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Agricultural And Domestic

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Oh, the "i,i farm-house to me ! The kotnoTy ways HM ampie cheer, Tin' rcfuge :'t lu. i i;ot Ii. t'h Unir, i-'puü chtldhood'a every griet iml frair. Amií deac Ute nu'inory of tkoae dayB l!;itli'd in Love'B amber attaospbere, winn ;il! oor viiircN rose in pra VYhen dra and eliiM were bowad in yrayer. lïut where ate tin , The fond, f )i Wlm 11 1 r. il the great wnite honae n Mhj ? m Oorie 1 i the birda from lat yoar's nest; ; r ii i -■ in 11 ii li ;ii h in iiitmnn fly Snui" (n citiea 'ú' lii" iVeal ; 96ino Inii benVfttD m liftiüii sky; gome iiiiur inajriis now and r..;ii ; Oñe Bans bcneath ;i moaning sea! Sniii" in thf (■]ii)rch;ini ;is]iii. And, qniveriBff in the old roof-tree, One hiiiiiisick waitw The ffwlug 'f gatea ïó ■ aft het In hravcn'n liriKlit. estaéegl To I'iu'.SKUVK Posts. - The Aun rinni ('In in is says that a Western farmer disooyerèd many yoaïs ago tlmt wóód could lic made to laat longer tlian iron in ttte ground. 'J.'ime nul woatho.r, ho says, sc!n to havnuo oííeet od it. Tbc posta can bc prepared for loss tlifin two couts apiece. This is the recipo: Take bolled linseed oil ind stiv into it jmlverizod ■ ■hareoal to thoeonsistency of pafort, Ptrt a. ooat p this over the timber, aml, 1 1 o udds, there is not a man who will livo to o it rot. Oabe of Koor Orops. - Kopts caunot be grown eaccessfally without perfectly Hrnn :uid freinicnt cultivation. The ground may lx; ridi, but yot produce n jioor erop of root if weeJs are permittod, or if the soil is allowed to become dry and hard. Au extra outlay of $5 or less per acre for labor in weeding and cUltivation mny vory oasily make a differeaoe of $25r$50iB the erop. The siimo is true of corn, but especially of roots, wldch insiat on having a mellow, clean soil, or they refuso to grow. - Kxehanre. Horses in Stables. - A correspondent of the, Indiana Farmer writes: "I hfwe tried a variety of means to prevent horses pawing in the stable - among others, the strap and chain - but all failed. Becently I devised a plan, which has succeeded to my entiro satisfaction. I made a frame four feet long, and of sulïieient width to reach nearly to the top of the manger, from which I suspended it, allowing it to reach to -vithin about ten inches of the floor. I boarded up the sash or. frame, in order that ho could not get his fcet over the krwei bar, wliich was a round stick two inches in diameter. The act of pawing sets tho swing in motion, causing it to strike against the shius, which so disgusted my animal that he very soon gave it up entirely." A Canada farmer has a lofty notion of tho uses oí charcoal. It is 'his exporienco that by keeping cliai'coal in the Uog-pen, much of the disagreeable odor is averted, white the hogs appear to thrivo botter on less food in the improyed itinosphere; it should le sj)rinkleil about, some powdered and some in elmnks. By putting a httle in the hörsè-stable i'very day, all dampuess is absorbed; nul if, tben iemovcd daily from the stolls it is dried under shelter and thon sown on the meadows, the increasé óf tho cirópè will be wonderful. It niay be used with equaliy good effect in cow-stables and poultry-houses, and is an excellent deodorizor and disinfectant in ont-liouses. Tho same writer assérts that a httle droppéd into cach hill Avhen potatoe aro plimtcd, will enhance boto tlio sizo and tho quality of tho erop. Ou hing Hay. - Hay is injnred by being too nmch exposed to the rays of the Mm. This causes the volatilo aroma to escape, and alöo disw'patos much of the coloring matter, as may be sern by the liiecching, and also by feeding to milch cows, from which the milk and butter will be light colorod. Here comes in th; valuo of the hay-oa]", which protticts lli" hay cock from the rays of tho sun, and allows it to cure with the üno green color pfoserted; We writo thus early that. onv readers may haVë tlieirattention i-;ill''il i.i tliis iniportiint niiitU'rin season. It is one of those Bubjecta that .see.m to re(uire reiterntion mort tlian ilmost any Otber. Tho fm-mer is 'onservativ; of oíd habite, lie luis heard many say that ripi' hay gO08 further - spoiKls letter. "e. md lirusJi would lust stiil longer for fodder. The poorest foddor, undoubtedly, laste tlie longost - but not the cattle. - Liri Stpek Journal. Domestie Kconolny. To PnESTïiiVK Eook. - Put a drop of giease of my kind on them, and they will keep lor a long time. Ijujini) GiiUE. - Take some good strong glue and mix it with full-proof whisky. Let it soak for three or four days and it will lx; ready for uso. RaiiiBOAD Cake.- One cup of sugar, i li !■■(' tablospoons of butter, two tablc gpoona of milk, thrco egfis, lialf a tcaspoon of soda, ono teaspooii of creiunof-tartar, one teacup of llour. (itAHAM Mt'FFiNS. - Tako one pint sweet milk, one teaspoon aalt, tw tablespoonsful brown sugai-, one teaspoonful baking powder, oue tablespoonful buttor, not melted ; mix and make ás for gems. Tea ehould never under my circumstauces be boiled. I'ut tho leaves in a woll-warinod (scalded-out) toa-pot ; pour üercely boiliug water direct ly over them, and drink the fresh infusión almost immediately. Ktkwviif.kkv Siiout-Cake. - Mix some dowgh precisely s you would for bisenit; bake n one cake, (')ii a round tin. Vluu it is batead', split it opeó and butter it wel!. Have your berries propared with SUgar, and eremn tlso, if you like ; pour them npon tho lower ernst of your cake and plaeo the. upper one over them. OuiíAM Tomato Sour. - To one quart of sweet milk, put ono pint of cooked toinaioes. Wlien it comes to a boíl idd oue teaspoonful of soda, and a half teaoupful of rplied cracker, and geason as for oysters. This soup is very nice. - American QroM r. i'iR Plant Pie.- Lino your baking plate with ricli crust, tRen peel your pie ' plant, cut it up in small alicss, iill youv i]ate, then sprinklc on a snmll handful of Í flour ; yonrjue will ueed no water. Ekke with 1 ivo eraste ; when done tako. off the upper crustaiid sweeteu toyoortaste, as Eor a greon apple i'ie. A Laijnukv Seouét. Take two öunoes of fine white gum arabic powder, put it into a pitolierand pour to it a pint oi chore of water, and tuè'iï, liaving coveïed it, let it stiml ill night. in tho morning pour it carel' iilly from tho dregs into a clean bottle and cork it and keep it for A tablespoonful of gum water stirred in a pint of taivh made in the usual way will giye the. Luvns, eitlier white or printed, a look of heVnesa when nothing elso can imUn-e them af ter they havo boen woaheJ.


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