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Aun Arbor Market. Ann Ahbok, Thubbday, Aug. Ö, 1876. Apples - 50(4,750 per bu. Beans- $1.40. per. bu. Botteu- 18o. Beef- $6'jS7 per hundred. Cohn - 5Di3í60c. per bu. CaicKENs - Dressed 13c. Eggs- Oommand 18c. Haï - 10gütf per ton, aecordiug to quality. Labd - The market stands at 16c. Oats- 45348c. Pork - $7.OOS7.6O per hundred. PoiATOse- New, SO cents. Tuunips - 25(áí35c. Wheat- White, 1.20@1.30. WEEKLY MARKET REVI EW. l'oreifjr Markets. Latest London telegrams report receipts of wheat for 3 days at 11,000 qrs., 10,000 oi which was American. Prices were Ida2d higher. [ark Lañe Express, Aug. 2d, says the upward novement has been stopped, partly in conseuence of tree foreign arrirals. Official reuma from Austria and Hungary show more robabilities of a shortage than otherwise. Weather in England had improved so much as ;o lead to the belief that the crops would be aved. Uastern Markets. The New York wheat market reporta show ncreasing strength, though prices are relativey low. The export deinand is on the whole mproving. The Tribune in its review thinks he outlook for a liberal yield much less enouraging than a few weeks ago, and will not o surprised at anearly advance to meet the West. The following shows the range of irices for the past 4 days: White winter wheat, Saturday, $1 49ail 53; Mouday. 1 52aïl 58 ; Tuesday, ïl 54atl 60 ; Wednesday, amber, $1 59. Flour has ruled very troug, and eaatcrn buyers begin to realize that hey must p ly better figures : White extras, 6 75aï7 '25. Corn better, Ia2c higher, mixed western, 82 l-2a86 l-2c. Oats unchauged white western, 6óa72c. Detroit markets. There has been a Btroug tendency to higher rulings all the week, and the advance has been very marked, from $1 37 last week Monday to $1 40 on Saturday, and this week in two day au jad vanee of lic occurred, closing on Wed nesday at $1 54. Flour is relatively lowe than wheat, aud millers are holding for highe iigures. One city iniller received an eastern order tor 400 lbs. of choice winter at $6 50, bu telegraphed he must have Y7 25a$7 50, and h would not hold the offer open more than 2 hours. Orders are restricted to urgent wants Corn remains quiet' at 75a78c. Oats dull bu held higher. Sold at 68a60c. Barley nomina at tl 50ail 75. Rye not offered - salabie a tl üóaïl 10. Baaus are dull but firm an steady ; best hand picked held at tl 75afl 90 common, 1 40al 65. Butter remains firm ani strictly choice is scarce and wauted at 20a21c common to fair is offered at 14al9c. Cheese i increasing in stocks, likewise the deinand i better, selliug at lic for stale and 11 l-2al2 for prime New York. Dried apples are scarc and in good deinand at 7 l-2a8c. Eggs are i fair supply and light demaud at 14al4 1-2 Fruits are in light supply and good demaud apples at 75a90c in boxes, 1-3 bu ; whortlebe ries, 6a5 50 per bu. ; peaches, 1-3 bu. crate 2ft2 26 ; California peachei per bu. t7. Pota toes are in supply aboot equal to demand at 40a602. Watennelons, 20a35 per 100. Cabbages Bcarce and selling freely at 6 00a7 00 per 100. Toraatoes 3a3 50 per bu. The wool mmket close very unsatisfactorily to buyers at 38i40c.


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