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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. (1 EO. II. (T.AIili, U.D., HomoopmttiiqPhj. 'X aioiD. Office and residence over C. Blies & Sou'8 jewetry store, Ann Arbor, Mich. -ITT H. JACKSOX, Dentist, Kucee.-sor to 0. B. W Porter. Offloecorner Wain aurt Washtngton-fitn., over t!io store of Bach & Abel, Aun Arbor, Ifich. Ancsthetics adtninistered if required. COEOBO, M. 1., Physjciaii and Surgeon. , Ollice and residence No. 7 Washington street, four doora vnst t Ma;n. Anu Arbor, Micli. EUOENB K. VKI'KAITFK, Attorney at J.av, Notary PnblICi and Con missioner of DeedH tor rcnnsylviii i . 'onnlt;iti in the Gorman or Englfab language. Office, HlU'a Opera-llousp, Aud Arbor, M'eh. WK, UiVVl'l'T, M. I., I'h.vRii-i.i!i aud Kurgeou. Oiïi c over Watln' Jewclry Btore, Main tfaeet, Ann Art), r. ANNAlüioi; mim;i;ai. 8FBINOS, Mond llalu, M. I).. SnperlniMHtpnt. Office in buUdiug corucr Mum Mul West Hnrcn treers. -ITTINKS WOKDEX, 2') South Slain streot, W Auu Arb r, Mu-li., wak1 and iota 1 dealers iu Dry GoodB Carpetfl and (Jr oceries. v MACK & SCHMID, d.iiliTR iu Dry doods Groccries, Craokery, bc., No. 04 SoutU Main Btrpet. SIITIIK1 IaA Tl) & WHEIJON.LIfe and Tire [Qsursnvt gen'p, and dt era in llcal Etatr. Öffloo on Ilnron Street. BACH .V AliiJI., dealers In Dry Goods, GrooeilM, fee., eco., No. :i; 8uuth Main street, Ann Ai'bor. WM. WAGNER, dralcr in Eeady-Made Olotliinpr, Cloths. CaBBlniereB, Vesiings, ïrunks, Carict B;i::a, &c, UI South Main street. TFKKDKIUOK SCHA i;l!HIÏI,l„ truhrr of . the I'IANO, VIOUN AND QUITAR. Residentie Boufhwest corner Main ajul Liberty atreets. Anu Arbor. NOAH W. CHEEVEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in l'rohate Office, Ann Arbor. MES. H. J. HILTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN ANO SURCEON Office and TtesiOmce No. 88 Ann Streel, corner of Ingalh, Ann Arbor, Mich. rS-Officc honre 8 lo 10 a. m., and 2 to i i. iu. Beferenoea - l'ri'f. Sager, I'rof. Palmer. JOHN G. GALL, Dealer iu FRESH AND SALT MEATS, LARD, Sausages, &c. Orders solicited and promptly filled with tfcy best meals in the murket. Cor. Hurón and Foitrh-sfs., Arm Arbor. J. FEED. BEOSS, Manufacturer of CARRIACES, BUCGIES, Lumber Wagons, Spring Wagons, Cutters, Sleighs, &c. All wurk airünted of the best material. ]!o]iairing done prompUywul roasonably. All work warranted to givo perfect satisfaction. 68 Soutli Main atfet, CKOCKEEY, GLA8SWAEE AND GEOCEETES. J. & P. DONNELLY Hiivp in or-p a lur'P ah)ck of Crockery, Glassware, Ptated Ware, Oatlery, Oroceriee, ftc, o., all to be eold at unnsually low pri5B8. JV'o. Tl Kn.-l ffuron-st , Ann Afbor. . HENEY MATTHEW8, Dealer in RESH AND SALT MEATS, Smoked Ham, Sausage, Lard, etc. Buron Streel, nexl to Leonard House. Ord'-ra left lcustomors promptly filled. HENEY MUËPHY, Dealer iu CROCERIES, HOSIERY, CLOVES, And Notions, A'o. 9 iïorlh Main ülreet, Ann Arbor. Produce taken iu exchaDge. KVEEYBODY SAYS ÍhXt REVENAUCH IS TUE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbor. 58 Kaul Huron Streel, up etairi. W. A. LOVEJOY, Tobacconist ! DEALH IN 13OTII FINE-CÜT AND SMOKING Tobacco, ÖNUPP', P1PKS, &c., At No. 7 East Huron-st. Nrx! tothe EcpreHOOoe, AXS HIUH!, - . . MICHIGAN New Bakery ! E. STILING Wowhl i . i ■ ■ r n i bi numerom frisada aml th public Vthti Im Iihs filhl ii]i I lic More lalolv ooollPwd lij .i. c.,, j, e,,., ag Bu Ilnroii-sl., ae & Bakery aDd Coufectionery Store, At"! ;i !' bi a lü-rict attontlon to baiineH to mertl :""' ' ■ r "i patronage. Particular atntiuii ■■ ,11 i .,. faij Ice Cream Department. Wl'li 1JTamld kinds of Fruit Cokea ■i ihri! famUiea or paitles on !i Fruit and Couferfionery al""J '■ hmd. Gooda drllvercJ free of 61rge lu anj ; r.EMEMBER THE I'T.ACK, Ne. 28 East Huron St.. Aii.N AliBOBi