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Mrs. Tilton Swears She Is Innocent

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Mr . ElizabothR. Tilton has iublishcd Sn affidavit in the New ïbrk iapers, iu wliioh slie says: 1 declaro in the preeence of Almiglity God tliat I ara abHolutely innocent of all the oiïenBea cliargcd against me with relation to ïi. W. Beecher, except that only ander t'uo intluencc ol niy husband, wbich I founcl it impoBsible to renist no long au I peraiötcd in living with him. I have made charges againyt Mr. Beecher which wcre fal-e anl ontirely unfonudcd, and which niy husband knew to Ije falae, and I declare that I left my lmsband willingly and "without Holicitation or induoement l'rom any person, espccially without any aolioitatiou or Biiggestion on the part of Jlr. Beecher, nut, bo far &a I have any knowledge or infoniiation of his views, contrary to the delire of Mr. Beecher, and I did ho because I had fonnd by ad experience that the only resnltof mylong endeavor f!) serye by husbauc! waa that I lv ■ j . t myseli in bis power.' aiid it wan innioswible for me, bo long as I livecl vrith him. to renist hiR demands, or to speak tlic truth when he reqaiied me to den; it. (Signed) Ei.izabktii li. TiiroN. Bworn to before Judgo MeCue, of the City Court, Brooklyn.


Old News
Michigan Argus