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Common Council Proceedings

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Council met in regular session Monday evening. Mayor Kinne in the chair. Roll called ;ihsi-?it, Aid. Schinidt. l'roceediugs of last meeting itíuI and approved. PETITI0N9. From Jas. Tonis, relativa to (jutter adjoining his premisos on new street betweeu Miller Ave. and Huron Btroet, and asking tliat same be improved. ltoterred to Aldennen oï Third ward. From S. P. Jewett, J. N. Gott, and others relative to eucroachmeut on Ilurou street by Tripp & Price's machine shop, and asking that same be deolared a nuisaiice. To Street Committee. From Ebeuezer Steele, and others, asking that owner ot circus grounds near Union School be prohibited from rentuig the same to circus companies for stabliug purposes. To City Attorney. EEPOETS OF COMMITTBKS. Finance.- Aid. Kiug reported billa allowed against the various fuuds, for which warxanta wero ordered drawn, as follows : General fund, 1,291.29; General Street fund, $280 74; First ward, $230.80; Second ward, 9163.29; Third ward, 1300.71; Fourth ward, (320.82; Sixth ward, $280.78. Also bilis for cleaning and repairing ditch along Depot streut, witliout recominendation, ordered by Board of Health. Retened to City Attorney. Street. - Aid. Ferdon reported expenso of plaemg signs on street corners at 30 cents each. Accepted and filed. Also by same, subuiitting bids for building stone bridge over croek in Third ward, on new street between Miller Ave. and Huron streets, as follows : E. Graiï, $320 ; John Fhnn, $290 ; J. J. Walker, Í283; M. F Schneider, $2G0. Accepted, and Street Committee authonzed to contract with lowest bidder, on preseutation of bond of $500 with two sureties, for taithful performance of the work. Sidewalk. - Aid. Cate recominended the rebuilding of sidewalk ou south side of Washington street, adjoming premises of Hangsterfer & Son ; also on north side of same street, adjoining Bach & Able's ; also on south side of same street, adjoining J. Gwinner's. Accepted and adopted. Special,- In reference to outside stairs on building corner Main and Huron streel, recomniending that the same be removed. Accepted and adopted. BEP0ET3 OF CITY OFFICEES. By City Attorney : subniittiug the follovving Oidmaiice for the control uid governnient of cemetery in Fifth ward, wliiuh was acceptted and adopted : Section 1. That three commissiouers be appointed by the conimon council to take charge and control of the cemetery in the Fifth ward ol said city, in the mamier hereiuafter mentioued, and with the powers hereinafter granted. Said commissioners, when they shall have been appointed, shall have full power to inake or cause to be made surveys of said lands, embraced in said cemetery, lay out lots, make coutracts for the sale of lots, and deliver deeds for the same, provided that said deed shall be executed in the corporate name of said city, and sigued by the Mayor and Recorder of tne city of Ann Arbor. Sec. 2. All money or moneys'realized for the sale of lots, or otherwise, shall be paid into the city treasury, within ten days after receiving the same, which shall cojwtitute a fund known as the City Cemetery !Fuud, for the solé use aud benefit of said cemetery, and said money or moneys may be drawu out of said treasury for makiug improvemeuts, upon the allowance or recommeudatïon of not iess than two of said commissioners, upon an order on the city treasurer, said order beiug first approved by the common council, sigued by the Kecorder and cuuutersigned by the Mayor. Sec. 3. The commissioners shall have power to make all needtul regulatious for the governiiirnt of said cemetery, and such reguiatious sliail be recorded by the commissioneris in a book kept for that purpose, which shall be open to the inspection of all persons iuterested in said cemetery. Sec. i. The commissioners shall have power to levy a tax for the improvement ot the grounds not to exceed one dollar upon each lot, when they rnay deern it uecessary for beautifying or ïmproving said cemetery, and collect the same as other taxes aro collected by the city of Aun Arbor, provided that only one such tax upou each lot be collected eacli year ; and provided that uotice in writing signed by at least two of said commissioners, notifyiug the owner or owners of lots in said cemetery, of the levying of said tax, be posted up in three public places in the Fifth ward of the city of Ann Arbor at least ten days before proceedings be had to collect the same. SiiC. ó. The commissioners shall be appointed by the comtuou couucil as follows : oue to hold the office uutil the iirst of January, 1870 ; one to hold the office until the iirst of January, 1877 ; and one to hold the office until the ürst of January, 1878. And the common council shall appoint oue the Monday of Jauuary 287t, and thereafter on the iirst Monday of January in each and every year, one commissioner who shall hold his office for the term of three years, the common couucil reserving the right to remove any of said cummissioners for cause shown. The commissioner whose term of office expires first shall act as chairman of said committee. Sec. 6. The commissioners thus appointed shall receive uo pecuniary compensatiou tor their services, aud upou the death, resignatiou or removal of auy of said commissiouers, the common council Bhall, as soon as may be, appoint another to fill the vacancy for the unexpired portiou of his term. Sec. 7. The said commissioners shall make report in detail on the first Monday in January of each year to the commou couucil of the city of Anu Arbor, of all recepts aud tures on account of said ceraetery, its conditions, number ol lots Bold, price paid, mul niouey exiended, for iiuproveuients or otherwise. Sec. 8. This ordinaace shall take offect and be ïu full force from and after its passage. By sanie: submitting ürdinauce No. 89, prohibitiug the slaughtermg of auy aniuial withm the city liinits. Laid on tablü uutil next meeting. HOTIONS AND EKSOLUTIONS. The following resolution was presented and adopted : Resolved, Tliat all dealers in spirituous or intoxicating liquora in the city of Aim Arbor shall execute and deliver to the Couuty Treasurer of Washtenaw county, a bond, as required by and m couformity with section 5 of an act of the Legislature of the State of Michigan, entitled " An Act to prevent the sale or delivering of intuxicatiug liquors, wine and beer to miuora and to drunken persons and to habitual druukards ; to provide a remedy against selhng liquor to husbands or children in certain cases, approved May 3, 187ó" in the penal sum of $l,50Ü. By Aid. Seabolt: that leave of absence ue granted to City Attorney Mclieynolds. Adopted. By Aid. Ferdon : that Recorder procure the printiug of 1,000 bilí heads for use in makmg bilis agaiust the city for street work. Adopted. Council proceeded to the election of an Alderman of the Fifth ward, in place of K. 1'. Bishop resigned : lst bal. 2d bal. 3d bal. Dr. Silas Pratt, 4 - - Geo. H. Rhodes, 4 5 9 August Heiz, 12 - J. W. Johnston, - 3 3 Geo. H. Ithodes declared electod. By Aid. Smith : that bill of Board of Health for services, laid on the table at a fornier meeting, be taken from the table and referred to Finalice Committee. Adopted. By Aid. Seabolt: Commissioners of the cernetery in Fifth ward, in accordance with the provisious of ürdinance No. 88, were elected as follows : Geo. II. Rhodes, for three years ; J. W. Johuston, two years ; A. M. Doty, one year. By Aid. King: that Street Committee be authorized to make arrangement fop obtaining a supply of water for fire purposes iroui the Uuiversity reservoir on South State street. Adopted. liy Aid. Besnner : that Marshal be instructed to notify owners of building, corner Main and Huron streets, to remove outside Btaira withiu 30 days. Adopted. By Aid. (xardner: that in case C. B. Cook ref uses to light lamp in front of his residence on Miller Ave., without expenso to the city, as per agreement, the same be removed therefrom. Adopted. Siiootino Match.- A shootlng match took place iu the Third ward Friday at'teruoon last, the targets beíng wild pigeons. The t'olluwiug were the scores : KI HST MATCH. Peter Tuite, - - ü 1 0 1 1-3 Itutus Cate, - - 1 1 1 ü 0- 3 Krank Lcwitt, - - 1111 1-5 SECOND MATCH. B. Cate, 0 0 1 0 1 I F. Lewitt, 0 (I 0 1 0 J. Lawrence, ü 1 0 0 1 A. J. Sawyer, 0000 THIED MATOH. J. Lawrence, 0 1111 F. Lewitt, 0 1111 O. H. Hooper 1110 1 A. J. Sawyer, 0 1 0.1 0 A D Besimer, 0 0 0 0 1 EO Boudinot, 0 0 0 0 0 FQUBTH MATCH. J. Lawrence, 0 1110 F. Lewitt, 11111 C. II. Huiler 11111 A. J. Sawyer, 0 l 0 1 1 V. Tuite, 110 0 0 O. Beckley, 0 0 0 10 B. Healiau, 0 0 0 0 1 A. U. Besimer 0 0 0 0 1


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