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il fc CO L ï - B,ES I J Pí N g F, fc r- M 'S S . V 0 S CO líj V-H " fa SLn A Lecture fir TO YOUNG MEN. Jutt Pvblithed. in a Sealed Jitu-elope. Priie lis cents A Lecture on the Kiuture. '1'reacment, and Radical cure o( Heminsl Woiikiiess, or SpermutorrhoB, induced by Self-Abuse, Iiivoluntury Ëmissiona, Impotency, Nervous IJehihlyja} Iinpediments to Marringe; Consul..ption, Kpilepsy aud Kits; Mental aud Physical Inoapaoity, &c- By EOBEKT J. OULVJJIt WELL, M. !., authür of the " öreen Book," &a. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly provea fvom hiis own expenence thatthe awfiil consequenceB of Beli-ASoM may be eüectually removed without medicine, and without daiigerous Burgical operation, bougies, inatruments, rings or cordial ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and eflVctual, by which evfiry aufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure hi raself cheaply, privately and radicall} . J93This Ltcture vnUjyrnvta buon to ihonsanda and thoiisams. Sent under seal, in a plain envelope, to ar.y ;iddress, post-paid, on receipt ol six cents or two postage atainps. Addresü the Publifhers, CHAS. .1. C. KLIXE Sc (O., H7 Bowery, New York : Post Office Box 4686. POR Old Newspapers APPPLY AT THE AKOUS OFFICE. HËCURE GOOD JOB WORK At moderate prioe, by getting your work don AT THE ABGUS OFFICE. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT haring been made in the condition of n certjiin mortgiige whereby the power theiein contained to sell haa become operative, executet by William Plimly and Jane Plimly, his wife, o the city ot Ann Arbor, in the county of Waahte naw and otate oí Michigan, to John McCormic] ot'Salem, in said county and State, dated thenintl day ot January, A. D. echteen hundred and sixty eight, and recorded on the tenth day of January A. D. H68, at nine and one huif o'clock a. m., in the office of the Register of Deeda fcr the county o. Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, in liber 3. of inortgages, on paye 224, which said mottgage was duly assigned by said John McCormick to Rachel McCorraick, by deed of asaignmeut, date the seventli day of February, A. D. eighteen hun dred and seventy-one, which assinment was dul; recorded in the oitice of the said Register of Deedd on the ninth day ot May, A. D. 1871, at eleven and one half o'clock a. m., iu liber three of assignment of jnortgagea, on paie 119, upon which aaid mort gaife there is olaimed to be due, at tliR date of tin notice, the auna of four hundred and tlrirty-aix dol lars and ft ft y cents, and all auits or pruceeding which have 'heretofore been instituted for there oovery of the debt aecured by said inortgage have been discontinued, and no suit or proceedina a law or in chancery haring been institut&d since saiddiaoontinuanoe to recover any part thereof Notioe ia therefure hereby given, that by virtue o the power of anlo contuined in said mortgage, ', shull, on Saturday the twenty-third day ot Ücto ber, A. O. 187.0, ut ten o'clock in the forenoon, ael at public auctioa to the high'at bidder Ctlie sale to takti place at the bouth door of the Court Houae ir tho city of Ann Arbor, in miid county, sak Couit House being the place ot holding the Cir cuit Court for said county of Washtenaw} the pre mises described in said itiortgage, or so muer thereof s shiill be neceesary to satitfy the amoun due on nucli tQOftgftgO tind lea) costw and charge of such sale, together with an attorney fee of thir ty dollars, covmauted fortherein ; ïsto sa y the folio wing described piere or parct-1 of land, bein lot number fifteen, llö) in block numbtr fonr, in 'artridges nddition to the city of Ann Albor, ac oording to thO recorded plat thereof. Dated thisÜ7thday of July, A. D. 1875. ZINA P. KIXG, Admimstiator ol Assinee. W. D. Harhíman. 1541 A tt'y for Ad mi tristra tor. jnortgagti Öale. DEFAULT havim; been made in the condition of a niortgage executed by George W. Havens and M:uy Havens, hitwife, to Charles T. Wilmot all ot the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated the thirteenth day of April, A. D. 1870, and recordet on the tifth day of May, A. D. 1870, at two u'clock in the afternoon f that day, in hber 41 of mortgaíífi?, on page 616, upon which mortgage there ie clainied to be due at the date of thia notice tht gum of one thous&nd five hundred and forty dol lars, and no suit or proccedings at law haring been inttituted to recover the mortiiaged debt, or any part thereof: JSotice is therefore hereby given that on Saturday the twenty-tirat day of August lS7.r),:tt ten o'clock in the toreaoon of said day, 1 shall aell at public auction, to the htehest bidder at the south door of the Court House iu the city o! Ann Arbor, ttie mortgiiged preraises, or so inuch as will siitisiy the muouiit due on such mort gage anc lfgíil costa and charges of such sale, toether with nu attorney tVo of twenty-fivfl dollars, to wit : Lot uumbHi1 five, block number eleven iu Hiscock's addition to tlie ei y of Ann Arbor, county oí Wa.shtenaw und State of ICichigan, except fourrodsir width oÜ' trom the north side of said lot. Dated Ann Arbor, March 19, 1875. 1622-32 CHARLES T, W1LMCT, MortÊragee. Estáte of Rachel McCormick. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, ö as. Ataaessionof the Prooate Court lor the county of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twentysixth day of July, in year one thouuand eight hundred aud serenty-fire. Tieseut, Noah W. Cheever, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Ksichel McCormiclc, deceaMtid. Zina P. Kingt administrator de bonis non of aaid estáte oomet Ükto OOUlt and representa that he is now prepured to rendtr his tirstaceount aa such adminiatrator. Thereupon it is ordered that Monday, the thirteenth day of September uext, at ten u'clock in the forenoon, benssigned for ex'amining and allo wing such account, and that thehnirstitlawof said decVused. and all other persona interested in Haid eatate, are required to appear at n session of said court, then to be holc'en at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid couuty, and show cause, if any there be, why the said account should not be allowed : And it ie further ordered that aaid Zina P. King ffive notice to the persons ïhteresled in aaid eatate, of the pendency of said accouot, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thia order to be publibhedín the Michigan Argus, a newapuper printed and circulating in sid county, three successive weeks Drevious to said duy of hearin?. P [A triie copy.) NOAH W. CHEBVBR, lL,4lw3 Judgo of Probate.


Old News
Michigan Argus