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. i i r M O a 5 ö fl fe ce L f S s BiiSSlí O H f : eo 3 2 i í!áti eh SpSIi . r o s GO For Sale Gheap. The sabaeribof offen for sale hls HOTTSE A.1TD LOTS on West Hurón street, next west. of s. P. Jewett'B resldence. The bouse Is one of the best, and pleasintest, tor the stee. In the city. Will be sola i"i $500 ifss t'ian eost. tor particulara apitv t" John N". Gott, or l.-,:!ii A. 1). BKSIMEK. Sheriffg Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, county of WHbtenaw, 88. Alfred W. Hanmer vh. Jïimes V. Cnse. By virtue of one writ of exeeution ïssuod out of and under the seiil of the Circuit Conrt for the county of Washtenaw. in the above eatitled cause, to me directed and dclivered, l htie ou this 3d day of Angust, A. D. L875, levied upon all thi rijiht, title and interest of James W. Case, in and to the followini; deaenbed rtul estáte situated in theoountyof Washtenaw, State of Michigan to wit: Thé east half of lots number six hundred and nine and six hundred and ten in Follett, Vtiught and Holme' addition to the city of Ypmlanti, Michigan, which above deserlbed land 1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the mt'i door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, onthe28th day of Heptember, A. I. 187B, at ten o'clook A. M. of saidday. Dated Agust3d, 1875. '542 M. FLEMING, aheriff. Sheriíf's Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Wanhtenaw, 88. John T. Kaywalt vs. Alva A. Robiscu. By virtue of one writ of exeeution issued out of and under the seal of the Circuit Courf for the county of Washteuaw, in tl e aboye entitled cause, to me directed and delivered, I did on the 29th day of May, A. D. 1875, levied upon all the ri(rht, title and interest of Alva A. Robison m and to the following described real estáte -itutued in the county of Washtemiw, State of Michigan, t o wit : All that certnin tract of land situated in bloek number eiirhteen of the village of Dexter, Washtcnuw county, títate of Michigan, knowu bounded and described as tollowB, to wit : Beftinnlng on the east eide of said block number eighteen, find south side of an alley twenty leet wide, oue dred and seventy feet frpm the south side of Main street or Ann Arbor road, and running north sixty-iour degrees west. along said alley on e hundred and eighty-flve and a half feet ; thence south. twenty and a half degrees west along . an alley twenty feet wide, and parallel to said eant line of aaid block, forty and one half feet; thence south üfty-nino and tnree-fourths degrees east, one hundred and eighty-six and afourtn feet to the east line of Baid bloek ; thence along said east line fiftytive and a half feet to the place of beginnini;, which above described land I shall exposé for sale to the highent bidder, at the south dmr cf the Court Huuse, in the city of Ann Arbor, at ten o,clock A. M. on the 2sth day of September, 1875. Dated August 3d, 1875. 1542 M. FLEMINti-. Sheriff. Mortgrage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the conditions of a eertain mortgage whereby the power therein eontained to sell has become operativa, executed by William Plimly and Jane Flimly, his wife, ot the city ol Ann Arbor, in the county of Waahtenaw and átate oí Michigan, to John McCormick of Salem, m said county and State, dated thenintl day of January, A. D.eighteen hundred and sixtyeight, and reeorded on the tenth day of January A. D. 1868, at nine and one half o'clock A. m., in the office of the Register of Deeds for the county o Washtenaw, in the State of Michigan, iu liber 3S of mortgages, on paye 224, which said mortgage was duly assigned by said John Mci-ormick to K:chel Sic' iormick, by deed of ussignment, date the seventh day of February, A. D. eighteen hun dred and seventy-one, which assinnieiit was dul recorded in the orti.ce of the said liegister of Deed. on the ninth day of May, A. D. 1871, at eleven and one half o'clock a. m., in libur three of assignment of mortgages, on pan 119, upou which snid mort gage there is olaimed to be due, at the date of this notice, the sum of four hundred and thirty-six dol larn and ftfty cents, and all suits or proceeding. which have heretofore been instituted for the re covery of the. debt secured by said mortgage have been discontinued, and no suit or proceedinLs a iaw or in chancery having been instituted since siiid discontinuance to recover any part thereof Notice is theref "re hereby given . that by virtue o the power of sale contamed in saití mortgage, ] shall, on Saturday the twenty -third day of Octo ber, A. I). 1H75, at ten oVloek in the forenoon, sel at public auctiott to the highe.Ht bidder Cthe sale to take place at the outh door of the Court House ir the city of Ann Arbor, in aaid county, saü Uouit House being the place of holding the Cir cuit Court for said county ol Wayhteuawj the pre mises iescribed in said mortgage, or ao muct thereof as slmll be neceetary to aatify the amount due on such mortage and legaJ cobts nnd ctiarges of Bueh sale, together with an attorney fee of thirty (loUurs, covenanted for thereiu ; that isto say the fohowing dcscribed piet e or parcel of land, beinjc lot number üfteen, 15) in block ntimher four, m l'artridge addition to the city of Aun Ai hor, according to th recorded plat thereof. Dated thiH27thday of July, A. I. 1875. ZINA P. KINfi, Admimstiator ot Assignee. "W. D. Haruiman, 1541 Att'y for Administrator iïLortgage taaie. DEFAULT ha ving boen made in the condition of a mortgage executed by George W. Havens and Mary Havens, his wife, to Charles T. Wilmot, all of the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, dated the thirteenth day of April, A. D. 1870, and recorded on the ñfth day of May, A. I). 1870, at two o'clock in the afternoon of tbat day, in líber 41 of murtguKes, on page G16, upon which mortgnge there íe claimed to be due at the date of this notice the ,iiim of one thouaand tlve hundred and forty dollars, anl no suit or proccedings at law having been iuntituted to recover the raortijaged debt, or any part thereof: Notice is therefore hereby given, that on Saturday the twenty-tirst day of August 1875, at ten o'clock in the foreaoon of said d;iy, J shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the south door of the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, the mortRuged premiwet, or ao much as will satisfy the amount due on BUOh mortsage and legal costs and charges of such sale, together with an attorney fee of twenty-tive dollar, to wit : Lot number üve, block number eleven in Hiaooèk'sad dition to the city of Ann Arbor, county ol Wiwhtenaw and State uf Michigan, exoept fourrodsir width off from the north ule of paid lot. Dated Ann March 19, 187i. 1622-32 CHARLES T. W1LMCT, Mortiruyeo. Estáte of Rachel MoGormiok. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County Of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Prooate Court for the county of WaBhtenaw, holden at the Probate Oftice in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the twnuysixth day of July, iu the year one thounand eight tiundred and seventy-ilv e. Preaeut, Noah W. Cheever, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the esratu Oi Kacïnl McCormick, deceased. Zina 1'. King, administrator de. boni's non of unid estáte, comee into courí, and represent ilittt he is uow prepared to rende r his tírst account aasaohacU ministifttor. Thureupou it is ordered tliat Monday, the thirteenth day of September uext, at ten ocloek n the foreuoon, be assigned for examinii and al owiug such account, and that theheirsat lawol Mid leceased, and all other persons iuterested m iald esate.are required to appear at a teattoa of said toinl, ;hen to be holden at tlie Probate Ottice, in the city of Ann Arbor. in said county, and show cause, if aiiy tlu-re be, why the atd account should not be allowed : And it ie further ordered tbat said Zina P. Kteg trive notice to the persons interealed in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, dt causin? a copy of this order to be publi&hed In the Michigan Ar pils, a uewapaper priiited and cireulating in said county, three succeysive weeks previouB to said day of hearing. iA true copy ) 0AH V . CHLE VER, Iö4lw3 Judtfe of Probate. Mortgnge Foreciosure. DEFAULT havingbeen made in the condition of a raortaage, executecl by l'atnck Kennen; and Kennedy to Elijan W. Morgan, dated JauuHiy ftrat, A. D 187Ö, and recorded March flrst, same year, in the Washtenaw County Register OÜice, in líber 4i of moTtgng , pge 43S, and s sigutd tu Clutstiui! Ht-ibt.-i, itinitfnmeTit dated nrt recordeti February twenlieth, eiuf, in liK-r ÍS of uiort'ii1 s, pugf ."rfifi bj which defauli thpower of tijfitii! con tai ned beca me opemtlvi and the anm of lour huudred ;inl thtrteen dollatö is claimed wnoM due tliereon iinoludhig premium puid forinsuiaucu mul h teanmtable ittorney's tetï.j and therc ure Hve turthei inBtallmenti with interest to dut-, iinrt no snit or prooeedini having In- n LnHtUuded i reoorei the morteage debt at nny pHtt Uit-ieol : Noiice ip thereture liereby givt-n, tWi mid inortgAKe willnt; foreoloed by a í;il' t moitgHged {wonises, en sume part tbeieof, to wit : Lots Dumbér three and fourteon, ni ti loei; Dumbcfl t hm north, in ra Dm IWO euat, in i-ity ui Ann Arlmi1, t ; the Jourt Hi.n-i in sfiirl citv. ftii ilip tnurrli rlr.v fif Spntpmbei ifxt. at noon.wüd mortgnge was frirai to wcure tht [myiiirnt ot tb inv iMiiniy tor the nn-iMed 'l'.-I]ii-fN. Aun Arbor, Jim" 1 , 187:". UHKÏST1AN HKLBEll, K, W. Mduoak, ABnignee. .Uturney 1534 Mortgage Sale. Üeiault having in en mude in the condition of a eerttiin mortgage executed by Wiiliam ltyan on the ulevtmth duy oí April A. O. 1874, to Murlii: Jí i ui , i-xfcui iu of the last will and testament ot Edwitrd Hyan, deeeaed, which - aid mortg ge vhh given to secure tLe purchase money ut the jn.-mnetheiein desciibed, nd reeorded iu the o! tbc Ütfgifttetoi i'-ciU iu the eouiily ot Washtenaw. Michigan, iu Liber 50 of Mortgnges, on pae 20, u iid wliioh taid moi-tvruL' whh du the second ny ui November A. D i 874, arisigned by niri Martin Kya to Leonhard Gruner, and on the same day reeoide Ín the offiuS ot' the register oi Deeds iu the oounty f WnhhteriHW, in liber 4 oï assignnientit oí inortgases, on pae 4.i7, and on the 24th day of December A 1874, l.eonlmrd (irnxiaf, aahignee u aforesaid, nssigiied the saine to William F. Ovina, wliic'i iiPsiLUiiiiil Wftl ïfcorded on the nauie day iu the ottice ot Kegister of Ieeda in the eounty of Waahtenaw, in libcr 4, of assignmeuts of mortges, on iii;e 463, by which detault tbe powei ïi aale coutained in siiid mtrtuge han become operativo, on whieh mortgage there iw i;laimed to be ut the time of tliib notict for iuterest, ixty dollar itnd fixty-eix cents, and vIko the further sum of thirty Sotiantor un attorney'í fee aa jrovided in öuid mortgaije. and no uit oi proceeding it law or in equity having ben instituted to recover the amount due on said mortgage or ans part thereof : Nolice iö, therefore, hereby given, that by virtue of the power of sale contained in said mortgage, I ahall scll at public auction, at the South front door ot the Court House, in the city ot Ann Arbor, (that being the building in which the the Circuit Court tor Haid Couuty ol Wuahtenaw is ):eldj on the firat day of Heptembei A. 1 1W7Ö, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that da , the loHowing premiseH decribed in naid mort■age vi.: All o: villaje Iota number uve and tix in hlock number forty-flve in the villaje of Manchester, county of Washtenaw and State of Michi -au. aooordiiwto the recorded plat thereet, or si mudi or auch part or parta thereof na shall be noccinarj tt Mtmy the aniuunt due upon saü movtgage. Dated June lst, 1875. WILLIAM F. 081X78, Fkeüerick I'ihtobicö, Asflignee. Att'y for Assignee. 1533 Mortgage Sale. DEFAX'LT having been made in the conditkm of a certain iudenture of mortgage, bearin date the seyenth day of May, A. JJ. 1867, executed b; tiotlob Beiserand Anna Maria Beiser, his wife, o the city of Ann Arbor, Oounty of Washtenaw 8tate of Michigan, to John Daniel Heinrich, ot tli said city of Ann Arbor, and recorded in the orhe ot the Uegittler of Deerts of said ( Jounty ot Washte tenawTon the 8th day of May. A. D. 1K7, at o'clook a.m. ot saidday,inlibtr37 of mortgaijea, o paio 471. wl.ich said mortgage wan duly assignw by said John Daniel Heinrich to John (. Gall, o the 25th day ot May, A. D. 1871, and the inëtrumen of aasignment thereof, recorded in Haid Kegister' office on the 13th day of July, A. D. J871. at o'elock.i' m. oí Haid day, in liber 3 of aBsignment of mortgages, on page 173, and which mortgag Was duly assigned Dy said John O (rail on the 7t dayot March, A. D. 18T4, and the iustrument o HHsifíiiment thtreoí recorded in said Register' office on the 7th day of March, A. p. 1874, at o'clock p. m. of said day, in liber 4 of Hnignment ot' mortgages, on page 243, and there isdue and un panl on aid mortgage, at the date of this notie thesum of tour hundred and seven dollar and fit ty six ren ti. tofrether wiih thirty dollarn au un a torney fee, in e:se proceeding hould be taken to forcclose HJiid mortRane, and no proceedings in law or in eouity ha beeu instituted to recover the dtb aecured bysaid mortgage, or any part theteol Notice is therefore hereby jriven, that by virtue o I the power oí suie t:ontaiued in said mortgage, shall, on Satnrïay the ninth day of October, A D. 1875, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon ofsaidda Bcilftt public auction to the hijrliest bidder, th premiaes dencribed ín aid morttratre to sausfy th amount of principal aud interest, with the charge oí sale und attorney fee of thirty dollars, th premipes heorinafter depcribed. at tht south doo ot theOourt HoiiRein snid city of Ann Arlor, (aai Court House being the place of holding the Cii ooit Court wittnn enid i'ounty ot' Washienawj, a that part of lot number four, block four nortl range six east, that hes northwesterly of Pontii streel in the city of Ann Arbor aforeeaid, aceor iug to the i ecoided plat thereof. Dated Ann Arbor, July 15th, 1875. LUMAN R. HLAW8ON, Assignee of Moitgae. Eiwap R. Slawson, Attorney íor Assignee Chancery Notice. THE CIRCUITlOUHT forthecounty of Wash tenaw. In chancery. William Lentz, com plainant, va. Caroline Lentz, defendant. It satis fnctorily apeeaxing to thia court by affidavit aru the return of th omoei on the subpeena issued i this oause, that' the rwldence of the defeudant i unknown, and Ihatsaid defendant is not withi thi iiirwiictinn nf thiw poiirt. On motion of Freí erick Pistorius, aolicitor for eompltiinunt, it is or de red that the defendant cause her appearance t be enterad in tliis eauhe within three months from the date of this order, and that in case of her u[ pearing she uause her answer to the complainaut bill to be tiled in this cause and a copy thereof 1 be served on the complaÏBant or his solicitor with in tweuty dayi after service on her or her solicito of a copy of the bilí oí' eomplaint tiled in thia caus and a notice of this order, and in default thereo that the faid complainant's bili be taken an con íesaed by the waid defendant. And it is furthe ordered that within twen t y dayn.the said coinplain ant cause a enpy l this order to be published i the Michigan Arffua, a public ntwspaper printd i .-uu.' county of Wustatenaw, and tliat the publica tion continue at least once in each week for eix sn cessive weeks, or "hat lie cause a oopy of this orde to be personally served on the said defendant, a cording to the rules and praetice of this court. Dated July lóth, A. D. 1875. A. I). CRAKE, Fkedkbick Pisïoru's, Circuit Judge. So.ieitor f rComp't. 1541 w6 Mortgage Sale. W HER KAS Patrick Fallen , oí the townahip o Lyndon, Washtenaw county, State ol Miei igan, did execute and deliver to Thomas Youn an iudenture of mortgage bearing date the thir teenth day of Noveniber. A. 1. Ih74, on premise therein described ís all of those certain pieces o: land known und described as follows, namely ïhe west huif of the northeaat quarter and th east half of the southwest quarter and th southwest quarter of the northwest quarter o section Dum ber twenty-Heven, and the eas part of the northeast quarter of the south east quarter of ection thirty-four, all tütu ate in township number one aontb of range thre east, in the State of Michigan, containing in ai two hundred and seveu acres of land, more or lese which said mortgage waa duly reuorded in the Re$ ïster's office for the county of Washtenaw atore said, in libei number ritty-one of mortgagefl, a pagefour hundred and fifty-alx, on the sixth da of February, A. U. 1875, at 81; o'clock a. m. o that day. And whereas default ha been mad in the conditionf of said raortgage by non-pay menta of moneys thereby secured to be paid, wliere by the power üf sale thereiu containe has becom operative, and there is B0Wat tht'dateof thi notloe, elairaed to be due on said mortgage the aun of flve huudredand seventy-four dollars and B6VBB ty-oiiecenta,besidesan attorney leof thirty-livedo lAi-tí, in said mortgaice espresaly agreed to be paic au of ten ñu ny proceedingy Mhould be (aken to foreclose the same, or any part thoreof, and no pro ceedings at luw or in equity having been instituted to recover the same or any part thereof : Notice i thereforegiven,thatonthotweuty-thirddayofOcto ber, A. D 1875, at ten o'clock in the forenoun of sai day, at the outh door of the Court Houwe, in the city of Ann Arbor, (that being the place for hold in the Circuit Cottrt for said connty of Wanhtenaw), T shall sell at public auction, to the highes bidder, the premiaes described in said mortgage a above set forth, or such part or part thereof a shall be neeesanry to satisfy eaid amount with in tereel ooeta and expenses allowed by law. Dated Ann Arbor July 19,1875. THOMAS YOUN0, Mortgagee. 1ÏOOT & (ÏRAX(;, 1640 Att'ys for Mortgagee. Cbancery Order. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Fourth Judicial Cir cuit- In chancery. Marie J. Root, ooinplain ant, va Levi H Haynes, Carolina B. Haynea Wiliiam S. McMullan, Charles H. Wallaoe, Feter M. Katon and Wiliiam N. Bassett, defendanta snit pending in the Circuit Court tor the county of Washtenaw, at Ann Arbor, on the tenth da; of July, A. D. 1875. l'pon proof by amdavit on tile that the eaid defendant, Willinni 8. McMullan, reBides out of the 8tate of Michigan, an does reside in the Htate of Pennwylvania, it ia on mot ion of Phinehas L. Page, solicitor for Mk complainant, ordered that the said defendant, "VVill iam 8. Mc Mullan, appear iu said suit and an awer the bill of complainant therein, withiu threi montha trom this date ; and thai tliis order be pub lished once in e&oh week for six weeks in moe- sion in the Michigan Anjiis, a newnpaper published in said eounty, the tlrst publication to be within twenty days from this date. Circuit Court Com'r, Washtenaw Co , Mich. i'.L. Pagk, 158$ Soliciitor for Complainant. (cop)J 2 Á Lecture B5" to young men. hint l'uhüsli'd. in a StaUd EnvtlafX. Prir.e sir ernts AI. eet il re on tlie SaturcTreatment, and líuilicíil cure of Seminal Woakness, or ripermatorrheea, Induoed by Si-lf-Abuse, Invuluntary Emiision, Impotenpy, Nervous Debihty and Impediments to HwriaB; ('nsnit.ptiun, Spilejmy uid Kits; Mental and l'tiysiiral Int-apacity, &c. - By üilHKKTJ. ITLVEKWELL, M. D.,uthorof the " üreen Book," &c. Tlio wm-ld-renowned author, in this admirable Let'turt-, clt':irly pvove from liin own experienee hut tbe íiwfui consequences oí Selt-Abuse may M etloctually removed witbout medicine, and without dargerous surgioal operntion, bougie, intruments, ringií or cordiüls ; pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and etfeetual. by which every sutferer, no matter whftt hiö condition may be, may ourehimaelicheiiply, privatcly and radicall. &g-Ttis Lrlua: will provtí a Oortn tu tkousands and Ifciimmrti. Sent under seal, in a pialo envelope, to any adlrets, pott-paidt on receipt ot six ceutR or two poBtitfe sttiiups. ddrens the Publishers, OHAH. J. C. KLIXE & VO., 127 Bowery, New York; Posl OIHoe Box 458Ü. Mortgage Sale. TkEFAVLT having twen made in the C0IHlill and Mary Bimj. ol city of .nn Arbor r'„, ' of Washteunv, asd Sttte of Michigan to,,1" Yollaml, of ihn sanie place, on the Iwpntioili j of June, in the yeai of our Lord onc ihoLÍS elght hundred nd ixty-foar, nnd recorted ï Beglltci'9 office n the county of WasblcMa ! Ktateof Michigan, on the 2h day of iuilt i !" 1864, in llber SJ of mortgages, on page „ir , -aii mortgage wasduly assigned By Jacob Vni!. ! to Andrei J.Mliivi ly, f the city and Slat.' ,, v' York. (in the ninth day of August, A. D 1S64 wkS said uaigoment waa eecorded on the nlnth' ri August. A. D. 18M, in llber 82 of mortgatrei un 1' H2. That Hiere i dcxw clalmed to be Sue aiZïE mortgage, and no( nccompanying the same th! sumof i-leven hundred and forty-four 78-Kirï! dollars; also thlrty dollar as msonalilc aitm,, ' r should any uroceedlngii be taken lo ],,„' r theiane, and ao proceedings haring been inSu? led, either in law or equlty, tu recover th i. oi-auy nart thereof. N.iti.c U therefore ■ given, tnat on me ntn aay ol september lffl J ï oclock in tht' afternoon of said day attiu'i' a' door of the iouit Hovae. In the oity of' Ana i jÏÏ? hat belng the place of bolding the Circuit O "'r' w sHid cuuiityj, and bybviriueof the pover ofïï ntained in said mortgaae. I hall aell at uuir atiento highest Bidder, the premist rlbed In said mortgage, to satlsfjr the amount Ül rineipal and Interes! aboTe elaimed to bedue tttï ie charges of sale andattornt'} ■ l'w-oj 'thirty dolli 11 thoBe certain pieten or parcela ol land situated i! ie city of Ann Arbor. county i.i' Wulitniaw , i tat aforfsaid.kiiown boundêd and 1 nU-ija'] ws, tuwlt: lii-iun Dumbered nine td ami i" ii i. in block Dumber one 1 1. north of Hurón rW Dd range twelTe I4 east, according t..a recordü lat of Ann ArliOr. a Dattd Jane mli. 1876. AMUíKW .1.SII1VF] V JOH N.üott, AaalgneeofMorti Attornfy for Assignee of Mortgagoe. hm. CommissionerH Wotice. UTATE OF MICHIGAN, Gountyoi Washtena as. The undersined having been appointedLv he Probate Court for sid county, couuüis-if!, ,' t'Teceive, oxamine and ad ju st ail cUiints and j niHiulnoi ill persons against the 'estille oí patr r Uonnelly, lte of snit county deceaaed, heïebyriv noties that nix moiiths from date are tillowed order of aaid Probate Court, for creditors to J sent their claims agüinst the eetate of said de" ceased, and that they wil! meet at the utore ,'t Joseph Donnelly, i the city ol Ann Arbor, m Jd (uiity, on the twen tiet h day of October and or the twen liet h day oí Januaiy next, at ten o'cw! a, m., of each oí Haid days, to reoeive, examin ïiikï adjut .said claima, Dated July -'Oth, A. li. 18T5. ;54fl PETE 11 TUITE, 1 n -JOHN CLANCY, 1 0omnU9iouers. Coiuniissioiier's Notice. STATE OP M ICHTG AN, County of Washtenaw . Th; anderalKned lmvin? been appointed hv the Probate Couri for said county, tmmiisiorief!i u receive, examine and adjust all claims and fo mtindr. of all persons against the estáte of PredtriS Muller, late of said county, deceased, herebv give notire that six montha from date areallowJ by order oi said Probate Court. for creditow to present their nlaims against the estáte of sd del oeaHtd.and that they will meet at the tttoieof Rin e y & Heabolt, in the city of Ann Arbor, in gaid liouuty, on the uineteenth day of October and on the mneteeuth day of January next, at teao'clüci a. M., of each of said days to reeeive, examineiQj mijns! said claims, üated July 19th, A. D. 1875. MO.SES SEABOLT, ( p 1540 ANTÓN KISELE, ( UmmIoneB. Mortgage Sale. DEFAI'LT having been made in the condition of a certaiu indentue ot mortijape, beshiiï date the tturtith day of lec(ímber, Á. D. Bïta. ecute'd by James Coleman of thecity of Ann Arbor tounty of Washtenaw, Stat ot Michigan, to Luman K. Slawson oi the said city of AnnArW and reetuded in the office ol the it'egiater of Deed' for said county of Wfiahtenaw, on the 2tith ravot January, A. L. 187-1, at 3 1-4 o'clock s si.,in libet 49 of mortageu. on page 206, and there iüduewil unpaid on waid mortgage, at the date ot this notiet, the Mum of thirty-teven dollarB and torty-tLr cents, together with thirty-üve dollara as asoiieitor or atturney fee, in case proceediogB sboulo b taken to foreclose aid mortgage. AlÍ noprocewing in law orín equity bas been inftituted i o renver the debt secuied by aid mortgage or any psri thereof. Notice is, therefore. hereby given, tbat by virtue of the power oi sale in said mortgage contained, I shul], on ialurday, the niuth day ol October, A. D. 1816, at ten o'clock in the torenoou of said day, sell at public au et i on t" the highw bidder, the premises des-ribed in said mortgage, tu satisfy the auiount of principal and interes! litt the charges of sale and attorney fee of tliirtv-üf dollars, the premises hereinufter descnlicil, itth south door of the Court House in suid City of Ana Arbor (said Conrt House the place ot helóing the Circuit Court within K:iid coimty oï Washknaw) all thoBe certain pieces or parcela oí Urn) deacribed as follow': B-ing lots numler riera and twelve in block number three, north oí Huras etreet, in range number four east, aocording to i recorded plat ot the villaje (now city] of Aun Arbor. Dated, Ad-' Arbor, July 15th, 1875. LOMAN R. BLAWÖON, Monote. Kdwaku K. Slawson, Attorney lor SlortgagM, Chancery Notice. RÍTATE OF MICHIGAN : The Circuit durtfor O the county of Washten;iw- In Chancery. Esther A. McKnight, Complainant, ve. Orlando H. McKuight, Deftndant. lt saticíactorly ipneaiiDt; to this Court, by aitidavit, tiiat the defendtint, Utlando H. AIcKniaht, is not a resident oí this Stat but his reaidence is anknown, on mot ion of I, Cramer, solicitor for complainant, it is ordered that the defendant cause his appearance to beeutered in this cause within three montha íroin tb date of this order ; and that in case of Juis appeating, he cause his anawer to the eoinplamant'a bil to be tíled, and a copy thereof to be sermi on tht complainant's aolicitor within twenty days t&K service of a copy of said bill of complaint, M;ii notice of this order, and in default thereof, that said bül be taken as couíeesed by öaid detendan!. And it is further ordtred that wthin thirty day5. the said cuín pl i ín.nit mw a copy of this order to be published in the Miduúom Argiut a newupspei printed in said county ot Washlenaw; and thattli. publication ooatinue at least once a weel lor iv successive weeks, or that she cause a copyof ibis order to be personally served on the said deít-ndait. ;n-ciuiiiifí to the rules and practiot? ot tilia Courl. Daled, July 13th, A. D. 1S75. J. F. LAWRENIK, Circuit Court Coiaruissiouer, Washtenaw Ouu'.y, Michigan D. Ohamkr, Solicitor íor Coinpltiínaüt. Mortgage bale. WHEREAS WilliamO'HaraandHanuinO'Har hiawife, did execute and deliver to Fredeml Huson, an indenture of mortgage, beariog dale ih' ninth day of April, A. D. 187.', on premisee thertiii described as all that certain piece or parcel of Und sitúate and being ia the city of Aran Arbor. u the oounty ot Washtenaw and Wtate oi Micliis described aa follows, to wit : Being the cast BB niurihs ui lot number three ("J, in "look umbtr nne, south. ot Huron street. and rauge Bnmbw two east, according to a recorded plat of the villar (now cityj of Ann Arbor, which said XDOrtg&gr was recorded in the Register' office for the contt; of WashteDaw, aforesaid, in líber 4'J of mortgsgfj. on p(Cg6 ïttfci, on the ninth day of April. A at 2:40 o'cloek r. M., and whereas defaulthm ben made in the condition of -said mortgage, by nonpayment uf moneys thereby aecutea to be pma. wheieby the power of sale therein contained m become operative, and theie is now, at the date ol this notiue, claimed to be due on said mort?ag-j the sum of eleven hundred and twenty dollars ana eighty tour cents, besides an attorney fee ot tbirj! dollars, in said mortgage expreasly agreed ,10 paid aa often as auy proceeding should be talm ' foreclose the same ; and whereas an adjudica""' bankruptcy has beon passed in the Diatnct Co" of the United States for the Eastern Distnetoi Michigan, in bankrup cy, against the said wiu O'Hara, aince which adiudicntion theeaid WiUB O'hara has deceased. Now, therefore, no 11111 proceeding having been inslituted tit law to reco the debt now remaining secured by said morti;i or anv part thereof, and leave havins been grauw by an order of the tbretud cou,ud ïeaeventuw ot June, A. 1). 187.1, to foreolose said mortgage n advertisement, in pnrsuance of the statute 01 m .■State of Michigan, in such case made and pro"i N'otice 1 hereby given that to satisfy the fore" j ■urn due on aaid mortgage at the date thereot. interest, and said sum of thirty dollars, attorK! fee, and al lother costs and expenses allo '"■ law. atter deductinpr the amount of all """" , shall have been received by tbe murtR?ee. named, on aircount of the mortgaged premisea der authority of the aforesaiu order, toe . mortgage will be foreelosed by a sale oí ttie ro gaged premises above describeil, to the higheai 1 der, at the outer south door of the Court Hou ' thecountyot Washtenaw, in the city ot íf i'"1. in said county (aaid Court House bemg tne p of holding the Circuit Court within the roa . in which the above described Pm;' t" situatedj, on Salurday the lourtli day of MP' ber, A. Í). 187.Í, at one o'clook in the afternoo. Dated, Ann Arbor, Juae Ulth, A. D. IWfc FREDEHICK Hl Roox & Gbakoeb, M ?ikÍ Attorneys for Mortagee. Mortgage SaloWHBREA8 default hae b en B'4'j'KÍ tions of a certain indentuie ot rnorjgs , (. ing date the secondday of January, A. u. ''Al. ecuted by James Coleman, of the city ot a „ bor, Uonuty of Washtenaw, State of "f "ad, Luther James of Lima, county and Mate aiu , and recorded in the office of the Register 01 " of said county of Washtenaw, at 10 o cloi ■■ # on the ISthdayof January, a. d. !'-- ,J,ewi of mortgages, on page 37, which said f"t ,. duly assigued by said Luther James to 1? fí Slawson.outhetenth day of October. and the instrument of asslgnment thereoi r in said Kegister's othce. on the 21st day ' " ei A. I. 1874, in liber 4 of assigumento of 0J on page 417, and there is due and unpaw ,, mortgage, at the date ot this notie-, k ,j, three hundred and lift y doll.ii nd ,,'„,.. or cents, together with thirty dollars a a ow Mkei, attoruey tee, in case proceedinus sliouw in to foreclose said mortgage, and m PrlT,eItbe law or in eciuity has been institutcd t0 tbcreiil: debt secured by said mortgage, or aor P"' ïir.„t Noticeis therefore hereby given tn" „„id. I of the power of sale in said mortga8 J" p shall, on Baturday the ninth day of U . J(1 1878, at ten o'clouk in the forenoon of saiu ' j,. at public auction to the higbest bidder u r, es described in said mortgage tomtist}"' g KÍI. of principal and interest with th ctarg e mse! and attoruey fee of thirty dollars, uk. y thr hereinafter described. at the iOuIJi o"" dC„„rt Cuurt House, in said city of Ann ""1,$ i1"1"1 House being the place of holding the 1 1 j, within said county of Wabhtenaw), 5, Bc pieces or pareéis of land described a oc] „nuug lots'number eleven and twelye, iu „umi' ber three noith of Huron street, in '"".-,i]e villag' our east, according to a reeordedplat 1' nowcityj of Ann ArboT. Dated Ann Arbor, July 16th, ''.' wsON, LÜMAN B. SLA ""ee. Bdwabd R. Slawson, 153ÍAttorney for Asniguee. pOR Old Newspaper APPPLY AT THE AEQU9


Old News
Michigan Argus