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Weekly Market Review

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The only tact worthy of noto ia the continued promising state oí the crops iu Europe, whicli rather favors low prices lor breadstuffs. i:aslci u Markets. The grain market remained steatly but with little doing, at the decline noted in last report, up to the close of last week, but has revived the present week, with a better feeling and ratber better prices It was suggested in last report that the theu condition of the market should not be accepted as any indication ol the future. It is not the province of these reports to advise farmers when to sell, but if they will carufully study the suggestions, it is bolieved they will be greatly aided in forming their own judgnieut. The present improved state of the market is favorable to good prices for she next two or tliree weeks, and future values will depend much upon the outconie of the erop. The New York l'roduce Exchange Reporter speaks ot bountiful erop prospects throughout the entiro country, with triüing exOptions, and that the reporta of ravages of grasshoppers at the West are greatly exagt;erated. Corn aud oats have improved a little. Uold reached 117 the latter part of the week, but is since a fractiou off. Detroit Markets. Kcports of the growing crops throughout the Stato are generally favorable. The potato bug is luaking sonie havoc, aud thero are intimatious ot the Hessiau fly iu the southwestern part of the State. The pricu of wheat dechnec' Bteadily during last week, but the lowest poiut 3eemed to be reached on Saturday, while a sharp reactionary tono has characterized the present week, prices being fully 3o better, with extra white at $1 24, No. 1 at $1 28, and amber t $1 21. Corn is 2a3c better tlian at the close Di tlie week, at 72 for mixed. Oats a shade strouger at b l-4aGl 1-2 tor mixed. Barley weak at $2 50 per cwt. Beaus, unpicked country mediums, at tl SOatl 50. Butter a 3hade off under free supply at 20a21 for choice Eresli. Cheese, new, at 12cal3c Ejjgs a shade 3tronger at 14al5. Beef cattle have declined tully 50c per cwt. since grass fed stock has ome into market, $6 benig uow outside for butchers' steers and heiiers. Poorer stock run as Low as $3. Fat sheep are quoted ut fLa$( per cwt. at the Michigan Central yards, and $4 50a$5 50 at King'a. The Wool Market.- The eastern outlook is unchanged. Eastern manufacturera, who have hsretolore bought through western liouses, are this year withholdiug orders - at least a prominent Detroit house has advices to this elïect. ïhree facts are claimed to exist : First, that the woolen goods market is over3tocked, or at least that the duinand is light, eompelling inauufacturers to carry large 3tocks, while the light sales that aro made are a-t a very slight margin ; aecond, that owmg to this conditioa of the market, many tnanufactories are iule ; third, tiiat the stock oi wool of the old clip is exhausted or nearly so. These [acts are probably very near the truth, and tiiey show an anomalous state of things. The lirst conclusión will be, perhaps, that there is too much capital invested in wooleu machinary. Another logical conclusión possibly may ue, that if the milis that are running produce more goods thau the country wants, that there is too much wool raised, even though the staple may have been all taken under the auxiety of inauufacturers to keep going. There is no itate of circumstances but what is susceptible af aualysis, and we believe that the wool problera is. In the first place, it is quite probable that there is an over supply of woolen machiuery. It was an effect of the war that the market tor cotton goods was cut ofï, and the demaiid lor woolen goods increased. Since the war, the South has uot been very well able to buy goods of any description, while it is making and effort to inauutacture its own goods. Henee an excess of machiuery in the New Kuglaud States beyond the demaud for lts proñtable employnient. But it does not follow froin tilia that there is too much wool raised. The depressiou in general business is sumcient to account for the dullness of the woolen goods market. People wear their clothes longer, instead of buyiug new, as they would do if times were better. With average good times, the wool product would be uo more than suflicient to suppiy the demauds of the country. That wool should suffer depression with other commodities is but natural, while it is believed that should there be a healthy revival in business dunng the ensuing few inonths, wool, whether in the hands of farmers, jobbers or manufacturera, will be good property. Some sales of wool are roported in the interior ot the State at 3Sa43.


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