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NEW 'ADVERTISEMENTS ËDWARDUFFY HAS JUST KECEIVED AN Entire New Stock Of goods consisting of Teas, Coffees, SUGARS AND SYRUPS, Bought in NEW YORK from first hands FOR CASH, and is offering them at a VERÏ SLIGHT ADVAMI over New York Cost. Also a full Uno of LADIES and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR in BOOTS & SÏÏOES, All of which he ia oflering VERY LOW FOR CASH. It paya everybody to buy their goods for Cash. Cali and examine goods and prices, and I WILL INSURE SATISFACTION Goods delivered to any part of the City free of charge. EDWARD DUFFY. 11 Maynard'e Block," cor. Main and Ann streets' 1534 Ann Arbor, Mich. Geo. T. Clark, CIYEL ENGINEER and Mitvrion. Residence No. 8 North State Street, Ann Arbor. Lands Surved, llevéis Given for Water Power and Drainage. Plans for Iron and Wooden Bridges i'uruished, and any business pertaining to the profession solicited. Having had many years experience in Civil Engineer, will guarautee all work done by him to be correct. Porsons wishing to make application for Patents furnished with the neeessary Information. DrawIngs, such is are required by the Department, furnished. IBM. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having beeu made in the condition of a certain mortgage, executed by John Harris ,nd Miiry Harris, of the city of Ann Arbor, County f Waslitenaw and State of Michigan, to Jacob ollaud, of the saine place, on the twentieth day if June, in the year of our Lopd one tuousand ight hundrcd and sixty-four, and recorded in the leglstei's offioe in the county of Waslitenaw and State of Michigan, on the 24th day of June, A. D. 804, in libcr 32 of inortgagee, on page 442, which aid mortgage was duly assigned by Jacob Volland ;o Andtew J. Shlvely, of the eity and State of New fc'oik, on the ninth day of August, A. D. 1864, which laid assignment was recorded on the ninth day of iugust, A. 1. IÜB4, in liber 32 of mortgages, on page S62. That there is now claimed to be due upou said mortgage, and note accompauying the same, the mm of eleven hundred and forty-four 73-100th lollars; also thirty dollars as a reasouable attorney's fce, should any proceedings be taken to foreclose he sume, and no proceedlnga haring been instituid, either in law or equity, to recover the same, ur any part thereof. Notice is therefore herehy riven, thatonthe llth day of September, 1875, at oclock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the Couit House, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place of holding the Circuit Court fol said county), and by8virtue of the power of sale eontained In said mortgage, I shall sell at public auction to the highci bidder, the juemises described in said mortgage, to satisfy tlie amouut of principal and interest above ulaimed to he due, with the oharges of sale and attorney's fee of thirty dollars. All tbose oertaln pleoea or panels ofland situated in the city of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and Slati aforesaid, known bounded and described asfollows, to wit : lieing lots nunibered nine (9) and ten (10), in block iiumber one (1), north ofHuron Btreet, and range twelve (12) cast, according to a reoozded plat of Ann Arbor. DatedJune llth, 1873. ANDREW J. SIIIVELY, JouN N. Gott, Assignce of Mortgagee. Attorney fur Asslgnee of Mortgagee. 1534 $F1 i (ïïOAPer day at home. Terina free. Ad O l0 PiwUdressü.STlNSuN&t'o., Portland, Me TUT YOUR MONEY WIIERE IT WILLDO Til E MOST O-OOJ3A. A. TERRY HAS A FULL STOCK OF HATS AND CAPS IN THE LATEST STYLES. QUALITY AND PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION AI.SO, A F0LL LINE OF Gents' Furnishing (Joods. 5" Cali lefore purchasiug. 1 5 South Main titreet. ;3= N otice ! The notos and accounts of the Ann Arbor Trading Association have been left with me for collection, All persons indebted are requested to make iiumediate payment, or suit will be ooiumenced. April 22, 1875. JOHN N. ÜOTT, Att'y for Assignee ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT ? If so, g to L. C. RISDON'S HARDWARE STORE! THE AYERILL CHEMICAL PAINT, The BEST paint forany uso tliatis made. Hardware and Stoves CHEAPER than any place IN THE STATE. 31 South Main Street. DETROIT, HILLSDALE & INDIANA RA1LROAD. GOINQ WEST. -1876 GOISO KART BTATIONB. MllU. Ex,,. STATIONS. Kip. Malí. A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:00 3:30 A. M. p. M. Ypnilanti.... 6:36 6:45 Bunkers 3-15 2-15 aliñe 9:30 C:21 Hillsdale ... 3:30 2:25 Bridgewater. . 10:00 6:42 Manchester.. 0:21 4:07 Manchester. 10:3a 7:05 Bridgewater 6:55 4:27P. M. Saline 7:25 4:45 Hillsdale 1:28 9:04 Ypailanti.. . . 9:15 5:25 Bunkers 1:45 9:10 Detroit 10:30 6:30 Trains run by Chicago time. To take eflect March 28, 1876. W. F. PAKKER, Sup't, Ypsilanti. Flint & Pere Marquett7Ë. E. TOLEDO, SAGINAW AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable conneetions made at Wayne Junction with trains of the Michigan Central R R Pour trains North and four South daily exeept Sunday. In Effect Mat 24th, 1875. OPINO MOBTH. m'm P L■ T tb a ■ . - . w STATIONS. SM O X ■L %R 5-w ■, 13 S M fc A. M. P. H. P. M. P. M. Wayne, leave 8 67 12 57 6 03 11 00 Holly, 10 45 2 S4 7 46 4 15 Fluit, n 25 3 10 8 24 4 58 East Saginaw, 2 45 4 15 9 40 6 25 Bay City, airive 1 20 4 i5 10 15 7 25 Reed City, 8 25 Ú b Ludington, 10 45 4 30 GOING SOXJTlí _, A.M. A. M. p. M. Wayne, lcave 2 65 8 20 8 20 Monroenrrrive 4 05 T 35 9 15 Toledo, arr. 5 08 10 00 10 20 The öteamer " John Sherman " leaves Ludington on arrival of Day Express at 10 45 making close connectionswith the Hheboygan & Fondu Lac R. R. at Sheboygan for all pointe in Wieconsin, Minnesota and tlie Upper Península of Michigan. Returning leaves 8neboyi;an at 12 30 noon, connecting with the Nijïht Express leaving Ludington at 5 p . m. ; connections at Ludingtou also with steamers for Pentwatcr, Manistee, Fraoklin, etc. SANFORD KEELER, Aes't Supt. J. P. Nouhse, Gen'i Ticket Agent. THE ANN ARBOR SAVIIffGS BANK Ann Arbor, ÜMicliigan. Receives deposils of One Dollar and upwarda and allows Five percent, interest on all deposita remaining three months or longer. Interest Compounded Semi-Annually. Also buys and sells U. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Exchange. Also sells Sight Drafts on Grkat Britain, Ireland, Germany, or any other part of the European Continent. Tliis Bauk is organized under the General Banking Law of this State. The Stockholders are individually liable to the amount of their stock, and the whole capital is security for depositors, while with }!auksof issue, the capital is invested for the security of bill-holders. This fact makes this Inrtltution a very safe depository of monies. Married Woruen can deposit subject to their own drafts only. .lloncy to Loan on Approved Securitles. DIRECTORS: S. Smitu, ('. Mack, W. W. Wines, 11. A. liliAL, W. D. HaRRIMAN. D. HI8UOCK, V. DEUBBL. OFFICERS: II. S. Smith, Pres't. C. Mack, Vice-Pres't. C'. E. IIiscock, Teller. ORCHESTRAL HALL WASHINGTON STREET, ïs again opened under the management of ils former proprietor, F. RETTIGH. THE SELF-PLAYINö ORGAN IN THE STATE. Restaurant, flnest Imported Wines and Liquors, Bottled Ale, Lager Beer, etc. Everybody hungiy or dry ahould not pass by without making a cali. F. RETTICH. T3INSEY & SEABOLT'S 1ÍAKERY, OR0CERY - AJNJJ - FLOUR & FEEU STORE. We keep constantly on nana, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WHOLESALE and EETAIL TKADE. We shall nlao keep a supply of DELHI FL.OUR, J. M. SWIFT & CO'S BEST WHITE WHEAT FLüUR, EYE FLOUR, BUCKVVWHEAT FLOUE, CORN MEAL, FEED, &c, &o. At Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonuble terina as at any other house in this city. Cash paid for Butter, Eggs, and Country Produce generally. W3F Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RI1VSEY & 8EABOLT. Ann Arbhr, Jan. 1. 1875. 15Htf LOTJR I The Quality of our Flour MABU A SPECIALTX, J. M. SWIFT fis CO., of the late flrm of Deubel, Swift & Co., offer to the public a ürstlclasa brand of Flour. Orders lor FLOUK AND FEED! may be left at the Post Office, in our Box. markeil J. M. Swift & Co., or at the mili, whioh wiU be made a specialy. DELIYEKY FEEE- TERM8 CASH. 1525m6 r. M. SWIFT de CO. MUST BECLOSED UP7 OINCE MAKING A CHANGE IN MY BUSII have allowed over flve months For the settlement of ray old books. A very large iiuuiber of accounts still remain unpaid,aud Must be paid within 60 Days Olt WILL BE SUBJECT TO COSTS. J. T. SWATHEL. Ann Arbor, April 2, 1875. 3ml524 JPOE SALE. Forty acre of lanS within the city limita, with comfortable buildings, and young orohard of two year's growth, on reasonable terms. For further particularg apply to IDWAED DUFFY. April 29, 1875. 1533. CLARK'S NEW PATENT REFRIC ERATORS AT PEASE'S. In thia Refrigerator the warm air is separated írom the cold on STRICTLY SCIENTIFIC PRINCIPLES and is carried into a condensing chamber, leaving the oouteuts oí" the cupboard apartmeut l'ERFECTLY COLD AND DEY. Instead of the bulky and odoious packing used in other Refrigeratore, the entile exclusión of air and heal is attained by the use of two thicknesses of specially prepared paper, with a (tead air vacuüm between. Jiy the above improTsmentl A Largo Percentage of Ice Is Saved. CALL AND OET ONE Aï G. J. PEASE, 4G South Main Sibket. ï IVE OJÍESE FEATHJÏK8 PIKBTGIUALITY ConetantlyoQliand andforealeby BACHfr ABEL.


Old News
Michigan Argus