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Michigan News

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Ai, bekt A. T)ay, pf 'Etiát SigihoW, has boen iippoüitod by tko (lovernor Jnspeotor of Olls. Tjie animal meeting of tho Michigan Central Asnociation of Universalista will be ]uld at iïay City, Juuo '23d and '2-ttli. Jamf.s CüH'nN, Wltó was confinotl in tho Grand Rápida jail for sonio trivial offdnse, committcd Kuicide lawt wuck by taking poison. Tiir Drmorrat, of (tmml llapids, Bays Unit tho Scliiller disaster has frightoned soveral persons in that city from a ciiutemjlated lOuropcan tonr. Hev. Miss Elizaüetji Chaïmn, of the Univorsalist Ohurcli, at Lansing, haa accepted a cali from l'ittubm-gh, Pa. Hhe roceived $1,000 at Lanmng. In her now porish sho is to get $2,500. Mbs. Heüliabd, one of the early piouecrs of Michigan, died at Lansing last wock. She -was 00 years of nge, und was remarkably vigorous for a person having lived ïiearly a ccntiiry. The doctors of Detroit aro monrmug ovor tlie backwardneüs of spring, and the consequent dolay of tlio coming of green applos and their season of proiit. Tlms it is that tho late spring affects all trades and professions. The agent of tlio Michigan Stato Prison has cause d to be pubhshed npon cards, for the infarmatioii of convicts, i the provisions of the new good time ]kyr, passed at the lato session of the Legislature. Grand Rapids, for the flrst time in lts . history, has a niurder caso. Martin ] rigan was eiabbed by Gustave Christ, on i May 1, at the saloon of the lutter, and I bas since died fróm his injuries. The j alleged rnurderer is in custody. The ordnance stores in Dearborn Arsenal aro to bo sold at public auction in June. These comprise 20-pounder parrots, 24-pounder howitzers, aud 12 and 6-pounder field guns, Springfleld, French and Austrian rifled mnskets, and smooth-bores, and revolvers. The Detroit Tribune of May 18 publishes two columns of erop reports from all parts of Michigan. A great improvement is reported as the result of the recent rains, and the yield will bo a rcasonably fair one. JFruit looks quito well, with the exception f poaches. A saw and shinglo mili at Loomis Station, Saginaw county, ownod by Wise j & Loomis, was barbed last week, and also au immense (piantity of himbcr. ia rti-iliuM l.iildine was in jrri!;it. il:uicor tbr a liilo, but wua Kaven. The loas Jfl not known, bnt will (xceed 20,000, with no insnranco. Messks. Blair and Stone, of Grand Ilapids, attorneys for Peter Hogan, who built tin; water works there, havo just notified the city that suit will be commenced in the United States Circuit Court. if his claim of $500, and two years interest, tor making tlie water survey there, is not immediately uljuHtod. John H. Thomas, colorea, of Detroit, has been found guilty of the murder of his wife and daughter, and sentmiced to imprisonmeut for lifo at Jackson. When sentence was prononnced the prisoner Htoutly protested his innocence, and de fiantly maintained that all the witnesses or tlie prosooution had Hod iudiscriniinately. The Stftto ilonuiopatliio Society held a session at Detroit laat weck. They voted to meet at Aim Arbor in Novciu ber, and to hold ah animal meeting next year at Easfc Kaginaw, and resolved to leavo the whole matter relativo to fonnding the Homeopathie College in conneetion vith the University to tlie Regents of ihat institution. Last Tliursday morning Mayor K. C. Sarker, of Detroit, the saümg master ol iis yacht Cora. Frank "Webb, a fricnd j Lamed Frederick Dudgeon, ana a boy lamed (Jeorge Miller wero drownod in he river below Grosso Isle, by the upotting of the boat by a sudden gust. dr. Barker was a well-known tobacoonist ,nd was Commodore of the International facht Assoeiation. Hboent Michigan postffice changea : Establishcd - Duck Lake, Calhoun ■ounty, Walter F. Hale, Postmaster ; Mattison, Brancli connty, Daniel L. 3routt, Postmaster ; Milo, Bon-y cotrnty, OaoarTillotson, Postmaster. lyo,s!inaskr,i Appointcd - Addison, Leuawce county, Legrand J. Smith ; Brntus, Emmet Bounty, Daniel B. Hherman ; Morgan Station, Newaygo connty, Bussel B. Mason. Tuk watts of tho second Htory of the now Cupitol building nt Lausing are noarly completed, and trie stouo for the entiro structuro is nearly all cut. From the progidss so far, tho prospecta of completing tho éntire walls this season are favorable. Thia story ornbraces the Bepresentative and Senate ehamber, library and Governor's apartments, uul has not so many brick partitions as the floor below. At tho late meeting at Jackson of the Michigan Amateur l'ress Association, tho followiiigofiicors were elected for tho uiting yejir : President, Wüliam A. jusko, oíColdwatcr; Vice-President, Dan Baker, of .Tonesville ; Secretary, P. B. Loomis, f Jaekson ; Treasnrer, John Gibbons, of Grand Rápida. Delegates National Amateur Oongress : Will Iiuiia, of Grand Rápida ; 1). M. J5akcr, of Joncsvülo ; P. B. Loomis, S. llunter, Amelia MnKlmor, of Jacksón. The ncxt mooting will bo hold at Grand Bapids. John S. Grifpin, late of Detroit, but now a resident of Oakland, a auburb oí Han Francisco, writes to a friend liis views of Ciilil'orüia. A fevv extracte will be of general interest. He saya : " [ üke the country and ita climate, but it íb not so (,'ood au I oxpoctod for n utmogor to nottlo in, iihIomm lio Iiuh a Hat fu!I ut' nioiicy aiul plenty oí iuflneuoe. Mochamos weíodemaud at from Í3.50 to M per diiun, bwt at Hje,prpsent ruto of immigration thoy will not ha 'm Semand long. They aro coming M the ruto of 300 to 400 a (lay. and motit of t!iem. 1 ma -ioi iy to aay, como pc.ninloB-'. Tbey como t,0 i;wt that the peoplo have had to eatabliah aid asRocjatioim, no for hoavcn'H sake don'-t advino aiiv öhè toijpnie! Thoy will bo better o!T iii Detroit. We aru boüaelCétpÜig; and onr livï i ik -ot iK!t to nothing. Primo moat, 12! Beiit; nploiidid i'wli of alt kinds, tiuuh from Ibebay, ut yimr own pricc. S!irini]w. 10 ccnt a i,uarl ; teaH and coffcoB choappr than in Dotruit, and four loavea of tho whitoat broad I over aw in xny life for 25 oeutH. Wood and coal aro higli. For a man who han money thero in no ])laco eqnal to -jliin for comfort. The Bnloons licro mc n tliiclt art peau in n pod. Thov luwo to pay $200 liMOM biiHiueiiH lier liaH to pay a city ücohho." I'ltl.MAKV (SCHOOL MONICYS. The Lansing jV publican publishcs lio animiü apportionment of lbo pvimary ichool interest fniul, just completad by the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The whole tÜB is $?217,3!M.O6, Mid the ratio is 50 cents to each ehilil of school ago (5 to 20 years inclusive). Last year the ratio was tho snimi, but the mimber of seholars was 17, '21(1 "n; má the fuiia for distribntion 6$0KH6 loss. In 1873 the ratio was 49 cents, and in 1872 it was 48 cents to each child as abovc. The follcnvinp; is a tabular statement of the ehildren in each county, aceording to the last school census, hiki-n in August, 1874; also, the sum which is soon to be paid by the Htntv Treasurer to eaeh county for primary school purposes: ('tnmtiea Xd. Óf Ühtltfaèn. .Utnnntt. Alcona m W1.BJ Allc-aan il,8I r.,7!ll)..W I4S Wl Ai.trim 8M 433.00 ]!arrv 7,i;k'.i s.Kii.r.ii uy ::::::.:.::. ym ww Ml H).1.r,0 Borneo Vtm 6,2W.nii Brsach 8.Í6Í 4,ns:i.0(i Odhoan H.' ,6.0 QUS 7,06a 831.00 Oharlcvoii 6 '■":-m ch.ix.ygan i.iöo ri.nn Ohlttwa "-'I SCO.flfl Clare W W ÖUnton Ö.H8 .OBi.OO Dolta 4 l'fl üaton s,1 4,:i;m.0'i Emmot M "'■■" Gcn!.co n,ga 5,814.00 Orand Traverse ],8f;4 ll.ii.oo Gratiot ,7jf 2.:ir.U.Ü0 Hüla.Ule l0,l r,.U7!.(l Öeugbtw V.M i,"- Hiiron :1M('7 1, ui Tnchaiu i)-'K 4,664.09 ioèia..::: , ,m lo.,.,, 1,033 .'leu ackBoil 11,411 O.ïlla.DU Utama.00 10-T-: 5,371,50 r?a 20,419 10,209.ra CeweoBaw"::: 1 8 - je 63.J 2r,7.r,i) ■jiiici-r" "".'.'...' tttèi 4,J2C,.UI) 3.„aw 1, 89Í.S0 ffir::::::: ij ; JviTüíhton 0.,,,! .t.JKl !írf::::-.::::::::::v.-.::::: : ï :i ü:::::::::::::::::::::: g ï IT.IM(IT1 l,4Jfl í 1Í1.1K) LL&":::t.v.. ,2 g Miai.11,.1 '■ i{Zl!0 :::::::: 10,9"!; moo.iü ï!=m:::::::::: ú úmm Hr:-:;;:;:; @ Sas Soü:::.-:::::::::........ 33 L-::::::::::;:;-:::::::: W ür:::::::::: im iw Schoolcraft MM BhmwBrc '-:í í- i';'-' at riair 15..-7Ü 7,7H.).(H) aSS ;::: SL3 SSiB ÏÏS .... ia,(i7;i 6á wíroe ■■'' 21.:i.lM) Wciford f'0- 3-"-'" Total ÜlfiM $217,398.041


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