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Anotlier " Bog SchncUlcr" Story. A letter f rom Erie, Pa., to the Chicago 'l'rilmnc rolatos the following: About soveu ye.irs isjo a party of hiuiters ir m Allegheuy City cnrae liero to hunt dticks up on Prcsque Tsle Peniahu1;i. One of tho party, JNTv. Charles L. Hntchinson, lost a valiuiblo gold vratch and chain, a gift fröm a very ctear, docoiisoil friènd, uiuoiig thé numerous littlf ponds that intefrsect the pdninsüln,. Long and diligent search, conauming severtu dayS, was made ; and no trace of the watch boing found, the oearch was given np is a liopelésa oné. Mr. H. went back to Aüeghcny City, but could not forget lus loss. Heven years have passod sinoe thon. Last week, while hora o-n a visit, he feit a stroug inelinution to renew tho search for his long-misaing time-pieco, and alone he again went over the groiind formel-ly travcrueil by liim. While sitfiiig down among the lmshes to empty hi3 boots of the smid tliat had jnst got into them, he chiinced to cast his oyes upward, when to hi'n intense surprise and joy he Hiiw tho wateh and chain hanging to tho limbs of a small sapling, jnst as they liad hang there even years before, wnen the yonng twig - now grown auifcé large - liad jerked themfrom his pocket! ïhe wood of the sapling bad grown over and abcrat the chain, holding it in a tina gTasp. Mr. Hutchinson caret'ully cut olï the branch witliin which tho chain waa ímbeddeá, aiul expresses his intention of presecripg it in tliat condition. The watcli hna been cleaned and repaired, and, Htrange to say, Í3 now keeping arj good time as in f ormer years. ïhe watch i;i an English;1, and, whon found, bore littlo evidence of the exposure to which it had been subjected. 15ee Wisdom. Mr. Darwin is a very observant naturalist, and gived to the public now aiul then somo qneer facta. For instance, hc tells us that the bees carried to Barbadoe3 and the Western Zelanda oeftsed te !:iy np honrvy after the flrst year. They fonnd tho región so mild, the weather hc line, and the material foi inaking honey so plertiful at all seasons, that they quittod their grave and industrions habite, and became exeeediugly proflígate and debauched, ato up their capital, and resolved to work no more, but amuseii themselves by flying absut the BUgaj houses and stinging the negroes. Come, and Let Us Beason Togetheb. - To the afflicted in body we offer a fe-w words of plain, practical rcasoniug. Xi matter under what form of sickness yon labor thoro is one great truth yon should ever keep in mind, viz: All diseasí originutes iu an impiu-e condition of the blood. Purify that, and the disease musí depart, for it has nothing to feod on; bul you eaimofc purify the blood by the usí of poisonous drugs and exhaustivo stimu lants; the relief wliich these afford i( temporary and deceptive, leaviug yov worse oif at every interval. The besl Blood J'iii-ifirr ever discovered is Db, Walkek's Famous Brrrass, eo.iipounded of simple herbs. No matter how hopeles3 your case may seem. try tho Vkegak Bitters, and a íe-w draughts will conviuce you of their virtue. Dr. Wralker, the d'iscoverer of thii priceless remedy, had been given up te die by the physicians, and is now a sounc and healthy man froni their use. 30 The trade in "blooded" dogs is ar item of no little amonnt. The value o] these, principally pointers, brought t: tiiin country from England during the last two years, is stated to be 100,000. The furore about Laverack's red IrisL setters, Gordoas and kindred brceds, ie now as great as was ever that in Ja-par about spotted rabbits. No dog that costï less than $1,000 is now considered wortl: owning. These valual)le animáis have their pedigrees preservfd with as muel: care as the nobility of Eugland. rot the Fcople Speali. Manhattan, Kan. R. V. Piekoe, Buffalo, N. Y.: Star Sir - Your Pavorite frescription has (loue my wife a world of good. She htw taken nearly two bottlea and has feit better the past two weeks than at auy timo in the past twe yeara. No more periodical p&ins ; none of thal aching back or draggiiig Beusation in her etomach she haa been acoustomed to for sercra] years. I have so mnok coniidence iu it that I would bo perfectly willing to warrant to certain cu tornera bf onra who wonld be glad to get hold of relief at any expense. I have tned rnany Tatent Medicines, but never had any occasion to extol oue before. Very truly yonrs, Geo. B. Whitino. SIrs. E. R. Daly. Metropolis, 111., writeg : "Dr. E. V. Pierce- My sister is usiuj? the Favorito Prescription with great benefit." Maüt Ann Fuisbie, Lohman. Pa., writes : "Dr. E. V. Pierce - What I havo taken of your medicine has been of more benefit to me than all otliers and hundreds of doctor's b'dls. " Dr. Pieroe's Favorito Prescription is sold bv dealera iu medicine generally. Save - It is well worth sa ving ond yon can eaTe it in buying a Beving ma chine, and get one of the best and most perfec machines in existenee. Tho Wilson ahnttl sewing machine has reaihed a point of excellene and perfectnews equaled by no madiino in use Rnd tho constaiitly and rapidly increasing do mand, which ia almost bevond their manu facturipg capacity to supply. ia conyincing e idenco tliat tlifi merits oftliis machine ar appreoiated. llachinea will be delivered a any railroad station iu tliis county free o transportation charges, if ordered tiuough th company's branch houae, at 197 State etreet Chicago. They send an elegant catalogue anc chromo circular free on application. Thi company want a few more agenta. The Great Family Medicine. - Dr Wilhoft's Anti-Periodic or Fover aud Agu Xonic ! ï"o case of incurable Chilla has ye preBented itself, where tliis scientiüc and uaf medicine has been employed. No cano has bèén fouud so obstínate as to reaist its promp and masterly ivetion. No man has been so re duced by ralarial iutíuencert but with its uso has come up perfectly roconstrncted. No pilla or purgativo required with ttíis medicine Wheelock, Fixlay & Cü., Proprietord, Ne Orlcans. For sale eï au., Dkuiistr. Coen and ílour are staple nrticles; bu mt more so thau Johnson' s Anoct&ne I.iniment There known. It ia good for children or adults 'or any interna] soreness of the chest or bowels and the best Linimeut prepared. under whatevoi name. The all-gone feeling which peop} HOmotimes peak of, is causedbj'waiitof proper action of the liver and haait. Theae may be auBisted, and the bowols rcgulated, by Parama' -"urgatiw Pilis in small doses. Glen Flora Spuino Watke, at Wanlcegan, 1L, cuica all kidney diseasea. How to Get a Hoiie. Seo advertiBemeut. J.3 For the ricii, wíth few chlldron, ftE-ff a &VffW if' mtiy iw to a Shoo withont. sSrPV&SsV&i ''"P, hut to tfiose who ure blHssod MMsJgfigrESS, with Uttle money and manychil&;irTÍir&iS:' ja? i!n-n it igiuiíuiu to buy tmj othP"sí JP rL Jí -'t;! Oraílinn M' ■ tKmtivVi-raM SI1.VER-TIPPED Shoe. To convinco you oí' tho great fcAIWMUBn3MB nonulurity of the (AHÍ. E HTCyalMflM sillBW 1VIK13 you need KkaCa jtfjjm nly see the base imitatiotia and KSrVftEy3M'i'a nin attempts to (jet upsomething Fgf Jmt!tówg imilar. Genuino Good3 have the IIÍlaLSÍ n"Nï 3ta Fatent Stamp. ImiirlkTMMW'nMlTi Útl K A M'F.KK. Aítonts wantcrt evorywlierc. For 3? 4 tí outüt 2Tic. Fbitou & Walükk. Daj-tun, Ohio. 5í"J A o $ar, PKIl DAY-Sand for "Chromo" HPJ cahúot-uo. J. H. BUTFORÜ'S SONS, BoBUm. EwyWX R n;onth to nízonts everywherfl. Address "- JJ' EXCELSIOU M'F'u DO., liuchauan, Mico. EVEUV FAUnLV WA1VTS IT. Monej In it. Sold ly Agonts. Ad'''- M. N. LOVEU,. Ujie, Pa. JRcQOÍÍ Per ly at homo. TermB free. Addrnse ) f H I)) L U Oro. Stisson &. Co., Portland, Matne. I.I'CRATIVK POSITIOSfS FOR TE(Ül.HS AdpJv, for circular, WESTERN SCHOOL AGENcy, Bo o, ciiictro, m. ="-S3 _ _ _ _ Uatiilogue Froe. Rji% "B "Bft SS iloljjli teCa., 1018 N. Geo. P. Rowell & Co] mis paper in prtnted Ith Ink famiahed by Cbujee Kneu Jobüson &ílo.,&i9 Wnnili TOnth Pftooí Fhflaelphn, and 6ií (Jnld LLrcot, New York, forsak-in in ia 2ö-pouna e THK ti} viSTM'iaí UMON, Chicago, II!. H lbW"TJ í U U RIKST and hardest work -bLm JLhSTVm JL in thn house made coni ;ir iin.'iy tíjtsy and pwassnt. Rvéfy one Intoreeted in reHfiing womair 'LrhQuld pand r'astamp foronr otrilarJ líHAY.DlXON ACO.,51Clyhuurn Av.,,, Oliídigo. AGEHTSWMTËDSS3 Bend roí circulan and oor extra tumi (o Ap.-ni. NAnONAL PUÜ. CO-, ObiOAfO, 111.. or tit. 'Ixiuii, Mo. íPfliCA A MONTII to male nnrt femMo agenta k ƒ njli 8erywhere. .ddreta Ktkeka Makufacli!vU Tunixa Comían y, liuclinnan, Michigan. ED3I tDQV orFITScnredby tho us of Roes KpitriJLtfOl loptic Remedies. Tri.M PackaRe Lir.K. tffffiffikyryi ]'rir ui.culjirH, tvideace of sucoess, etc., noarte." ]t'-.- BROfi . ftlehmond, InC W ANTEO AOKVTS-everywheve to canvas for ourffrcat Cviitf nninl Itoolc, icariAv (Ae necíal noítVe of eipeneneo'i flgunts. ï'"or particular, audross Uih publlshar, B. K. RUS3EÍX, Costón, Masa. mAGENTa WAÜPÍE KVKRYWHKRK.- Tbe cholees in thoworld- Impotfers' prieea- largust Company in Ameiica-st aple atticlo- picases uvarybuuy - trado incrooRing - best iadueenjpntJS - don't wssto time- scnd íor ÍÜreuhir t KOIJkKT WELL&43 V'iiSi-y titroot, Now York. P.O. Box 1.487. 1TAYYÏT1 IBS'ïlftT Wantod i') Inarn TelegraphY i i 9 I re Ki I" fn VS takc offices on mnv from $4U to $!() perra"1-'1. Varticul.Ts mailfd freo. Addi-esaXW.TKLÉíiHAI .- i NtmTUTl2, Jatlosvtlie.Wia. (til A -í- &tfZÍC Invoetod in "Wiill Street folU. tO ipDUÜ. gml-djtofgg; áveiythrng, und' copy of thé 'Wall Streef üfvlèw OCftlT rOEIC ilniíN Hu'KUNti A Co., Bankors V&Fl I I ilZ.fl. and liruken. 7d Brondwny, N. Y. 17 T TV A t"HT T81 BuoADWAY.Newyork, X V 11 iVOXl miinnFiíftm-prof SolidGold JevVKLRYoí every awoiiptioa. 'J'ni stock s larfre.vyry dioico, íinj i oílered .ib rotaii at tr;ido pnces to keep our workmeD foblR. Bilis under $16, P. O. order in advance. Over $16, O. O. ü. piivilage to exauuae. Cat-alogues freo. : ' W ÍM Aflthnitt, Onflia índ Fevor, liruukSaRl I D W8Ê3 onness, Kim ïrusjism. ü tí t'UJ WV? Tíi MAIvIí HhÍp Grow, Ottawa fci ta T&y v W Béer, Tíooffl Watorprooí, Yeast. Sfind 10 oonts fornitlior roceipt or the í O f or ÖU cenU. PKRBY & CO., P.O.Bux gjtil or 212 Broadway.N.Y. Bn9Staoilari Loíta BosUe. tË&&&& ÍIls "ut'd all otherp soveral tniO3 rsi &&P5& 'vt'r: 's pfírÍHftiun. í1'1jiu.1 nwíirdtd PotSSSW i ;ic!i by Amorjcjii! Institüttí. bMMBB Cl White SI.. "ii'ÍÍVli, Mii'IMTBBB 801 Race Kt., PliUadelphi, Pa! CSÍrp.' ,n?VánLn& To Ae=nt !n add'tion to ■HÍcJÍBggB aña K la'rgeíioash corrmíesion, W4jP9 AH ILLU3TRATED i ra.TT "Bf WEEKLY with fashlm I S'ii' &&&B X I z and tufpLmmts. K- .- MMiMMM-M-JSpecimenaod circulare freo WALKeRTBEEOSCÜ., 728 Ssr.som Sí.. Pbila. Vrf?L.aaK3 cholee Muslo, nnt tier. "■" Incluso Kt.imp f. .r f'at;iHiRAHIMI B H l"tni. A. ,i :., PIULA. . B H tt tüa Ka ■ ■ Street, Phlladelphia. Pa. Young Wlan! If ynu ijeaire a Bcliolanhip in the bet TKLEGRAPH . ÏNBÏITIJÏK in the can obtuin ono at ficuthirdijirve by wrítíujj to ürawer &4Ü, Chicago, 111. . EUEE SIILLS FOR COEN, FLOUR & FEED, ED1VAKD HARRISCWriVew Haveu, Conn. r i. a E. AV. Picrrp & Co., Trori ƒ AJ&m3í59Jí 4(nrt, h'. I., tay: " We haTeuped (he SiSKjffiti St' Fciam loni while mil coiuldu W51í?rilW t th" bs"st Iktn(t I'owflor tn Ose." rV'xVI Ucinoml, llül & NHJi r' í Ë-il 1 " WburöTcr re have sold ycur Soa I v ÁSSW I I J rmrnlthsiiHlTcnoicellentalisr!iiQktJ A ti'n.nd itla vmniounci'd Bupflxiortö ■ IV57$Onï "In"ra Baking Powder.1' Trjit. B 'C'SEy'Ki al "ItMecfin(jn).y isutiniififul ; !t küvc1 SSVTöikiS 4o-j nd fco11" Ilko Hot 1 i.v'Wt'OaÍTfy ckos." Send for Circular tu (iE. fa_3HE_Jj) F. (JiNTZ L Co., 176 Duans St., N.Y. i . L _______=o The DEST Rlnstio Trrus. s '. withcr.t me'al pprimíf. Tintítiir(Sx!T; TcSAi-'! 1871 iind l:3,,t XV. Í7ÍJPTUPE --. .limprovHinonts, embndj-iryr t.ho NSSjl c e WTf mita Df tbe biehMt laveltUra t "JSi S,-iii?í Bkffl. and Dflrfoct Ín luMerials and worknianahlp, ju flnt by V J3 ni;iil. potpai(l, for L4, ainírlo, iikeout, or SO íepr botb siaee. IlhiBtrated descriptivo P&njphlat, with hill direcüons, 7 f ree. No rupturorl peraon should fail to eend for ik Ad1 dress (mentióníng inis papor) PÜMKHOÏ t ., 744 , Broadtvay, V. Y. i ! ThiR ELA8TIC TRUSS i warranted bettek than tho best made by Elastic Truss Co., or any otlier makors. DEuacxiBrD, '(Le;# TrtiT e 'U2ÜC-llJJ"lí!1'üí. i ui X jíáito, SáPOLIENE 1PAYYniT?Q Par removííJOréasí ' Glores rid Clotliln 1 í SÍ Ï 1 j Ji Cj í4 Main cr ni urr. Sen A XiAii.-T.AJJ.iJKJ. c. O. I), oú recelpt o L cipiT'p chart or Kuaranteo or Piitne from t xiiri's ilíl. AiMrcss W.M. IlALl.ocK.Vj.l;u-ksíin-.t.. CMC3ga t "portable Soda Fountains. $40, $50, $75 & ÍS100. GOOD, DURABLE AND CHEAP. Shippod. ready for Use. M.jmfüctu'ed by CITAP1ÍAJ? & OO., MadWin, ïnd. t& Sönd for & Cütalous. DD YOUR OWN PRSNTlÑC jf MÖÏPTY n Toi' iYriíV'fcfcionu ;nid A(u;U'it 5"riiittr, KchiulH. íÜoi-íoIíoa, .Uau J5tjl';!ii1r'j:;-i u;t!iri, MercJiuní, and other it i 'fllTmi tll(" BKÖT (vm iuvciitiid. la.OOO Ín u HTen stylea, Prlaes from Sfi.00 to $150.00 MENJ. O. WOOOSACO.Manuffíiwi Saütti&ffii.-niürÉ. inaiikiiulíof Prlntlng Material dend Aamófoi CataTúfiue.) 49 Foderal St. BostonèN. F. BURNHAM'S TUUBISE WATER WHEE Was selecte tl, 4 yenrg ago, nnd nut 1 VVork inthe Patent Oilirc, Wahh ington.D. U.,and has provríl tó be ths lt-st. 19 sizes madfl. Piíocn lotvrr thüti uny Qtbr ficst-olass WUeL Para palet fre. N. F. BURJïH AM. Tork, Píi C3,Z. ID" tAlGELL'S KIW ASTHMA Jygagat Amu chikbh rksiedy. i nL ílaving BtniRiflffd twcnty years between Uf , and k Sjffif? Jeath with ASTHMA, I experlmootod by coinB iy-ÍX "l)UQiltcj: roots and kerba and ínhallng ttie meOKíf cin. I fui-uuatelf dlscorereti a wondorlrrt raSE '■lHl7 d snre car for Aathma ana Catoirh. BrffflTlllfc. Warrautd trUT Luntntlj so theptient cao BlrowBgfc Mo dowu to mat aud slep corafartnbly. Drsj. kSKBMBnl vlsls ara iiappUod vith sample pachanes for rasi BEJjBaBBjit idtatribntloQ. Culi and sat oe, or adí'reia O. .AníGELr.. Appl CrcxrU. Oí.le, y-Suia by Druícits. ffull-ftize Tackaso, hy molí, 1.3a. XVliat ave Your Symptomsl Aretheypaln ín íhe right side, yellownoss of the eyes, nausea, debillty, irregularlty of tho bowels, and hoadacho? If so, yoiir liver Is wrong ; nnd to sot it right, and (tive tone and vigor to your Bystem, the ono thing needful ib Tarranfá Scltzer Aperiente SOL0 BY AIX DRUGGIST3. Smith Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealera Everywhere. AGENTS WANIED IN EVERY TOWN. Sold tkrougtiout the United Btates on ths INSTALLMENT PLAN: 1'bal U, od a System of Monthly Payments. Purcbasors Bhould ask for the Smith Amkricah Orgah. Catalogues and full purticultira on applicatíoo. In Actual Use : MORE THAN 55,000 ESTEY0RSANS! MANUI'ACTUREU BY j J. ESTSY & CO., ESATTI.EBORO, VT. ! W OÍMll FOH Il.l.t-BTII HI.ll CaTAI í..,,-B. FARMING LAM8 j The C, L. I. & F. K. R, Company le oCtring for (ale at Lot Pnoeí nj Mout liciicouullu Tcrml, XO ACTUAL SETTLi;nS, omroftíie Most üesinible nnd Fertile I I it improvMÏ I.üixl in n IO"WA 2 í Thi-vt Ijiíuts itre ituted on or nenr tl lino of íts rnilroad, the GREAT K.NTilAl, KOCl'K rrom the :trru Stam to the Pacific LVwt, nd Aro ontij Ulwri-n (lie iwportMt cltieB of 1í UoIbm (ind Counotl Btuffli, Ín lt st AgdouUural mul moM "i 1,üy-ilevelu.iï iwrtiöii ut' Juw. C Ranging from 5 to $ I O per acre, c The averase prlce beiiiK soiiu'whut Iiïhs than &s. BEKijilcrinï 'lii.-ktt, lij piirrhasiiig which milroii f are cnti lc ijilit-d on fí juieiit for twd, ro Töï ie t the prlnclpml ti,-knt offices oí tho t.t.mjvnj ,, Tpwmin.i lllinoií. For Mnp. ternii of ilc niel dlreotions to lalcudlof LJ J. L.DREW, Land Commisstoner, C. B. I. & P. R. R. CO., Dayhport, Iowa. HOY TO GET A HOME. íowv r, wim, soo,mo Lcrks. RlrhStll,Kootl í-vc.--p.-m Water, grnwlnir Settl nu-iiin, K,,ii Si-li.-.u-, We offer the Landaofthi City luid fct iuil R. Ii. aud the McGregor and Missouri Rivor 11. R. :tt fco $ per aöre, on easy paymebtt. Two yeais rent will buy a f:irm. Apply to DAVIOSOru CAL.KINS, R. R. Iind Office, íhbloy, Osceola Co., Iowa. (taB.- Trnsaes, Supportr-nj and Pile fflyg " Sf-lny's Miri línbher ESl v_-fecíl' h;iffí i-iui '■'■'■ 3jSj31 ■ iiwfr' from a] sour, ■ MtiurftB. f;7rni]iint' or pouj " nem; uppu in batbin?, tna ■ tho prQfession.lonsAested.alway i H WARÉ OF ÍMITATIOXS. Genuine Btamped "I. Ii. . Ketitbl i? hmenta, 1347 CbMtnut Street, PbUftdeJphia, and 737 Broadwiiy, New York. Sunt by mol or isxpress, and soid by leading druggiats. Sund for catalogue. M BroaÉs's JS i$L irreal Liquid Compound ifijjBr jTT, !L and Insect jf x$y V Destróyer and Fertüizer. Yonr crops Tnay be saved by investlnp: one or two dollars. Send for circular contímiing full pariiculars. Agenta wantod Ín every State and Uounty. Addrtiss 15. V. BROADDUS, 139 Longwortti St., Cincinnati, O. e%TQtf, BSMCUE Ri&itt&gD l'SGLEBS! . VV "'vs Voi.ta'k Ki.kctim I'.Ki.Tsmul ■V í Y i fu Jiiuu!lí Kl( Úiüorscl by the " is fk most eminent physiciana in "5wvi Jr sl tlio voriU for tb1 cun rtTrlictiA Hl I S matism, ueuralgia.livercom-NscVu- plalnt, ayspepfcia, kidiK-v disl 'ÉypT eatf,achej,paiap.nervou9dif fMÍaT--r--'iiniUï compimints Z $M nerrous aud geneyal debillty'. ffly nnd uther chronic diseHBcs t ímBL thecheat,heftd,üor, tuniarh ■ ■- kidueys.and blood. Bookwith IK I F E fnll partlcuíarsíVeeby Vc.i.ta iw bil ■- ,..;. ('o., Ctnclnnatl.üUio. i SÏANK'S GRAVE CUARDS. Deeiirr.ol for the pumosO of preserving tho symmtr.v of bu:íLil moundn, iind holding the uu :1 noM tnd reot St-aiHi moro secut-ely and permanently in poaition. Ulustrated C italqgnos furnished on apolícntiun. AMOi ñ:Vl Si CO.. Salem, OMo. ■ h S' .TTirfcCTURED pyS ' 1 kas nri iLL2i'1 "■k-JpA ik BRAKCH OFPIOKS AND FACTORIESt 506 WEST ST„ - - New York. No. 210 Soath Tliird St., St. Louis, Mo. No. 83 West Van Buren St., Chicago, J!l. Any Shade from Pure White to Jet Black. A com'binatlon of the purest palnt wlth India Rub ber, forniiiifr a smootii, gloesy, firw, Durable, blastic andHKAUTiKLL Taint, unaflected by chango of temperature. Is nerfectly water-prooi, and adapted to all classeB of worli, and is in every way abetterpalnt for either inside or utside painting than any other paint in the world. Beiriir from one-tliird to one-fourtli obcaper mul lastingat least thrce timeg as long aa the best lefld and oil paints. Be Sure that Our TïïADK HARK (a fac Blmlle of Tvhich Is sïren abore), is on Tery pnck.-igft Prepared ready for nse and boM by the Ballon only. There hü8 never been a Paint offcred Tlie public that has beoome 60 popular (in the Mime time) and given as perfect eatisfactlon as the Kubber Paint. jll ii il ■iiLLJMXL- The KLASTIO TRUSE tr. ■■■■ ï. Ifcftfc AND „SUPPORTER is now nP?l A n m T ffflw snpHTsmiing aU others, bem 2ii Jj X o 1 x t Lffling aílí'píod everywhere by YPV T E. TI S S JSpHttieleadingphysieiiins.Bur. i i i ■■■ ii ■■ MiiwiiiffiX gQoris, dniftfisw, army aad PvV . ;.-■ ''.'i n'lv"' h;ínHa!s, íyuma E 2w a The succesa and universal ijf yS f intisfaction they havo glvF SW O", as weil ae tbe great nnrhber of radical cures they bjiro effected, has demonBtrated the fact that rupture can be sureh curtd without 5iifEoiÍDg or imnoyance, and u-ilhimt the danger o' ineftr ring Spinal Dtdeane or ParatyvU, often caused by the severo pressure of Motal Trussüs und Supporters. It ia the only Bure cur for Iïsmia, as it is the only Trusa in use that will hold the rupture securely in all positions in which the body can be placed. Itwill por!nnn radical cures when all uthers fail. It can bo worn with c:;o and comfort when no spring truas can be used. Whon once adjusted, nu motiun ox the bdy or accident can displace it. These instrument s hftte Uie unqvalifièd approval of Üie luost omiuont practitioners in the profession. From tho numerous testimuniala in our possesaion we append the foliowitifi: Aftor the eiperieuco of months, paüonts t ostily etrongy',to i ís cjficacy, as well as to tho 6r%a and freodum froia inoonvonionce with which tbe inBtruraent is worn. "With Bupariir adrantjtfftra, the Llas(ic Trust possesses in a higb. dti(?roy ALL roouisitei and qualification9T?((in"'rf for other invontiona. I have no heaitation jn regardinji it as an Important means for thfi relief and cure cf Remia. "J. M. OARJf OCHAN. Al. D., "ExJIealth Officerof the Port of New Yoi!i,Surgeün-inChiaf of New York Stato Hospital," etc., etc. Geo. V. HOüSE M.D.jSujperüitendent Eiastic Truss Oo. : Daar Pr ; A f ter Büffenng fur thirty years, in ray own porsnn, from the use of eveiy form fif Metallic Truss procumbie in this country and in Europe, I, two years ao, appliod 7nur Etusdc J'ni,and since that tirMo I have expeiienced comfort and satufaoUon, and been taught the truth. that the KlasÜQ Trusa ia the only instrument that ehould be nsed for the relief i'tidcureof Hernia; and now, aftor mnre than thirt-y yeara' continuems practico, and havmg ndju3ted rainy hundrods of Trusses (and for the last twenty montha yours exclusively), I graeiully declare it to bo my tliber;ite opinum (aai jr#ur Mlastio Trusê is th only one entitlad to tho confidence of tho public ; that elasticity i- tho only piwer at all adapted to the rp'iutromenta of .Trusa or Supporter, and am convinced that :otr JBkUtic Tru-"ê actiiafly cures a largo proporfcion of uil cases to which it is appUad, not only amont; childten.but iu nmuomns cases' witbin my own knuwi. edgü of patiunta froui 50 to 75 yoaiö of age. TBORNHAM, M. D., Prof. of Anatomy and Surgery, N. Y. Ë. Medical College, Beware of cheap and worthless imitation Elaptio Trusses, which Rome partios advertíaO and sell, I lently ropi-escntúig tliat they are manufactured by the Elujtic TrussCo. These Truases ivre sent by mail to aU parta of tho country. Satiafuction guaranteeci in all casus. Beforo purchasmg any utiier, wiito for Descriptivo Circular (f ree) j tothe 1LASTÏ8 TRUSS C0a paaBROADWAYj ra yö SÜFHabït Cured A certaín and snre cure, without lnconvcnicnco ' öd at home. Au antidoto that stands purely on ita cwn merits. Send for my qiiarterfy magazine, (it ost-s pounolhiiifft) contal ning certifleates of hundreda hat linve been permanently curcd. I claim to have Iscovcred and produccd tlic fiest, obigi2Ta.l ad OXLT MTSB CUBE FOB OPIL'M EATI1ÍG. Dü. S. B. COJLLI'S, .a Porto, Iml. NICHOLS, SHEPARD & GO.'S 7IBEAT0E" TlESIMJj TheIÏRIL,l,IAN'rsrcCESSof this Graf I ' Savlng, Xliue-Savlng THRESHEi uiiprecedentoiliiilhoaimnlsoll'arai Jlac-hiniTv. j In a brief pcrioil it has become widely knowa í t and FlXlY ESTARLSSIÏED, as the ' "IiEAOniG THBGSHD'G MACHINE." GBAIN BAISKKS UEKI Innil to the wastcful and impei'l'oct vork of othiThreshers, when posted on the rast sitixiriorioi f this one, for saving gi-ain, snving time, anil ioinp f'ast, tliorough and economiral work. THRESHERMEN FIND IT hijrlily advantftffeoua to ■un a machine that has no "Bf.itcrs," "I'ickers," r " Apron," that handles Damp Grain, IjOnjr itraw, Ileartings, Flax, Thnothy, Millot'tand all luchdiOicult srain and seedo, wlth KNTIBK EASE AND JEFFECÏ'IVENESS. Uleans o perfection ; savcs tlie farmer his thresh bill y extra saving of (rrnin ; makna no [ nKS," reqnires LESS THAN ONE-HALF the usual Íelt6, Boxes, Jonrnals, anti Cipars ; t-asirr manged ; less repairs; one that (rrniii raisers jr(ifor o employ and u':ilt for, even at advauoel irfces, while other machines are "out of (obs." Four slzc made lvitll 6, S, 10 alid 12 i lorse "Mountecl" Poner, hIso a ; - laltyof Separator "alone," expreakly or STEAIfl l'OU'KK, aiul to iiiutrh ►ther Morse Powertd lf interested inííraiu raisinfí, or tlirnshin, wril i' or Illustratcd Oiroulara (sent ree) wiih full articnlars of sizes, styles, prices, ii-rms, etc. NICBOLS, Stli:i' L! éc CO., " JSaliU Creck, JUicMyan. Ui Br. 3. ' "Walker s Talifon fLW Bitters are a purely vel pieparation, inado chiefly from ftr1 tive herbs found on the werraí! thi Sierra Nevada mountama'offav nia, the medicinal properties of ' are extracted therofrom wthon,' of Alcohol. The question foï! daily asked, "What is the cara v. unp.ijaUeled succoss of Vijjk tees?" Our answcr is, that theyrem ;ke cause of disease, and the patimt covers his health. They are the „ blood purifierand alife-givingpriil? I a perfect Kenovator and InvieoM i:e system. Never befom ET ; history of the world has a medie, .5 i, coinpounded possessing the reosA? j qualities of Yinkgar Bitters in heafc T' sisk of every disease manisheúto Tk . are a gentla purgativo as wellaaa'jï? ' relie ring Congestión or Inflamnua 3 the Liver and Tieceral Organs a ú ' The properties ei Dr. Wauw, TinisGak Bittees are Aperient, DiapW Carrninative, Nutntious, Laxative, Diïï Sftdative, Irritant, Sudonic v 1 tire, and Anti-BUious. Urateiul Thoufiands proclaimTc egak Bitters the most wonderfiil k vigorant tiiat erer eustainod thi system. No Persoii can talie these Bife according to directions, andrei unwell, providod thcir boncs a: stroyed by mineral poison means, and vital organs wasted repair. J'üious, Reniittent and Intn mittéht Fevers, which ave mm, lent in the valleys of our great rirea throughout the Unitfid States, e thoso of the Mississippi, Ohio.'1 Illinois, Tenuessee, sas, Ked, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Grot Feaii, Alabama, Mobile, SavannakJ anoke, James, and ruany otta ir ■(■ast tributarias, throughoot oni entiro country during the Slimmer and Autuiun, and remarkably so duriugseasons of unusual beat and drynesja ! invariably accompanied byextei I rangenients of the stomach a: and other abdominal viscera. ' treatruent, a purgative, exerting a p erful inrtueuce upou these varióos gans, is essërrtially necessary. is no cath.artic for the purpose equal tl De. J. Walkek's Vinegae Bi as they will speedily remove the te colored viscid matter with wl bowels are loaded, at the same in ' stiauilatiug the secretions of:' ' and generally restoring the healij i íunctions of the digestivo organs, Fortify the bodyagninstdise by purifying all its fluidswithVKKii lïiTTKHS. No epidemie eau take iti of a system thns fore-armed. Dispepsia or Indigestión, ifci aehe. Pain in the Shoiildcrs, Cousti, ' Tightness of the Chest, Diidna Kructations of the Stomach, Ba I in the Mouth, lülious Attacks, Palpitatation of the Heart, Inrlammatioii ofte Lungs, Pain in the regiou of ; neys, and a uundred other painfulí.vmptoms, are the olfsprings of Dyspepsii One bottlo will prove a bettergi o' its merite thau a kagthy airerti ment. Scroftila, or King's Evil, Wfi ■ Swellings, TJlcers, Erysipelas, PwcilcilXti: Boitrc, Serof'ulous lnflammaüons, ludulec Inflammatious, Mercurial Affections, ft I Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sure Lƒ, In these, as in all other cuustitutioal Sicases, Walkkr's Yixegar Bittess b ShüVrJ their great curatlve powersEt most obstinate and iutractablo cases. For Inflainmatory and Chroii j Rlieumatism, Gout, Billons, M tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseawl the Blood, Liver, Kidneys and 81 these Bitters havo no equal. SuchDiw are eaused Vitiatcd Biood. Mochanical I)iseases.-Pcisonse gagéd in Paints and Hiñerais, sacis Plombers, Type-setters, Gold-beatens tó Minors, as they advauco in life, are silj to paralysis of' the Bowels. To m against this. take a dose of W'iuain Küar BlTTBHa occasionally. ForSKin Diseases, Era] ter, Salt-lUieum, Blotches, Spots, P!i PUstules, Boils, Ca'rbuucles, Ricf1 Scald-head, Soro Kves, Erysipel W Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, Hoand Diseases of the Skin of whateveri or nature, are lite'rally dug upanuw out of the system ia a short time lij1 of tliese Bitters. Pin, Tape, and other Wrt lurkins in the system of so niany tloi are eflcctually destroyed and rewm system of mediciiie, no vermiiuge5. M1thelminitios will free thcsystemBMl1 like these Bitters. Tor Feniale Ceniplaints, or old, nmrried or siugle, at the dswn M . manhood, or the turn of lile, toeíe 1Bitters display po decided ;ii; influeii"" impruvrniL'iit is soon perceptilila CleansethcYiüatedClood,: ever yon (ml its mpuritioibnntiH the skin in Pimples, Eruplions, ot y cleanse it wlie:i vou fiud it obstructw . iswHih in the veins; clwinse it "", ,OüT;'your eeüncj will teil . Ol.r'J the blood pure, aud the bealtb olKe'" will l'cllciw. It. II. McDOIÏAIiDA ' DniRL',. .s OHd Gon. Agts., San Fi'.inoisoo,. f and oor. uf Washington and Cliarlun Sold by uil lïrugglsls widi, ATTEXTICW, (miJMOï ACreatOffer! PIANOS ■(■ OIIGAM ..'(irst-flM,' deludí,,,, WATJSRS, .( JiXTRBMpPiJoS WATERS' New Scale ■ PgSB r the best IiKulc; the touch "l"1""0!.; . iiDifiiiK tono, powerfnl, pBre''ïlJ!iil5 WATERS' Concerto ORCAJ, annot be excellt'tl in loiif or brrtU'? 'ñp W ?nnitotition. The Concerto SlI"ian-nlliH' ution ofihe llutiiiin Voire. Afff "IS iii-isKf' A Tïbt-ral dlacount lo TraclierigLi# Dhurclies, ScliooN, Lodtres, ftc JJju; lucenieutH to the trndr. Ill.i'ntiugggz- - ,,H 'OSYEII)MArvCY, or Soul Cha"11 ( m Kow 1 1 .-■ r m x hm, i. ■■ ■ftöttlfm nf niiy ; ■ iiK -. !!■■.■, liv inail. 2". CCtitn; (■■:'■■ " v Ie, Dri'm, !ii:iis to I 1 , 1 ■■']■. No. S17 St. Charles Street, St, 1'$ I continuo lo trs.t .11 oasea of ob.u=lo J'S f mpuriU, fnrj aüoionl or tkncsl kl, ,"j „s'-1 indi.ici-cllon or Imprudence. -í'.h nn:'arlleJ.Í;,,.[ Dr. 11.'. Oilaliliabmeut i. ,:),,: #. B'.uri, w:(s foundod iid hts bMD ' -■■■''■■"1 li)uif ifc, ccrlaia an.l rclial,iv relief. B-ia? 'S,'1! m(tlès fbftfi ure edfeotnn! itj .II tbi'se cm" ": '(. " ' itr! bj m.ill ' ,;„i"' IMf-t ho fillcd. OH „rwrin , ' .?" H-C or appito.iUg . .p10. :-'(', !;.■;■'., i pwm, f'"" ■'t ■ . ft 1 1 Xo ■ ■ I l lil.r!:ttca Uiin ■ y jpleAse hu v you Mkwtli k tilia pupv..


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