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Mortgage #F orce i us u ra, DEFATJLT having beca made in the coidition of a morttcttge, executeü by i'atiick Kennedy aud Nuncy Keuuedy tu Llijuh W. Morpm, dateO JaniiHry Ürst, A. D 1873, and recorder! fi.trcb first, eaine yeiir, in the Wasntenaw County Eicgisten Otlice, in hber 46 of mortgagen. page 43.r, und ati siyiitd to Chnstitiii Hflbci , aMignment dated nnd recorded Jfebruary twpntit;th, Htiin yitr, in libei 48 of inortgages, puge 506, by which deiauli th power of sale therein contained beosme Opertitlvi and the sum of four hundred aud thii!L_n dol' lara is claimed as now due thereon [ini;luding premium paid for inuurance and a teaHonable i-tior ney's tee.j and there are five iurtïici inHttillmentp with interest to become due, and nn ■uit or proceedin;ti having betn intituded to recover .hc murt Grage debt or any part theieot: Notice it therefore hereby priven, tlat 8nid mortgage wilibt forocloBed by a sale of the moriptiged preiuitíes, oí sume part thereof, to wit: Lolt number tliree nnd fourteen, in block number tbree north, iu rangt two east, in the city of Ann Arbor, at the Court Houae in said city, on the tourth day of tíeptcmbei oext, at noon.said mortgng wm viven lo secu tht payment of tïie purehace mony for the m(ir1nHHt'3 pr!mieB. - Ann Arbor, June 1, 1875. CHUI8TIAN HKLHKU, E. W. MoiuiAN, Asninee. Attorney U34 ■ Mortgage bale. Defuult having been mude in the eoudition of a certiiin mortgage executed by Wijliam Kyan on the eleventh day ot April A. D. 1H74, to Martin líl un, executor of the laat will and testament oi Kdward Kyan, deceaaed, which --aid wan given to secure the purchaae money of the pnmiBM therein deucribed, and recorded iu the office ot the Register of DeedB in the county of Waahtenitw Michigan, iu Liber5C of Mortgages, on page 229, and woich aaid mortgage wan on the second day of November A. D 1874,aatjigned by said Martin Ky a to Leonhurd Gruner, and on the same day recordé in the office of the regisier of Deed in the county ot Watihtenaw, in líber 4 oí asaignment of mortgagea, on page 427, and on the 24th day ut December A 1874, I.eonhard Üruner, assignee aa aforesaid, assigned the me to William F. Oeins, v, hicb aMsignment was recorded on the urne day in the office ot Reginter of iJeeds in the county ot WaahtenAV, in líber 4, of aasifínmenU of mortgages, ou page 4Ö3, by which deiault the power oi aale cuntaiued in said mortgage I au becotne operative, on which mortgage there ia claimed to be due at the time of thi notiee, tor interest, aixty dollarn and sixty-eix cents, and also Ihe furtüer Humof thirly dollar tor an attorney's fee as providedin said mortguge, and no auit orproceediug at law or in eqnity having been inutitntecL to recover the amouut'due on said mortgage or any partthereof: Notiee w, therefore, hereby giveu, thatby virtue ot the power oï sale contained in aaid mortgage, 1 shall Bell at public auction, at the South front door ot the Court House, in the city oi Ann Arbor, fthat being the building in wlnch the tlie Circuit Court for said County o: Waahtenaw ia iield) on the first day of Heptembei A. Ü 1875, atten o'clockin the foren oon of tha day, the followiug premises dewribed in aaid mort (rage viz: Allo village lotn number tive and sis in block number forty-nve in the village of Man rhester, county of Washtenaw and Hiate of Mirhi gan, according to the recordnd plat thereol, or b much or siich part or parlf thertof as ahall b necessary to aatiafy the iimount due upon aait mortgage. lMted Junelftt, 1875. WILLIAM V. OSIU8, Frederick Pistobius, Aftsignee. Att'y for Aaaignee. 1W3 Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a certain indenture of mortguge, beanng date the seventhday of May, A. 1). 1867, executedby Ootlob Beiserand Anna Maria heiser, his wite, of the city of Ann Arbor, County of Waahtenaw. State of Michigan, to John Daniel Heinrieh, ot the said city of Ann Arbor, und recorded in the niñee, of the Register of Deeds of aaid Oounty ot Waahtetenaw, on the 8th day of May, A. D. 1M7, at 9 o'clock x. m. of suid day, in Iiber37 of mortgagea, on page 471; which said mortgage was duly asaigued by said John Uaniel Heinnch to Jolin (i. (all, ou the25thdayof May, A. D. 1871, and the instrument el üMwigniuent thereof, recorded in said Register's otüce on the 18th day of July, A. D. 1871. at 3 o'clmk p m. of said day, in Hber3 of asaignments ot mortgages, on page 173, and which mort#agt was duly asaignedby eaid John G Gallon the 7th dnyot Marcb, A. D. 1874, and the instrument of assininent tíu-reoí recorded in said Itegiater's oth'ce ou the 7th day of March, A. D. 1874 at 4 o'ciock p. m. of aaict day, in Iiber4 of asaignmenta of moitpaeea, on page 243, and there isdue and unpaid on saín umrtgage, at the date of this notice tJiesum of tour hundred and seven dollars and fiiiy lixeenta, togfther wi'h thirty dollars ae an at torney feo, in cse proceeding should be Uiken to foreclnse snid mortgage. and no proeeedings in law or in eqmiy has beeii instituted to recover the dti setured bysaid mortgage, or any pait theieol Notitie is therefor hereby given, that by virtue o the power ol sale containod in said mortg&ge, tbaJÏ, on Saturluy the niuth day of Uctobei, A l. 1675, at teu o'cluck in the forenoon of;iidd;i stil at public Muction to the highest bidder., th premiare described in suid morticaee to satisfy th itiiouat of principal and interest, with tht? chargt ot tale and attorney fee of thirty dollai, th premises heerinafter describid, at the aouth doe ot the Court House in Huid city of Ann Arbor, (uri Court Houae being the place of holding the Cii cuit Court within said f.'ounty of Waabiemavj. Et that part of lot number ïour, block four nortl range six east, that liea northwesterly of l'ontu Street in the city of Ann Arlmr aforeaaid, accorc toe to the recorded plat thereof. Dated Ann Arbor, July 15th, 1875. LUM VH R. LAWSON, Asaigneeof Moitgage. EnwAun R. Si.awhon, Attoruey for Asaignee __ Chancery Notice. rpHE CIROUIT i'OURT for the county of Waah X tenaw. In chancery. William Lentz, complainant, vs. Caroline Lentz, defendant. It satisiactorily appeaiing to this court by aöidavit and Lhe return of the oiÖcer on the ubptena issued in this cause, that the resideuce of the defendant ia unknown, and that aaid defendant ia not within the juriadictionof thia court. On motion of Frederieit Pistorius, aolicitor for complainant, it is o: dered that the defendant cause her appearance t be entered in this cause withiii three months from the date of thia order, and that in case of her ap pearing ahe cause her anawer to the complainant bill to be flled in this cauwtí and a eopy thereof t be aerved on the complainunt or hia aolicitor with in twenty days after aervice on hor or her solicito of a copy of the bilí oí' complaint flled' in this caua and a notice of this order, and in dei ault thereof that the aaid complainant's bill be taken as con - fesaed by the said defendant. And it is furtber ordered that within twenty days,the eaid complainant cause a copy of thia order to be publihed in the Michigan Argus, a publio newspaper priutd in said county of Waahtenaw, and that the piiblication continue at least once in each week tor six succesaive weeks, or 'hat he cause & copy of this order to be personally served on the aaid defendttnt, according to the rules and practice of this court. Dated July 15tn, A. D. 1875. A. D. CRANE, FUEDERICK PlBTOKIÜS, CÜCUÏt Judge. to ieitor trComp't. 1541 w6 Mortgage Sale. WHEREA8 Patrick Fallen, ot the townahip of Lyndon, Wnshtenaw county, State oJ Btieh igan, did execute and deliver to Thomas Young an indenture of mortgage bearing date the Uiirteenth day of November, A. D. Ih74, on premiaea theiein deacribed as all of those ceriain pieces of land kuowu aud deticribed as followa, namely : The west half of the northeast quarter and the east half ot the southweat (juarter and the southwest quarter of the northweat quarter of section number twenty-aeven, and the east part of the northeaat quarter of the aouth east quarter of aection thirty-four, all aituate iu towuship nuraber one sontb of range three east, in theötate of Michigan, contaiiiing in all two hundred and seven aerea of land, more or lesa, which aaid mortgage was duly recorded in the Kegïster'a otüce for the couuty of Washteuaw aioresaid, in libei nuraber tttty-one of mortgages, at page four hundred and tltty-aix, on the aixth day of February, A. D. 1876, at 8j o'clock a. m. of that day. And whereas default haa been made in the conditione of aaid mortgage by non-payments of moneya thereby aecured to be paid, whereby the power of sale therein contained ha become operativo, and there ia uow, at the date of this notice, olaimed to be due on aaid mortgage the sum of flve hundredand seventy-four dolhirt. an-1 aiViiity-onecent8,be8idesan attorney i-eof thirty-t e dollars, in said mortgasje espreasly agreed to be paid as often as any proceedings ahould be taken to forecloae the same, or any part thoreof, and uo proceedings at law or in equity naving been in.stituted to recover .the eame or any part tbereof : Notice ia thereforegiven, that on the twenty-third day of i )ctober,A.D 1Ö75, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the south door of the Court House, in the city of Anu Arbor, (that being the place for holding the Circuit Court for said connty of Washtenaw), t &hall sell at public nuctiou, to the highest bidder, the premises deaeribed in aaid mortgage as aboVfl set iorth, or such part or parts thereof iw ahiill be neceasary to aatisfy eaid amouut with in tereat, costa and expendes allowed by law. Duted Ann Arbor July 19, 1875. TtiOMAS YOUNG, Mortgagee. Root & Ghanork, 164ü Ati'ys for Mortgagee, Ühaucery Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Circuit - In chancery. Marie J. Root, complaiunnt, vs Levi H Haynes, Carolina lï. Haynes, William S. HcMullan, Charles H. Wallace, l'eter Eaton aud William N. Bussett, defendanta; suit pending in the Circuit Court for the euunty of Washtenaw, at Ann Arbor, on the tenth dnj of July, A. D. 1875. Vpon proof by aöidavit on file tnat the said delendant, Wuliam rf. McMullau, resides out of the State of Michigan, aud does reside in the Htate of remitsylvHiiia, it ia on motion of Phinehas L. Page, soiicittpr lor SHid complainant, ordered that the said defendant, W'illiam 8. McMullan, appenr iu siiid suit and answer the bjll of complainant therein, within three months irom this date ; and that thia order be published once in each week for six weeks in succesaion in the Michigan Argus, a newspsiper publihed in said county, the tirst publication to be within twenty days from this datu. J. F. LAWUF.NOE, Circuit Court Coin'r, Washtenaw i'o ,Mich P. L. Paos, ] ■'■ Solicitor for Complainant. fcoTJ Assignee Eotice. All persons hsvinff claims against the flrm of C. A. Ltiter & Co., and against Tracy W. Root, are requested to present them to me, and all persona owingthe said part iea, i re retjuested to culi and settle. I otFer íor talt ' ■ aeree of land near the observatory; Also oiu unlivided hall ot A'2. feet between BesimerV Rehtrurant and the Leonard Hornee, and other hinda íl t ie State. For tuither pnrticulars cali on me, R. S. SMÍTH, Dated May 6, 187 UWtf Assignee. nVLLLIK(J IKK MN KUt SALE. Alargeand very wll built bnek house, with wo or more lots. Two Urge framed houses. AIpo i good sized brick and frame houw ; and a amall frame house on a good lot. intended for ad,ingr a front. For sale on fairterms and a reusonale credit. Also other buildings, lots, and property. IWOiEY U'A.TED8o many wibhing o borrow money apply to me that I can readily btivinfor tenders good aatiafactory investments at eu per cent. interest. E. W. MOBÜAN. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1873. WiStï Mortgage ÖaJe. DEFAULT hving beoD in the conditi of a certatn mortgage, execuu-d by j, h, 11 ot and Mary Harrli,of tKcity ot Ann Arbor r of Wabteuaw act State of Mlchlrai , t „ PI Volland, of the sanu place, on the tweitWkT of .iiiiii-, in the jrr of onr I.ord one th' ■ elght hundred and lxty-four, ] recorded '"'""' ntj ui Waahl - State of Michigan, on -1,1, ,iKV „r . , '") 1864, in h il' w ' iald luortgage wasduly auigned i .laeol.'v 11 ' toAndre .1 sl.iv, ly. „f ,i„ Vork, "ii the ninlli day .il August, A. li 1m;i ' ffj said assignment was recorded on i '' August. L I). 1864, in llbei 82 of mortgaiw 562. Thai thére is no-w clabned to bedutou , ÏE taortgage, apd note acconipanylu uní íiI' eleven Inindred and fbny-fout ÏJuiiyl! dollars; alsothirty dollar aa a reasonaiili tea, jbouM any proceeding be taken to tanOU the same, and no procefdiug having h,-e„ 2 tt-d, either Inluwur equity, to rraovei or any part thereof. Notice la ili.r.fure i, ■ iiïi-ii, tliaton the lltli day of September ■2 ocliick in the altern i o! saM day ■ door of the ('ouit House, in the city of Ann T"' that bcíiifí the place of holding the Circuit {' or said eonnty,, and by.Tlrtue of the povei rf L? contained In sud mortgage, I almll siil at v auction to the blgbesl bidder, the premi. : sertbed in "aiil mortgage, to satlafy the aimn,, principa] and Interest above claimed ti du thechargetof sale aiifl uttortny 'b fee of thirrr i](n'Á: All those eertaiu pieces or panels ofland the city o!' Ann Arbor, eouoty of WaehteDawii! State aforesaid. known bouuded and descrihedi V' lows, towlt: Beinglota nnmhered nim (10), in block number one (1), north of Huron rtrn? and, (12) east, according i,. pUt of Ann Arbor. Dated June íith, 1875. ANDKKW ,1 SIITVKLY John N. Uott, Assignee of Murtto, Attoniey for Ajalgnee of Uortgagw, "f,, CommiBeionurs JNotioe. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. Oounty of Waslua,, O ss. The underBiued having been appomüi 'II the Probate (Jourt l'or aaid county, coramina,, t receive, examine and adjust all claim and H mmidsof ill persons against the "estáte of fm Donnelly, late of nic county deceiused, bereljvó! nutice tliut mx moutliö tiom date ure tillowe'd b order of said Probate Oonrt, for rreditors to ii sent. their claims againat the entate of BjijT ceased, and that they will meet at the atore f Joseph Donnelly, in ttie city of Ann Arlor m Jl county, on the day of üctober and the twentietli day of Januaiy next, at ten oVwï a. M., of enen of said day, to receive, tI,_. and udjuHt said claims, Dated July 20th. A. U. 1875. lu, PETKlt TTJITE, I ,. JOHN (JLANCY, 1 '-■"i"' Couimissioner's Notice. STATE OP M 1CJIJ UAÜ, Oonoty of Washtu,,, bh. The undersigned havinic been appomtetj ■ the Probate Court for suid county, conimisgitm to receive, extimue and adjust all claims aod Í inands of all persons against the estute ot PreuW Muller, late of said couuty, deceustd, %a, b'ive nolice that six months trom dnti? aiealw by order oi said Probate (ourt, for creditont present their cïaïms neaint the estáte of eaidik eeasi d.utnl tlmt they will meet at the ötoiïofp.. sey & the city of Aun Artor, in i couuty, on the uineteenth day oi i íotober and m the nineteeuth day of January next. at teoo'fe a. M., of eaeh of said days to reoeive, examiaeHi adiust said claims. üated July lsth, A. D. 1875. MO8E8 SEABOLT, „ 1M0 AN'TOX KIBELE, Com"'mn. Mortgago Süle. KFATJLT having been made n the conditioti oL a certaiu indentuie ol mortgaRe, bearó, date tlie thirtith day of December. A. D. 1S73. 6I ecuted by James Coieman of the city of Ann iim county of Waahteuaw, State of Michigan, li Luman K. 81awaon of the eaid city of AnnAriw and recorded in the office ot tlie Kegitfterof htai for suid county ot Washtenaw, on the 2Cth nul January, A. D. 1874, at 3 1-4 o'clock p. M.,m Ma 49 of niortiiagea, ou page 2ti, and there isdueufl unpaid on said mortgage, at tlie dtite ol ti the aum of thirty-seven dollar and forty-thne cents, together with tliirty-üve dolíars as awiiti' i tor or attoruey lee, in case proeeedings shotüd be j taken lo foreclose Baid mortage. i ing in law orln equity has been institiitedioiear. I er the debt secured by said mortgage or any put I thereof. Notiee is, thereiore. bereby giren, ;U: I by virtue of tlie pover ot sale in said mortgt I contained, I shtul. on Hulurday, the nú üctober, A. U. 1876, at ten o'clock in the forraw I of said day, neli at public auction tothehigbst I bidder, the premises destribed in eaid I satisfy the amount of principal and ii - ■ the charges ot aait) und attorney fee ol : dollars, the premues heroinaftcr aeeenbed, attht south door of the Court Houae in eaid City of Aa Arbor (said Conrt House being the place of Uiing the Circuit Court within said county of Waélimiwl all those certain pieeea or parcete of lul desci ibed a fol ows : Bi ing lots number elera und twelve in block number tbrc-c, tiorlb uf Hoioj etreet, in rauge number four eiiat, accordiiig i recurded plat of the vülage now city; of el Arbor. Dated, An Arbor, July i5lhtlS"5. LI' il . A E. LAU BON, I Kdwaku li. Slawson, Attorney for Mortgtga, Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN : The Circuit Couitfoi the county of Waahtenuw- In Chancoj, Esther A. McKnight, Complaiiiant, vb. OrlandoH. .UcKuight, Defrndiint. Itaatistactorly aprtaiin; to this Court, by attklavit, that the deleniftnt, Umdo U. ,M'KtÍLrbt, ík uut h resident oj I but his resklence. is unkuown, on motion of h, Cranier, aolkitoi tor eumpluimint, it la that the defeuüaut cálice his appearance to I tered in ttiiscauae w.thin three montha rom 'it I date of this order ; and that ia cuse of bis I ing, be cause hia anawer to the complaii to be Hled, and a copy theruof to be servedoi tfc I cotnplainanL's Bolicitor within tweuty d service of a i.opy of iaid bill of conj notice of this order, and in default thei;:". said bill be taken hh confeased by said defendan'.. Audltia further ordered that within thirt; da; the said cojnplamant causi1 a copy oí thie orderw be published in tbe Micttigan Argva, a nevBpapw printed in said county of WashtenuW; andtbittif publication continue at least once aweekfonii successive weeks, or that ahe cause a copyof tbll order to be personally aerved on the said detendaE!, according to the rules and practice oí thia Conrl. Dated, July liith, A. IJ. 1S75. J. F. LAWKENCE, Circuit Court Coiuiniaaioner, Washteüaw Counlf, Michigan . D. Cbamkb, Solicitor for Complainant. JVIortgage baloï WHEREASWilliamO'HaraandHanoraO'Bn his wife, did exetute aud deliver to Fredenu Huson, an indenture of mortage, beariudft!e!ÍK ninth day of April, A. I). 187S, on premidescribed as all that certain piece or paral ol I sitúate and being in the city of Ana Arbor. in the county of Washtenaw and State of JlicliWK' desciibed as follows, to wit : Being the east út fourths of lot number three (3), in block nuoto ne, aouth of Uuron street, and range ant" two east, according to a recorded platel tbeTW Cnow city) of Aun Arbor, which said moiW was recorded in the Kegister's oüïce for the wuW of Washteüaw, aforesuid, in líber 4S cf iWj on page 3S2. on the ninth duy of April, A.D.1'1 ■ ' at 2:4(1 o'clock P.M., and whereas default bw I made in the condition of said mortgage, by wv payment of moneya thereby eciued to 1" whereby the puwer of sale therein cobhu " becomeoperative, and theie ia now, at tledM o. tliis notlue, claimed tu be due on said morW the aum of eleven hundred and twenty doiliin ? eighty four ceots, besides an attorney fa I m dollars, in said mortgage expressly freel, paid as often as aoy proceedinfr shoula wim foreclose the same ; and whereas bu adjudicifiw bankruptcy has been paased in the District u of the United States lor the Eastern lnj '' Michigan, in bankrup cy, frainat the som ' ()'H:ira, sinoe which adjudication thesaw '■■ O'hara haa deceased. Now. thereíore, no siui -' prdceeding having been instituted at la to re the debt now remainint; secured by said monwí ; or anv part thereof, and leave having been gnu by n order of the iforesaid court, on the sevent". ot June, A. D. i87j, to forecloae aiud mmwjh advertiaemeiit, in pursuance of the statute o. Statu of Michigan, in such case made anoPJ ( Notice is hereby given that to satirfy the !' ' sum due on said mortgage at the date tMB" inteiest, and aaid sum of thirty dollars, a . fee, andallothereosts and expenses alloïKj law. after deducting the amount ot all """ shall have been received by the mortgafree, named, on account of the mortgaged Prem'ï"i der authority of the aforesaid order,"; mortgage will be foreclosed by a saleo! a gagedpremiaesabovedescribi'd, to the oi?e' ,., der, at the outer south door of the Court !" theconntyot Washtenaw, in the city ot " in said county (said Court House bein?u 1 of holding theCncuit Court within ttó in which the above deacribed VK!fZ,Mituatedj.on Salurüuy the fourth dayol w ber. A. 1). 1875, ut one o'clock ín the alter Dated, Anu Arbor, June lOth, A. ü-! FHEDEKICKHl Koot &Gbasi; kil Morg,Sitf Attorneys for Mortagee. Mortgage Sale. WHEHEAS default has b en made in '",,. tions of a certain iudentuie of niortg m .. ing daie the seoond day uf January, A. ir ecuted by James Coleman, of tbe city _i , bor, County uf TaahtenttW, 8WM o lc"rfSti;. Luthet Jumea of Limii. couuty anu "j ptjii and renorded in tbe (ithce of the KeguKJ"' ( t ot aaid county of Washtenaw, at l1!1 lbi,r ■ uu the IHth day of January. a. d. '."'■„„af of mortgajes, ou page 37, which said fZi" S' ,hily oadgned by said Luther Jameito "Ja Slawson.on the tentb day ''' ütl"t)t 'í-'feol' and the instrument of amlgument tlierw Wi in aaid Register's ottice. on i he lst ttay "' „ A. D. 187-t. inliber 4 of aigumeutoo 1 w on page 417, and there i due anu n"Vi 6U!n mortgage, at the date of tilis notie; , ' )ott.i three bumlr.-il and tifty ilullurs ' ,,„;, u cents, togethei; with thniy .lullius as '■, attorney tee, in case proceediniis uw ' oi I to foreclose said mortgge, aud no i law or in equity haa been instituted Ul ' , tterso: debt sccuied by Baíd mortgage. orB7 ÍJ Notice is ihercfore hereby R.veu tut 'l af the power ut sale in said "bpr, 4.P; hall, on Batuiday tlie ninth day of l"ia j8y, IS75, at ten o'clouk in the loreiiooii pi „f at public auctiun to the highest l"1"1 tW .m11 esdeseribed in said mortgage to e;itii ! of eof principal and interest with t1"1 C1"VJ p,ciiuse ind attorney fee of thirty Jollars, í ; heninafter described. at the ""'11 "TaKi"1: Cuurt Uouse, in said city of Anu Art', House being the place of bolding lf ■ eetl& wit aaid oounty of Waahtenawl, "'m: pieces orparcelsof land deaenbed m .""Hoci ; I nglots-number eleven and tvrelye. ber tbree north of Huron street, in ' -tjil our east, according to a recorded plat now city; of Ann Arbor. , Dated Aun Arbor, July loto. ', in-SON, LUMAN K-hLA"Aiig' Kdwabb R. Slawson. IS" Attorney for Asaignee. ___- COTICE is hereby given that $J%Lit& Li of Hale & Tremain ie 'M "'u botí"' ay dissolved. Austin K. Hale hnnd acJ" nteiestinsaid tirm. All aifour ■" rill be settled at the oíd stand D) 1. A. Tremain Co. „ THElIA1; 3W1538 HALi.


Old News
Michigan Argus