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The Michigan Argus

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PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING. Iu lbo third story of the briok blook oomor of Main üii'l'ii t-trcciB, ANN ARBOR, - - MICHIGAN. jatrabce oa Hnron stront, opposlte the Gregory Hooh CARE & G-OTTLET EDIÏOUS AND PUBUBHBBS. Tcrms, $f.5O a Year in Advance. KA.TJES air yvvKrrnsnNrG. [Tweïve línea or leu eonsitlercd a minare,] Bpacb. 1 w. a w. 13 w. l w. 3 in. G m. 1 yoar 1 square. . $ 75 $1 25 $1 60 U 75 $4 M $(ï 00 $!) 00 jBqnaree.. 1 50 U 00 '2 60 ii 50 fi 00 H o 12 00 3(.(iUHro. 2 00 2 50 3 60 5 00 7 50 10 00 18 (H) jcolumn 3 60 4 on 4 60 6 00 10 00 16 00 25 00 i4 column 4 oo 5 00 ' H) 8 oi 12 (Mt 20 ()0 80 oo u oolumn 5 oo 7 06 S iki 10 on ir on J-t 00 38 00 ; ifiim 7 00 I" on 13 oo 16 00 20 ihi to ihi 69 ik icolnmii.. ii 00 16 00 is 00 M W) !.". OOJ60 00 LOO 00 Carda in Directory, not to exoed fuur liiiee, $4.00 a f '" Local editorial noUoefl 90 cents u liin1. Bactoesa notioofl 12 oeota h 11b e for the first insertion, and G for eecb anbseaaent Ineertlon M;trriac aiuï tlciil Ii notices free; obitnary notJces 5 oents a Hm. Yearlv ftdvertlBerfl bavo the jirivileRe of chanRitip their-i-ivcrliKciiieiifH tlucc limep. Additioualcbangiiift wiü be chirged for. LdvertisameiiUi nuacoompanled by wrltten or verbal dlrroiions wlll be publittlied tbreo luoufbs, juk! -liarRPd acordinfjly. Ü advertinemoutp, ftrut itinerÜon, 70 cents prr f,1ir; 36 cents per folio for eaob uteequent inperUon, Wlipua postpottameoi is kdded toau advortisenicaf T the whole will be Dbarged tlie eftneu the first biseriion. To bo paid for when ailidavit in inadc. .TOB FraüNTTINGK pMnphiets, Póstero, HaudblUa, Circular, Ciareis. jïuli TickèlB, Labels, Blanke, BM-Hetds aud other varietiee of Plaiu aud Faucy Job Priutiug exeouted Ith promptneas, and in tho beat. ]H)ssible style.


Old News
Michigan Argus