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It was sin anoient custom of the Spartiuis, iu order to iuculoate amona Êaeii youtli an abhorence of intemperante and ita kindred vuvis, to mako their slaves drank with wine iu the public marketplaoeS, solliiit rismggefierfttion, apon wiiom wouid Bome day derolve the honor and safcty o!' the Lacedjemonian Bepublic.'niigli't fioo befare thora all tho ghafttly details ui' the dnvnkar'ct'S disgrace, hos loss of rcnson, and of physica] iirength. 'Twwre well, perhapo, to-day, oould aotae of our youug mea contémplate; a similar instriictive lc.Hson drawu from the lil'e, showiipg them, by a sharply drawn contrast, the advantagcs and true loveliness of ab.stinence and virtue. For sueh as appreciate tlioso, Vinegab Bitters is the beverage best adapted, it being purely a vegetable draught, devoid of alcohol or mineral poisons, and posseasing all the Tirtües, trut nonn of the damning cursos, of the different poiaont which year by year are swooping away thousands of dolliirs and livcs. 42 WruioïT's Ajjti-Pekiodic or Fevee iND Aoüb Tokio. Thia lnvahi&ble uid Htaodanl fitmily medicine i DOW a houacliokl word and maifctainu it reputátioQ ïuiinmaired. It ia indorsod fcy tho medical profcHBion, and prescribed daily in the Oharity ]Ioi] and ochar Hoapitata in Ne' Orlesms. Wtlboft'a Tonic ia tlniM liiltjy recommeiidcd by tlie leading medica] men of the country, and ia worthy of Huch indorsertient. WSeelocic, Fiklay & Co., Proprietors, New Orleaii. PJll SAIJ5 BY ALI., DBUOtiïSTS. If a horde has a good constitntion, n i isl bus once been a good horse. no matter üow oJd or bow niucli run dcmii Ie may be, lio can be gföatïy improved, and in man; respecte made aH gooi as ne-v. by a liberal née of Bheridaifè Cüödlry Gou HHon I'iir,,'t?'s. A gentleman aillicted with the chroiuc rlicumutium says : "No doHcriplion of my case can convey the vnnt arjount of benefit Í havo receiyed from tl ie nve of Jolmson' s Anodyne Liniment. 1 believe it is tho bost article m the worid fot rlieumatism." How to Get a Home. Hee advertiaement. Wil AT WE KKOW AnOVl Tl. Stratfoiíd, Pebth, Ontario,) May, 1876 Í Mkbpks. Ohaddock & Co. : Last December I tuok a hoavy cold, whifch seiUed upon my itMsSi Our hest pliysicians pmnoiinoed it ('- su:'ipt.ioii, and treated me for it uniü March, when I w;; considered incurable. I th-n took tho case in my own linnds, and went to your Agent, David 8ebHngtot tilia plsoe, and pTITOhaSod ynur (6ást Indi;i JÏ"Tnp. lïoforo I oaed Imtltn i ivas bitter. I took a second and tbird, cnisUmUy improvin in ht;altb and increasinK in wsight. At present I cn work all day Ifing, and eftt lik ;i mklii thit is choppinj? wood. Knowlni; the me rits of yonr medicine, I cheorfully recommend it to othors, and seml tilia for publioation, f yon wísh. Yours, gratefully, IVlAItTIS SKIFERLE. 87 WsHhington Street. N. Iï.- This Uomedy fiieaks for itself. A siníílo n1] wili salttíftbe mst Bkeptical. Tiiero is not a sirifjlrsynintinn of Coii-mm pt ion thnt it does not dissip.ito - Nifiht Sweats, IrrUntion ol the Norves, Difficult KxKecrations, Sharp Paina in the Ijanin, Bore Throat, lu m at the Btomoch; Inaction of the lïowels, and v ating of the Masóles. 82.60 per bilttlo, or three hottles for $6..ri0. Tills and Ointtuont, $1.25 each. Addr-ss RAnnocK cc, 1032 Race Street, Philadelphl. Sind for circular. RgacsMWiy'aKiaBa All the ndynncoinent in science, Kfíe-wn vfutf.'d cliildren fnun kickinK iaj ttj 9 wc 3 r rJl holes íhroutíh tho toes of their tí-í';;iS?(;PsS(3Pi thoes. Only BKfXfej SII..VTCÏÏ. TIPS KrMrtrt?irttJ"' nevent tiiis. Try iliem. Have FOB Reen the fiiSBR!aP'E5IBai CAI5L.E RCRKW WIRK WWLZëi lioots imd S'inrs? MilHons are Kg "WEjfc ISfWi boingwiini; all 8iy t hoyare tile KB%l Vi 9$ " V H fi-isift and best. Sin k ever made. EBptryai j' i"1-!? Tif'k out for the Patent Stamp. Rjgl J ! 3J? ■'frlfL'B All othera are baae tmiUCtlona. KammrartiBamMnmB E VER Y FAMIIiT WANTS IT. Monej fn it Sold by Agents. Addrees M. N. LOVELL.Eiie.Pa. tíil A $a9 PKR DAY- Send for "Chromo" ipiVT catalogue. J. Iï. BUFFORD'S SONS, Iioston. {Tl E c (5n Ppr lay fl hojno. Torms free. Addros ÖvJ:'3 & U GeO. Stinson & Co., Tortland, Maine. íR'ÍA a nionUi tn r.pents everj-whore. Address PJJI' ExcELSion M'f'g Co.. Buchonan, Mieh. WANTED AGESTS. Bampim and Outfit free. Betterthan Goh!. A. COULTKR & CO.t Chicago. Añil ma H UJIT Oored Chetó, No PobJ tri %$ Wfiliciïy. Dr. Armstrontf, Berrien, Mloh. . Catalogue Free. Rn -J3T SL ff ñ.gLL 5th S. Lotto, fio. 4t%f SAMPIjE Free and Ris Pay to Male and % Femaleeverywhere. Address. „ THE UNION PUB. CO..Newark, N. J. THE WEEKLYM, asrSïst4 Now Yoars, poBtpaid, GO ets. Adilruss The Sun. N. Y. SOHíTÍTHTNÍí for Sella at Bight. Our J3UiUlj 1 JlJ-ilU Acents coin moneï, We have wntk and money for nll, men or women, boyB or girls, wbole or BPATe timo. Send stamp Uit Catalogue. Address FRANK GLUOK.New Bedford. Muss. IA RflT f AOPBPB ntV(AQENTS WANTED tonll lü CQLLAIlSPEftDAY?THE improveo home V aea.tllrW t tíV SHUTTLE Srwine Machino Address Johmon, Clark ie Ci)., Boston, Mass.; New York City ; rittsburgh, Ta. ; Chicaso, UI. ; or St. .Louis, Mo. MfMTSIi ÏT A UTrn fortbefa.te.tJLlll lU II li.1 1 íilí evorpublished. Send fnr circulan and our extra terms to Agilita. NATllJNAL PUB. 00., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis. Mo. xJtW%.m Lr Wofkly. tSareu. Send 10c. for specimen. Proceedings Plnrida I"iuit-fïrowors' Associatiuu -mectiiiK of lSTö-Sii ets. Addross Walton & Co., Juoksonvüle, Fia. Say where jou saw this. ITE? G A I KT CIiIcuro Suburban Jjnts at ITVri ÖPS1. $ ICO each-$15 d.ran and $5 monthly for bftlanca-vithln a shorts dtstance of city limÍPonnfls of Bntter from 1 Qnart of MOL Cnn be made anywhere, by any ono. No churnin rOQuU'cd. Recelpt sent f"r 25 conts. Address P. O. Box 1741, Philadelphia, Px l IjEO. P JlQWELl CoJ Of the prettlett C.KI)S you ever If" Sm % v.'itli your name handsomely printed on nk HM tbcm, Bfnt, postpaid, upon receipt of 0 cents, i "■ ■ ■ Your friends will all want them when they ose Ca vM jour. Address W. O. CANNON, 40 KneIand St, Boston. Ma.. Offïcers and Soldiers I Who lust horses in U. S. Army, no muller how lont, can ; got compensntion. Penaions obtaind for wounda or ' juries, however elight. ityv p;unhlüt frr.e. Address C. É, AUÁOia, tiiu iuiittli, OUio. PWILL 1IAVR OUR COODS. Send 85 cents and ore will lend by maü, propaid, our Lamp, t ft wiiioii yuii cnn Ii!l any Kepoatw Bmnp without a ik mocing chim iey or gettiuj .'' "■■' ""'■■' ■' Zxtmp. w At same tima wa raaÜ fou all onr ciroolars and O térros to agoots onj tvry nseful htmsehold nrlíclee with which mv perpoi oan make f:um S- to hm S;( diiüy. AVi' want Agente evërywhore. BT VATIOIWAIi AGKNTS' KilIPUUIVItl, Boston Mabb. PII8SE WEHIOfiER C.-in;uiy oilcrs J=I.l)OUto nftyour tbat ill BWSMwIWly conipol.c i with them í Tl boriitir :i 'iO-inch well, through Hoai'Sloni mul !:::ml stonc, :.itrï in tukiog up :t ii-l passiag Ixnvldera ïiml Inose stf.nps ji.iii.jnir,lra'LT; State. $25 PEP DAY CUARCHAS. D. PIERCE. l'er, IlUnol!. (4dBltfVCS a day fmarantecd ustnr our Well (SdJBg Auger &. Drills. 8100 n. month ÖSiiB. 9 T'-'W to K00'1 Agenta, auuct liook Vfrlmmiz? free. Jila Anger Co., Bt. Louiü, llo, how togétXhömë. IflWA L.MVDS, 800,0(50 AIIÍKS. Rlch Soi], (ood OUsaate. xaeUeni Wator, (jrowing Settle. niBnts, KOod Schools. We olffr t!i9 fjitnds of the Sioux City and St. Paul R. R. and tlin McfireRor and Mlisouri River K. K. at S'i to SS per acre, on easy paymeata. Two years rent wiil büy a farm. Apply to R. R. Land Office, Silley, Osceola Co., lówa. éH. F. BURNHAM'S ?ATER WHEEL Va SclrcteVl, 4yeais sro ;md i)iit. to work In tho Pfltcirï Office, WaahLagion, IJ. O-.j'nd bas provi ittubeihe heat. i;sizesm;ido. Prlcctf lower than anyotiipr ftrst-cktSB Wb.epl. Pampttlet írúo. K.D'. UUItNIïAM.,Vurk,Pa. PROÏEGT YOÜR BUÍLD1NBS, Lim&icy'rf I:iíiii Nlatu Paiiit - Vov Sliin$;!■, Tin, ïioii a mi Gro ï Rooft. Thigifsn and uater-pToqf Paint, esptH-ialIy dosiirnÜuofs. rontttl.-tU-Paimod wülontlaat ; ;i.-vv one unpainted, and a new roof will laat t hnie times asíüiig Slat f Païnted. A.a a matter ot eoonomy, ;i rf rweds 5aint more tl:;m uny othar mrl df ;i buUdiog. - 1 cents ner gallon. Sond for Phcmplet Agenta i. WILLIS G. .1 CKKON. General Agent, 169 Wasbingtuu Öt., Chicagu. y JTOÜ YILL NEVER have FRUIT WUlFYOU DONT SET T GUT. V' ciin Im.vyour fruit plánts verf rlicnp by contnwtlagwithme fur tln-m nmv. To beaülpped in tlMlnl[ mui no money requtred uutil thi' planta itrrivo. I wilt umish Rood rc!Mcin'c .:.-; to my icüahüify Sond for rice-Lit. Strawbordos, lïiispVjerries, Blnckbeirius, Ourrants, Gooseberries, Qrcpes. THOMAS L.ESL.IE, Ipava, 111. 0 f! Ef ilPITiiSTC Wimtol tosell "The SUUH. AOtiïlö People'a Common Clise Mel leal Atvlv." Tl is tht1 chpapet bonk W-S"i p.;o, over r) Ulnstrations, f. ThDusanda bny it at alht who oonld ii"t beta1. ■ 1 xn pnrohiM tb Wirh-priood liook treirting t Kimostic Mediolno. 1'nlikc othcr lnuika soiii tlirough . ; liis -urk tharonghly adverttoed througnput „i,-ii.-a. Tlibfact, Ugetherwith Ui" lare"JiLe, loffanf aTipoaranco, and maiiy new foaturea qi t'onk . ti i, el] more mpidtj than any woik eyar pubi, tïils c.univy. TUoeeof myagent wbo liavn had M„.,;, ■, oinsullim ) k.ij thal bialltheii prevloua met witli such ucceaor made so rgewagea ai slnoeoomm ling the ale of my wort orterma and terrltoiy, addreaa (ïmloaniK twu postiige ""l-arlllsti"i"e"""""" ,Tv. riKKfl'. , M.D., WorWe DiapooMiy, íiuifíiK), n. Y. fote.- Mark enrelopo " i'or l'ubliiliing Dep't1 ' UftOQFY'Q CheapMusic. ijUUkjJJl Ö Fu" Catalogues Froe by Mali. UUUMU1 hJ ;a HnstlltliSrteet.NewYork. Í!1 H -t- (hCAA Invoslod in Wall Street mu i ni i, 7 -page book í-.tpliiiiiina ererytntng.ana copy al tne AVnll Streel Review fiEMT COCC John Hicklinq Co., Ban 'era Öfcfi 9 rnHu. and Brokers. 7 Broadway, N. Y. A-TTENTIOBT, OWJVTCUS OP HORSES. Aak font Harness Maker fot sV--fc jMl the Zinc ('ollsir Pari. KVSg- v -rdJSlo r'llf'-v iiro warrun tod to care WA V ' 3?-pM ftny ftoro neck on hors; or st ' ï ' ''-&Y-rl 'nn'('' nr money refundeA, if Hjfe V - -s.-: .V '-:" ƒ J j.rint'ul dfrectionH nrr, l-ïü -Sjé' Send 75c. fnr pamplo. Etí ManufVrs, Iïucfaanan,!Mic'h. T i V ï' N C ! S T OlïËÜJ iLIfeandbxploeationo wilh liiR " LaBT Joi.'rnals," now rendy! The only coraplrte late and tlinllinj; advcntures in África of the trreat bsro Explorer Lu bia own t&BfDue. (Jheapost and best only $2.50. aplendidlj lHuftrated. Ontsells everytbing. A.OENTB V.NTi:n. Send forflxtratermsand proof ; or, if in li.iMo to bftgtn work, send $1.00 fnr full outfit toprenuine address, Livinustonk'S PUBIJSHEBS, CHICAGO, 111. cte. ; nnd oümrs in ptopotfion. [rtclou tiie aaiount and íieedíus will be rotarned bj flrat mail. Address IJEFIAXCK IVEÉDLB CO., 1 G3H Broadway, i. V. g ■ ' t& CW.Kecd, Gror,r. yui Bown. .■ííii áíTSa. '7 '"".'■"■ ■- "Yoiit S'M i" nnm cinnot ggJJajgVT Impxitt-l.frlnnrthot the o.niator ;for WëSüiOW Wonderfnl Premration." Snasroll. (tix$& Pitcher. Fliiituri Sí Co., l J Vtór j "'We tjiki pleMnre in recomnaendV.'SVjh iní J'"r e; f oam u Thn J(?t Rnk■ïjs'J'j tntr Powder we have mer sold." # jPNgTiH Partiesonce oalng it wül have no effilOBkW nthcr. J tb ;i]es;irt' immense. Send %T gfaM" Co., 17(1 Duaue it., IV. ' Vt;-'i This nRW Tp.iss Is worn ; 1 ' -Sfek witn perfect comfort nisht _ TTaand day. Adapta itaelf to J 1 i iriotinn rf tho body, ' c g r%f i'oííiíningruptureundertbe --AfíT ' liardí st BJt rclMttTMTOnal "■ ítíi strnn iiiiiil permanently ' '"''vVJ' Sold choap by tlie v Elastic Trnss Co., No. 683 Broadway, N . Y. City. Sent by mail. Cali or eend for Circular, and be curad. R:Íect nll Violent Purgativos. Thoy rain tíle tone of tlie bowels and woakeñ tho digestión. Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzor Aperieat íh ased by mtional peopto ; -i means of reUeTisK sil dsJin(ntpnts oí tht stoma olí. llYer and inteatines, beoatue it removes ohstruotipns wifehout pain and Imparta vlgoi to tho ort;rins whieh it trartfies and regnlatai. ' SOLD IíY AXL DBUOGISTa Smith Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. Bold throughout the United Statoa on tho INSTALLMENT PLAN: Tbat Ís, on a SyBtem of Moníhíy Paymcnt. Parcbfiers should ask fnr the Smith Amebtcah Oboah. Cjit:logues tnd full particulara on applicatlon. Office For Sale. On tbo firstof Julywe shíill offer nar Job Printing Ofíico for sale ;if a verylow figure. We hveover 200 fnnts of tho latesfi Btjlea ót Jol) Type, and everytbing which pertainstoa complete Job Ornee mitht. Quarter-Médiura ftartton Jobber of the fatrst impmved Btyle, one Hi b Gard Prees, and f me Hoc Cylinder, 15x2-2 inch bnd. Anynumberof seomid-hund Nevs Cases. The attention of Printers is callod to this sale, os we Bhail offer a groa t bargidn fovcosh. For further particulars and specimen circular, nddresa t IIK WGO WEWSPAPER TTNIOIV, 11-1: SEonroe Street, li i ugo, 111. 'l.ViJflsi-iIÍ,s-l S. "i3 fïn 2. 5-s ; 3 c g-Sg-i. O „ ÊT 3 'S" ÍÍ" n c O W STOCKS dealt in at tbe Kow York Stock Excbange bought and Bold by us on margin of üve per cent. PRIVILEGES negotiatod at one to two per cent. from market on membei-s of tlio New York JCxcbango or resp-msible p.irties. Ijütk1 pms have been ru.üiod the past 30 daya. Put or c.ill co&ts on 100 tsïinri'S $106.25. Rtrndtiles $250 oach ; control 2C0 ehares of stock for 30 dnys without fnrther risk, while maiiy thousund dnllars pVtit m;iy begalned, Advicennd information furnished. Famphlet oontainlu valuablw st.' ini'orniationand showing how Wall Streot operatious are corulucted eni FREE to anj addro8s. Orders solicited by mail or wir, and promptlj executed by us. AddreBS TUMBRIDGE êu CO., Banltera and Brokers, No. 3 Wall Street. New Yorfc Evcry Man Hls Own Painter. ANY 5HÁDS from PUËfWHITS to JET BLACK OurRUllBERPAIXT lias been wed on many thoueand bnllrtingt and han alwayi proveq cntiirly satisfac tory. We liiivr armierönn testimoniáis Hke the fnllowing, Vlz. : M. F. 8UEPFAUD ( O., I'-miii cin. . V.: "We bclleve t tohetlie liKSTPAINTmaoufttütured." XV. W. LELAND, "Entaw House," Balfluiore: "Ha ín-' aacd toup Iji: ui on tlie ( mml Hotel, SararoRii, juni thta Eutaw House, I recommend iti me Co all." ld nare i h ; i ur rl'IC A i '■;-! Klv i a fac; muiiif i.i' u tiirii is ivci! abore) af on ■ffïtj pactage. Preparad rearh forote aodwU by the pailón mly, iScnd j'nr SftmpU CartLwid Ph? Lit. Jïranch offiers & FactprieB.BOÖWeit-at ,NKW VOKK. ïlOBouth Diir.i St., BT. LOUIS, MO. 89 Weit Van lïuron Street. CUlCAUü, 1LU Dr. J. Walker's Califomia Yin, egar Bitters aro a puroly Ve proparation, inado chieily froni tive herbs found on the lowcr rangeeol the Sierra Nevada mouutaiis of California, the medicinal proporties of wliirt aro extractad thercfrom without the uw of Alcohol. The question ia aiinost daily asked, "What is the cause of the unparalleled success of Vinegak Bitteks?" Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the natient recovers bis health. They are the great blood puriÊerand a life-giving principie ■ perfect Renovator and Invizorator of the eysfcsin. Never before in ttj history of tho world has a medicina ïcm compounded possessing the rmarkaoli quaiities of Vikkgar Bitters in healingihe Bick of every disease man is heir to. Thej are a gentío Purgative as veil as a Tonic, relicviug Congestión or Inflammaliot ai the Liver and Visceral Organs, in Biliont Uiseases. The propertles of nu. Walkhs Tinegar BlTTBOS aio Aporient, Uil; Carminativo, Nu" us, Lasative. Diuretii; Sedative, Couni ,_.tant, Sudorific, Altei tive. and .ious. It. II. MeDOlïALB tï CO.. Dm-rirists mul (Jon. A sta.. S.tti Francisco, Califon and cor. of Washinfftón r.nd Charlttm Sts. X V So)d by all l)rug!ii -Is mul Diálcn.' I '-. O. LAUCELLt EW ASTOM NSJjJwV ANO CVT1KRII III Í11.H. 1-A KaT'n5 Itrtiíítf.l twciity.earnbptweenlifji K ifiW'' iefttfa with ASTHMA, I experiroeatcij by naIAkBLP iclnCl x foTt"atly dlscoverflfl ■ wondertil UB TiffJTYTi remedy and mie cure [or Axtluin anrt ClUrti MKBj Wdrranteii to i i-ü'-vo irinUnily sn tlif ptiic IHQk lie down to rent and sleep comlortablj. Dm &SBHm zlltfi ure snppllcd witli pafksceifprnii Èft 'listi iínitin. Cali and ret one, op sddm -"i"-' D. jLAIVCEf-L, Apple Creelt, OU Ol-Sh!J by Dru;gtitg. Full-Bixe Package, by mu, (Lü, lTR(fi. KIHCIJE MJDHLH . V,v ' , ffl Volta's ËLEcTEoBEtTStti V t r , w Bhd i are indorwd l'V tki V n ikf niot (tniiHMif. plijXh jy . thpworldfortbecureofrba ?A h II yr matm, neuralgiaJiTercoa27í1Ll -t-f pl:iit, dyspepsia, i - ll1 t'r,;irli''.-.r:liliL;.IHTVf gsdi ■ ji flÉiat- ot I.!-, til .íem;ileconiplaD 'SÊI - u-i vin aml ccik r ilAbilil WÊËr ftn'l otherchrmcdiMUH.ii L thecbest,hoad,liver, i w kidneys and blood. üoolwltl IS IF E fullparticularsfn NIGHOLS, SHEPARÍ& ÜO.'S ïlJJnAlüii inliiMM, Tlio BRII.UANT SUOCESSof tbufinlaSaviug, Tiiiic-Sariiig TIIBESHER, ia impreco; ciitef! in t be aunáis oí' Fiirmachmery, In a brief period t has jerome wldelyknown and FUIjIiV ESTAm,ISIHSI), i tlw "IiBABIMfiTHRESBING MACHINE. ___=_e;fl?lpSi53 BB - -Ar' ''■"'' : GIMINRAISIMts ; 1 to the wasteful and impcrfecl wort ol ; Threshers, when posted on the vast towrfcfB of this one, for saving grain, saving t .me, m : doing fast, thnrough and eoonomical w rfc THRESHERMEN FIND IT highly advaW run a machine Lhatuasno "Beatcrs," "I'irkers, or "Apron," hanrllcs Damp Gmin, Straw, Holdings, Flax, Timothy, MilletUmf finch diilïcuH Lrain anti seccls wilti liiVXHïE EASR ANO EFFUCTIVENESS. I to pcrfection ; saves the farmer lus Uiresn wi by extra savinjj of (Train; maltes no "I.ilKr ings;" requlrea LESS THAN ONE-HALF the HM Dclts, Iïoxes, Journals, and Gcars; esior managed ; less repairs; one that pcniin rai'sers prwj to eniplov and vait for, even at advancw prioes, while otlier machines are "outofjo Fonr sizesraade AyHU C, 8, lOandli horse " IWoimtcd" l'oners, also a]" cialty of Separator "alone," cxprewl for STEA3I POWER, aud to inatrt otlier Horse IoverB. lf interested in grain raisinff, nr threstiing, wj' for Illnstrated Circulars (sentfrte) wiih1 particulars of sizes, styles, prices, ternis, ctf. NtCliOLS, SHEPARU ie CO., BattU Cru. l'W ■BSTCIIOIIAIVCI, or Soul Cb'ln';;', r la.'' ld n:::y f,llli.lo oi;l f" 'r'" „„. arrcUon of any iK-rson Jl:id. ' (nJJei pmni, Tree, by mail, S5 cents: tusellicT wilhnMnriWi x ïirptl Oicl, Ilr.-Ani, Hint l.i iMMn.kc. l,-" ■ ' ti,, quaor buut. AddreH T. WIU.U11S i IV., l'u'J , ' l'"""___ DB. WHIÏÏIEB, No. 617 St. Charles Street, St. Louis, & continuos to troat all crises or obstaclea to marrfsfC iW bnporittes, every ailnic:it or sickaess whicli resul" Wm uillscretlon or impruJcuco, wiLh uituaraJlelcd EUCC„u' Dr. W.'a establishment is chartcred bj the tétate of 'ƒ- ourtf was fbunded and has besMi t-Htahlishcd t 8e", anf., certaio and reliable relief. Being a gradúate wveral medical collcgca, and havinK ihe cxreriente -ong and fluccesuful life In hU sjiccialiies he has rerrfTiM :rmdiea that are efTectuai Iq all these cases. Bi iatwK 'jc bcing treated by mni or csproas evcrjwliere. fluiter who failed, cali or write. From tho freit"J or of applfcatloDs ho fa enabled to keep bis ctl!iT: 'o. 36 page, elvin.T f.ill nymptoms, for two sinnip"' MARRIGE CUIDE, 26Í) jiages, a popular booli which should bfl n& l'.v B' L'' bot}. No niarried pair, or persona oouttiil'lat'Dí m j rtifs, cao anbrl to do without it. It cootaio-" tho cro-im "' inri -al literature oa thia nubject the resulta or Dr. ■■ f.nn "xperionco; also tbc bost thoiiíihls from 1;lU' -1!, .r, lu turupe aul AmerJOS. Sfint aealed, post-i'''1 '■"" o. h. v. Zf' HEN WRITIBÍO TO ADV;'!Jfiil picase 8y you UW th.0 aílveí" In tnu papert


Old News
Michigan Argus