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Slaughtering Within The City Limits

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At the last meeting of the Common Council, and ordinance was passed, without a dissenting vote, making it ' unlawful for any persou to slaughter beeves, sheep or other animáis within the Hniits of the city of Ann Arbor." As inight be expected, the persons imuiediately affected by this ordinance are put to some temporary inconvenience by it, and have stirred up considerable conversation in the street upon the subject. It may be important for our readers to know on what grouuds the Common Council rook its action. Nearly all the slaughtering in the city is done at six or seven houees in a row on the north bauk of the Huron river, in the 5th ward. From these houses it has been customary to throw into the river heads, paunches and other rejected portions of the slaughtered beasts, and these, half decayed, float leisurely down the stream, and carry stench and disease as far as they go. Moreover, enough filth is kept in and near these houses to affect disagreeably the health and comfort of fifty or a hundred families living on both sides of the river in the 4th and 5th wards. The object mot distressed is the 5th ward school, which stands within a few rods of the slaughter-houses. For several years teachers and scholars in tha school have complained of the horrible stench they have had to suffer during the warm weather. Year after year these complaints have increase. At last the Board of Health, whose duty i is to protect the couimunity agains perils threatening the public health gave their attention to tfce evil ; and in a memorial to the Common Council a its June meeting, they state that some of the slaughter-houses "are an out rage upon the name of decency. The putrifying garbage adjacent to and oon nected with them so contaminates the atmosphere as to become almost a per petual nuisance to the domestic oomfor of the entire vicinity," and threatens to be a " fruitful source of disease, es pecially during the warm season." On behalt' of the public safety the Board o Health accordingly requested the Coun cil to pass an ordinance excludin slaughtering from the city limits. A the same meeting was presented an earnest petition to the same effect signed by several hundred citizens o the öth ward, calling for protection, es pecially for the pupils and teachers o tkeir long-suffering school. In accordance with these requests tbe Council considered an ordinanc carefully drawn up by the City Attor ney, but wisely decided to take no hast; action, and to take a full month for oareful investigatiou of the evil com plained of. At the July meeting th subject once more carne up under a pe tition signed by many citizens of th 4th ward, especially those more im mediately exposed to the nuisance. Th petition included such names as Harve; Cornwell, M. C. Tyler, Alpheus Pelch Henry W. Rogers, W. Tremain, E. J Knowlton, Prof. Olney, Dr. Jackson and John F. Lawrence. But the aldej men hardly needed any more petitions They had all used their month to ex amine the nubjeot for themselves. Mos of them had visited the scène of th grievance, and had investigated it wit! their own eyes and noses, and they hac made up their minds that public safet; and justice required that henceforth work so perilous lo the public healt and so offensiye to the comfort of th city, should henceforth be done outsid of the city and where it could anno; nobody. Undoubtedly the Counci have done right. Such legislation a this tends to make our city healthier more attractive to strangers, and conse quently most prosperous. Now let th Council stand by their action, and giv no signs of backing down. They hav again deserved well of their fellow citi zeng. At a single stroke they have rit us of an evil that bas troubled ua fo years. A REPORTER of the Baltimore Guzetle recently interviewed Senator Thurman touching the financial planks in the Obio Democratie platform and bis own views concerning inflaiion. The Senator said that the Demooracy of Ohio were divided on the currency question, but that the expressions of its platform were only local and should not be charged to the party as a national organization. He also averred tbat tbe Re publicans could not with a good grac denounce the Deiuocracy as an inflatio party, while it acknowledged as leader W. D. Kelley and other statesinen o like ilk, including, we presume, Alose W. Field, Detroit's horny-handed son o toil, who would make greenbacks a plenty and as free (and about as worth less) as the bilis issued by Lyon's Ka tharion bank, Ayer's Pectoral institu tion, and other such money-makin machines. He couceded the errors i the Ohio platform, wbich he was power less to prevent, but alleged, and tha truthfully, " the Eepublican party i Ohio is divided on the currency ques tion, " that its financial plank can b construed to mean hard money or so money, " whlle prominent Ohio Eepub licans and Congressmen are in favor o more greenbacks." The Senator referred to the prevalen opinión that a Bepublican success i Ohio the coming fall would proinct Democratie successes in the future, am scouted it as fallaoious, declaring tha - a Democratio defeat in the approach ing election is siinply suicidal." Of th charge that he " evinced a lack o moral courage " in not denouncing th infiation planks of the Democratie plat form in his Columbia speech he said : " The place and time were not opportun It is a graat injustice to coudemn oue tor ojm iou8 nevfir uttered. I have said or done nuth Ing to warrant the charges brought agaiu me. My record iu the Senate ia before th country and on that record I yet stand. I am to make my first speech ot the campaigu a Mansfield, Ohio, July 31st, and shall then an nounce my disagreement with the financia provisión of the platform, and throughout tl campaigu I shall say nothing to discredit th couvictions of a liie-time." The " record " on which Senator Thur man ayi " I yet stand " hai do taint o nflation, no shred of an illegitimate, noonstitutional paper eurrency, eithr in warp or woof. Heretofore he has avored in his speeches and votes good uioney for the masses as well as tor the avored few, and we are glad to know hat he has not joined the ranks ot' the ag money men. We thiuk that he mistook in not making his oppoBition o the crazy plank in the Columbas latform more deterinined and more mblic, at the time that platform was milded, but are dispoaed to credit him with a better knowledgo of the local ituation than we posseaR. With the great public we wait with interest his iromised Mansfield speech. Brother-in law Casey has been nterviewed in the interest of the Galveston (Texas) News, and, without any erious effort at pumping, gave his views concerning Gen. Grant's third term aspiration. Casey agrees with the Londun Time that Grant's famous letter should be be construed literally : " The President talks very freely with " Casey, and Casey knows (or inay be presumed to) whereof he nffirms. And this is what Casey knows : Grant " does not wish a third term, but if he is regarded by his party as the most available man he will serve another term." And to clinch the matter, " He does not wish the office again, but will accept, if the good of the party or the country requires it at his hands." And Caeey regards Grant " as the most available man for the nomination," which considering that Grant "talks very freely" with Casey is more than likely Grant's opinión also. Casey thinks Morton wouldbea strong man, but that his poor health and the danger of " the reins of government " falling into the hands of a Vice-President, " uaually a figure head " will shelve him. He concedes Washburne some strength ; thinks that Blaine has played out, ■' should his chances by his wishy-washy course during the last session of Congress; " that Wilson has not the ghost of a sight, in fact that the old fellow is not exactly regarded as non eotnpos mentis ; and that " with the exception of President Grant himself, Bristow is the strongest man in the South," but that the whisky men have pickled him. Reasoning in a circle brother-in-law Casey comes to Grant every time. And Grant " talks rery freely " to him. A CONVENTlotï of inflationists has been called to meet in Detroit on the 25th of August. The meeting will be represented by such prominent ragmoney men of the East, West, and South as Ben F. Butler, Wendell Phillips, Hon. W. D. Kelly, Senator Gordon, of Georgia, and Mr. M. H. Hooton, of Illinois, who have pledged themselves to be present. These men are known to favor the unlimited issue of rag-money, and it muy be that they will sucoeed in throwing some light on the many points of the persecuted financial question. One such would be to show how, on their theories, they would effect the equalization of the value of a paper dollar with a dollar in gold. Another question which they might profitably explain is, how the plans they advocate will assÍ8t to make business better, or, for instance, nioney easier. Another would be to explain how the proposed iurlation of currency will restore " business confidence" of the country, conceded to be the point to be attained. If these gentlemen successfully meet these auiong other points, they will conf'er a public benefit. TnERE are still no tidings froui the missing seronauts. Prof. Donaldson and Grimwood, reporter of the Journal, who made a balloon ascensión trom Chicago last Thursday. The last seen of the balloon was from a schooner two hours after the ascensión. It was ihen distant from Chicago 30 miles, and going a northeast direction. Within a few hours thereafter a storm of such violence arose that it is not deemed probable that the baloon could have survived it. The Chicago papers have since been filled with speculations, theoiies and probabilities in regard to the fate of the seronauts, but there is little room for doubt that they have perished. One lake captain says that he is confident that he saw the remains of the wrecked balloon near Grosso Point ; another that he eaw the floating body of one of the Kfonauts. Tbere is still a vague hope entertained for their safety, and that they may yet return to gladden the hearts of their friends. JUDQE Cochkane dissolved the teinporary injunction on the liquor tax case on Wedneeday. He held that the tax was not a license, and indicated an opinión that the Legislature is not itself prohibited from licensing the sale of liquors, the constitutional provisión only prohibiting its authorizing towns and municipalities to do so. " Technical " enough we venture to suggest. He was incliued to think the tax unauthorized as not being levied upon property, but on that point invited a new argument. He algo guggested that he should not have issued the temporary injunction had he known of the act of 1873, requiring amount of tax contested to be deposited. Did nut Judge Cochrane also overlook or forget the repeated decisions of the Supreme Court that injunction is not the remedy in such cases, and can only be issued where a cloud is raised upon real estáte ? The collection of personal taxes, or taxes on personal property, the court has held, time and again, cannot ba stayed by injunction. The Chicago Tribun speaks tlius concerning Secretary Delano : The bigbeet interests of the Republican party, as wellas of the public, demand the removal of the Secretary of the Interior. If the President waits i'or the " newspaper clamor" to stop before removing him, he will be like the fooi in the fable who waited for the river to run by. There have been several changes for the better in the Cabinet of late, but the worst meuiber has been left undisturbed. This shoukl no louger be the case. Dishonesty or incompetence- these are the two horas of the dilemma. He writhes on one of thein, perhapu on both. Delano delendut ett.


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