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A Realist e Centellarían. Tho Leb&non (Pa.) New says: On the top of South Mouutain, in Lancaster county, lives au old man by tlio name of Frederick Moyer, who is fast approachiug liis onc hundreilth year. On Saturday morniug he wal kod all tho way from lúa house to Womelsdorf, a distanoe of ovir fivo miloH, over roiigh, rocky, and liilly roads, and attoiulod to ficancial business, alter hich he went to tho liquor store of Scll & Sehonour and purchased a quart of Oberholtzer whisky, saying that was tho stuff that kept him up so long, and expecfs, if ho ean get it, to keep it always in liis house. He intcnds to visit Philadelphia next year and pee the Oentennial. Mr. Moyer is halo and hearty, and works hard every day out in the iieils. He says if he does not take the lead it would not go. A bibd-selleb in Paris advertises that he will teadi parrota to talk sensibly, and an effort is to be made to secure his services in somo one of the American colleges before commencement day comes around again. Wtuioft's ïonio ! - Unfailinq and ! - ïtim great Cliill Touic cures Chilla without tho iiitervention oí' doctom imd their bilis. No conaulting visita- HQ prescriptions to bo fillcd - no huge billa, entailmg pocuniary cmb:invHHmeïit, addcrl to Ioöb of hoalth. It in the friend of the poor man, becaiiHe it eiiablea him to earn a living, and of the rich, becauño it prepares him to enjoy liis wealth. ïhin great boon to mankind ia cheap, aafe and prompt. Whhij.ock,ï et Co., Proprietors, New Oï'leaas. Fob sale by au, Dhugoists. Fakmeks andRtock raisers have frequently told us that they have seeu veiy good 1 resulte from giving ShèrMarCs Cávalry ] tion I'owtlerft to cows and swine before and j after they clro]) their young. The powders pnt them in good condition, and give themstrength to care and próvido for the nuckliuga. Wb havo often wondercd whether there in a person in tlie country vho does not I liiunv and appreciato tho value of Johnsons j Anixbpn1 l,hiinienl aa a family medicine? It ' is adapted to most all purposos. and is tho best , pain destróyer vhat can be used. Glen Floka Hpuiso Watkb, at Wauiogan, 111., cures all kidney diseases. IIow to Gkt a Home. See advertisement. Wil AT WE KNOW ABO UT IT. Orillia, Simcoe, Ontario.? May 8. 1875. Messrs. Craddock fc Co. : You will bo glad as welt as myself tohearthe young man bas improved bo wiry rapidly onder the effect of j.-nr medicine. He had usedbut one bottle when he was ;i Iinosl wc 11 ; tlie second riid ita wotk, and the third bottle he gavo away. Fleaso send three more bottles and two boxes of pills as soon ns possible, for other friends. Reapectfully, (Nevis Post Office) Eev. John McLkan. Union Rivee, Sheboygan, Wis.,) Jiinuary 4, Ifi75. S fiend anothcT $12 box of the Kast India Hemp. Tliis is the only medicino that will do me any good, and I had given ap all hopes of getting botter. Adelia Thompson. N. B.- This ReraedyspeakB for itself. A single bottle will wtttefythe must skeptical. Thore is not a single s.vniptom of ('oiiMinption that it doos not dlssipato - Night Swunts, Irritation ol tho Nerves, Difficnlt Bxpectoratinns Stuip P;ins in the Lunjjs, Sore Throat, Nausea at the Rtoraach, Inaction of tho Bowols, and Wafltlngoi the MuscleB. fta.CÜ per bottle, or threo bottles for $6.50. Filis and üh.t„ addook & 1032 Race Street, Philadelphia. Send for circular. Athm;i i nel airli.- Sea D. Langell's adv't. MncvniqpmpW The fact that five million of rvav B i(fl 38 1 paira f iLr%L&3kSJa siiv i;k tifped SM fQ ■ J . jj BQ 9 J Slinks are made :i year, shows how BMPJtfli"argy"q Ihosc whn Use t'irni f Gal ab Out it. B"v3S S K0 J3ZH They kmiw that they last three wsBatHBaHa) Umea as long. Krononiy i.; woalth - 'ut the ffBFBfïSI Shoc ír the fLCfi ■ 3 8 'S CABLE SCREW WIP.E.iMy-lsCT They never ii'. leak nr wRflP5ESS T17 Lhenj. AU geuuine KwdsKa'iI? flU.jg Jl -VT-rTTTlf CTJRE. Cheap, quiok, private. No J X. Í U pain. JJk. Ahmsxkonü, Burrión, Mich. ÜSÏZt j drtress LOUIS LLOYD 4 CO., Ohiogo. WASTED AGBNTS. ,amrlsÊ oni Outfit fret. BMcr IJian gold. A. COULTKB CO.. Chioaco. EVERY FAAIII.Y WANTS IT. Monerintt. Sold hj Agent. Address M. N. LOVBLL, Erie, Pa. J f - P f C píT dny ?i'nd for ChromoCatalo:ne. ij) 1 J í ty t V-'. Buffoud'&Sons, Jioston, Mase ■■■,_■ Catalogue Froo. It.tiC3Lrl3.33J5t gáftgSMy"ÚLARK'8 BOOK-KEEPING. 8aSS"Saft Prlee SI. 00, postpold. Send for Circular. V. S. CLAUK. i CO., 143 Race Street, Cincüinaü, Ohio. t, - .. A Agenta wanted everywhere. U. 'lnll TtusitiCBS hiinnrabls and flrst class Pnrrnilïll tivHlar sent froe. Address WORT1I & titaxtv (,.).. st.iimi. mo. WA1ÏTED AGENTS-ETOrywhere for the Cen tennial Illitory-OOO Pkm, 3,48 engrav. lugs, BllinK %vell. Address H. O. ÏIOÜOHTON 4 UO., 1 Someniot Streot, Boston, Mass. ICl k f( A MIjNI'll aml KXPH.N'SUS tu all. Artiolos! ; k Uil n(nv 8f;H)lcas jlonr. Samples free. t'. IjI.N- gtüU I.mVi'ÓN. NUwVlHlKor CUIOAIiO. IWUCQTMCWT Forexchange for dry goods, noIliï CÖ I IVItPI 1 . tii-HH ir cash. ñve thousand acres miiirr.'il anfi timber land in Tennesseo, at a sacririce ; abptracts of title fumislH'd ; 5(1 ets. an acre. Lock Box 214, 1'ittf.lmruli, Pil. TENNB8SEB LANDS. IEO. P. ROWELL & CO AddrC!9 Johnson, Clark i Co., Boston, Mass.: New York City I'iltíburgh, P. Chicago, III. or St. Louis, Mo. Cf%O Qll K7 Chicago Snbnrban Lots at f"%-frC ö#%iitl. $i'liai'h- $15downand$5 monthjy lor bahmoe- witiiin a short distnnce of city limile, wit h hourly trains and cheap Send for circular. IRA BKOWN, 142 LaSalle Street, Chicago, 111. Cil1Wïlrr"HTT'Vf1 for rou. Sells nt slght Oar öUill'jl-IHiNU Ageits coin mtmoy. Wo have Work and Dinnoy fcr all, mon or women, boys or girls, whole or Fi:m; timo. Send stamp for OataloBue. Adves l'HANK GLUCK. New Bedford. Masi. D OÜBLE YOUR TRADE Drugfiists, G rocera and Dealers- 'ure China and . Tupan Tfis'ia Bealnri packages, xcructop r.,bostt, or halt chens- Grover? prit. Sond for circular. Tiik Wklls Tea Gomtavy. m Fulton-Bt., N. Y., P. O. Box 456U. AGENTSWANTEDSS Salid for circulju and onr eitra termB to Atont. NATIONAL PUO. CO., Chicago, 111.. or St LouU, Mo. $10. Jp $500. OTerytbing, and oópy at tlio "Wnll Street lUvicw OCilX CDÏTC John Hiciílinq & Co., Bankors ÖCN I rilCfc. and Broker. 7'4 Broadatay, -N. V. Hlitarjr .Ariificniy, ( luslrr, Pu. Open" Sept. 11. Civil Rnüieerinj, ■■ iïlassica, KngUh and Military Art thorji:(;iil.v timulil. Fnr oiruul-vr Pulylo THKO. HYA'IT, President. röÊKTS WATED POR A M5W BOOK. SUCCESS IN BUSINESS. HOW mISe IVÏONEY. Sttlllng f'i-'t fust. Smid l'or circular. r. W. ZIBÖLER & CO.. SOI S. Clark-st,, Chloato, 111. CAUTION-NOTICE.- The GENUINE EDITION. L WjtójSPiPi - (lr.cIu.HiiK the "LAST .IOÜRNALS,") unfokls vividly hit; :t Vrars Htrantif adventure) also tho mnoëiliM Wonder ana V-altU of that wtarwtaui lountrjvind is abaolotcly the only nwooinSletework. ffepoeW Srlls; jus thtnlc, 13,000 rl 7 ivfck'. A flits1 swieeM wimld oêtoniM yoo, mon wantod. Bnd for tomia wd p'i 'ir pmnj of ywuhieneee. Uvauxui) BROS., Pube., líl W.áthSt., Cinn., Ü. n WTLX HAVE OUIÏ (JOODS. Bond 85 conts and " vre will wnd by nmll.prepaid, or Lamí Filler, FT with whioh roq can iUÍ anj KromM Lamp leithñul Z n moving chimney or getttng greaai outtidê ■ Camp, %J At, name time we man yon all our clroulMB and P (wrnia to agsnta onï tucniy nsotui boomdoM arttclea with whioh any pexson can mako from S- w L '■'■ d tüj . We want. Aspnts BTftrywheré, W„„T„ C WATIÖJI IL AOK&'TB' E3UOIUU0. c Bobxom Mass. HOW TÖGETAH0ME. IOWA l.V;iI)S, 800,000 ACRKS. Rloh Soll.ffood Climate, excollent Watt, growing Settlo■ ,-,. ts iSrli...]i. Wo o.Tcr ;ii ■■ LündS of th Sioill City mi.l St Paul li. it. nml th Mclirepur nn-l MisRourl :.,v,r It. li. al S-1 t" SS [wr iicr, onnasy paymml. Two mi W. OIV CAt.. H, K. K. Land ('"e, Sibley. Onceóla Oo., lowa. BiJEB MILLS F0E COKN, TLOUB & FÏED, ËDWAKO HARBISON, Nhw Haven, Cowi. gJBï M it--: i: Kg IlljTOtsoHinK Pril Pack15 Rnvelopes, Golden I'en, IVn lioldcr, lVticil, P.itcnt Yard Sfeasare, and Pleca of Jowelry. Hinkte Paokage, with elegant Prize, iviKt-ijnld, 4." Mots, Circular f rue. IïRIOK ft ;., 769 Broaéwar, Nw Vork. N. F. BURNHAM'S watér'wheel Was sèlectel,4yean wq. and wit to worls in the Pntanl Oitit ■-, Waebington, D. O., and haa proved to be the best UtBlzesnmde, Prfcea ïvi-t t,in any otlior hrKt-class tieeL Pam ptilotfree. N.F. Ï5U11NHAM. YorU.Pa. I i gh Keeler, Holmes êtCo,tffroKfMSIrZB !'ir' iiEfliirniuM) of our cust-omrs tiiat WTTz'ct Sti.'i Ldrin i: t h e best Uaklner Puwfipr. ■■SOb Onraaiea of itincceaseoontiimaUf.11 1 vÊav) I J r:i'"'nu 's ítf'"iíil.v Kaïn in pin ffivor. 0O?---rfí'fl farmers1 iriTeacanexoe] New York IlÜCft HotlCo'"ki,l;y(mir.iïKiFnani. Try VjfiT txfS . S kil itnnflbclinpity. S.'ii'l for circular tu WSJzaSPf ■ K. ; ,.. Tft '- Ttff'' Duiinc M-. Kcw Vork. - ïSS"""a?V!l w '''his new Tniss is worn Tx"t c v T"nftnild A.Ï:li ifeelf t) Bnp JlAt) 1 11 B7'-ver.v inrjtion of tte biwiy, ■BK R U S S. J"ttajnln(trnptnreoiijBrtb i - -2r. ... T-r%tyjr ha-rfio-StoxonifieorsHverebt ■igti ' "- jjPy&m struin nntil nprmanpntly XjTxJ Elastic Trnsï Co, NO. 683 Broadway, N. Y. City. Sent by mail. Calï or send for Circular and be cmnd. in. LAfSKI-T'S IVEW ASXIIMA 0-rB ami m tumi iti ii.iv. irV Ji Uvtng struKpli:.] twenty yeara bet ween lif and 1 3ftbíY5 It-atli wlth AS'l'IIJIA, I exporfmcnt'j'l by coin■■bBuIYi 'ci"ilns nxits atxl lierbs anlinlinlitL tlio medWBy5 Wrrnto-1 to rIfeve iimtuntly no the pstlent cn BBRÉk Hfl down to rest xn.I leep romtortably. Drug■Lk[HHHB ','iits tire npplif'd wlth srvmplf psckftgefl for rXEB t'.r ínnM iUstrünitton. ffvil nd i,"1 mft, or addrnji ■ lm i i,AniKLL. Apple Cwck. Ohlo. ;ï-S'jU bj Uru.-giMii. Full-slzo rcke, by mail, $1.25. T13ln. HCTIClïi RKSBERí l'SEUSS! V t f, ■'liïMh are iudurieil liy the V J jJ A motft eminent physiciani In "N.r7V . thaworld for thee ufrlien'lY sV mttm,nnuni)({i.IivETcoin-j SrvL ) pUiíii, dymx'Pri!, kiilnej m' Jif tWnr Mw.nchCT.rulMjiervonsdttIf (3aglriliTK,(ils.lVMiiil! culupunnta V rer nuil ntlicr cliroiiic diHfíiscH of IS UFE ÍSpSSS 1 O LITE.. K1 (,n (-nclmmtl. Ühlu. ThenewBUFFALO RBVOLVBR-hdi prepaid to any part of thñ United States nn rocoipt o $L.00. 2O,(k:o airead; told. Beats anything of the kind ever ma Op. Fnr icriiracy and distance it has no equal Auíh'css ;ill trdmB to wiovrmtN euw tvorks chicaoo, iix. N, B.-We have evory revolver examinod by 'in expen enoed gansmttb befare It lenvei our trorks, anl wamn lUfitn perfect ín every vny. Liberal discount totne trade FREE. A five colored picture of, and rirculnrde Boribingthe A uil man-Ta y lor Tirsh ing Jïl, ehfane. Write to Aultman Taylor Mannlftotorlng Co., Mansfield, O. Thli machine is warranted to do botter work ld wheal , mts, ryo and V)arley, than any other Btylo on the continent, and is the only perfectly eucceesful Flas and Timothx thrsher in the world. Forestan Snmmer Fcvcrs and alï the coraplaints eenerated by oxcesstveheat, by keeping the blood cool and the boweli free witb. Tarranfs EilervesccntScltzcr Apcricnt, at once a rao; refresbing draught and the bost of all regUlatinKmSÍD9BY AI.L DRUGGISTS. Smith Organ Co., BOSTON, MASS. These Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealers Everywhere. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN. Sold tbrougbout tbe United States oa the INSTALLMENT PLAN: Tlil Is. on s Sjitsin oi Slonthly Pojinent. Porohnsore sbould ak for the Smith AMEniCAB OBQAS. OaUlocues finil fnll !trtioul:u-8 on appUcition. P S tl' v B' "■ t Hl rHsPE a p, & .gr. s f) n s cu 9 o 5: KIOHOLS, SHEPARD & GO.'S "VIBRATOR" THEESHER. The RniLLIAVT SUCCESS of this OralnSavlng, Tlme-Savlns THItESHEIl, is un]irccedented in theannals of Farm Machinery. Inabrief periotl ithas hficomcvïldcly knonr and FI'LLï ESTABLISHED, M the "1,EA1IN THKESHIKG MACMINE." GRAIN BAISHKS El'USE to submit to the wasteful and imperfect work of other Threshers, whon posted on the vast snperiority of this onc, for saving grain, saving time, and doinir fRst, thorough and economical work. THRESHERMEN FIND IT liiphly advantaieous te run a machine that has no "Beaters," 'Tickers," or " Arron," that handles Damp Grain, Lone Straw, ircadings, Flax, Timothy. Mülcttand all sur.h diflicult rrain and soods, with KNT1RE EASE AND BFFIiCTIVENESS. OlOAne to perfection ; sares the farmer his thresh bill by extra saving of prain; makes no "LitterBg;" requires LESS THAN ONE-HALF the usual Gelts, Boxes, Journals, and Gcurs; casicr managed ; lesa repairs ; one that grain raisers prefer to employ and walt for, eTen at advniiccd prlces, while other machines are "out of jobs." Fonr izes mado ivldi C, 8, 10 and 12 liorso " Mouutcd" Power, nlo a pecialty ofSeparatorg "alone," exprotsly rr STK.1M l'OWEK, aud to match other Horse Potrera. lf interestcd in grain raising, orthreshing, write for Illuetrated Circulars (sent free) with f all particulars of sizes, etyles, prices, terms, etc NIGIIOLS, SIIEPARD & CO., BatUt Crcek, Michigan. ■M ["heWonders of Modern Chemistry Sarsaparillian ajlts Associates, ' 3uwgM as Sccn aiul Feit as Thcy oan Occur aftcr I slng a Few Boscs of DR. RADWAY'S Sarsapariilian Resolvent, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, 1. Oood spirits, tlfeappearanco of weakneBs hno„ metancholy; Increaso and hardness of üeth 'and , ' cles, et. "■ '2. Strengtb tncreafles, appetito hnprovcs, relísh f ood, no more uuur eructatums or waterliraeh entA gestión, caira and undistwbed sleep, awaken fresh rlgorans. ' ■■ 8. Disappearanco of Bpots, blntchr-s, tho U ookaclearand healthy, the urinc chañad fromif.. bid ami cioudy appeannce to a cIearhemw,ÜSï color; water pauea frt-ely fmm the hlnddei throiwh h? urftthra without pain or ecalding , little or no 8ediWn, no pain or weakness. 4. Marked diminution of quantity and frenuen , nvoluntary weakening discharges (if afilicted thaWwï rith certainty nf permanent onre. Increased RtrpI.iL' ixhibited in the wcreting glands, and functkinati, niony rentred to the Bevernl orpans. a' Qat5. Tellow Uncfl on the ïUiite of the eyes, and thosw thy. saflron appearancc of tho ekin changó to a do-, lively and healthy color. """"■ 6 Those RufTerinK from wcak or tdeentad Innm n. luhfirclos will realize grpat bermfit, in fiïpectorMin f reely the touRh phktfrm or mucous from tlie lum cftlla, bronrhi or windpipe, throat or head; dirainishn nf the freqttency of cmigh ; general increase of BtrwiJÜi througbottt the. system ; stoppafre of night iwpjitg snH psina uadfeeUngof weakns around the ankies iiW ■hooiden, etc. ; cessation of cold and chilla, senVe nf sufïocation ; hard breathing and parosyRrttRof conghím lyinjt down or arisinfj in the rnorninR. All these distre ing symptoms uradually anti uurely disappear 7. As day aftcr day the SARSAPA UILUW takfn, new sifínR of returninK health will appear-iiV blood impmves in Ftrensth and purity , diaeawWii miiiish, and all foreign and impure depositi, nfyi "" tnmorB, cáncer, hard lumps, etc., be reaolved a'wajarti the 'Jiiv.und made sound and healthy; nlcers fal sores, syphilitio sores, chronic skin diseasca gradnanj disappear. ' 8. In cases where the system has ïepn saliváis mil Mercury, Quickiilvcr, Corroslve Sublímate, f the Drind pal constituent in the advertised Sarsaparillas, associitvA mi wme cases with }lyd. of Potassa) have Rcctimnlst ed nnd beoomfe deponted in the bones, joints et".' causini; enríes of the bones. ricknts, spinal camtn' Bontoruons, whit Bwelungs, varicoso veins, etc th! SAItSAPARJIililAN will re.solve away the L posits and extorminate the virus of tho disease fromtis system. 9. If thoBe who are takine these medicines forthecow of Chronic, Scrofuloux or Syphihtic diaeases, bom slow may be the cure "feel better,1 and fcnd tlieir tren' eral health improving, their flesh and weight increaaine or even keeping its own, it is a uure sign that tb& cure u progreBsinK. In these diseases the patiënt eitber ku bettor or worse- the virus of the disease ia not inactite if not arrestd and driven from the blood, it will gprid and continue to undermtne the constitutinn. Ag un as the SARSAPAJU1X1AN makes the paH "feel better," every hour you will grow better tai is trease in health, strenïth and flesh. The great power of this remedy is in diwui th reaten death- as in Consumption of the Langs w Tuberculous Phthisis, öcrofula, Syphiloid Duum Waating, Degeneration, and Ulceration of the Kidti-p Diabetes, Stoppago of Water (instantaneouB relief ij! forded where cathetors have to be used, tbu8 doingwjj with the painful operation of using these instrument!) dissolving stone In tho bladder, and in all caee of inflammation of the Bladder and Kidneys, in Chronic cases of Leucorrhea and Uterine diseases. In tumors, nodes, hard luraps and eypbilnid pln n dropsy and venereal sore throat. ulcera, and in tnberckj of the Iungs;in gout, dyspepsia, rheomatifim, rickeli: ín mercurial deposita - it is in thcfie terrible fonng of discase, where the human body has become a completa wreek, and where every hour of existenco is tortwi, whorein this great remedy challenges the astonishnmit. and admiration of tho sick. It is in such casea.whè all the ple&Aures of existence appear cut off froratóe unfortunate, and by its wonderful, almost supcniatJinl agency, it restores the hopeless to a new Ufe and nen existence where tbis. great remedy etaads alone in 11 might and power. In the ordmary skin diseases that every oneisranreor less tronbled with, a few doses will in most cases, indi few buttlcB in the moro aggravated fonus.workipcr. tnanent cure. Thosc afïlictod with chronic diseases shouM puichue a packase containing one dozen bottles. Pricfl $10 Ssr dozen, or ,%-" Ppf half dozen bottles, or $1 perbote. öold by druggista. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF WILL APPORD INSTANT EASE. INFLAMMATION OF THE KIDKKTS. ' INFLAMMATION OF THE BLAPDER. INFLAMMATION OF TUK BOWF1Í, OONGRSTION OF THK tDHO& SORE TimOAT. DIFFICULT BREATHWG, PALPITATION OF THK HRAUT. HY8TERIC8, CKOÜP. DIPHTHEMA, CATARRH. [ÑFLÜKNZA, HEADACHK. TOOTHACHE. MUMPS, NEURAT.CIA. RHRÜMATISM, GOLD CUUiliS, AGÜE CHILLS. The appllcntlon of the READY RELIEF ti'ipart or puts whero the pain or diljicmty eiBts nul ilfford (ï;ir; and comfort. Tiranty drops in hnlf a tumblerof water will, in In momento, enfo CRAMPS, 8PASMS, SOUR STOM. ACH, HK.ARTKUKN. SICK HKAIlAf'Hr , DI. 1Í. RHRA, DYSHNTIÍRY. OOLIO, WIND IS l!OVlir,S, and all ISTERNAL PAINS, Travelers shovild always carr)1 a lK(tio nl KilfWVV'S RKIjIRF withthnm. A few drop in watu will provent sickness or pains from change of water. IT IS BETTER TI1AN FRENGH BRANDY 05 BITTBK8 AS A STIMULAJJT. Pricc 30 Cents. Sold by DruggistS. DR. RADWAYS regülatoi Porfectly tasteloss, elepantly coated with sweet fi., pnrEe, resalftte, purifv, de.inse and btrejiethen. RAD WAY'8 PIliLS, for the cure ff all rtisnrdcr! of Ui" Stomaoh, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, 8 Diaeaaes, Headache. Oonstlpation, Oostivoness, Indi tion, Iljspopaia, Billousness Billous Kever, InltanuUqnol the liowcls. Piles and all lteranfsemcnts o( tl Infernal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure, Parely Vegetable, containing no mercury, mijierali, or deleteiioiu druns. , ;.JObscrvo the followinK symptoms resulüng trom Disorders of the Digestiré Orgfins : „, .. Constipation. Inward Piloa, Fnllnoss of the BW the Ho:ul, Ac.idity of the Stomacb, NauM. Hmrtbon, Disgust of Food, Follneasor Welght in theStomicJ. Boar Kructations. Staking or Flutterinc ut Hw Pit f Rtximach, Swlraming of the Head, Hnrriwl ano ficnlt lir.-ithins, FluttoriiiK at the Hoart, Choiinir Soffooating Sens.itions wben in a LyinK Portom nesaof Vlaion, Hots or Wehs hofore the SieW.I"' and DullPain in the Head, Deficfencyof Pers: YollowiioBB of tho Skin and Bye, Pain In „" Ohests, Limbs, and Suddcn Flushos of Heat, I)uriW thA few doses of RADWAY'S PHXS wUlte! systi-in from all tho abovö named disorderi. „"rllt Cinta per Box. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Rcad " FAI.SE AJíD TRIE." Sotid one letter-stamp to RADW.lï éi ?P ■' 3'4 Warren Street, New York. Informa wor'h thonsands will he sent you. ____-- BOYS AND IDDLE-ABED B Tralned for .tart in bosljea "g prismir. oseful oiUzen. Eastmam Bosrifl ss(,"St3„. PotmHKFKPSIl!. N. Y. on the H.i.ivm, the onlf - t-on devoted to this espoolallj. The oldart ■'li,sS. lical Comme. ciAl School, nnd onlj one pro"?"?,, limsf.,1 Oradnates. Refem to patrons and "JJT nearly evenr city and tovm. New BuUdingMJWSg plicants enter any day. Addrea tor particnlre"ac alogue of J.OOO graduaos in ggj, y,, p PoiighkeepMVÜ "DST'IIO.IIASCY, nr Soul Chlirnï"'i' : f ., v ,1,.,,-r „ x my rciiml n;l '„..rti"1 jxSTwSitiieB; Ka. 617 St. Ciarles Strest, St. Let 'OqUudoi to treat all cajeü of obstcle to n"" rri mi.uritle, erery ailment or cktiï wbicB n mdberotion or mprudene, ilh parll Dr. W.'il cstablishm-Mlt is chartetcd b.y tl "J ,J, ourl, was found-il and has Meo tabl"'""1„;.10 r, certalo and rcllab!e relief. BrfnS '"' Dl HTeral nndloal colicec aud king iho P_" on'r(Krf longiind mccCMIul llfc in hi ■ " oiipt1 rcmedieí thtt nre cffeotual in nil these ' ■ M re being ireMecl by muil or cipress "";" , nlnmatter wno íjiled, cali or wrile. Krom th-. t „ Dfr of rpltollon he 11 eo.blcd W KP low. 3l i!isoa, ciïli5 '"" sjint". ' - MARRIACE Cüipt 1 rgo, a popular book hiíh hould bc ' b mübo.1T. No nurrii-d pair, or persons '■"'m''?:%& rlae, can arTord to do wlt.hont it. lteolitii'l"J y-g m.-rticnl Uterature on this ubject, tbo "'IM ,'u " long experieuee ; also tbc bent thouehts rrl' . for50ct lu Kurope and America. Sentaoaled, "VS ""■ s,,!l O. N. TT. - Vlf HEN WUITIKU TO ADVEBIbS y jilease, sny jousaw the artcrli lu tnls paper


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