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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. CGEOKG. M. D., Phyrici&n anil Surgeoii. c Office and reside nee Ho, 1 :iphinfiton street, our doors eat ot Main, Anu Arbor, Mich, pUGENK K. KRUEAUFF, Attorncy at, Jjj Notary Public, and CoitniiPsionor of DMdfl orl'eDnpylvani. Coinultation in tbe Germán or injïiisb lauguage. Office, Hill'ii Opera-House, Ann irbor, Mch. ïïfM. I.KW1TT, M. I)., Phyoician and SuryV eeon. Offior over Watts' Jewelry Store, Maiu Mat, Ann Arbor. i ÑH AKBOilMIMOÜAI. SPKINGS, Morris . Hale, M. D., Superintfl'rtyit. OfBce in tuilrtDg corner Mitin nnd Wet-t H r 'H nfreeis. tlTINKS A WOUDKN, 20 South Min Btreet, W Ann rb r, Mich., hoi. sn e and retal dealT8 in Iïiy ö ■ U Carpeta n il Groceriee. EACK .t SCIIMII). .' nlers in Dry Goode, Groce.ief, Crocüerj, kt, Ho. 54 South Main treef. TT H. JACHSON, I) -itist. succeFsor to C. B. YV Portrr. Office e irnnr Mln aud Huron-sti., iver te store of Ha e í: Ti cm in, Ann Arbor, Mich. üieitheticB adminietTeil if reqalred, SUTHEKI-AM) WHKIION, Life and Fire Imnnnce Agan'v, nd d"u e in Real Estáte. )fflce on Hur-ui -tn-i'f. BACH & AIIKl, dealen in DryGoodB, Grocerie, &?., kc, No. 2ü Swiith Main street, Aun Ubor. nH, WAONEB, d ei in .'t. n'ly-Made ClothW iogi Clolhs, CdMimr 'S, Veitings, Trunks, karpet BaK8, kc , 21 Suutli M. iu street. NOAH W. CHEEVEK, HTTORNEY AT LAW, Office in Probate Office, Ann Arbor. liRS. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYS1CIAN AND SURCEON {fice and Resiáence No. 88 Ann. Street, corner of Ingalls, Ann Arbor, Mich. ["Office honra 8 (o 10 a. m., and 2 to á p. m. References - Prof. Sager, Prof. Palme1. ""GËTrYOUIl JOB PRINTINC Done at the JOHN G. GALL, Dealer in FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, Sausages, &c. )rders solicited and promptly ftlli-d with the bet meats ín the ruarket. Cor. Hurón and Fourlh-xh., Ann Arbor. J. FREO. JBRÖS8, Manufactuier of CARRIACES, BUCCIES, lumber Wagons, Spring Wagons, Cutters, Sleighs, &c. All irork ■:irr;ml1fl ff the best material. lïepuirilU'ilniie irumptly and reaionably. All -ork warrmtoil to Ktve perfect satisfaction. 68 Souih Main street. CKOCKEHY, GLÁSSWA1ÍE AM) GKOCEHTES. J. & P. DONNELLY Uave in store a larye stock of Crookory, OlnFsware, ftited Ware, Ootlery, Q-cocerle &cM &c, aíl to be uld at uuusually Iow prices. JVo. 11 East Hurort-sl , Ann Arbor. HENRY MATTHEWS, Dealer in RESH AND SALT MEATS, Smoked Ham, Sausagc, Lard, etc. llurn Streel, next to Leonard House. Order left by eustoiners promptly flUed. HEN11Y MURPHÏ, Dealer in CROCERIES, HOSIERY, CLOVES, And Notions, A'o. 9 North Main Sfr&t, Anti Arbor. Produce taken in exchango. ÉVËRYBODY BATS TH AT REVENAUCH 18 THE Boss Photographer of Arm Arbor. 28 Sas' lhiron Street, vp tlairs. W. A. L0VEJ0Y, Tobacconist ! DEALS IN BOTH FINE-CUT AND S3I0KING Tobacco, SNUFF, PIPES, &c, At No. 7 East Huron-st., Next to the Kxprees Office, ANNAEBOE, - - - MICHIGAN. New Bakery l E. STILING Would lntorm Lis uuinerous fricnds and the public Cenerally thai he has fitted np tho store lately occuPied by J. c. Watsou & Co., 28 Eatt Huroii-st., as a Batey and Confectíonery Store, Ad hojics lv;i ptrirt . attrntioii to busin.'Kfi jto nicrit illlfl rc.ihf a si-are pf paironajíP. Particular at''■nti'm Mili be i ;iil tu ilu' Ice Cream Department. Wcí diuK Ckc-, l'yraniitls, al1 kinds of Fruit Cakes a Iré Cicam fun irhed faaiilies or rartie on Baort Uotice. Fresil 1'ruitH and Coufectionery a'í on lund. (í(.i.1m drlivcini f ree oí chance t" oyparl oí tii.. ,ity. EEMEMBEK THE PLACE, No. 28 East Hurón St., AINN AltüOB.


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