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Opïbations have boon rosumcd at tlie Oraiit Leoomotive Works of Paterson, N. J., which havo been suspended for some past. Thrco Imudred men are employed on loeomotivea for ie Kusnian governinent. . . . A droadfül storm of rain, liail and wind provaüed at New York on Tuesday laat, unroofing hoiises, tcarin!; u) trees, etc, doing au immense amount of damngo, anil killing two men who wero at work on a house.... A part; of Beven lads. bafiiiñg i" Wantnppe lake, ne&r Fall river, M;ihs., n few days ago, oincd hands and walleed off the Band-bar into deep water, whero six of the nnuiber, Jolm W. FiekHng, Jamea William jicqöes, Williimi Dyer, Franois Kano and (ïeorgo McMauus were drowned. The Plyniouth Oliuroh oongregation, at a meeting the other day. voted unanimously lo raise the ealary of Henry Ward Beeoher to $100,000 a year. He ha heretofore been receiving 120,000. . . .Two heavy faUorea iro announccd from New Haren, ('t. : Tj'ler, Frost ■4. Co., wliolesalo grocor nnd dealere in liqaors, liiibilitiea betweon $150,000 and '200,000 ; and W. H. Bradley & Co., carriago manufacturérs, liabilities about 225,000. Fiiank D. HotrLTON hos BddresBod 1 lottor lo liihiiH'l Attomej Britton, of Brooklyn, demanding a trial on he indictment fouud against liim at the iustauce of Mr. Beeehcr lawt Hummer. ïue tbunder storm wbich passed over New Eugland last Satnrday was au onosu&Uy severo one. Several porsonn wero killed and injnred by the lightning in different parte of MuMnactmsetta, aud in Portland, Me., four churehea wero set 011 fire and moi'e or less damagod. . . .By tbo temporary snspenaton of the Atlantic Cotton MillH, at Lawrenco, Mass., 1,200 operativos aro thrown out of employnient . . . .All the buOMiMfl poition of Portvillo, pattaraugUB cpunty, N. Y., except the depot and oue store, wero destroyed by flre one day last wock. Los, $60,000; insurance, .40,000. . . .Kdward Kelly, bridgo w,atcbman. and luw wifo and child, wcre run ovc.i' by tiu1 caV8 at Otsogo, N. Y., lawt weck, the child alono eacapiug doatb. . . .At Long Braiudi, last woeli, Mrs. Algernon KartoriH, daughter of PrcHideut Grant, gave birth to a üne boy weighing 10% pounds. A EOi.u and start) ing robbery was committed in New York, in broad dayliglit, last week. At uoon two well-dreBBod Htrnngers obtained admiBsion to l.he house of Mathias M. Uaucer, 50 West Eleventh street, by representing tbemselves to ba Crotón water-tax collectors. ïhey had 110 sooner enterod than thcy seized Mrs. Danccr, who was alone, bound, gagged, :uid handcuffed her; then adraitted live other confederatee, when all procecded to ransack the houao from top to bottom. ïhey obtainod $40,000 in Virginia íátate bonds, out overlooked Y10,000 New Y'ork Central secmiticH. Aftor the departuro of the robbers, Mrn. Danccr succeeded in attracting the attention of a pawserby, and she was rescued from her palriful poaition. TUe robbers cscapcd.... Logan Brothers, oil dealers of PittBbargh, have failed. Liabilities, .f350,000.... Wbile a party of Orangemen, witb Indica aud children, were returning from celebrating the Battlo of the Boyne at a picnic, 011 the 12th inst., they -nero attacked by a mob iu the streeta of Lawrencc, Mass., and scveral of tbo party serorely injurod. Word wna Hcnt to the Mayor, wlio aoon arrived at tbo scène of tbc riot witli a sqnad of pólice to proteot tho Orangemcn. Tlio mob tlicn inado a furious oiislauht on the pólice and Orangemen. with a aliower of brickn and stones, and every oue of the partj7 were hurt, excepting the Mayor, j somo seriously. ïbc ]olice tben opened fire with revolvers on tlio riotere, who scattered in evcry direction, asveral of tbeir nuniber being moro or lesa iujured. No livcs ure reportcd loit. TUK WKST. The Governor qí Kansas hos sent to PreBilent (rant a strong remonMtrani'o against the proponed setllement of du Siottx and otller wild Indiana in the Indian Territory. Gen. Fhancis P. 13i.mii Ju., dled ai hia residenoo in St. Louis 00 ihc St's innt,. in the 5." year of his age. lic was striekcn withpnralysis in 1872, and lias been in failing liealth ever i-inci'. Two months ago transfusión of b!ood was tried, with, it wan thought, favorablo roaults, bot a relapso took place, resultirjg in bis death in a few liours. . . . real estáte lawsuit, whioh promiaes to rival in magnitude and diualinn tlio celebratod snit of Mr. Gaines in New Orlean, ia ons of tlic probabihtiee in Obicago. A trip of land worth several mülious of dollar?, on wbich stand tbc. Illinoin Central depot and a portion of the tracks, in in dispute, Imving just been originally entcred at tho Land Offioe at Springfield. althongh it has been oeoopied and presamably ownod by the railroatl company for the last t'.iirty vcarH. . . .T!io lufcsi uewH from the lïlack llills is not enoooraging to gold-Heeker. 8ix hundred MciuionitOH, from JiuHHia, ]aHHed through St. Taul last weck, en route to Unir nciv hornea in tho SaBuKatohewan country of Manitoba Indiana to the nuniber of 100 attacked the Pouoo Ageney, in Dalsola. a few dayn öince ; but as the authoritien had l)een warned they were preparod, and with tho aid of a íield-piece they were re]ulhjed. Beveral of them wro lulled It is reporled from Rioux City that the governmont is iitting out nu ex])edition to go to the Black Huls to bring tho Bbinera who are now at work there without pcrmiHHion from tbc governinent, An iron miHintain, 8 milcK long, 2}-., miles wide, and 1,200 feet high, brimful of tho jmrest ore, has been discovered in Minnesota, 60 miles north of Jluluth. . . .Affaire in the grassnbpper Btricken cetiorm of the West don't wear such a gloomy look alk-r all. The Kansas ('ity Ti-inrs of Kunday last has leports from various parts of the plague-infectod district, cmbracing iive coxmties in Missouri and nbout the same number in Kaiinas, tlic general tenor of whicli go to show that thcre will be a heavy erop of coru, millct, and llungorian grasses. The llax erop will also be largo, pon) is growing now at fee ratte of two inches daily. A remarkablo fentnro of its present growth in that a ncw kind of grasa, rcpcmbling buffalo graas, is epringing up in man; portions of the grashopper (lisliict. . . .Tlio Adanw K press Company lias oiicrril a rojrard of : l.ouii for the arrest of the Vandalia train robbers ; the Vandalia ünihead Company, $1,000; l'.l'ïingham c-ilizcnH, (800 ; Dm railwáy Men, WOfl ; and the citizeus of Ca-soy, iyl50, ni;d,ing in all 2,700. Tinc Chicago joúl-nhl of Mondaylai-t nays : 'The harvesting of the winter wheat in Southern Illinñi.s íh tiiiiíshcd, juid attógcthéi: tbe aggregate yield is hardly up to the average, yi 1 , the quality is good. In ('innal Iliinois the wheat harvest. now in progresa, wül ;t Pair ,'ld. The oorn erop all over the, J now promisea to be one of the largost and best that has ever buen raised.". .. .33ic inK,t manifested in the National oainp i.icriing at, ('■(ar Rapids, Iowa, was rerj great, tho average daily attondanci being fiilly jo.uili) peraons, Tho weather waa excellent. THE .SOIT!', Pat lUsm!, a rct;iil frecef in MomphjB, waa ehot and killed by Ofricer HpOorompki on Tuesduy last. ll&nuiug was heating one of bis children, and was ordered t.i desist by the Offloer, but rcfus.d. The omoer procured a warrant and attempted toarrest fanuing. whcu the latteriLred at him. i!i bal] graztag tía icmple. JIcOormick theu drew hia pistol and tirod, insta.itlv kUling Manning. . ..Bobert N. Yerby waa thot and killed on tha istoamer A. J. Wliito, ïtciir .ít. Louis Landing, Ark., a few ciays sinco, by B. L. Oliver and his son. The Idlling grew out of au old gradge, young OHver iirst shooting Yerby in the temple. After bc feil the eider Oliver fircd at bint. Tbc Olivera then ordered the boatto land, whiob was done, and thoy escaped In tbo woods. . . .Four peraons wcro instantly lulled, and Beven scriOUBly injiired. by the explosión of ftBftW niill at Hot Springs, Ark., a few days ago The business part of the town of Washington, HompBtoad eountv. Aik., ha been destroyed by fire. A matei) game of billiards of 500 pointe, for #1,000 and tlie-cMtunpionship of the West and Southwest, was played laat week at NewOrloans botwaon Henry Rhines, of Chicago, and Henry Milkr, of New Orleans, the latter winning At a Inrgo meeting rocently held at Charlotte jvillo. Va., to conaider whether or not that State Bhould repudíate her debt, a series of resoluti t;is denouneing repudiation in thowarmest terma, wore adopted with but ono áissenting vote. Tmkkís troublo in the Indian Territory, a S1ut.IT haring killed a wealthy farmer nanied I oreman in attompting his arront, the latter" reBÍHtng. Foreman, a momber of the Chêrokeo uation, had prcviously l.illed an Ogwe, and for this act bis arrest was atlempteil. Foreman's frionda are in pursuit of the SheritT. WASHINGTON Tuk. I'optmaster-Goueral contemplates maltin;; : :i official tour of New England in August, and of the South ia November. Tb is trip will havo the name general purpose as hia recent Y( st in tour. Ni: ,v and nxteuaivo frauda in connection with tho whisky ring are being made, and among those indioted for couspiracy are G. W. ïïahbaek, late of the St. Louis Denwcral; and Mesara. MoKoe and Houser, of the GlvbeDem -rat. W. O. Avcry, Chief Clerk of the ryat. Washington: A. 11. Helt, Chiet Glerk iu the Iuternal Kevoimo Bureau are imphe;iled....Under the act of July 18, 1874, providing for tlio rSBumption of anecio payiiient.;, tho Troaiury Department bas diisposed of al.out il0,00O,000 of bouda. known aa the 5 per oenta, authorized by the act of July 11. 1870, and with the proceeda bas purebased aboui i'J, 000,000 in uil ver for tho purpose of retirüg fractional cnrrency. Tuf.asi7Heb New has iinposed some grievoua reatraints apon tho lady clerks iu the Treasury Department. An order has beeu iaaued prohibiting visitora, and the ladies aro not permittod to leavu thoir work during buemesa hours, as they formerly spent mach time gading ïbönl the halla. Tkeasuim-.ií New is getting fully established in hia new otliec. lio Haya ho intenda to conduet '.. lor a whilo as if ilwerea bank, and then resiga the position. He acoeptod the trust with ;rcat reluctance, and is evidently entering pón the diachargo of te duties with the inte] ion of managing thia publio oflieo aa if it wero .i succeasful private business enterpriao. . . . . 1 .eport.i juat mailed by Tbird Assistant Postmaster-General Barber ahow that 1O7,G1C,000 postal curilH mere iamied during the fiscal year which ended June 30, against 91,079,000 issued for the year which ended June 30, 1874. The aerease is equivalent to about 18 1-C por cent., which shows that the postal carda aro growing in popular fnvoi ;imi nicaim of iuter-communicat.on. . . . Tho yalue of the issue of ordinary postage Btamps during the year which ended Juno 30, 1875, was 18,271,479, au incroase of $990,237 over ihe proviouH year. Tho value of newHpa]'(;;■ : id periodical postage Htam])Bwa3T815,yO2; or ordinary tamped enveioiies and wrapper, - -I.Í-.. :.f7. an ineronac of Í242.281: of poatal carda, !tl.07C.lC0 ; of total issuca for aale to tho public, 24,288,018, an increaee of $2,219,794 over the fiscal year which ended Juno 30, 1874. The value ef oflicial postage atamps for the fffica] year amounted to $834,970.25, a decreae of 580,87-1.95 aince Juue 30, 1874. Tho value of official atamped envclopes was $354,532.18, an iucrcaiio of 9106,552 over the year 1874 The Comptroller of the Currency requeatH all natii. .ml bank.-i to return for redemption notea of the deuomiuation of if-5 on tho following I banks : The First, Third and Traden' National Banks, Chicago; First National Bank, Postan, 111.; Firat National Bank, Cantón, 111. Thé notos having been snccessfully counterfeited thoy aro to be retired. Ex-Gcv. FletobeS, of Missouri, has agreed to sorvc on the apocial ludían Comtuisaíoii appointed to investígate tho charges made by Prof. Marah against tho ludían Bureau. POI.ITICAL. Tui: President bas appoiuted William C. Nicliols, Assistant Treasurer at Chicago; Johu Taffo, of Nebraaka, Secretary of Colorado; Jobn 11. Clark to bo Surveyor-Geueral for Nebraska and Iowa; H. M. Keyaer, of Illinois, Eeociver of Public Moneys at Helena, Mon. ; Challes D. Bradloy, Attorney for (iolorado. The Repnblican State Conventioii of Wisconsin .'as held at Madison on Wedneaday, July 7. The following ticket was placed in tho field : For Govornor, Harriaon Ludiugton, of Milwaukee ; Lieutenaut-Ciovcrnor, H. T. Eaton, of KioKand; Secretuy of State, Ila.naB. Warner, of IP.erce ; Treasurer, Henry Baetz, of i towoe : Attorney-General, John E. I'ennett, of Koek ; Superintendent of Publio Inatruction, L'übert Graham, of Ouhkosh. The reaolutions are as follows : Adhercnce to the indiasolnble union of the States, the sovereignty of tho Federal government, and the righta of States ; government rotection to labor no union IkLh 'en Churcfc and State; against a división of .he school fund for sectarian purpoee ■ reoognizee President Grant's third-term iette.' : npproval of tbc efforte of the present Adin.jihtration to jirevent and punish fraud : in la .or uf arbitratiou iustead of war ; adherea ! to th.i doctriite of legislativo control over ! roadt and other eorporationa deriving power ' from the State gradual resumption of specie piiyn.entrt ; a tarilT for revcnue only ; sueh a revisión of the patout laws as will relieve induatry from theoppreasion of monopolies ; tbat tme education ami sound morala are th Dost agencies for promoting tho cause of J anco The Oppositioa Couveution of Minnesota met at St. Paul ou July 7. The followiug nominationa wore made : l''or Governor. 1). Ii. Jjuell of Iloustou ; Lieutenant-Governor, 1'.. W. Durant of Stillwater ; Secretary of State, Adolphus Bierman, of Olmstcd ; Aud: . "1 Slale, M. Doran, of Lcuouenr ; 'J'rea rcr, Albert ScliafTer, of St. Taul ; Chief Justï.'i. L. Emmett, of Rice ; Attorney-General, j'íie.hard Jones, l' OlniHied ; ClerkofSuprenu Court, Archibald McLeod, of Duluth ; Bailroad Commissioner, M. Seneerbox, of Scott. Tho platform accept.s tho Fourteenth lifteenth, and Sixteenth Aineiulineuts to the Federal Coüstilutinn, and .says that hereafter all parties must stand uponthem; favors tho righta of the States ; opposes all aitemptsto limit the freeaom of the presa ; favors prepa - aboryand effectiTe measviree for the roaunipli'in ifspecte paymatitei ■■ ttuiff forravcaue only no piu'tiaj iegialation ; uniform excise laws .ind no Bumptuury laws ; ntrict cconomyin pnbli affaire; control over chartered corp ■itions. ':i;ni:i:.i.. Gi. . BhebidAH recoinnicnda Haat the Indlan I :■;, i tal t. Lonstiue, Fla., bo permitted to bl ■ tl iiiitiu-ihnte fnmtli&l iw with tlu-in. and U ia said that the requost' of the Indians will . granted, although it will involve au expe Be of transporting 800 persons nearly ! 3,000 miles The beadquarters of tho l'atroné of l ' il KNi'jry 1 1 Li o been removed from ; Wasl.:'i;;tin to IjOiUsTÍlle, iui'1 thn next meet1 in' i C tho Nnti-iiril Graoge will be that I city - ;i the third Wodnosday o!' Novembernext. is of tare (in Ule iinitiniore and OhiO 1 railri nd haveagain beer recblcwl, h follows: To ■ ïork, $15; 1'hiliuU-lphia, L14: Bultimoi'í: and Washington, $13,00. ï JMSKKiN. American rifle team vete enthusiasticaU ly rc-cwed in Belfaet, [reland, and were banqnetèd by tho city aulhoritics. . . . A duel was the other day, iu lietgium, betweeu two an journalist, Rosarte, of Le PreMe, and Jbre . ier, of Ia.' Figaro, and the latter was wom:ded in tho chest and arm. . . .Gambetta, tlie cistinguished Frenoh statesman. bas omptorily declinod to accopt a challenge from Pani do CasHngmic, tlic notod duolist. .. .The father of Dou Cario has been arrested by the Spanieh autlioritioH. Tuk Loodon Timen of Jnly 8 mimmarizea tlie military and politieal nituation in Spain, and gives a glooniy view of the AlfoiiHint rauno. . . . .The Itiilian governmeiit hïuj deeided not to partic.ipato in OUT CcntsnniaJ, on account of tho considerable expense meaesnry A largo orowd Moeïttbted at Hondón, Engliuid, laHt week, to witness the pigeou-shooting match betwoen A. H. lïogardus, of Illiuoit?, and Geo. lïimmcl, champion of England. Bogardua won casily. Bogardu ha.s challenged all Knglnnd to shoot against hirn.. . . TheSuffrage Extensión bilí lias boon defoatod in the English Houe of ("ommoiiH by a vote of 268 nays to 166 yoas. . . . Cassag&ftCt tlio Paris lighting editor, han pubhnliod a letter, in whloh ho threateu to kick Gambetta on ight. An internatioual pigoon match, X800 and the ehampionship of tho world, bas been arrsnged to lake placo at Loudon in August, between A. II. Bogai'diiH, tho American chanipion, and Edward Thornton, of Yorkshire, England's -100 birds, ISurlingham rule Cortina, tho brigaud chief of the llio Grande border, ha been safely conveyod from , Matamoraa on board a gun-boat and in now on the wayloYora Cruz. .. .Portions of Switzeriand were recently visited by a hail-atorm of unprecedented violeuce nnd destructivencss. Many persons wero killed, cropa doutroyed and valnable property damaged. . . .Inuudations and overtlowing of the rivers of Franco continue to bo roiorted, and raihvay traflic is intoTTvipted, with ocoasional Iohk of life.... Tbo Lcnion Standard decriea immigration to the United Suites. It boliovoB that Americans still covet Canada, and concludoa the artielo in those words: " We wihIi Ciinadians to understand tliat Englattd regard them as Englishmen, and woulil ftgbi f or Canada a for Kent. A puggestion to abandon Canada would ovorthrow the strongest ministry England bas ever knowo." 'Jvo Enoijsh tourists were niTostod at Mayence, not long Hinco, by rniesian authoritieH, on the supporition that they wcre Frenoh spies. Whcn it becamo known who they were, they were released with profuso apologie. .. .Tho American riflo team Jias deoliuod an iuvitatiou to nlioot a match at Wimbledon with a pieked eight from all England. Thoyannounce that they cannot dopart from their original inteution to shoot but one match on that nido of the Atlantic. I,atkk account have boon roccivcd of tho reoent terriblo storm in the harbor of Valparaíso, whicli moro than conlirm tho previous reporta of the destructivenesHof tho cyclone. Tho loss of life is chtimatcd at over ono hundred souls. itorty boys belonging to the naval training ship were drowncd. No correct estimate of tho loss of property had been arrived at, but what with tho stranding of vessols, the sinking of liulkR, tho damago to vesseln. destructiou of lighters, and boate lost (probably oxceoding 100 in number), tho destrnction of baths and other property, the amount will bo very heavy.... During tho recent typhoon at Ilong Kong, China, the steamor Poyang foundorod, with a loss of ono hundred livos Chinenc pirates reccntly attacked a'British steamor in the harbor of Foo-Chow, and killed a cutom houno officor on duty, ho receiving about twenty-üve slug in liis breast. The HnmgglciM wie beatón off by the crow, and it was learncil that f onr of tho dcporadoe were killed and several woundod.


Old News
Michigan Argus