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The Relatives Of Miss Philpott, The

The Relatives Of Miss Philpott, The image
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young lady who was drowned below the Cave of the Winds at Niágara Falls, were rewarded tbr their costant watohing by one of her brothers finding the body on Sunday last in the whirlpool. The body of Parsons, who was drowned at the same time, has not been recovered. Jefierson Dayis's acoeptance of an invitation to deliver an address at the Winnebago county (111) fair has caused much feeling in that district. At an indignation meeting of the Grand Army of the Kepublic at Rockford, last week, resolutions of protest were adopted, and the farmers and many manufacturera of Rockford and the neighborhood have refused contributions to the fair. THE flght betweon the Eepublicans and Democrats in Ohio on the currency question seems to wax hotter and hotter as the campaign progresses, and the grentest interest is aianifested in all parts of the country. And aa matters uow stand it seema quite probable that, whatever the reauU of the Ohio eleotion, the financial question will be the great issue of the Presidential campaign. The fight with the Baltimore and Ohio railroad has been the tneana, it is said, of consumating an arrangement by which three trunk Unes between New York oity and the West - the Erie, New York Central and Pennsylvania - agree to carry freight between New York and Chicago at a rate to correspond with that fixed by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad some time sinoe. The trame rate of flrst-class freight between New York and Chicago, which has been 75 cents, is now 50 oenta. The four-year old atallion, Governor Sprague, that trotted a mile in 2.21 1-4 at the recent races in Buffalo, belongs to the Higbie brothers, of Cantón, 111. He is a coal-black horse, standing 15 hands 1 inch, sired by Rhode Wand, dam, Belle Brandon. He is offered for sale at $50,000. Bonner and others are looking after him, and it is rumored that $45,000 have been offered for him. Notwithstanding his astonishing performance, it is said that he is not in trotting condition, his owners believing it injudicious to train so young a horse. Gov. Tilden, of New York, is receiving the earnest and honest enthuaiasm of the people and the presa, regardless of party, for hia declaration of war against canal abuses, to which he has devoted his best energies. The groaning tax-payers turn to him for relief froin. their grievious burdens and in him recoguize and honor the representativa of the dignity of the State, and the physioal embodiment of their determination to put a stop to the stealing which, under a loóse administraron, has drained the public treasury. In looking over the field of the politibattle juat fonght in Kentucky and uaking an aproxímate estímate of the gains and loases, we cannot see that the Democratie party has lost a foot of ground or given its opponents an opportunity to boast of a single advantage. This f act becomes more remarkble when the great exertiona of the Radicáis to gain a hold in that State are taken into consideration. The convention which numinated Gen. Harían entered the campaign with the determination of working. Every man on the tioket was oonscripted into service, furnÍ8hed with funds and sent into the most remote parts of the State to preaoh the doctrine of Eadical salvation. The official returns give McCreery, Democrat, a majority of 36139 over Harían, H 'publican. The United States government pledged its faith by act of CongresB that the issue of greenback8 should never exceed four hundred millions. Yet the inflationists propose that the government aha 11 viólate its pledge, withdraw the national bank notes and supply their place with greenbacks and thus increase the greenback circulation to about aeven hundred and fifty millions. What effect would such a bare-faced violation of its solemn pledge have upon the credit of our government in the markets of the world and upon the consequent price of government bonds 'i And the efteot upon the value of the greenback would be no less deleterious. Instead of being worth, as they now are, from 85 to 89 cents on the dollar, they would tunible to 50 or 60, for the very fact of the government's violating its pledge and iasuing nenr four hundred millions more greenbacks would be a proclamation to the world that its pledge to ultimately redeem its notes was aa worthleBS as its pledge not to issue more than four hundred millions of them. A Special dispatoh to the Detroit Free Press from Montague, Mich., says the body of N. S. Grimwood, was found Tuesday on the beach of Lake Michigan, near Stony Creek, by A. Beckwith, the mail carrier. Papers were found upon his body fully identifying him ; notes taken while up in the balloon, his watch, and letters from his friends. Part of the notes found were headed : " UP IN A BALLOON !" " From the earliest dawn of childhood I have always had a presentiment that at sometime, sooner or later, I was destined to rise. There are some people who make sport of presentiments ; but, after all, presentiments are a handy thing to have around. Where would I be to-day if I had not had a presentiment ? In acoordance with my presentiment I have risen, as it were to a point of order. Like a great many politioianB I arose by means of gas. I regret the fact that there is only two of us- Prof. Donildson and myself - as I would like to belong to the upper-ten. Prof. Donaldson seems to be a very pleasant gentleman, although a philosopher and aa ceronaut Although it is ecarcely an hour since I struggled into eminence, the restraint of my poeition is already beginning to be irksoine tome and wear upon my spirits. I cannat help reflecting that if we fall, we fall, like Lucifer, out of the heavens, and that upon our arrival upon earth, or rather upon water, we are now over the middle of Lake Michigan, we would be literally dead."


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