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A vioLKNT wind and rain storm passcd over , ritteburgh, Pa., and viciuity, laat woelt, j roofing buildings, aprooting trees, and dolng groat damage to crops. Hoveral persons wcro -, injurcd, ono man fatally. Tlic damago to ( property will amount l.o $600,000. j Tuk Brookl n irlanda of HenryWardBeeoher are perfocting arraugemouts for a grand moss ( moeting to indorse him, and expresa eonlidcnce in bis hmoceuco. . . .The Kings County (N. Y.) j (ranl Jury tras rcturnod tino bilis against Joseph Looder aud Jolm J. Trice, wlio are , ohaiged with having sworn falsely agaiust tho liov. lleury Wind licecher and Mrs. Elizabeth It. Tilton A recent lire at Dunellen, N. J., destroynd live of tho largest buildings in the placo, with alosa of 8100,000. : Thk New VorK b&nkfl liave received Dotice to look out for forged notes on tho Bank of England attd Ilauk of Franco .... Hon. Wm. A. Fouter, ('hit-'i'-Juslico of tho Vermont Circuit Court, was wounded in the arm by a shot being fired in tho car window, wliilo riding between Concord and Boston rcccntly. No ehie to tho perpetrator of tho act.... At Pittsburgh, Pa., last week, while the tamil; of John S. Haya wcre al dinner at the Monorjgahela House their rcionihiïcrc onteied aud robbod of $2,1)00 in diamondH and jcwolry The Roman Catholio clergy of Lawrenco, Mass., havo publishod a aard cmiilrmniíig tho rioters in the severest term, and exp'ressing the hopo that thoy will be puuished to tho fiül extent of tho law. A whoi.i; family naniod llosslor, oonsiating of father, mother and tinco cliildren, werc killed last week in Montgomery couuty, Ta., by the falliüg of thoir house during tho prevalcuco of a tornado A gentleman in New York City has brought a case to test tho conntitutionahty of the amended Postal law, claiming that it originatedin tho Kenate. Jamkn Ij. Hah.f.y shot and killed MB fathcr, in New York city, last week. Tho mnrdered man was a wcalthy and prominent citizen, and has for many years been counected with tb o Hadson Eivor railroad. THE wkst. Jchn I). Lie, tho Mornion, lia turned HUitc's ovidenco, and will be a witncss for tho l'io ecution ancl teil all ho knows about the Moi'jitain Moadow massacre Advices irom Mii oesota aro to tho cffQct that tho gnusftoppèra have forsaken that 8tato enthely, going no ono knows whitlier. Their depredations have not boon exteiwivc, and Ihere will he no perceptible diminutiou of the crops in couseinenco. Tin: United States Grand Jury, at Kt. Louis, has ]■( turnod nearly thirty indictments agaiust the menibers of the whihUy rijig, about onrthinl of them being against fien. John i DoniUd and (Jol. Jolm A. Joyco, ex-Hupervisor of Interna! Kevenueand cx-lLcvenue Agent. . . . Tho Lincoln Stah' Journal prints a carefullycorrected report of tho crops in all soctioim of Ncluaska, showing that iu all portions, except in a few counties. tho erop prospect are excellent Secrctary-of-WarliclkuaphasBtaited on ajaunttotho Ycllowstone región Thecrop I reporta from all parts of lona are very SDCouraging. Wheat, oats, and barley epecially look fine. O in is growing rapidly. and einco tho tUxm oeafod tho faimerH aro working among it with renewcd com-sge. Tliere has been more prairie broken this year than for some timo beforo.... Two Indians werc killed and threc wounded by the soldicra at tho lied Cloud Agency a few days since, and there ia rauch excitement. Tho negotiations of tho Commissiouors are eutirely suspended News has been received from the Bow llivor Yallej-, Neb., of the murder of au emigrant family by the Fonca tribe of Indiann. SritArjuK, who murdered a saloon-keepor named Dwyer, in Hoídon, Mo., last year, and Who afterwanls escaped, lias been couvictod of mnrder. The murdercr will havo to serve two yqars in tho Missouri Peniteutiary before being punished for the murder The statement of John I). Loe, of Mountain Meadow massacre nctoriety, exonerates Brigham Young and the leader of tho Mormon Church iromtlie charge of being conuected with the massacre Oröp rejiorts from Dakota are very enconraging. The wheat yield will bo this year about 7.0Ü0,000 bushels. Pbof. DoMAIiDSON, accomjranied by au Krcutng Journal reporter, loft Chicago in a balloou for an aerial voyage on Thursday ovening, July 15, going in a northeasterly direction. Nothlng had been secn or board of them up to Saturdav. the 17tb, and the impression prevailed in Chicago, tlmt the uufortuuato acionauts had been wrecked by tbo storin that Bwept over Lake Michigan on Thuraday night. Iojïia. Neb., ba a, from wliicii great clouds of snioko and steam acond. Tlio heat in rapidly inercasing, imd it ia expectod the moiuittiiu will boom be red hot. TUK NOUTir. On Simday last, at Van Enron, Ark., Willie Drennon and Charles Jlalley, two ju'oiDincnt young men, went boat-riding with twoyoung ladeos, when tbo boat eapsized, and Dreunen aud the two ladics wcro drowncd. The firat bale of cottouitmvedatNcwOrkans n tho 14 th inst., from St. Landry Parish, La. .... Mina Lena Hebb and MissJCecia lteibert, two young ladies, agefl respectivcly 19 aud 17, while seated in tbo door of the rcHidenee of Mi Ilobb, in St. M&ry'a county, JId., one day last week, wero inetantly killed by a stroko of lightuiug. The Cotton States Congres, at üaleigh, N. O., adjourned on Thursday laat, after a harnionious and interesting session of tbree days. A resolution aakiug Congres to mako greenbacks a legal-tender for all dues to goveniment and on importationa, was postponed till next yoar. The July rcturnn to the Department of Ai: iciiUiire wcre mnimially full, Bhowing an improvemeht of the cotton erop during June in all lic Cotton States except '1'cxan. Tho Starte ave.'agCH are as follows : Nortll ('urolina 95, inijroved 3 per een.; Bontb Carolina ',)9, improved 2 ; Georgia 07, improvcd C ; Florida 101, improved 7 ; Alábanla, lití. improvcd 1 ; MisBislippi 103, improvf,(l:!;Iiouiiiana H)5, improved 10; Texas i)3, doclincd 3 ; Afkansas lül, inir proved 14; Tenncsaee 101), improved 10 Oco. N. Jackson, Caabier in the office of the United Htates Eevenue Collector for the LouiBvillc (Ky.) district, was recent ly discovered to bo a defaulter to tho amount of $45,000, and in order to avoid arrest attompted to commit buiido by taking ar.-icnic. MnoH exoiteraeut exists over the report of the ( revalouce of ycliow fever at Norfolk, Ya.. an_ a quarantine lias been ordered against the cit} , . . , Gonfiiderable exdtemeut prevails in Ht. Louis ar.d vicinity over t!ic arrest of (en. Wa.ldy Thoüii'Kiin. IIcíkoüc of tb Missouri Peí teiitiarj' loBBoes, nnd was aixestcd ut Jofferson city a !rw daya ago on a requisition from tlio Governor of TenneHsee, oharging him with horso-stealing, larceny and peijury. Between sheritTs, lawyers and writs of babeas corpus the General ie toetsed about like a football, and it is probable he will never roach Tciiiiosseo. T;m reporta of yellow fever at Norfolk, Va., tur., out to bo untrtie. . . .Th lialümoro Board of ttblió Works has siied tholïaHimoro Aimrii-iu. for libel, :;nl demaB 1 $30,000 oompensatioi. lor damage sustaincl. . . ,'J'lio defalcation in the Interna] Revenue Colleotor'a oflice at Louisvillo irt found to refcob the very respectablv. of (75,000, instead of $46,000, as (ir reported. WASHINGTON, 'JK President naa dkeoted t !i;it the most Btringciit meaeuree iv iised in prevent peoplo from going to tho Blaok !lilli anti] the reaalt of tbc labor of che coftunlfesioi] to treat with tbo In-'lianH íh knowu....It ïfi proponed at Waehington. ia order to prevent Uio smuggljng Of valuable laces taroogh the mails, to mako i!l ostmastors ez afitoio (Mirttoais ofïieers, witb ppt er to ópen snspiciowa paekages aiid coniisif thoy shall be found to be ooucraband. . . ,An -f rm jnli mm rv ooundl of ('.il. iet members wan held at Washington the day, ia wlücii ii jang-standiog oiaim kgsiast Venezuela waa tuider oocsideraüoo, aii'l .i was düciilod tljut the payuient of our Ijill jo iimiated upon. Fiem"' CntNdHrtM Attorney fov the trict, lias heen removed. . . . PoHtmastcr-Gcneral Jewell will VÍ8Ü New Knglanrt in August, and tlio South in November, on his tour of ' tion....Tho counting of tbo mouey in Uncle Sam's vaulta ha beon comp'.etod, and everyhing was found O. K. Tuk Secretary of the Interior has appointod Member of Cougress-elect N. II. Van Vooi-Iich, i of Ohio : Judgo I. C. Parker1, of ilisnouri ; aud ! Indian-Inspector Kemble, as a Commisniou to visit tlio O. ages and examino into their condition Gen. II. II. Wolls Hucceods FiHhcr au United States Attoruey for tlio District of Columhia. The new Stato Department building haHhcon complete I, and wan ocoupiod by Secretary Fisk last woek. Tkns of thoutsauds of peoplo at Saratoga witnosned tlio anniutl regatta of the college rowing clubs ; and altliougii tlio provailhig antioipation at tlio Kprings for a da.y or two previously was tliat Harvard, Yale, or Golmnbia Colleges would win, tbo match ïcmiltcd in a virtory lor Corncll, tlin I'reulmion and BeOior crewe carrying off the prlaéa for their respcetive classes. Tho distance rowed over wa trco milos, and the time of tho winning crews wan IC minuten 5;!'.,' Hcrand for tho Seniors, and 17 minuten :!2'.' BBOÖödfi for tho Freahmen. 1'ü1.ith;ai.. Thk Suffrage Committee of tho Connccticut IiOgiHlatiiro hiui reportod in favor of women voting at Presidencial oloctions. rKK.siDi'.NT Ghant bas made tlte following rovenuo ap]iointmcut.H : CiaugcrH -Tlioe. T. Davif. Seventh IndianaDintriet; Euocfa BtiHwell, Firat MÏBSOuri District; .Tnhn W. I.ane, Second Kentiicky DiHtrict; James McEh'oy, Sevcnteeiith ronnsylvania Uitrict. Storekeeper - Webstor W. Castro, Seventh Indiana District. FORErÓIt. Tuk towu of Buda-rosth, iiHungary, ha had a Hocond destructive tonijiest, wliicli carried awfty all the teinporary works for the repair of damages by tho former ono ; houses wcre unroofed, ind Hcveral towers blown down. No livoH lost.. . .Denmark, it U HaiJ, will domand an explanatiou from Oermany for tlio secret soundings taken by a rriissiau vohsoI in Danish waters last weck. HooiiY and Sankey aro coming homo in August. . . .Heavy rains and fiOods aro reported in Kugland and Walef, caiiKing much damago to crops. . . .Lambert Brothers & Scott, London coal merchaiits, bave failed. Liabilitics, fl,000,000. . . . The graut to defray the expenses of the l'rinoo of Wales' visit to India, passed tho Britiah Parliamebt hy a voto of 338 joas to IC navH. Tuk Public Powors bilí has passed the Frouch Aasombly by a vote of 530 veas to 30 navH. A BjonY religious riot reccntly occurred in tlie city of San Migeul, iu Salvador. A mob attacked tho cabilao, and libcrated somo 200 persons. They then proceoded to assault the small ganison, killed Gens. Espinosa and Castro, cut the former to pieces, and threw tho pieces at oacu other; split tho bkull of Gen. ('nutro and threw him over a wall. where he m pioVed np by liis mother, and died in thrco days. The garrison vero nearly all aasasïuatod, and many prominent oitizens killed. After this, the fanatie mob set üre to somo sixteeu houses with kerosene. It fortnnately ately happonecf that II. B. M. ship Fantonie was at La Union. She landed her marinos, which allowcd the garrison there, united with ome troops from Amapola, in Honduras, to marcli to the relief of San Migeul, and put down tho mob. . . .Lady Franklin, the venerable widow of Sir John Franklin, i dead. Thk American rillemcn now in England have succeoded in carrying oiT the St. Leger stakes at Wiinbledon, beating picked marlismen from tlio ontiro kingdom of Groat Britain. The accuraej7 of their aim at both tho long and short range was a matter of astonishment to the English.


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