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Finance And Trade

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Money continúes in ampie aupply ánd tho demand is restricted. the BUtplufl fonda in most of tho badea being quite largo. Interest ratos unchanged. Government bonda firm. Tho graiu markets figain attracted considerable aüention from speeulators, and (iluto an extensivo spoctüátive business wa'i tranaacted. A ratber unsettled feehng prevailod at tiuiüii, but, generally speaking, tho markets were quite lira and a big her range of prices was eftab)inhcd. The outside quotations of tho week wcre not maintained tbrougbout, liowever, a ratber weaker fecling being doveloped dnring tbe closiug days of tho week. Tho nfluenoee wcre rather varyiiig in tlioir tenor although maiuly of ft local epeculative character ps tbo movement was principally on local speeuiative account. Tho receipts denoto a material decrtoajse all round and tbe shipmenta are increahing now that navigation is fairly uuder way. Tbe Juno option is tbe favored doal among speeulators, but there is also a fair iuqniry í'or cashgroin for slúpment and for dolivery on matured and matnring contracta. ühorts wero some wbat ularmed at the evident ñrmneBS of tbo market and wcro anxioiis to próvido for their contraets. Spring wheat advanced about 23@4c. Ooru syinpiithized, advaueiug 2c, but the Jatter grain closed at almost opening figures. Oats wcro active and higher with an urgent demand, and but coinparaüvely f ow sellers. Prices advaneod 2(2c, anti clósed ateadj-. Eje aud barley quiet blit iirm, witli only .a, light demand, aud but ratber modorato olTorings - oloting ateady. Tbe íollowirjg tablo shows tho priesa eurrent attbe opening and closo of tbo past week : Jlaniiy. daaingi. No. 2,sp'g wheat. casb $ -99í($1.01 5 (.1 0:v No. 2 Eoller May 1.00 cl-01 @1.2V No. 2, sHlor Juno l.U2,7u(ÍJl.ü3V. (s,1.0í No. 2, Reller July l.O5'4sl.O(S 1.07'í ittl.OT ; No. 2 coru, cash 72 oi -72;.. .".!, No. 2 corn, seller May. .72 .7'i- .72', a ."■.% No.,2 corn, Beller Junr .73V ,7á} .7.'. 01. 1 No. 2 com, seller.Tuly. .70ig .77 .7(1", fciü No. 2 oals, canil 1X@ .62 X .63'., .iM No. 2 oats, sollor Hay . .61 (á .B2.í .(;a;,4.6í No. aoatn.sollorJunc. .612;, . .63J .5 . No. 2 rye, cash C$1.07 i 1 QO - No. 2 barley. cash ].n3X(!j.l.:r üj1.;í( No. 2barley, b. May. 1.3 @1.H2 1.30 .,. No. 3 barley, catsh.... {1.18 1.1'U LIVE BTOCK. Cattle opened stoairy, became wcalc and i'eclinod abont 12((tlóc per 100 íbs. bttt this reduction was recovcred on Friduv, and the nmrket closed íirm at 5.00@6.75 "for oommoa to extra sliipping stecra ; f3.50@5.50 forbuteher stock, and $i3.5U@5.00 for stock oattle. ilo; activo, íirm. and higher : Yorkcra, iï.2.'(.; 7.!5 heavy, 7.75@.00. Kheep quitt and :- $3'50(iiG.5J for poor phorn to choice woolüd. ri'.ODUC'K. There was but iittlo change developed in tli different produce markets during tbe week jus past. The movoment in the different branche of trade was fair, aud former prices were gen erally maintained. In butter a fair trado Wi reported, and a steady feeliug continúes t provail. Tho arrivals wero fair and Just abou equal to tho local demaud, and the markt eloscd with ouly a moderate amount on bauc Quotations range at lC(u)18c for fair streakoi aud white oolored, 2O@2.'5c for good, and Ï5( 27c for cboico, and an occasionnj sale of fanc ; was made at 29(i32c. Beaus wero rathe quiet. but prices remain stealy at il.80(l. per bu for choice Eastern mediums, aud 1.0 @1.75 for Western. Beoswax 2C()28c for goo to prime. Broom coru was quiet at 11JL@14 fir No. 1 to eitra burl, Il(iil3c for good '( I choice stalk braid. Clieese was in moderal demand when choice, but common wa I very dull. Quotablo at 14@15c for prime o! factory, 8@13J.c for poor to good do, and 12} ( 14e for new. Cranberries sold slowly at ?G( 11.00 per brl for poor to ehoice cultivated, ani iÉ3.50íí3.75 in one busbel boxes. Dried peas dull at $2@2.20 pr bu for choico green, km $1.75(al.80 for marrowfat. Tho movemen was ligbt in dried fruits, but fonuer prices wer maintained. Michigan and New York apple quotable at 8X@8%c, balves, paacbes at iC ! !) 'lic, aud blackoerries at 9?o) Cider sold a Si5.75(cE0.00 for choico, and t-:ï@3.50 for aoui There were but few choice green apples 011 tb market, and priooB under fair demand wer firin aud in holders' favor; good Iota sold a Í3@3.5O per brl, wbile for choice Í4(g4.5 was obtaiued. Hides easier ; green 8al ed quotable at T-,o all round; cal 12(-sl3}c, and dry kip 18(,M9c. Potatoe were quiet at 95o for Eastern peaebblowö i lots, aud $1. OCai. 05 from store ; W ester peachblows aold at 75@85c in car lots, accord ; ing to quaiity. The early rose on tbe marke ! were nearly all in poor order aud difficult t ! Bell. Eggs met with a. very good demand ani prices were firm throughout ; olosed at 15(W)15%c The supply of vegetablej was somewhat lichte and prices were tirm. Onions sold at 3.00( 3.25 per brl. Turnips at G()(aG5c in lots anc 75@80c in a retail way. Yeal wa dull and sol slowly at 33@8c, according to quaiity. SEEDB AND IIIUUÍ-1NES. Tbere was a coniparativcly limited b'nstneE transacted in this market diiring the week, bi at tho samo timo a íirm feeling prevailed anc former prices wero maiutained. Tbe stock o: tiinothy ncw in toro is estimated at 12,000t_ 14,000 bags, but the bulk of this amouut is i the bands of parties who were uuv.illing tt se at the present prices, aud tbo offering therefoi were only fair. Bales ranged at $2.0Q@2,85 fu poor to good timothy and í"2.40(ci 2.50 forprime Clover was Bcarce and íirm at "i'C.!)0( 7.00 fo medium. Flax sold slowly at $1.7041.75 fo good crushüjg. JXungiuian cloaed tteady 11 1.45@1.50 for primo and millet Í15O( 15." Higbwines wero dull and at the close of tu waek the offerings were eonmderably in eïces of tbo demaud. Tbo last sales reported wer at $1.18, but at the closo there were no bnyei even at 2o below this price. COOPEHAGE, LÜMEE1Í AND WOOD. Tbo demand continúes fair for eooperago and prices under ratber light offeringa remain steady and uuchauged. Quotations rango at $1.1254 íor Vork brls, $1.40 for lard tíercea, íl. 90(0,2.10 for whiaky br)s, and 45@55c for flour brla. Tbere was a good Hupply of lamber [ 011 tbo market, but tho demand "was rather light, and ouly a moderate trade was reported. Holders, bowover, wero quite íirm in their views, and the market mleil steady. Quotations range at il3.00(cil3.80 for O to choice A stock boards. Commou lamber, ÍC feot aud under. ilO.50@ll.50; joist and BCantling, íl2.00( 18.00, and shingles, e2.75(3.25. Wood remaiua quiet at about former pricea ; bickory and maplo, $7.50 per cord ; boech, fG.50 ; alaba, $iG.Oü in the yarda. PI1OVISIOXS. Tbe movement in this market was rather light, aud a slight declino waa estaljlished in values. Early in the week the offerings were quite largo and prices wero couaiderably lower, but toward the close tbere was a decreaae in tbe olferings and a portiqn of tbe decline was reeovered. Trado was principally on speculative account, and a liberal number of transfers were made at íí5@30c per barrel on mess pork, and 17('í'20c por 100 lbs ou lard. The receipt-i of bogs were fair, and prices show a i'ligbt improveinent. Cash mesa pork closed quiet at Í21,45@21,5O, and seller May nominal at these figuros ; seller Julvcloted at 21.75, nd seller August at Í22.0Ü. Lard in moderate request at !f 15.35 for cash ; seller Juno cloaed easy at íl5.373(al5.40 ; Beller July steady at íÍ5.57J4(u: 15.C0, and Beller August nominal at Í15.77ív 15.80. Telegraphic Rfuiket Keports. NKW YOltK. Bmwbb 10 @ 12 [o.;K-Dressod 8 @ S Ootton ls;(Sf lflX FtpüE- Superfige Western 1 70 a i 'jr, ' Whkat- No. 2 Chicago 1 18 @ 1 20 No.l Spring 1 2:i @ 1 23 Coen 87 @ 89 Oats 77 O 79 Hïk 1 07 @ 1 09 1JOPK - New MC8B 21 00 (421 75 Laiid- Stcam 15@ 16V BT. LOUIS. Wueat - No. 2 Red ■. . . .. 1 36 @ 1 40 CoitN- No. 2 New 72 (4 73 --No. 2 65 @ 67 11YK- No. 2 1 0Í (■ 1 07 Posk- Mem 21 75 (22 00 Lad 14 ( 15 Hom e 35 (1 7 5 Cattlk 4 75 @ 5 50 ÏIILWAUKEE. WnEAT- No. 1 10 @ 1 OS Mo. 2 1 01 o 1 02 Cork- No. 2 na ( 71 Oats- No. 2 a 64)j KïK 1 06 ( 1 08 Barlkï- No. 2 1 34 Ml 38 l'INCINNATJ. Wheat- Ked 1 27 @ 1 M I Con- New 7fi ( 79 Oaire 71 % 73 Ktk 1 '23 (4 1 25 Purk- MesB .■ 21 CIO (22 25 Labu 15'.O lJ6 TOLEDO. Wiieat- Extra 1 80 @ 1 32 Aiulier 1 27 ( 1 29 Corn- New 75 Q 77 Oats 67 @ I DETKOIT. Wheaï- Eitra .. o. 1 29 Amber (,ö, 1 2K Coen 75 ( 77 üats 67 @ 69 d.KYELMit). Wgeat- No. 1 Rert 1 SI @ 1 3"! No. 2 lied 1 26 (g 1 28 Ookn 7(1 „f 78 Cats 68 w 7il


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