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.''-'iM Sorae parents spend tbélrmonej rVrJxMÍf ''■11ont Medicine lo core tlirii BSmTSíXÍ í íí &2Í innnfV ntvi prevent the onlds 1)T pJf&jStigljgSK: hujlng SltVBR TIPPED PJ # ÍCÜJljor Simes, which nt'vür wear throuRh Monry ík tlimwnnv;iy hy;ill wlio REWWPBR9 iln not the A H !'" laLCyioJBLOiS SCIÏ10AV W1HH fn-lun-il W %M I i LP fj SI. ..'S. Itir i-rmli'sr, in.f ERgAtiUi-'eaXS ,li:il!-' JiTir f i-Mivii-;ilh. I-onk KKTT1ÍSÍjKt03i Mit tur itiiitaliimx. All Konuinc RYjJlIlLSO ootls boar tho Patent Stamp. lifli MifTlirnsm S. I. Russell.80 Pulton-Bt.,Ohioago,maketheche4ipeat splint markBt-b.isket in the oountry. Send forprices. NHW )VEITIES (or ii(tent, address, MTLI,l-;lt .V 't)., Mt;tripülitan Block, Chicago. WANTED AGESITS. Stmflet mul Oulflt fret. Teller l.on Gohl. A. COULTKB 4 CO., CMcao. 1 Ato g!-" PER Rond for "Chromo" J5i" catiilugue. J. II. BUFFORD'S SONS, Boston. VERY FAMILY WANTS IT. Mons, tolt Sold bj AKeit. AM"" M. N. IjOVIÏIX. Kile.P. m Co (JOH per das' at homo. Tenns freo. Address y vQkU Ohfeb. Stinsos & Co., Portland, Main. 0t)AA li month to aKcnt ovorywhorB. Adrlress )jVV ExcEL8lonM'l''uUo.,Buchanan, Mich. .- SAMPLE Free and BiK Pay to Male and C Female 'iverïwlim-o. Adilress. 10'fci TIIB UNION PUB. CO.,Nownrk, N. J. W ANTEO AGEKTS- Kverywhere for tho CcnlnKs, Balling wbU. AddM H. O. IÍOUGHTON & UO., 1 SoHiorspt Street, Boston, llass. hUlll li 1 rlllN W Aftents coin money. We have work and money for all, mon or w.imen.boys or ffirls, wholeor Bpuretlme. Send ptamp fcr ( Catalogue. Address FRANK GJL.UOK, New Bedford. Mass. IJKNNSYLVANIA MIIJTARY ACADEMY, Ohos t.T. l'.v. ppen Sept Sfth, LoqatJon healthful, Krminda íimi! búllrllnffa romiíinilimiv Civil KntúnoeriiiK, tht) Classics nii'l Rnwliah tli'm.nirhly tautiu. For Circulare ápply ( Col.. THEO. I1YATT. Praidenl. Address Johnson, Clark fc Cc. .Joston, Mass. New York City ;' Pittsburgh, Pa.; Ctreo, 111.; or St. Louis, Mo. p f tt n fi i r Clilcuiro Snburban Lot at Piafl öiIKi lCUBich- $15downand$5 monthly fnr b;i!am'f- within a short, distance of city liralts, witli bourly tniins and chfiap ïnre. Send for olrcular. IRA BROWN, 142 L.-.Salle Stre(., Oblcago, 111. AnillSQ AlinP ïhomostsucccssfal f 1 ■ MM I I 1 I _ remedy of the pres%3i i y i 6 S UW S 8 h prr on Oplnm Bat. in. Prof. D. BIcckcr, P. O. Box 476, Laporte, Ind. ÍPoiuiils of Bntter from 1 Qnartof Mili. Cm bo mado anywhere, by any one. No chuming reqaiied. Ileceiptsont for 25 cents. Addrass P. O. Boxl741, Phihulelphia, P. [GËöi p7Iowell & 1 $10._to$500.pÍ5 Brorthliw. ind copj of t AVnll Streel Rrvirw orxtT rnrr Josv ITicklino A Co., Bankars Stil I rrttt. and Brokr. 7 Broa.dnay, N. Y. : E?l ffcPiï W A í"1' Florida ÁgrteulturUt. 10a for jpeclmon. ProcoedTngs Florida Fniit-flrowera Hbsocísuob- mtlngoí I:- a" ets. Address Walton i Co., Jacksonville, Ha. Saj whoro you saw tilia. __ Oflhc prcttlcst CARDS yon ever W j s:l M D yur name handaomely printod on ws&k R B hom, aerit, postniud, upon rocüipt of 2(1 cents. ■HÖ H M Your frlenda will ali wiint thein when they aee Jf XJ? joun. Addren W. C. ÜANNON 4 i Knouland tit., liua'wn. Masa. A. Chemical FlowerrSy-'-tór'Sf, hil ■ ilt.T; witli orery ohattgo. oL táiftlrtmoBphero. Kvery dogreo "T moiature or drynassrepresentedbj n different Color. 'i'lln 'f st#Wl and fair wp.ilhcr. Sent, postpaid, onioelptofüOoénts. AgenU TJjnted. A. F. MÍCRRELL, 317 Arch Streot, PhiladclpMn, Pa. T! A E - Tho oholoest in the world- Import !&?s&i en' Laoteat OamnBnj " A.nierioa -slnple artlole - pleases cvi-rybodr- 'I1 radn oon ümi.itl.T Inarmstng Aentl wani'i t-TPiryhern - beat inducemenU- don'twaat. timo- nd for circular te lttmr.iiT Wf.ii.8, 43 Vesoy-it-, X. Y., P. O. Box 1287. Í10W TQ GET AHOSÏË lOWA XvNDS, 00,000 At JEICS. Rirb S.ú!. L.'t.i] ClimnU, t-icwlUnt WsTer, pwiuj; Suítlemunt, gyú ScUtwlji. W ií.r tbt LjiiHlii of tlip Sioui CityD?Sí rnl K. R. and tb McUrotor nrt Musohrl Rlvttr U. R. at $4 to SN per acr, un uasj paymanti. ro yoars ru ?lSvaRiwAL1Í5JB.i B. K. Land OBica, Sibl.j, Oscaola üo.. Iowa. n WIÍLL HAVE OU GOODS. Send f cents and r yewlll h(mu1 by maÜLprepald-ouf Lamp, gwith whieh ytm Cn tilf MIJ K'-roSenr Limp tnthmit removing chimnry or Kettiltg freoêë ouUide "f Lamp At s;ime liniQ ivo mail you all our circubirs and Ptturns ti llanta on twciiij' usteful liousehoid iir(icles wiih whloh any pöraon can taake from 99 to BOSTOK. Masb. SUKE MILLS FOS CORN, FLOUB & FEED, EDWAKD HARBI&O.V, ew Haven, Conn. TgVflNCSTONE'L LiFEANDEXPLORATIONd witii his " Lasï JpnBHALS," now rcady! osi.r completo Lifp mul thririing adrentsrel in írU-: ni the Kreat bero KxploiiT in his uu n lanffuue. ( 'iicapt'st and bost- ( „!y .;,ii FpU'tiilUüy illusiraiiii. Outsclls (;vorythin(f. AOKS-rs Wami-ed. Seid tor extrataonMid prooi ior, 11 i haste to begin work, end $1.00 for f áll outfit togenüina dctress. LlVlNGSiOSK'S l'UULISHKUB, UlillJAUO, IlX. mmm t MEI N Sermón by Moody, John Hall and other,with En sravinROfOW Iji-Ii l l-'ulton ntn'-l 1 CJ.inr.'ii n.m o fiti t 5 for TO CrnM, qoltpald. NEA S VORK DAIJ.V WITNBSS, publtahed eferj S uor-iinir All the New. OnlySt ?""■ ïrj it „„e moni !,&?RÍÍÍX 3 Bproo Btecet, Niw Vorlt. -ks, Kstoblisnct IS act ttjjlj!" TRADE MAKE, rATEKTED. Thr and chonprst Palnt in the Wntrll fr Ivon. Tin ■■ Wopti. For salo bY Dfolors eYcrvwliBro. PErNCHS' "METALLIC l'Il' ('O 'M.nTiuft'riTa, !Ki ('celar St.. N'i'W York. 5 r"O Purchasers will pleasc aeotUatournamo ai.d markareoneochnnd evèry'packagö. SGÜd (atit Circular. Ht-Wct til Violenl l'tn :.': ivs. Ilicy min Uiiu I .i' ■! ili'-i]'::.-li.iii. 'iv.rr.iiirs Effervéscoat Aperieirt ,,- , itlnn tl people as n fdeana "f reHeVlnd all Jtv , .,„ .,.,,,.-,;.,,, ih#at.inioch.llvrnnd intetUnes, 1' Iructicn witlioul pain juni imparf vtgor lo ! li ■ nrsnllfl ffhicb U DUrineé iind IPirnlaTfis. l) UY ALL LUiUUUlSTSi ?. ; und Dtticra in pioporUun. Inclose the amount and "ieedles will bo retttrned by Htfit mail. Addreps ÜKFIA.VCE NEKDLK ()., GOH lïrojuhvuy, N. Y. f.,-_ -,__ Tbto rcw Tnm b worn r? wlth pfrfer.t comfort night _"1y{;A Mul d:iy. Ad:ipts iieplf to 8Ï1U IgMt.'viiry mntion of the body, TT ? R fif'lfnsi.iiiiimíí rnt ure under the 0iÍ -Jy Ur,1Ht.StflrMflnrMfftMwt í?y stram nntil pormuneritly '-f.'Qff cured. Huid cheap by the v Elastic Trnss Co,, No.683Broadway, N.Y.City. Sent by mail. Cali or eend for Circular, and bö cured1 j ' ffifc CAV.ilcrfl, fírnrrr. Nw Un'-'n, Jkïïv32&SA CL. Kal .- "Your Sea Fonm c.innnt ffjlJLS?SWi bewUednorthoftheeitiator;Io WÏÏ-S?LÏJ Goud Brend ntul Fine BfocnH il is yxiSi'ItèCyl Wondertul Proparatton." S'nv.ill. fiXP -JiA l'ildiir, Fllntner isi to., l v'-"?] 1 "Wi tjikc plfeasnre in reoomnwndlíSÍC'a Prttoionce nsinc it wül he no US(fíW7w&JfcS nthw. ItalMarelmmen. Sumí Ü_SSSÜ-íé3 ; Co., 1?U Oiiane SI., Bt. Y' BOCK ABEHTS R3töLLSS Senso Mrrti'-nl A!vi.icr." It is thecheapest l''k evnr publi.-luid ; R- imni, oTBi 2"( UhMtratione, Thonsuids boy it at slght who oould not be inducod to purchns tb high-prlced bodks trrntiliK "1 Domestic Medicine. UnlBte other booluiold thrnngh enta.thi work i tbotonghlj adverUaed thnniRliuiit North America. Tl'.is fluit, togother nith tante siae, elnrant ppearanco, ml ninny DOW fonturos of thn boot osoaes it to aaU moio rapldjj than nby work era pub; liKhcl in tibia comiiry. Thoie of my agente who hare had exuerienco in Bclling bnnks y thut in ïM their prevums canvaSBiniï Ihey never mPt with Buch success (ir made bo l.arge wnges as Bince comnioncinK tile sale of my ITOrk. For term and territory, addross (inclüsing two poatage 8to,uP. and auting experieco . World' Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y. Note.- Mark envelope " For rubliahing Dep't." Office For Sale. On tho flrst of July wo shall offer onr Job Printinz Office fufsalo at a vciry low fic-irü. We have ovor 200 iuiiia cif tlio latust slylus of J.ili 'l'ype, and everything whit-h pertainS to a coniplste JobOmco ontflt. Alü Uaarter-Medium ( .Toliliur ol the latest lmprovod stylo, one Hou L'.ir.l l'r, and ono Hoe Cylinder, lixB inch lied An' niur.lter of econd liaml HewsUaHS. Ihe nltfntionof I'riiiters is callnd to thls sale, as m shall offeragreat barcaln furerah. For íurtlier particular and ApER vvwy 1L4 Monroc Street, Jliicaso, ïll. lliiílllllí p=3 _ s Evory Man His Own Painter. ÁKV SHADS from PURSWE1TS lo JST BLACS Om-nUIHIERPAINT ha lieen imedonmnny thouund bulldlnnandhMlwarprovelenttrelyíttiifactorv w ha Domerou toinni.nliilslilr.rtli'1 fnlluwlnr vlr ■ M. F. SHEFPARD CO., IVnn Tan, N. T.l bclleTe It BESTPAIHTinannfactnred. W TV u:i,AM), " jutw IIouu," Bltlmore: "HaTinsinoil Ti"rrlnt ontlioC.innillI.4d. Sar; togi, tnrt thll Êulw llrnise, 1 rcromnifíiil lt ur t 11. BtrlhitrTllAn.lARK (f.clmileof whichl(tiTennbovf ) ' rrtry imrtuei. Prepareil readv for ín ml lold M the rallón only. Sen for Samplr Card and Prict &st. Branch Offlce 4 Factories.506 Wet-5t.,SEW YORK. 210 Soutb Thlril St., ST. LOUIS MO. 88 Wcit Van Duren Street. CUICAQO. ILL. NICHOLS, SHEPARD & GO.'S "VIBRATOR" THEESHER. The BRILLIANT SUCCESS of Wiis GralnSavlng, Tlme-Savlng THBESHEB, is unprereilcnteil in theunnals of Farra Machinery. ín brief jieriod it hus beoorflí xvldely knonn and FUIiliY EÜTAnLISHED, as the "IíGADING THRESHI9IG MACHINE. GBAIÑ BAISEIIS liFUSE to submit to the wastcful and imperfect work of other Thrcshors, when posted on the vast tuperiority of thisone, for saving grain, saving time, and doinst fast, thorouRh aiul economiral work. THRESHERMEN FIND IT hichly advanta.ireoiis to run a machine that has no "Bcaters," "l'ickera," or "Apron," that hantiles Damp Grain, I.onc Straw, IleadinüS, Flax, Timothy, Millett anti all ■nrh rliflicillt grain añil sr-edf, willl KNTIKR EASE ANO EFFBCT1VENESS. üleans to perf ection ; saves the farmer his thresh bul by extra savinp of train; makes no "I.itteririfrs'requires LESS THAN ONE-HALF the usual Belts, Boxes, Jonrnals, and Gears; eaaiei aged : less repairs ; one that Rrain raisers prefm to employ and watt for, even at advaiicod prlces, while otlier machines are "out of Jobs." Foiir üizes made wlth 6, 8, 10 and 12 horso "Moiintrd' Poner, alo a lcialty of Sepnratorn "alone," cxproHMly Tor STHA.7J l'OWIüt, aud to uiattii other Horde Power. lf interested iu grain raising, or th resh mp, w ri 1 o for Illustrated Circulara (jcnLree) with full particulars of alies, styles, prices, terms, etc. MICUOEiB, 8HEPAHB de CO., finitU Crttlc, MicMean. Dr. J. Walker's Caïïfonü ear Bitters are a purely pieparation, made chiefly fi tive hcrbs found on the ; tht Sierra Novada mountains'oi nia, tho medicinal, proyi are extracted thorofrom without of Alcohol. Tbo question is aaily aslied, " VVhat is tbe ca-jiv ., onparallelcd euccess of Vinegaï Bü' eks?" Our answer is, that tlicyremoü b.e causo of disease, and the patiënt overs bis healtb... They ar Nood purificr and. a life-givir a perfect Renovator 1 the system. Never lx dstory of the world has a m ompouuded possessing uahties of Vinkoah Bitters h iok of every disease man s hi aro a gentle Pnrfjative as well as a To elioring Congestión or Inflammatidi .5 he Liver Rnd Visceral Organs, in % ):.;eases. The proporties ei Db. Wiimi flMiOAR ÏJlTTEBS are jVporii'nt, Diaphoredt )armiuative; Nutiitious, Laxative, Dimti Jedativc, Countor-Irritant, Sucloriíic,ilir, tke. and Anti-Büioua Gratefu' Tüousands proclataïn. EGAR Bititj . ilie most wonderW IiTigorant that ivor sustaiued the Ét sy?,tem. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, andremainks unwell, provided tbeir bonos are notiestroycd by mineral poison er ofei means, and vital orgaus wastcd kjoii repair. Bilious, Iïeinittont and Int mittent Fevers, bich are sopw;. lont in tbe valleys of our tbroughout tbe United State tbose of tbe Mississippi, Oiiio.Mistoi-, Illinois, Tenncssee, Cumbcrland.ArkjBsas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, lïio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Saviinnah.Roanoke, James, nnd niany otbers, ii tlieir vast tributarles, througlioot m cutiré country during the Summet mi Autumn, andremarkably so durinjasons of beat and d fnvariably accompanicd byextenaw rangements of tbo stomach and fe. and otbcr abdominal viscera. In ■ treatment, a purgativo, exertingaf erful inlluonce upon frheso varioitss pans, is essentially iiecessary. '1 is no oathartic for "tlio ?w?osc equíi Dr. J. Walkkr's Vimïgak Bmis as tbey will spcedily remove the dartcolored viscid matter witli wbich tb bowels are loaded, at tbc same tin stimiilatiiig tbe secretions of tbe lire and generally restoring the teaiti; functions of tbe digestivo orgaM. Fortify tlie body againstdiïMi by purifying all its lluidswi Bitters. No epidemie can tak: - of a system tlms forc-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestión, He acbe Pain in tbo Sbould Tightness of tbo Cbest, Dizziness. Eractations of tbo Stomach, liad in tbo Moutli, Bilious Attacks,P#J tatiou of tbe Heart, Inll.ammatioiiclia Lungs, Pain in tbe región of tbe i neys, and a hundred otber p toms, are tbe oftsprings ol One bottlo will prove a beiof its merite tban a lcngtbv idw ment. . _r Scrofiila, or King's M Swelliiijts, Uleers, Erysipclas, S Goitre, Scrofulous Iuflammal Inflanimatious, Mercurial ifccíK Sores, Kniptions of the Skin. & In these, as in all other constitutie1" eases, Walkkr's Vikkgar Bittbss";; Bhowii their great curative power) h iiiost obstinate and intractable For Intlamiiialory aml l"1 Ilheuinatism, Gout, BiliM tont and Intermittent Fovers, the Blood, Livor, Kidnevs these Bitters have no equal. Suoai are eauscd by Vitiated Blood. Meclianical I)iseases.-PV;; gaged in Paints and Minen Plambers, Type-setters, Gol Miners, as they advanco in lift to paralysis of the Bow Mirainst tliis. take a dose of VU"" KGAlt BiTTlÍRS oocasionally. For Skin Discuses, Emi ter, Salt-Klieum, Blotchcs, S] Pustules, Boils, Cal-buHcles, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, En Seurfs, üiseolorations of the ö and Diseasosof the Skin ol ffl or nature, are literally dng n out of the system in a short UB L of these Bitters. tuA Pin, Tape, and other lurking in tho svstem of eo m are effectually destreyed and r1 system of medicine, no verin thelminitics wilU'ree thesystcffli" liko these Bitters. For Femalc Cemptaf or old, married or sinirle, nt.U" manhood, or tlio turn of li" Bitters display po decided MUM" improvemeut is soon perccpB -.j fcleonso the Vitiated Bi ever von tintl its inipiuitiesbu the kin in Pimple, p"Pj cleanse it when yon fiiul it " Blnegish in the foui: your feelinps vrill tellvoo the blood pnre, and the heali will lbllow. „ 1 1 -o.. lï. H. BIcDONALD' DrugPistsi.ndGen.Af;ts..S THEWEEKLYSÜfT, Now Yeara, postpald, tiü ets. AdiW1 No. 617 St. Charl'.s Street, S CDDtlnM to troat !1 inM of iiniiuritica, evcry uilm--i;t 'r Ai-'- ■ inrtiscretlon or iujitrurtence, wi:l u" ])r. W.' uUblialnncnt 1 chHi ;' onrl, Ifa3 founilt-il Rint beto er , (ff'ft (■ ir ■. certnlu and rcüalik' r.lul. l1'' jTOtal mcJical collog', '" liaïl."f,,„ luns niid incocs.ful lire in bl si'-'"-'. en lh are oirootusl in II ! " ure beints troatel bv er fP1" ra.-.tirr .bn fiilo.i, o'aU or ''k bor or appltaxioisi h. MÁRRIAGE CÜjp JÍO pases, a popular book' wliicli '■"" ..,[mr"S'i MÍ. So marriod pair, or periOO'J JJJSijrt" rlagV, can all,,r,l to Jo wilhoa. t. '.'"í ,!'? l..n ,-x,....-ii.-o :!-.. Ihotol 'Wy„'„„.,..H g iu Kun. auj AmiTi.-a. S" "'""'L.m - So. - U. N. U. T)Srf T picase siiy ycu " tu Mits paper


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