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Gossip Of The Day

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Tniï report; of the. eondition and prospect of the new col (on erop throughout Uu! Himlhom fatales :uc very fiattering, ;n ui, aa :i convoquemos, (lint section o!' onr country ft fóóking forward to an jv;.i,)iMtion of general prosperity. Wilh a gveai collón orójp u the Soulli uní gíeat'gñdn op in the Wost, what ig Eherj lp liiiidcr i spaedy conquest of onr "hard tiiaea?" Iï is said that the best conducted finunrial !ri artment of au y niorrjing paper in Ihïs country ia that of the Fhiladëlpifa Ledger. It Ims been in the chnrgQ of tho simii' editor for thirty-iive yeare; and in all Ufat time tljcro has aever once been tho slightest suspicion fluit it was nsed in iho private intorests oi' anymafa, or to aid in auy iiuancial spcculation whntovor. QrïsShoppers ar.i $1.00 a Imshel in ftLtBQBota ; pot-iito bugs are '20 cents a quarl in New Jersey - oaught and killed in botn C&SSs, QÍ üflvirso, Trajis have been eoutrived in Mtariesota, nin by liorse-]iover, wíiich capturo from live to twenty buslielsof gjasshoppers in aday. This makes a flourishing line of business, and is n cliiinco that the peal bo extèrminated bj! tk vigorous ■warfaro. Tin; Civil Rights iet, litó ik two-odged sword, Buts both ways. A CurioBfl suit undei the act lias been brought in Woshiilgjtotl. A -white man had engaged rooms in a houw owned and óocnpied by a colorea man, but rented by his wife in his absenoe. On his return ho fenrned the tenant out of cloors, on tho ground !io H1 nol, i w 1 1 i ■; - man in hifi b'ofisé! Th" tenant now brings suit undaiíhe Civil lüghtsbiU. Tiih Spivituaiistio [)hcnomena aro to be thoroughly investigated in Sf. Petersburg by a special rninmitteo of scientists, appointed by tho Imperial University, under tho Presidonoy ol Prof. Moudelflyeff. lu order to have tho tests tlniroui;ii, rcproscnlative American médiums ar.' tu pe iuvited thithei at the expèivse of the ütüVersity, they iHaMng their (imii terius. The investiga! imis will take plaoe twioë a week, and for a petíqd óf not loss trian fix months. TnEeKtimatedvalueof all tho churehes nnd places of worwhip in Now York city is .;8,140,000. Tl 10 Episcopal .stand highest cu tlie list, it .10,709,000; nêXt come tlie Catholic, 6,990,000j PresbytcL'ian, $0,874,0(10; Dntoh Beformod, ■ ■■:. 101,000; Melhodists, $12,818,000; Baptist, Í2,43'2,000; Jewish, 2,007,000; Unitaria ii, S'.H0,()()(); Luthrran, .$537,000; Universalist, 110,000; ('ongregaUonal, #117,000; Frionds, $295,00; Swedenbptgian, i?10ü,000; Aiïicau Methodist, $99.000. 5 Sr4 - Tais i.s tho wicked way in wliioh the Baltimoiv. Oüzette relates a reeeirt editorial change : " Owing to the anforseen linanciiü embavriussmcuts of tho St. Tjouis Times, that vqracious clironicler of tliiags that nevcr happened, George Alfrod Townsend, lias soraped Wie St. Loui.r! dust from his brogans, and agaki bscoino a guerrilla in journalism. öeorge Ls a ilaíing pon, but, alus! not for him is the gntfering li -Icliet, not forhim the flourisliiiig cherry tree. He doos it soeasy, too." Tu e following is the only iustíinoo on 'il of .1 Postmaster resigning", except by roqnest. The Postmaster writos from Kansas lo Postmaster-General JeweU as followK : " Sik - As the grasshoppers are here, and dqetroyïpg tlie com and whai wheat tho drouglit has not burned up, and ths o.ats nttcl ryo, I would ask you to discontinue th's oiliec. If they contiuue ps for tbree or four raiirn cinys, tli wil] to but few men li'H :u-ou'nl 1 1 'i-e. i ut 1110 these favors, iinil oblisre, yo,irs truly." The recent sucojssive cecurrence of j earth((n;ike, tomadoe, ftnd flooda all over tlie tílqbg is ocrtainly vcry ro;r.;n I. able. Tb.9 earthquake in -'ui Minor, tHatjïu Ki'w ri'üailM, ;imi1 tlie .sligliter one in Indiana oamo very mr óüê in(itin-i-jp (Mjiul of IJHt9; uil the ioriuido in Dili-oit imd the floods in Prancé, Austrffl mi Hwitz-iland were almost simultañeoús. The, extraordinary nature of tlicKc don is is eridenoed by the fact alone fully 2,000 perons wero drowned, and property destroyed to the value of 75,000,000.' A -.un IWhing n thè 'JVnuessoe rivcr, al r.liiiji:iii(io"'i, the othrr Öay, fancird at last that he had snooeeded in catohing somethio valiüilile in the piseiitory eatalogue. Hatüing in his apparatos with some delight, imagine the chango at j ing l]i corpse of a young girl attaehed to his hopk. i'iiblic opinión is still dividod upon tlie jioiiit wlietlier tbe girl drowned herself intentionally or aocidentally, or was di-ivned by some partiesto conceal ánó'the'r crime. Hut the L'man in this ii:::;iiicc is disgiisted with rod raid lino, and Isaak Walton has lost a fond disoiple. An exchange gïvea mi account if n locust foiist whlt-h vas iccMitly Kcrrd up in a Missouri town. Boup tras firat Hervoil, and Mi :.iiiin -Ml fco tu.sto Kke ohioken soup ; it was pronotmoed "g(xxl." Thi'ii ra:n" bultcr-ciikes, through whfoh loousts were well mixed. 'Vw. ruk. ■: dé kpfteersd quickly. Bakoil loonstswere then tried- plain hoppers, without o, i„ üm,, il ol imy kind- and were pronounoed an excellent disli. The desaeii wan á la Jokn Ilic i'.aptist - baked Locusta and hnney. Eaüng locusta is 110 jk'w üiing, for anciont historiftiis ppoak of Ui(íf fi-cqucjít uso m Eastern CO1UI' It ïoóks ás tlióuglí SI. Tioui and Chicago, aíjter sately pjweiíjg throngh the riyftlries ol ootnniefce, the bickefings about p iju littif in, the ispittes regardiBg iii ;':i.l iiiiii'i)vc)iiciil, und all the while ivtainiii'; their téiapeia, rtere about lo faü into n dciiily conflict over base-buil. ïlu! Bi Louis Club recently contcstcd and lost a gamo in Chioftgo, aad il tsclaimod bv ili dfiiizciiK of the Monnd City that Uieir representatiTe nine and those accompanying them won; Blia&bily trratod - that some of them wero hijstled off tho ground becauso thny mauifi -st. ,[ tli,. ir 8ympathy fov tlwiv club by oheeriag, and tlmt without tlio nid of policemen'B clubs Chicago would never havo wou the game. Whon Chicago sent her niue to tho other end of the bridge to oontest the return game they wore bndly beaten, and the papers of that city set np a howl of indiguation at the mamier in wbieh they were treatod ly thoae ill-bred ttt. Lonisans. Meantime the people of the two cities are greatly agitoted about this base-ball war, their bloo-1 fairly boils, and the next meeting of these two rival clubs may revolt in an open rupture and :i few broken beads, if something is not done to allay the ill feeling.


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