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MW AJÜVLRT1SLMENTS Animal School Meeting. Notice is hereby given tbat the Animal Meeting of School District No. One of the city of Ann Arlor, will be hAd at the COURT HOÜSK in said city, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1875, lar the electiou of three Trustees, in place of Jamen B. (iott, Lewlfl C. liisdon and Willmu.W. Wheduii, and for the transaction of such other business a.i may legally come before suid meeting. The polls for the election of officers will open at 10 o'elock a. BI. and close at 2 o.clock 1. m. The business meeting will commenoe at 2 o'cloek p. m. By order of the Board of Trustees, JAMES B. QOTT, Secretary. Ann Albor, Aug. 26, 1875. Notice. The Animal Meeting of the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the Court House in the city of Ann Arbor, on SATUUDAY, OCTOBER 2d, 1875, at 11 o'cloek a. m., for the purpose of the election of officers, and also to asnead the charter of said company. A general atlendance of niembers is especially desired. Dated, Aug. 2ü, 1875. N.SHELDON, Secretary. Auction Sale. The suhscriber will sell, in the townsliip of Pittsñeld, two miles east of Saline and 6 miles south oí Aun Arbor, on the old Kellogg Farm, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, Oommencing at 10 o'cloek a. m., thefollowing property : One Spazi of Horses, One Span Breeding Mares, Two Yearling Colts One Suckling Colt, 1 Milch Cow, 1 Lumber Wagon, 1 One-Horse Wagon, 1 Buggy, 1 Set Light Harness, 2 Pairs Baba, 1 Cutter, 1 Buflalo and Lap Robe, 1 Mowing Machine and Sulky Hay Rake, 1 Grind Stone, 1 Cuttiug Bon, Shovels, Axes, Saws, Chickeas, 6 Tons Hay, 4 Tons Oat Straw, an Orchard of Apples to be sold on the trees, 15 Cords of Wood, 1 hirge C'ooking Stove, 3 Parlor Stoves, (Stoves as good as uew), a quantity of Stove-pipe and Zinc, 100 yards Carpeting, 1 fifteen foot Extensión Table and Two Common Tables, 5 Stands, 1 Marble Top Stand, 1 Writing Desk, 1 What-not, 1 Sofa, 1 Lounge, 4 Sets Chaira, 3 Rocking Chairs, 1 $95 Sewing Machine as good as new, 4 Sets Bed Springs, 5 Bedsteads, 2 Bureaus, 1 CMer Vinegar, Tubs, Pails, Dishes, etc. The undivided third of fifteen acres Coru and Stalks, (Corn to be delivered in half bushei) and one-acre ïotates. Xeruitt.Suins of $5 and under, Cash ; over tbat anionut, one year's credit, witli iinerest at 7 per cent, with gooií approved notes. 1545-wl Li. B. KELLOGG. Public Schools. The Public Schools of this city open for the coming year, on MONDAÏ, AUG. SOth, 1875. Examinations for admission of new pupils will bc beid in the Central Building on Saturciay, 28th inst., commencing at 9 o'cloek a. m. TUITION : The rates of tuition in the High School, establisbed by the Board, are as follows, per term, payable in advance : Non-resident pupils- English, - - Í6 00 " " " - eacn language extra, 2 00 Resident pupils - each language, - - 2 00 Drawing, 20 Paintinj?, o0 At a meeting of the School Board, held June 15th, 1875, the followlng rule, additional lo Part III., was adoptcd : Rule 14. Hazing, rushing, pumping, concerted rlotous and disorderly conduct in the streets, or on the school or public grounds, shall subject pupiU to suspension : and certificates of grartuation inay be withheld froni any and all papua engagc-d m .iucIi proctices. By order of the Board, JAMES B. OOTÏ, Seeretary. W. S. Perry, Supt. . Ann Arbor, Aug. 12, 1875. 154Jw3 TÏÏÉ ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor. Michigan. Receives deposita of One Dollar and upwards and allows Five percent, interest on all deposita remaining three mouths or longer. Interest CompouDded Seini-.liiniially. Also buys and sells U. S. Bonds. Gold, Silver and Interest Coupons, and New York, Detroit and Chicago Exchange. Also sells Sight Dralts on Grrat Britain, Ire[..ixii, Germany, or auy other part of the European Continent. This Bank is organized under the General Banking Law of this State. The Stockholders are individually Hable to the amount of their stock, and the whole capital is security for depositors, while with Banks of issue, the capital isinvested for the security of bill-holders. This fact niakes this Instltution a very safe depository of monies. Married Wumen eau deposit subject to their own drafts only. noiiey to Loan on Approved Securitles. DIRECTOKS : S. Smith, C. Mam, W. W. Wines K A. liEAL, W. D. HARRIMAN. D. HlSCOCK, W. Deuuel. OFFICliRS: R S. Smith, Prcs't. C. Mack, Vice-Pres' C. E. Hiscock, Teller. t IVE WBE8E FEATHJSKP Constontlynnhand andlorsaltb BACB fr ABEL. ECL1RK, Jurtice of the Pence, Notnry Pul lic and Conveyanoer. WIll loan muney lo others on real estáte security.


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Michigan Argus