIT, MICHIGAN AFÜLL LINE -orSewing Macliine l'erllfs WINES & WORDEN'S. 1601tf


Old News
Michigan Argus