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SUBSCKIBK FOK THE AKOUS. - (ieu. (1. D. Hill is again about ready to leare for the Bhick Hills. - The Detroit Couference oí the M. Church meets at Fiint uext week. - Boys! trouble begins again next Moiiday niorning, at the various schools. - Quite a large amount oï uew goods have been received at Bacli & Abel's this week. - Company B realized a profit of f294.50, {rom their excursión to Put-in-Bay last week. - Bishop Gillespie is paeking his household gooils preparatory to removal to Grand Rapidï. - The contract for plastering the new Cougregational Church has been let to John BVoW' - The grain elevators at the railroad depot ia Chelsea, have been leased by the Kempf llrotliers. - P. H. Abel left for the eastern markets Tuesjay eveuiug, for the purpose ot pureuasing a stock ot fall goods. - David Binsey and family left last Friday for Ohio, where they will speud a few days ïisiting relativos aud frieuds. - Ueo. W. Sharpless has moved into the Hendrickson house," on South State street, teceutly vacated by Jas. G. Burt. - Wüliain Bluui, a teu year old youth, was seuteuced to the lieform School until 21 years oí age, by Justice Clark, last Thursday. - Messenger, of the Rond Gau, (ünt.,) tffWë has not yet learned all his letters, judgin;; from the headiug of his paper before ub. - At the meeting of the Common Council of Fpsilaaiti last weck, the Marshal was directed to keep the street corners free of Ioafers - Uur fonuer fellow-citizen Samuel McCaughy, now ot Huntington, Ind., is spending a few days in the city, visitiug his old frieuds. - The resideuce of Thos. J. Hoskins, on North Main street, has been purchased by G. W. Efuer. Mr. Hoskius is about to remove to Xe' York. - A. S. Mallory, late of the freight office at the dopot iu thia city, has beeu appointed agent of the Central depot at Ypsilanti. A good appointmeat. - A hundsome monument is being constructed at the marble works of Antón Eisele, on Detroit street, to be placed in (üreenwood Cemetery, New York City. - A new saloon has been established on Hurón street, opposite the postoflice, by Cap. Chaftee, from which the city will reahze anotlier J250, tax aui license. - The notonons Lib. Schlack has been prorided with a home at the Detroit house of correitiou tor the coming yoar. üfficer Johnson conducted her thereto last Monday. - Ovviug to the sickness of Rev. H. L. Hubbell, last Sunday's services of the Congregatwiialists were conducted by Dr. Augell. The society will hold uo services uext Sabbath. - A lirst-class dog iight iu the Fifth vvard Sunday eveuing, farnwhsd amusement for the "Suuday School class " which holds its sessions oathe corner of Broadway and Mili streets. - It is reported that, at the explosión iu the Fifth ward last week, the hair was blown off llie head of W. W, Saunders. From an inspection we can say that the report is uot true. ' - A " bit of devarsion " took place Monday eïeniiifi, in " Kat Huw," iu which some seveu or eight persous participated. The " peelers " pot iu their appearance and stopped the "tun." - C. H. Millen has returned from New York, ami duriiig the past week all hands in his store have been busy opening the nuinerous boïes of goeds which have daily been uuloaded thoreat. - Some sueak thiet ''spirited away " a large amount of bleaching cotton, with a pair of pillows on which to rest his honest head, hom the garden of E. B. Pond, on State street, S&turday uight. - The otlicers of the Agricultural Society sre jubilant over the prospecta oí the coming fair. The indicatious are that the exhibition nextniouth will be the largest and best ever held in the couuty. - Hegister of Deeds Schaffer devoted over four full days work, durmg the past week, preparing au abstract of title of a pieee of property. There had beeu about seventy-five conveyances on the same. - The house on the corner of Fifth and Catliarine streets, the reaideuce of the late Mra. (iuodale, has been thoioughly overhauled, paiuted aud repaired, and uow bears the appearance of a new place. - U. Mack lelt lor New York last Friday, for the puipose of purchasing a stock of göuds. He was accompanied by his family, who will reniain at Buffalo, visiting fiiends, uiitil his ïeturu from New York. - Miss Chase has a very tiue Decker piano whidi she offers for sale at a remarkable low price. As she inteuds to leave towu in a week or two she requests those desiriug to purchase to cali at once, at 'ï South State street. - H. C. Waldrou returued from Milwaukee Tuesday, accompauied by his wife, at which place she has beeu during the past few weeks, liaving been called there on account of the ilaugerous ïllness of hor sister, Mrs. John I. Thompson. - A committee of the Common Council will leave for Chicago Sunday uight, for the purpose of exanrining and purchasing a new fire engine. The committee have been f uruished free passes to Chicago and return by the railroad company. - Sheriff Fleming received four new boarders trom Ypsilanti, Monday. They were a set of tramps arrested Saturday eveniug for attempting to steal lodging room in a freight : at the depot. They were sant to jail for ten days by Justice Crane. - The Urangers of Washtenaw county will Mu a basket pieme at Nordmau's Lake, l'iraa, on Saturday, September 4th. J. J. Woodmau, Master of the State Orrange, will be present and dehver au address. The Fatrons ol Husbandry aud others are cordially invited. - ï'lireb large black bass, weighing 16 1-2 "., the weight of the largest one being 6 1-2 't., attructed the atteution of a tiumber of our citizens last Saturday evening. They were werecaughtin Whitmore Lake by Chas. J. Kintaer. He can boast of haviug fisherniau's luek. - Wm. Ueubel took advantage of the quiet suinmer mouths aud put bis flouring milt, at Ypsilauti, in thorough order, addmg over two 'liuusand dollars wortii ot new niachinery. i be mili is again in operation, running at its uil capacity, making a better quality of flour 'tiau ever. - The cornet band of Manchester is one of tilB iuatitutions of tliat village in which the c'tizBus take especial pride. To show their apITöciation of it the citizens have arranged for a grand picnic in its behalt, to be held at Uranger's grove uext Weduesday. Several neighbonng bands have boen invited to particípate Ihu third annual picnic of the farmers o Uharon wai liehl at the grove of D. (i. Bose, on 1 adnwda; ot last week. The invitation was iet oonnnad to resideuts of Sharou, but made geueial, wliich assembled a crowd numbering lut 2,000 Au address was delivered by Frank Kobison, oí Detroit. A grand time was had. - A letter has receotly been received in this cty from Wm. B. líiiggs, " Budger," a graduate ü{ tlie Arqus ottice. Ho is at Shreveport, La-, aud engagad in the cattle A num' of yeaia havo elapsed since any formor tidiugs had beuu obtaiued of his whereabouts. Ho writes that lie uxjiütts tu have a " rauíiioii "'th the boys " hare aouu. - We learn that Henry Ortman, the young man that was so severely injured by the gunpowder explosión in the Fifth ward last week, is slowly recovering from his injuries, and that hopes are now entertained for his f uil recovery, together with the saving of his eye. All the other persons injmed aa the same time have recovered so as to be able to be about the streets. Accidenta having become so Dumerous to boys around the Ypsilanti depot, that the Common Council at its meeting last week directed the City Attorney to draft an ordinance prohibiting boys from goiug around the depot and catching upon trains. The adoption of such an ordiuance in this city would, with the aid of the " blacksnake " now in use, rid the depot of the nuisaiice of boys and prevent many accidente. - Hon. Peter Cook, late of York, from long service on boards of supervisors, on juries, in the legislature, &c, has become imbued with a desire for city life, and has duriug the past year or two been " on the move," each time getting a little nearer this city. He has purchased of E. J. Knowlton, south of the steam saw mili, near the towu line in Pittsrield, in full view of the city, a small farm upon which he will reside. Another move will bnng him into the city. - ine aanan ï'ress says that tne quietgentlemanly deportineut of the visiting players at the croquet tournament, held in that city last week, was the subject of geueral reraark. "Amoug the uumber of very skillful players defeatert were Waldo and Adams, and Fisher and brother, Tecumseh ; O. L. Avery and Mr. Cole, Fairfteld ; Edwards, Gilbert, Wilsey and Patteugill, Ann Arbor. We regard Mr. Gtilbert as one of the best pliyers present." - One of the " wrecks " from the gunpowder explosión of last week, having recovered from his injuries so as to be able to be about last Sunday, and being congratulated on his miraculous escape from death, said that he intended hereafter to live an honest life ; that he will let his family starve before he will again enter a burning grocery store, for the purpose of getting a winter's supply of provisions. He thinks, however, that a burning dry goods store may furnish some temptation. - John W. Johnston and Henry B. Masten, employees at the Agricultural Works, attended the land sale of A. H. Partridge, Monday morning, at whinh they became impressed with a desire to become granger's, and therefore concluded to each purchase a farm. They are uow meditatiug what portion of their purchases had better be sown with wheat this fall. ïhey expect, on account of long and faithful services, to get their supply of implementa and machinerv from their employers at grauger prices. The size of their farms is 4x8 rods each. - The trial of Geo, F Lutz, for keeping a saloon without having paid the city license, took place before Justice Clark, Wednesday. The trial was by jury, continuiug through the day and evening, and terminating with a diaagreement of the jury - five for convic.tion and one for acquittal. Yesterday morning Lutz procured an adjournment of the case for one week, with notice that the license woutd be paid before the expiration of that time. Other saloon-keepers, agaiust whom similar suits had been commenced, made their payments yesterday, and the suits were discontinued. - A Masonic school of iustruction for Washtenuw county, was held at Masonic Hall in this city, Wednesday, conducted by D. D. G. M. Bela Cogshall, of Holly, and Grand Lecturer Clark, of Lexington. All the lodges of the county were represented. In the evening a Lenige meeting was held and the master's degree conferred upon a candidate. The various chaira were fllled with past masters from the lodges represented - the Grand Lecturer officiating as W. M. The work was done in the most perfect manner, and was witnessed by a large audience of the brethren. After the ceremonies a supply of refreshments was served in the hall. - Last Saturday was an exciting day in Justice Beahan's court, that beiug return day of summons in a large number of suits commenced against the stockholders of the Anu Albor Trading Association, mstituted by creditors who had previously obtaineu judgments against the Association in the Circuit Court, for the purpose of collectiug from each member the amouut of their stock. The " farmer merchants " were out in force, some of whom were excitéd to the highest pitch. Au adjournment of the suits was obtaiaed until September 4th, in order that a meeting of the stockholilers may be held, to determine whether a coutest shall be made. A meetiug of the stockholders has been called, to be held in this city next Wednesday. - The free drinking and free fighting reported at a park picnic excursión (from Jackson) on Monday afternoon and evening, and also on other recent occasions, suggests a pertinent question or two : Why is the open and public sale of liquors permitted at the parks and picnic grounds in or adjoining the city ? and why do not both the United States and local authorities discharge their duty and prevent gatherings for pleasure and recreation from being converted into scènes of riot and rowdyism ? The United States liceuse confines the sale of liquors to a definite and described locality ; the State law tixes and estabüshes a place ot business; while the city license law ouly authorizes the holder to keep a saloon, restaurant, etc, in a specific place or building, and caunot be tortured to authorize a sale of liquors or intoxicating beverages at parks, in fair grounds, or on picnic grounds or street corners. What say the ofticers ? - Agent Sharpless, with the intention of breaking up the congregation of boys arnuud the depot, and preventing them from catching on trains, has provided one of the employees with a horsewhip with directions to keep the station clear of boys. Tuosday a boy was discovered catchiug on a freight tram and the whip was used upon hira. The boy went home and told his tather, who immediately repaired to the depot for the purpose of " raising the very d- 1." Instead of using the whip on the father, as should have been done, he was notifled that the next time his boy was caught around the depot he would be taken to the jail. Boys have no business around the depot, they are in dauger ot being killed every time they catch upon a moving train, and every sensible parent should thank the Agent for inau(,'uiatiag the present mode for keeping them away. We hope that the present arrangement will continue in force, and that the whip will be also used on all interfering parents.


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