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CONTINENTAL UFE INSURANCE CO. Annual Statement, JANIÏAKY 1, 181. Accumulatcd Assels, - $6,555,82 Mabililies, inc luding reserve 5,843,84 Surplus belonglng to Pollcy hold'rs 711,98 Annual lnfome, - 2,820,31 Amount of Insurance in forcé, $54,998,94 Tlirty days of Krace allowcd on l'itj ini'iii of Benewali. No re?triction on Travel. Prumpt ard liber in payment of oluims. Claims paid in 1874, $600,000 Totnl death claims paid in last eight year 3,ÜO,OOÜ, a a WATKINS No. 10 liunk Block, Deiroit, Manager for Michigan JOHN SEAKS, Dist. Ag't, Ann Arbor, Mich. W. H. JAGKSON Has removed his DENTAL OFFICE to rooms ove Hach Abel's store, córner Main and Washingto streets. Entrauce adjoini ng National Bank. GEO. H. CI.ARK, M. D., Homeopathie Phy sirian,. Office and residence over C. Bliss Sons Jewelry store, Ann Arber, Mich. THE ANN ARBOR SAVIN6S BANK Ann Arbor, IMichigan. Receives deposita of One Dollar and upwards an allows Five percent. interest ou all deposita remati ing three months or longer. Interest Compotinded Seiui-Annually. Also buys and sells U. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver an Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Ch cago Exchange. Also sella Sight Drafts on Great Britain, Tuf land, Germany, or aiiy other part of the Euro pean Continent. This Bank is organized under the General Bank ing Law of this State. The Stockholders are iud vidually Hable to the amount of their stock, an the whole capital is security for depositors, whi wit h Banks of issue, the capital is invested for the se curity of bill-holders. This fact makes this Inst tution a very safe dnpository of monies. 31 ur ried Wonien can deposit subject to their ow drafts only. itlouey to Loan on Approved Securitles. DIRECTORS: R. S. Smith, C. Mack, W. W. Wine R. A. BEAL, W. D. Harriman. D. IIiscock, W. Deubel. OFFICERS : R. S. Smith, Pres't. C. Mack, Vice-Pres' C. E. IIiscock, Teller. Estáte of Eraily D. R. Stobbins, Minor STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wastebnaw as. At a session oí the Probate Court for th county of Waehteaaw, holden at the i 'róbate uíftc m the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the firs day of July, in the year one thousand eiglit hun dred and seventy-five. Present, Noah W. Cheever, Judse of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of fiuiily D. 1 Stebbna, minor. On reading and filing the petition, duly verifled, of tíedgwick Dean, (ruardian, praying that lie muy be licensed to sell certain real estáte bolouging to said minor. Thereupon ït is ordered, that Saturday, the thirty flratday of July, 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the next of kin of said minor, and uil other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said court, ïhen to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Albor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shouid not be granted : And ït is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, oí the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereofi by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newapaper printed and circulated in said county fonr successive week previous to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) NOAH W. CHEEVER, 1536w4 Judge of Probate. Moregage Sale. DEFAULT having beeu made in the condition of a mortgage executed by tíeorgo W. Haven and Mary Havens, hia wife, to Charles T. Wilmot, all of the city of Ano Arbor, Michigan, dated the thirteenth day ot April, A. D. 1870, and recorded on the tiith day oí Muy, A. D. 1870, at two o'clock in the afternoon f that day, in hber 41 of mortgaL68, on page 016, upon which mortgage th?re is claimed to be due at the date of this notice the itim of one thousand ftve hundred and forty dolliLi-s, and no suit or proceedinga at law having been iustituted to recover the mortgaged debt, or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given, t luit on Saturday the twenly-flrst day of August 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Baid day, Í shall seli at public auction, to the hiphest bidder, at the south door of the Court House iu the city of Ann Arbor, the mortgaged premises, or so much ae will satisfy the amount due on such mort gage and ltgal costw and charges of such nale, together with Sll attorney fee of twenty-Üve dollars, to wit : Lot uumber five, blook number eleven in Hiscock'f addition to the ei y of Ann Arbor, county of Washtenaw and Statu of Michigan, except tour rode ir width otf trom the north Bide of siüd lot. Dated Ann Arbor, March 19, 1875. 1522-32 CHARLES T. W1LMCT, MortgAgee. PLEASE CALL AND GLT The best Lawn Howers at Pease'a. The most, beautiful Plant Stands at Peases, 2 new Ferneries and Ferns at Pease's. Tiiebest Refrigerators in America at Pease's. Cali aud see the new Lever Clothea Wringer at Pease's. 40 reaBons for using Reed's Carpet Sweepcr at Pease's. Wire Cloth for Screena, at Pease'a. Water Coolers- shop made, at Pease's. Water Filter's of metal, neat, "convuuient and durable at Pease's. Toilit Sets of Galvanized- iron everlasting, at Pease'a. Wire Arches, for Centerpieces, or walks, mude at Ptase's. Bath Tubs- Family, Sitz, Plunge and Child's, at Pease's . Farm Toólo at Pease's. Everything resoimble at Pease's, (.ï- PEASE, 4(í S. Main st. Assignee Notice. All persons huvinp: claims aprainst the flrm al (. V. Ieiter & Co., and aíainat Traoy W. Koot, are eiueated to present tliem to me, and all persons owing the said parties i re requested to cali and ettle. I oifer ior eaU . ; tora of lund neur the bservatoiy; Alm Obi '.'i lividcd hult' ot 4'J feet wtween Besimer's lies 'imnt and the Leonard House, and ol her landsiL t .e State. For iurther )art]culitrs cali on me. R. S. 8MITH, Dated May 6, 18?5 1529lf Aasignee. POR Oïd. Newspapers APPPLY at thp: argus office. H ■ 2 o .lia g m O I g 3 „ Q M Hg íh 1 d u tí -s g __ MANHGOD: Eow Losr, How Eestored ! la Just publirtlied, a new edition of Ir. K'ulrwell Celebra tccl l)sjfc{Sf3m Mii) on the radical cure (without medíJt' cilio) of Hpermatoriíhcea or Stímiual Weukness. Involuntary beminai losse, Impotency, Mental and Physical Inciipncity, Impedimenta to Miirriage, etc.; also, CoNBUMPiiOK, Epilepstt and Fits, indulired by self-indulgeacc or sexual extravagance. &c. Price, in f tealed euvelope. only six cents. The celebrnted tiuthor, in thiy admirable Bssay, elearly demonstrates, from h thirty years success tul practice, tlmt the alarming coiisequeuces o HeU'-ubuse ma be radical I y cured ■without the duo geroas use of internal medicine or the npplicalion of theknife; pninting out a modeof cure at onc simple, certain and eífpctual', by means of wlucl every sufferer. no raattpr what his condition muy se, muy cure himsclf' cheaply, privately, and rudically. BOT This lecture sbould be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plaiu envelope, toanytiddress, post-paidt on receipt oí six cents or two postage stíiiiipa. Addreaa the Publiphers, CHAS. J. C. 1LÏNE & Vi)., 127 Bowery, New York; Post Office Box 4586. jVEW BOOT AND SHOE S'J OICIJ, Opened April 1, 1875. I have opened a Root and Shoe Store in the Fanle Block, No. 43 South mam Street. I have one of THE MOST ATTRACT1VE STOCK of Boots and Hhoes ever shown ín Aun Albor. 'hey are selected witti great care, and offered Ht very low pricea. lu Ladies' Fine Shoes hnve a full line, comprising1 all the Novelties of te season. I ain now roceiving NEW GOODS DAILY. My stock Ís entirely New. thoroughly assortod, nd marked at pricea that will buÍl the must ecuumical buyeru. jr ve me a. culi befurc putUasing- rls.uiiur. U';m3 JOHN BURG. For Sale Giieap. The subs(riber offers fur sale his EXOTJSE A.3STD LOTS n West Hurón strect, next west of S. P. Jewett's sidence. The house ia one of the best, anti pleasntest, for the size, in the city. Will be sold for W lesBthau cost. for particulura apply to Jolin N. Gott, or 1530 A. I). BKSIMKR. hu ROOFÏrJG. THIS ROOFING IS DURABLE AND WATER l'KOOF; VERY FLEXIBLE; FAK BETTER T1IAN ZINC TO STOP LEAKS AROUND CHIMNKYS ANIi CONtfECTIONS BKTWEEN WOOD and BRICK. This Roofiíií? has been in use flve years au is the best in use ! ROOFINO PAINT ! This paint will preserve shinglcrt roofs n indefl nite praiod, and s equnUy adapten to tin or iron roofa It is fire and water proof ! Thia paint will be puton by the Compiiny oí sold by the gallon, with iaaUuctions how to apply the same. XS3T No Conl Tar is used iu eitber. We solicit the public patronage. All work will be wnrranted. AU comraunicntions ahould be uddreesed to the HUTCHINS ROOFINÜ CO, P. O. Box 222, ANN AKBOR, 1IICHIGA . Residence 4."ï Souïh Thayer Street. H7S tf "NË W ÁRRIVAL" OF SPRIM AND SÜMMER GLOTHING. WI. WAGNE3 Has JiiKt Keceived A F31ME STOCK, Which must and will be sold at , PRICES TO 8UIT THE TIMES i ( a fall stock of Cloths, to be GUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Style and Work wnrranted to suit. Also a Full Lino of Furnishing Goods. CALL and C. VVM. WAGNER, 21 South Mai St. Ann Arbor. 1496 penebal i au and business A.Q-JE3NrGY_ RÜOT & ORAXGER, having secured the exclusive use OÍ KOOT'S ABSTRACT RECOBO BOOKS for tbe county oí Washteuaw, wbich tboy Iiave larefully revised, poitted nd períeeted, and havínjí, with mi extentivf arui reli;ible correspondence, ipoiicd a General Business Agency tit No. 6 West Hurón Street, in the city of Ann Arbor, will altend promptly to the sale, purchase tiiid leasing of real estáte, tlie loaninr of money, ooUectJons,negatiation8, oontracting and conveyincintf. Lile and Fire Insurance, and to the praeice of Luw in the various Courts of thia State. Ann Arbor, May 1, 1475. TRACY W. ROOT, B. F. GRANÖER.


Old News
Michigan Argus