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KtstI'-.ii Aobii EvhKBTB, a niecti of the lajia Edwnvil {Sifecétt, is Motlnir-Huperior of tlifi Coiivoiit of St. Vincent de i'aiil, in Jeffi'vsou, Texas. Sho is saul to bo iv lady of raro aooomplislimeiits and cilucation. Wihioit's Fevkk and Ahite Tonic. - Tilia medicino i ïiHod by oonalructkm companiea for the bonclit of tnair employés, wjicn engaged ín nialarial districxa. Tho higlie&t testitnoui&lR have been givenbycontrnct.ors and by the Presidenta of somo of tho leadiug railroads in tho South and Went. Wheu men are conjjreg.iled in ltirge numbei'B in the neighborhood ot' HwampH and rivorp, Wilhoft'rt Tonio wll jirovc ■ i valiuiblo acMition to tho stock of medicines, and vfiM amply reward tho eonijmny in tho Bftymg of time, labor and money. Wo reconmiend it to all. WHÉKLOCK, PlNÍAI & Co., Pnjprictoni, New OrleaiiH. For sale ey aix Dkuüoists. A fact worth remembering - Fivo cents worth of Sheri&atrí Carnilry Gondilion Powders, given to a hore twico a neek, will Have doublé that amouut in grain, and the horno ivill bo fatteï, sleekcr, and every way worth more nioney tban though liedid not have them. Mariïied ladios, tinder all circumhUiiiccs, WÏH fmd Taratm.i' Piirgnlirf Pils safo ; and. in himill doHoa, a mild cathartio. ïh'ey caiiMO 110 griping paiim or cramp. Florida is snid to bo the best timboml State in the Union, thero being in it over 30,000,000 acres of timber land. Glen Floka Si'EiNa Wateb, at Waultegan, 111., enrea all hidnoy cuneases. llow to G kt a Hosik. Heo advertisement. Wil AT WE KXOW ABOUT IT. St. John, N. B., Anuí, 27, 18"5. MFssna. Craddock i Co. : . The Cannabis Indica pivnn mei irreat reüef. Iwas but a. shadow of my iornicr solf, and nnw, thanks to your invalujiblo lomedy, T ara rücruiting ín strengtli rapidly Send two more bottles. Rcsiioctfully, Datib Caín, On Stearaboat " Kiujuirer.11 MARirOKY, VIPTORY, ONTARIO,? FEBBUABT 18, 174. ) The InBt three bottles of Cannadis índica, which I obtAined from you curei thatyounpwomanof tho CliroilIv Uijirrllrjl. Siio is as well ih ever she was, and had been under the doctor's hands all last suinmcr, not eipecting to livo from eek to vreok. LAT'REN FlTLFORD. N. B-- This Remedy apeaks for itsclf. A Binóle botüo Mili Siilisfythe ninst skeptical. Thoro is not a sinRlo Bjrmptora of oiisuiiiHon thaí it does not disslpate - NlsUt Swoats. Irritation of tho Ñervos, Difflcult Exlectnritions, Sli.Trp Pains in tho LungR, Soro Thrnat, Nausoa at tho Stuinach, Inaction of the Bowols, and Wastinf; of tlie Muscles. $2.50 per bottle, or throo bottles for $6.Sü. Pili and Ointmi'Ut, $l.fiB ?uch. Address CRADDOCK CO., 1032 Race Street, Philadolphia. Snd for circular. Asdíina nni! ('iilanh Seo t. Langell'a advt. W".1"'' 'J1Ü'M"Í 'V'" Amnnff the fine mts not lost Is R5Dfe ? 3w ill thi! ait of ohildren ninkintr liolR jLAllLifitatMgZáAa jn (he t"i' nf hoiifs iind shoos. KjflSX jT3 aro an exct-llt:nt rcmedy, neier Dmatiitiiy Mtfl Tli.'biiity ptg tXQ ! Ttf JV'"1WS botü c(.iu!i'ncd in 'hñ C?R y V 9 "PB CABLE 8GREW WIRE tlSfSCT Hooís and Whnps; one trial nill kK1)4! A ■ JKJ convini " you : ivill mj vip or leak. lxMfcKteS AU bear the Patent Stamp. KMM i JCi address LOUIS LLOYD A CO., Chicago. AÍTITTI CURE. Ohp, qukk. private. No J1, AUilA pain. Dr. Abmstbonu, Berrien.Mich. EVISUV PAMII.YAVA1VTS IT. Moriejlnlt Sota hy Agente. Addres M. . I.OVKIX, Erle, P. TOAM'EBACKSTS. temp!, and Outfit fret. TT Beller than Gobl. A. COür,TKR A CO., Chioago. (Sïi i to S'ir I'KR OAY- Send for "Chromo" p IXt catalogue. J. H. BUl'TORD'S SONS, Boston. (St i a month to apents everj-ivhero. Address WíJVv Excelsiou M'I'u CO., Buchanan, Mich. 1 r SAMPIVE Frtr and Big Pay to Mal and fh Femnle evervwlipre. Address. J THB UNION PUI!. CO., Newark, N. J. -vm Catalogue Froe. Ru0T -m -ñ --% (lolpli Jb Co., 1018 N. aw3T ftiL.B. ,a,gSS oth &. Louis, Mo. CLARK'3 BOOK-KEEPiNG. i'SCS: SI. OO, postpaid. Send for Circular. W. s. C'IAllK t CO., 143 Race Street, Cincinnatl, Ohio. k#%BMi a day guarantned uslnpr onr Well IJiJ'JBiWk Auger & Drllls. $100 a month MI]ih p:i'i to pood AKt'iits. Ati.ïi'r bonk rfMM &r free. Jilz Auc-r Co., St. Louis, Mo. W.WTKD AGEÜÏTS- Kverywhora for tho Cem1-imi:il Ilinlory- GOO p;tK. :4 Ut engravna-), KdliiiK wclL Aidten HO. HOUÖHTOIf 4 CO., 1 Somersst Rtreot, lioslon, Mass. CÍÍ1Hlí'1virTTí"1 for yon. Sells at sight. Oar SUHIJ'j IIUIIU Agent coln monoy. Wo bnTO work and money for nll, men or wonm, Ixtys or girls, whnlo or spare tiinn. Send stninp for Catalogue. Addi-ess FHANk GLUOK, New Bcdford. Mass. f f3 O A I ■? Chicago Suburhan hofa t rKjlX OALUi $lllUflach-$15downand$5 monthly for balance- wit I) in a horfc] distanco of city limtts, witfi hourly trains nnd cheap fare. Send for circular. IltA I'.UOW.N, U2 baSoUa Streot, Chloago. 111. PK.VSYI,V:IA .MILITAHY ACAIÍF.MY, ('In Bar. r.i.. Open Bept Sth. Locstlon bealthfnt, groundR ampie. baildiuca comTaodioi. ( ' EnclneerIng, tli.i ("i,-i.-s nul linglish thoroughly tuusbt. I'or Circula rs applj to Cor.. TIIKO. HYA'IT, PtalHent. ia nnvf tnRwm nAfHGENTs wanteo to nii 10 D9LLAES PEU DAYh-emI? Addrcss Johncon, Clark & Co., Bortón, Mass.; Níw York City; l'ittaburijh, Tü. ; Chicago, 111.; or St. Louii, Mo. GePJoweuT] 3 Pounfls of Bnttcr from 1 Qnart of ÍS Cao bo mnde nnywhc.o, by any me. Nu chuming rauirod. U,ceipt Hor gjfífa Sw. Pa. DOUBLÉ Y0UE TEADE Druggists, Cntcei-a and Dealen l'nre China ail Jtivaii Tr'-.ut sealed paokaeeürretojoi) mis, lioxes, or half cheab ,.,:.-.. Sond for olrcolar. TieeIMui Ti:a Comías í, 901 Faltón st., N. Y., P. O. Boi 4560. AiiKX'TS WAMTKD POR. A KEW ROOK. SUCCESS IN BUSINESS. HOW iwISe MONEY. SIHníf p."ri fust. Srnl Or circiunm. P. W. ZIKGLKR A ('()., J(M 5. t'larli-st,, l'hicugo, 111. ,, ■-■ ,Dt r,AOEI.l.'9 r'E"%V ASTIIMAi V-íLV ahí cATAnnii ki:mi:dv. i'ñk Jí-vS1 llaving atruggied tweotj yomn bef weB Hf Oü oath wlth ASTIIMA, 1 MtpeiÜMaW' fcï i(1if'MEÊ wÈ iVni 'Í fÖftiinatfly disrovcrofl .1 wnti'li-rlrl BHut1Zl irrafily aml surc nn fnr Athin.i n1 Cntnirh. " Wnrranted to i-rlie+e ïnrtaofly io tWptfBBtcii KIÍt lo dowu to rest and sleep comlortably. Drup JMnEI ■'''■"t" nrciiii[ipli'M-with sample psckRBfor FBS1 HB distiilíUtiíHi. C'nll anl pot one, or id'lrjw Hib...MuwilV B tANCIELL, Apple CreeU, Ohio D-fSiKl by :in;gi:-ls, FulL-fize Tackiijic, by mail, 11.35. .vFn'c"st'oné'c [LIFEandEXPLORATIONO ,v:[h hi . " I.'.st JaOVSiU" n.wready! The OHLÏcom.,j, ,,. i,jj(. M,,i tlirUling adventurea in África of the great ,1. l.-.ngug. OlKiMMaad ! Oufaelh eTegrthlng vnik1'. Sen.i fircxtratornisand pniof ; or.if in baste to begin work, lendCl.OOforfQl] outfit togonuino ddrei, LIVINUSXOMÍ' 1'UIIHSIIKIIB, CmCAUO, IjLL. I CMcapBflsmess Directory, AGRICULTURA!. IMPLEMENTS. OHKAQa SCItAI'KK ,fc UITCMKR CO., 56 LaSollc. AWNINGS. TENTS, TWINES AND CORDAGE. OILliERT, IIUBBARD CO., Ml to 208 B.mtli Wotor. BAKING POWOER AND EXTRACTS. Dn PRICK'S. SUek ii J'ri M'f'rn., 2111 & SCS. Wnter. Chicago, 504 N. 2il, SI. (iOttU,gU Main, Cini'.iiin;iti. BANNERS AND GLASS SHOW-CARD WRITERS. MUNN & IIIÍU.M, 215 W. Mailisnn. BOOTS AND SHOES-AUCTION AND COMMISSION. ,IAS. P. McNAMARA 4 CO., 27 K. Washington. CANNED FRUITS AND CRYSTAL LAKE PICKELS. F. A. WAIDNER, 45 and 47 Rivor. COWING'S DRIVE AND WELL PUMPS, 4c. DOWNKlt & WOOLNER, 88 and 100 t'runltlln. CROCKERY. CHINA AND GLASSWARE. ABRAM FRKNOH 4 CO., 101 and 103 Wabash ar. ENGRAVER, SEALS, PRESSES, STEEL AND BRASS STAMPS, STENCIL TOOLS AND STOCK. C. 11. HANSON, 38 South Clark. ENGRAVERS. S. D. CHII.DS, JR., 4 CO., 115 Franklln. ENGRAVER, DIE S1NKER & MANFR. OF STENCILS. 1,. BOUHK,, 171 EC. Ramiolph. FLOWERS AND STRAW GOODS-SPECIALTY. DAI.Y, HENROTIN 4 CO., 141 and 146 Wabash av. FURNITURE. A. L. HALF, & BRO., 200, 2OS,2(1 and 206 Randolph. GLASS SHOW-CARD PAINTER. J. J. G. BUlUillOl'TER, 199, 201 nnd 203 K. Ilondolph. GRASS SEEDS. ALBERT DICK1NSON, 136 Kinzle. GUNS-CUTLERY MANUFACTURERS. W. E. SPRiffKIl .t 00., 54 State. Send for prlce-llBt. HARDWARE AND CUTLERY-WHOLESALE. EDWIN I1UNT 4 SONS, 58 and 60 Lake. HEAVY HARDWARD-WHOLESALE. K15IBARK BROS. 4 IX)., HOTELS. NF.VADA HOTEfi, Wiibasli-av.. bot.. Madison nnd Monroe. Central, oonientent. $2.00 per da. BREVÓORT IIOI'SK, 14i!andH5E. Madlson. On the ÜUWMl plnn. 11. M. Thonipson, pruprietor. METROPOLITAN II0TKX- $2.50 perday. ( 'or. Stnto t WaHli'n.siteof old St. James, opp. Field, Leiter A Co. IKilM'.N HOIJSIC- Firt-chiBR in every particular, liarln-i y Forrfij'. Cor. Washington anti Frnnklin. wooivs HOTEL, 84 JtMWuhttgton. O. Sands.prop. I'rict: $2 per day. (i. S. Palmer Cíate City Hotel), clerk. IMPORTERS AND MANFRS. OF WARWICKSHIRE AND COLUMBIA SAUCES, IMPORTED CATSUPS AND FLAVORING EXTRACTS. LKWIS 4 CO., 163 H. Kinzin. Send for prlce-llst LUMBER. THE PBSHTIGO CO.- (reen Bay Lumber. North Pier. W. E. Strong, Pres't ; G. C. Hempstead, Sec'y. REAL ESTÁTE. JAS. B. GOODMAN 4 CO., 73 Dearborn. SAW MANUFACTURERS. IIKNRY DISSTOX SON.N.W.cor.Randolph 4 Market SEWING MACHINE COMPANIES. 1IOMH S. M. CO., Johnoon, Clark 4 Co., 141 State. WASHING MACHINES. Fot Circulare, etc.. nddress CALKINS CHAMPION Washer Co., 207 Clark. Agent wanted everywhere. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND JEWELERS' SUPPLIES. OOUSWKl.l,, WÉBüilt 4 CO., 105 and 107 State. THE WEEKLY SUN. p Nhw Yeam, pofitpaid, OO ets. Addro THE SUN, N. Y. ■ iam%Jf W%. B a- Weekly. $3 a y, Bend lOc. for cnccimon. Pioc oud inga l'lorida Fruit-Growers' Asnciltion- mefttinp f 1875-25 cta. Address Walton & Co., JackBonvillt), i'la. Say where you saw thia. PSËRCEWfLUÜGËR Cnmpnnv olTflrH fl,000 tn nny oue ttiat will succes sfully compete iTiih tbem in boring a 20-och well, tliroiigh soapstonc and aanditone and In takiog up and paislng bowldors nd loosc stonea. AgcniiwMtedlDeTcry State, S25 PEP DAY CUARANTEED. 'S11"! f"r fATAi-ooL'K. Vrkv. Addfesa CHAS. D. PIERCE, Peru, Illinois. PW3LL HAVE OUR GOODS. Send JS5 cent nnd we wül snnd by mail, prepaiil, our IjAMP Fileb, fL with which yim ooa fill any Kttroèan Lamp wtthout fc y tfioeinff ehtmney (ir getting orw optilde of Lamp. W At saino timö we mail yon all oar circnlars and P term to gnt on twenty useful housohnld rticics with which any poraon can make from $j to L. V- d.iily. Wa want'ARfnts over:whero. EXATIOX é AGKXTS' EfllPOlUUM, Bobtos Mams. HÖWTiTGËTAHOMK TOAVA Ï..WDS, 800,000 ACRES, Rich Soi). Kiod CHmate, eioellnt Water, crowfag 8ett!eroents, Kpod Schools. "VS'e fiïer tbe Lanas of the Sioux City and Sfe Vnü K. and the UToGregor nnd Missouri Ki.t-r Ii. R. at S ■!- to S1 per acr, on easy payinunts. Two yeara ront wil] boy a farra. Anply to DAVmSON & CALKINS, R. R. Tdind Onïoe Sibley. Uaceola Co., Iow. cis. ; juid Dthftca in pioportioti. incloge the amount and Needles will bt rel arhed bï iirst mail. Address üiiFIAXC -K NËËBLB CO., 658 HmaiHvay, X. Y. PROTEGÍ ■ YOUR BÜILDIN6S, Lauifflry4 PatntSlat Paint- For Shinjl-, TIn, Irotiand GraTl Itofs. Thifi 1 ;i Wra ,-ind waterproqf Paint, espealalir dealenodforfehinj;!'1 Eoofs, Anold roo) SUtePainted willoutlui a tipw one iininnicd, and a new roof will uut tbreé ím;s ae lnn.a; Slato Pjiinttul. A;i a mnttur of oconomy, i roof noeds paint mofe than ;my ochér pnrt of a buUdJiu;. Prk-H 80 ct'titt por Kallun. Send for Phamplet, Atienta wanted. WpXIS G. JACKSON. General Agent, 161 Washington St.. Chicaso. èK. F. BURNHAM'S "FüRBIWE WATER WHEEL Was sflerfcrl.4 yeftifi ugo. and pat to nork in Iho Rntcnl üflicr, Wnshtngtn,D.C.;anlbprov'dtobethe hrst. 19 aize made. Priccs lo"ver th.m anv ctlier flnt-diun Wheol. PftmDblet irée. N. F. BURNHA.M, York, Pa. AGr3tisrrrs -wjVtñttkd fob PATHWAYS OF THE HOLY LAPáD Beinsa Full DeicripUon pf PiMtbw, ito History, Anttuuitios, hi!i;bit:i;irs ;ii'! Cuatomit, according totheGi aal Dteooveriea Lecently made by tiie Palesüne Kxplorinc liip'.-ilü: ins. tl seUsftt Bic,hU Sed fr our extra terms to Agonts, uud et'f wh l Bolla faMcr than any otln-r 1 k. NATIONAL PUBLJSHING OO., OhiosgO, 111,, or íSfc. J.ouis, Mo. ff gh Krclcr, Tlolmrs i Co., Gro. Ayggg' 'rrrs, Anrtrnik, ("., sat; : - " lVc liavf gjffyML tïjr. Hssurüiiti? of our cusionieis lliat ■fcyTJpy "'' ''";11U i-tbc best Itnkinfc rowiier, ráív'i .)iirs)('? uf it bicrease oontinoiilly." (73c ■■E. Ia. ' lililí il & Co,, Jri'fj i?B j Wtnloniii is st-fit1ily caïniiiirin tiivnr. JVM HotelCbokitbyusinir'stNiKnn'ni. Try VlET niBCk J JLJf il nnd be happy. Send for circular to CPÏT1' Duuiic St., New lorie. Trilling with. Bïlïousness Won't Do. In this wiiy chronic disease ie brought on. A disordered liver is the oonsequence of a foul Btomach and obstruoted bowels, nnd the very bost prepnrntion in xistence to put them in perfect order and köp them bo 3 TarranfM Eft'ervescent Apericnt. BOLD BY ALL PRUQGISTS. Smith Örgan Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. Bold throughout the United State on tha INSTALLMENT PLAN: That Is, on a System of Monthly Payments. Parchasers ahould aak for the Smith American Okg au. I Uatalogues and f uil particulara on applloaüon. $10. to $500, MLW&S-ï 8EHT FREE. SalSSgjïSB; ATTENTION, OWïiKKs op IHMUiK u -- theworldforthiïiS - r3 y matiam neuralgia Jivercom -' 4f- . "nlirs.fltí.fcnialo complalnb lÜ "''"""sanci general ciebim - VjMy ■ tnl other clironir : fT thechest,h(1ad,lfTer.gtomp _;i"Y_ _ kMnt-ysniidblood. Bookwiik IS LIFE.;;?i.r BOOK AGENTS gSSS &l.r,6. Thouaands by it at, iRht wh could ! duoed to puroham Mm highpriced hooit fnnih ï Medicino. I oolu L] ,,"' bis irork is thorouiïhlj' adyerttsod (bmuéffi Nortb America. Thli fact, together wlth tialannS elegant appearance, and manj new featdrwof tfehïïï1 i to sell morí? r apïdïy than any work mm E 1 ík i cd in Ihis country. Thnseof my Agenta bn btfoWi exyerience in selllng bookssay thai ín all thetr pnrinm canviss;n;: in ) i ■ i siu:!i siuxhss or immJ ! t&rgewagefl ■'-' sinco cunmfncinff th naiof rny wr-ï' For ternm and torritory, addresa Oiitlosingtwo posta BtauipB and etaiinj; experlenca) " B. V. PIRRfJK. M D ■V nld's Dlspenaarr, J'.uffalo fí v JVbf.- Mark enTelopf Üf 1 tJ b' r Jqmmm nflll ai en NICHOLS, SHËPARD & GO.'S "VIBRATOR" il, The RRILLIANT SUCCESSof thisGralnSavlns, Tluic-üavlns TIIKHSHEIl, i unprecedentcd Lu thcannals of Karm Macbinery. .In a brief pcrioil it lias become wldelyknown and Fl'IiLY ESTABLISHED, a; the "liEAJBING TIIRKSIIING MACHINE," GRAIN RA1SERS HEFUSB to ênbnll to the wastcful and imperfect vork of otter Thresliers, when posted on the vast ífjpertortíy of thisone, for saving grain, saving time,aiKi doing fast, thoroufth and economical work. THRESHERMEN FIND IT highlyadvantafmnet run a machine that has no "Bcaters," "rieken," or " Ar.ron," that handlcs Damp Grain, Lowf Straw, ITeadings, Flax, Timothy, Millcttamlall snrhilifl'K'ult grain and scedo, with ENTIRE BASE AM EFFECTIVENESS. Cleaiu to perfection ; saves the farmer his thresh bill l)y extra earins of tnün; makes no "Litlw injrs;" rerjuires LESS THAN ONE-HALF the usual Belts, Boxes, Journals, and Gears; easicr managcd ; less repairs ; one that gntfn raisers preftr to employ and walt for, even at advanctd prlce, wliile other machines are "outof jnhi Four Hl-.'.cm made wit h 0, 8, 10 and 12 horge " Ulouuted" Power, alo a pe! claltj-ofSeparators "alone," exprenurjr for STEAM POWER, and to maten other Horse Pover. If interested in grain raising, or threshinff, writi for Ilhiatr.itcd Circulará (sení r) with full particular of sizes, stylcs, pricen, tcrm,elo. INlClïOIiS, Slllil'ABB & CO., Battlê Creeli, ilidiij - - _ THE KI.ASTiC TKÜS8 iuk" t T r. n. t '"Hk supsrwdlns lU ■". ■ M SLASllv ïjning n(lopleaevei7wnïD7 I m -p tt o o üathe Ie.idiní:phyfiiüi!in3,nr' Vj jT_S atisfactiun ther lije lij renmber of rndlcal r,,rt.t theybaie oncteil, hu Jj ttrated tha fact that ruplure can be iir(jl curtí wil sufïerlnK or annoynnce, and irillo) lic '''""'" CJ ,!"„ rim ypinnl l)i,-ae or Faralysi', oilon caused to the veré proísure i.f Metal Trusss nnrt hiipportori. Uuttt only Sire cure for Hemla, M tis iho "'f.TrM'" 'Jt which the body can be placed. It will In3 cures when all ottrar fsi). It can lie vrarn m'J;.MW'"' wimfort v.ben no spring tniss can be usen nnT' ïrtjosteil, no mntion of tho body or accident can dnJ It These instrament have tlie ii;.iiiíí '■W'01 the most erainent praoUUonera in the protOTSionFrom the numerons testimoniáis in our yoesesüonm "i'St''SSenceof month,, p.Uent.tUg,. ly:ui its rtllcry, as woll na to the ei and '"S inconveriiencé with whicli the Instrument is nora. superior advantaees, IA fie JVM 1" ',nf'S LL re(Mii?itt and nii.ilifiCRtion.'.'oif er iiivontions. 1 havo no hi-sitation in reJ important mean5 fySgLC " Ki -IIoaHli OÍS eer of the Port of New York, Surgí (Jhief of New York Steta Hospital," etc., eK. GEO. . House. M.D., SupeiíntondentKbstlcTriMOi; iSZarSir: Aftur suBermg for thirty yeJ, ! W person, from the ue of every toral of Motallic TnMPJ curable in this countiy and in Europe, I, t"ll'LZ appliod ymr gtaatic IVuM.and since ""' '"'".ijittto perienced comfort and satisfaction, and bei-i l trutb. Uut thn Klastic TruM is the only m- 'j jbould bousod for tho relief and cure o n j,,, than thirty yean conlyTOM pwJ and haTiiw .-Ijusted many bundveils of Trusas (m the lasUUventy months yours oicluiiiell), inú doclaro t to be mj delibérate opmion th ï' , m Trmtil the only ons entitled to the cn"eSil K public ; that elastlcity is the only power t lüi MW the reauimments of a Truss or Supporter, ■„. vinced that .our XUutie Trut, actúa ly f'KíDI portion of all cases to wblch it is apnliod, "Jf "'rtoB,t childnm, but In namerous cases withm mjo" edge ol patiouu, from 60 to5 Igfögjfa „ D Prof. oí Anatomy and Surgerj, N. Y. B. Medical UU. Beware of cbeap ivnd worthless WJ $L. Trusses, wbich some partle dvenneanll ik m lonÖyrejjreeenUng that they are nuumUcHuM m Klastic Truss Oo. .taiiftiMM1 Theee Tmfsos are sent by mail to all part '( .„. try. Satisfr.ction guarantocd in all "A'ircul-riy'1 chasmg any uther, wilts ior to the 1LASTIÖ TRÜSS CO. 683 BROADWAY, NEjjOj "DSICHOMAIÏCr, or Soul Char1', tïtctloo of nny permon Ihey clioosc, ImUuIIj. ''"„0.1, Kunl..-in Orad, Drauns. Hlnn I . M ,SirboolC. AJdr3T. W1I.1.IAV STiraiTTIEB, Ko. 617 Bt. Cnarles Street, St. Lcsls. Mi ostiaaii to trekt all oasea of ebitulei to W taporlUei, Tiry nllment or ilokiiau !'! 'tl0"jí,i lallortioo r lmrruleni, iiilh o!rilWjl "rl,.. Df. W.-i eiUbllihmem !■ b7 ttu """ ",, loarl, IH ftfutdfd and bM bOEo 8jtb]ihrd w' ■ tfs, rttla üd relitblo relief. B.-I&C 'i i,,(i Tral mediaal coUegsa, aad bTlag ibe eip"l ■ knf od aooeMfcl UI ín bli pccllUi o ■ ' „, rcratdlee thn are elTeotu&I la all tbcse caiei. Hl ,f art belaf treated br mail or cxprei trtrjrti ■"■ natter wbo íllod. cali r writo. From lo ír".i.fiie Mr of appUotlona ho 1 cnbled la keep M' '■" In. 96 pagc, lvloj foll lymptoiin, f' '■" ' MARRiACE CÜSDE, M0 xcl, a popslur book vbleb IbooU bi rltl W !" body. ÍCo marrlod palk, or persona ooutínr)"3 ,f rtaje, ai afford u do wltaont it. It ooaut' "' '"f." mcdioal Utoratart 00 thla iabject, tha reiilti f rarü Itag expariauoo ; alaa toe beat tbou-M ir0. ,. mimi. t JTirojj aai lmiri. e:1'ÍÍflÍÍfjBII , - - - - Ü H WI11Í M UITINtt TO ADV F í'tní piense say you saw tlic advt ' Ui tlii s puper.


Old News
Michigan Argus