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A Coney Island Romance

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A man and his wife, wlio had been scparated íor inoro thnn two years, ract on the steamboat Arrowsmith Vesterdy morning. Both were going to Coney Island. Mr. Georgo Augustus Gunn, tho husbaná, boarded the Arrowsmith for a day's excursión. ín his ranibles through tho boat he met his wife - his íirst antl ouly lovc - ana prostrated himself at her i'cet. 8he was aeeornpauied by a sister and two other ladies. A feoling akin to lovo at flrst sight sprang up and the young man and woman confounded those around them by their loving demonstrations. ' Mutual explanations were indulgcd in and mutual misunderstandings secm to have been buried. Wlien the boat was fastened to the whu'f in, front of ex-Senator Nortou's hotel, husband, wife, and friends walked ujj the sandy passage together. Aftcr taking some refreehment íit tho hotel tlie party went to the Ijeach with tho intention of bnthiug. Gnun was very auxious that his wife shoulJ go in bathing with him. Indeed, he was so nnxious as to excite thc suspicion of Mrs. Guim's aiater, who urged hor strongly not to go into the water. Acting ttpon her sister's advice she dcclinod to bathe. Notwithstandiug tlie seeming rebufí', Gunn hired a bathing box and bathing suit. Ou his way to the surf cquippetl for a swirn, Guim eucountered bis wife and her fñcnds. He said to his wife : " So you'll not go in, won't yon f I knew you daro not." Thea laughing in his wife's taco he said, " Wliat kind of moiiruiug would yon liko to wear?" "Eed, white and blue," replied his his wtfe coqnettishly. " I knew you were Irish when I married yon, and I think your best mourning will V)o the, green aboye the red. ( i l bye ; you'l be 11 widow in twenty minutes. " So saying (lie husband dartel headlong into the surf. Ho epoke truly, for Gunn disappeorad, and befow help eonld reaoh liim he was drowned. Tlie suicide was i dentist about 28 years old, of largo and lucrativeiiraetici', hut of late, owing to family inattew, negleoted it andhimoelf.- New York Sun. AcCliiMULATIONS OF MtSFOUTUNKS. - llcmv Hanks, of Stapleton, Staten lsland, :i hort time ainco lost o daughler, who died after a short illness. Soon after, hls wife died in ohildbirth. Two weoks aftèr he was dischargcd by thu Staton Eelantl Ferry Company, by which he had been empfoyed. ïeaterday hia i-emaining cliild,'wliil picking eherfiee, niissed its hold, ajidfalliug, waaimpftled ona pioket, reoeiving Lujuries from whioh it oanlioi cecovar. Whilo adootor was dressing t In wouuds a kerosene lamp exwoded, setting lire to the bed on which the ohild la v. Banks, in attemptinR ! pUt the ftr out, wasaeriously burnod Bboutthe head, (icr, aiad hands. - New York Tribune, In Elkhart, Ind., ft man leamed tht a thief was in his hea-hoose stealin ohickens. The owner inun. ■. 1 iafety gM boiüng hot water, with whtoh hl scttlded the fchief tenibly, and u-n r.'-,.-.; ]úm tliree times.


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