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Breach Of Promise

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Tueaday afternoon, Wedneaday and Thursday, the Circuit Court has been settling the market value of blasted hopea and blighted affections in Washtenaw county. A larga and interested audienoe has been in attendanoo throughout, proinpted, perhaps, by a deaire to ascertain to what exteut a young man may triflo with a feinale'8 affeotions and not become legally Hablo for damagea. The heroine of thia case, Mis8 Gooding, the trirler with feminine hearts, Albert Coe, and all the collateral parties conneoted therewith are residents of the township of York this county. It seema that Albert, the hero of thia moral drama, was married some years ago to the cousin of the present plaintiff, by which wife (since deceased) he had one child. Upon the death of this wife, he feit (as all good husbanda similarly aituated should) an aching void in his bosom, which the plaintiff saya he aaked her to fill; in other words, to become the mother of hia motherless child. And the plaintiff further saya, that she agreed to fill said void, to become a mother to said child, and to wander down life's pathway with the aforesaid lonely Albert ; that the time for their marriage was fixed upon as one year from the date of said agreement. But alas for human conatancy ! before the year was ended the faithless Albert became remiss in his attentions to Louise, and his affeotion for her began to wane ; at least, such were Louiso's suspicions. Furthermore she heard that hia heart waa yearning for other women, and that his visits and attentions were being bestowed upon others to her neglect. She wrote him a lotter remonatrating at his course, and calling upon him to return to hisallegianco; but it was no go, the festive Albert wouldn't return. Then she hoard that his Sunday evonings were spent in making happy one Misa üuderkirk (who by the way now haa another breach oi promise suit pending against the persecuted Albert), and that Miss Ouderkirk and not Louise waa cheering that lonoly heart of his, which ahe claimed the solo right to cheer. Thia was the laBl straw which broke the camel's back. Il was too much for human nature to boar Ire sprang up in the breast of Louise and she waxed wroth : ahe wrote the faithless Albert another epistle, anc loye was not the burden thereof. He claims that she wasted no eudearing epitheta, but told him his first wife was dead, that she waa bettor off withoul him, and that he might henceforth gO with whom he pleaaed. The receipt oí this letter didn't seein to quickeu the languishing affectiona of Albert. Anger burned in his bosom. He feit himself insulted and he " calculated tha1 that letter broke the engagement.' Thia Louise denies, and saya the contenta of the letter were friendly, relating his incon8tancy and the reports in circulation in regard to his attentions to Miaa Ouderkirk, and asking an interview. A new damsel, fair to look upon, aoon after croaaed hia pathway and hia impulsivo heart went out toward hor. Her name, Josie Dexter, soon carne to have a charm for hiui beyond all othera, and he became satisfied that she could fill that aching void and cheer his honrs of lonelineas better than any one elseThe happy evening came and they, amid a throng of friends and beneath the brightly burning lights, were married. But the avenging Louise was on his track. Scarcely was the ceremony ended when a summons was aerved upon him to appear before the vindicators of the law and mukc answer why he had thua ruthlesaly trified with the affections of the fair Louiae. Thus did he found himself involved in tho toils oi the law, and for which tho jury laai evenhig fixed the penalty at $5,000. Kiiode Island is to bo added to Michigan and the other States which have tried prohibitory law aa a means of curing the appetite of men for spirits and beer and have have found thein ineffective. The issue was distinctly raised in the late political contest in Rhode Island, between prohibition and license, and the election of Mr. Lippit, as Governor, recently, by the Legislature, terminated the contest in favor oi the latter. It was followed by the iinmediate introduction into the Legislature of a bilí creating a State Board oi Excise, consisting of five peraons, holding office for a term of five years each, and having the power to hold sessiona anywhere within tho limits of the State and receive applications for and granl licenses to sell intoxicating drinks. The bill was defeated, probably because il would, if it bocame a law, eutail too inuch expense upon the State, and a local option measure has been substituted. The decline of the prohibition movement is one of the most curious and significant of the minor features of American political history. It began nearly a quarter of a century ago in the Maiue liquor law agitatian, and swept triumphantly over all of the New England andseveral of the Western States. Total abstinenoe by represaion haa been faithfully tried iu most of these Statea, and one by one thoy have abandoned it and returned to a permissive systeiu, guardec by stringent proviaions aguiust abuse. The Constitutional Convention o Missouri, last week, after a prolongec struggle, decided in favor of the reeognition of God in tho Coustitutionby the adoption of tho following preamble : V We, the people of the State of Missouri, with profound reverence for the Supreme ltuler of the Uuiverse, anc gruteful for His goodness, do, for the better government of the State, eatablish this Constitution, in order to asserl our rights, acknowledge our duties and proclaim the principies on which our government is founded." The constitutionality of the Massachusett8 Ten Hour law is to bo teated. üne of the Lowell manufacturing companies kas been fined for employing a woman more than sixty hours in one week; the claim of the defonce that, the woman being over tweuty-one years of age, the compauy had a right, under special contract, to employ her more than sixty hours in a wuek, haviiig been overruled.


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