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RAILROADS. l I iiUiAN CENTRAL BAILROAdT SUMMER TIME TABLE. OOIHO WÏBT. T"! Ig. m.Su STATIOSB. - W : S -. g. 3 5 a p o t A.H. A. M IP.M.JP. M. P.M. I. M. Detroit, leave, 7 00 9 501 3 30 4 OOi 5 4 9 60 Wayne, 7 56 10 36 4 07 4 50 6 34 10 37 Ypailanti, 8 32 11 00 4 22 6 27 i 7 10 11 00 AnnArbor, 8 5711 15 4 36, 5 45 7 4S 11 17 Daxter, 9 20 4 52 6 08 8 10 Chelaea, 9 40 _ 6 2S 8 30 Graas Lake, 10 07 ; 6 49 9 00 Jaokson, lo"3712 33 5 40 7 15 9 30 12 45 Kalamazoo, 1 56 2 65 12 36! 2 54 Uhicago arrive, 7 35 8 00 6 30 1 8 00 clOINIl EAST. i I f Ml ih Aü_! F A.M. A.M. iP. M. P. M. A. M. Chioago, leave, 0 00 9 00 5 15 9 00 1 P.M. A. M.i Kalamazoo, 10 50,140 10 30 2 35 P.M. A.M. A.M. Jackson, 2 12 4 05 7 U0 12 47 4 55 9 50 Graas Lake, 2 45 1 7 32 1 6 23 Chelsea, 3 10 8 00, 5 50 Dextei, 3 26 1 8 18 6 08 Ann Arbor, 3 52 5 10 8 37 2 22 6 28 10 4T Ypsilanti, 4 20 6 27 K f 2 42 6 48,11 00 Wuyne, 4 45 6 43 9 25! 3 02! 7 10 11 19 Detroit, arrive, 5 45; i 4510 15Í 3 50 1 8 00 12 00 Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. TOLEDO, SAGINAW AND NORTHWESTERN MICHIGAN. Close and reliable conneotions made at Wayne Junction witb trains of the Michigan Central H. R. Four trains North and four South daily except Sunday. In Effect Jdlt 18th, 1875. GOINO NOBTH. M -" L■ j STATIONS. SM f M S LL■ %SH . ft ■ - aS ■ mO m M S5 A.M. P.M. P.M. A. M. Wayne, leave 9 00 1 00 7 00 3 0 llolly, 10 30 3 28 8 29 6 i Flint, 11 06 3 01! 9 06 5 44 Bast Saginav, 12 47 4 25 10 20 7 25 Bay City, arrive 12 20 S 00 1 10 DO 8 00 P.M. Reed City, 8 42 12 30 Ludington, 10 45 6 56 (iOING iOUTH. A. M. A. M. P. M. Wayne, arr. J 65 3 45 8 20 Monroe, arrrive 4 05 9 15 Toledo, arr. 5 08 10 20 The steamer " John Sherman " leaves Ludington on arrival of Day Express at 10 45 making close connectione with the Bheboygan & Fon du Lac R. R. at Sheboygan for all pointa in Wiaconsin, Minnenota and the Upper FeninBula ot Michigan, lteturning leaves 8neboygan at 12 30 nooo, connecting with the Night Express leaving Ludington at 5 p.M. ; connections at Ludington also with steamers for Pentwater, Manistee, Franklin, etc. BANFORD KEELEB, Aas't Supt. J. P. Noühse. Gen'i Ticket Agent. DETROIT, HILL8DALE& INDIANA RAILROAD. OOINQ WEST. -1875- OOINO EAST. stations. Mail. Exp. stations. Kxp. Mail. A. M. P. M. Detroit, dep... 7:00 6:40 A. M. p. M. Ypsilanti.... 8:32 7:15 Bankers 3:15 2:15 Külinu 9:30 7:45 Hillsdale ... 3:30 S:25 Bridgewater.. 10:00 8:03 Manchester.. 6:21 4:07 Manchester. 10:33 8:22 Bridgewater 6:55 4:27 P.M. Baline 7:25 4:45 Hillsdale 1:28 10:05 Ypsilanti.... 8:55 6:26 Bankera 1:45 10:15 Detroit 10:16 6:80 Trains run by Chicago time. To take efiect July 11, 1876. W. F. PARKER, Bup't, Ypsilanti. COLDSMITH'S Bryant rnd Ntrutton BUSINESS UNIVERSIÏY of Detroit, removed to the new Mechanica Hall, oppoaite the City Hall, occupies the beat looation in the city. The rooms are the flnest and best f urnisbed anywhere to be fodnd. The instiution is eonducted upon the actual businessplan, and after 25 year experienee in the business we are satisfted ihat it is superior to any other; it also receivea the endoraement of business men. College paper sent tree to any ad J res. 1542 T6"T I TST T S Of legitmate Lead and Liquid Paint mixed with Pure JLinseed Oil, Put up in packages from one pint to furty gallona, and ready at all times for immediate use. Notwithstanding our paint is PURE LEAD AND ZINK, it is sold as cheap as ordinary LIQUID FAZITTS. One gallon of thia paint will cover 350 square feet, two ooats, and can be applied immediately, aa it is mixed with oil, and READY FOR THE BRUSH. We will send samples, througe the mail, to any addreas, FREE OF CHABtiE, or it may be seun at the warerooma of the Detroit White Lead Works N. B.-We also cali attention to our brand of Striotlï Püee White Lead. B3.S1OO IBi.OGLDÏ-a We warrant tbis Wbite Lead to be ohexnically pure, and will pay $100 in Gold for every ounce of adulteration found in thia package branded with our name. WORCESTER, BOYDEL & CO., 127 Jeflferson Avenue, Detroit, Mich. L ADÍES can make $5 a day in their own city or town. Address ELUS M'FG Co., Waltham, Mass. Maytaew Business College offers the best kuown facilities for athorough business edueation. For circularé address IRA MAYHEW, Detroit, Mich. ■■kkTCklTO Have you au invention for T-'H ICNIoi which you desire a Patent, X either in the U. S. or !ny foreign country ? Then send to the Mechamos and Inventora' Association, tbe only teliable Fatent Agency ia Michigan. 37 W. Congrega St., Detroit. TH08. S. SPRAGUE, President. E. W. Voight's SALVATOR BEER Is the Best Lager Brewed in the West. MILWAUKEE BREWEKY, Grand River Are., Detroit. This beer is bottled by Jacob Beller, 11 State street, J. F. Maloney & Co., 280 Grand River avenue, and Williams & Co., brewers, Duncan's Brewery. WAÍÍTED 1MMLD1ATLLT irtfl YOUNG MEN TO lUy LEARN TELEGRAPHY. with good situation guaranteed. Salary paid wlüle pr&cticing. Address with Stampa, C. A. SHEARMAN, Supt. U. T. C, Oberlin, Ohio. gs A Lecture S0P TO YOUNG MEN. Juli PubliiheA, in a Sealed EnvelnjK. Price six ctnli A Iecture on tlie Iture,Treaiaieii, and Radical cure of Seminal Weakneaa, or Spermatorrhoea, induoed by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Smissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility and Impedimenta to MarrUge ; Cooêun-ption, Epilepay íaá Fits; Mental and Phyaical Iucapacity, &c- 3y ROBEKT J. CULVElt WELL, M. D., author of ;he" Green Book," &. The world-renowned author, in tni admirable Lecture, clearly provea from hia own eiperience hat the awful consequencea of SeU-Abuae may e eflectually removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operation, bougies, Instruments, rings or cordials ; pointing out a mode of cure at onoe certain and eü'ectual, by whUh evory Bufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himaelí oheaply, privately and radieall v . .O This Lecture willprovca boon to thoutandt and tnousands, Sent under Beal, in a plain envelope, to any adiiBii,jost-paid, on receipt of aix cents or two posture stamp. Address the Publishers, CHAS. J. C. KLI5E & CO., 127 Bowery. New York ; Post Office Box 4586. iiKNKBAL UW AND BUSINESS Aca-Ensror. UOOT & ORANQER, having seoured the excluOOT'S ABSTKACT RECORD BOOKS ior the county of Washtenaw, which they have arefully revised, poated and perfected, and havi)g, with an extonsive an zeliable cotrespondence, opened a General Business Agency at No. 5 West Huxon Street, in the city of Ann Arbor, will attend promptly to the ale, purohaèe and leasing of real state, the loaning of monuy, collections.negotiatioins, contraoting and conveyncing. Life and Fire Insurancei, and to the practice of Law in the vatious Courts of thw State. Ann Arbor, May 1. 1475. acyw B. V. GRANGER. nWELLINC IIIIISUS FOR NAM. A large and very well Imllt brick house, with two or mole Iota. Two large framed hounea. Alao il good sized brick house and frame house ; and a small frame houae on a good lot, intended for adding afront. For sale on fairterms and a reasonable oredit. AIbo other buildings, lots, and property. ilONEÏ WAIVTED-So many winning to borrow money apply to me that I can readily obtainfor tenders good satisfactory investmentB ttt ten per cent. interest. E. W. MOKUAN. Ann Arbor, April 23, 1873. M23U


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Michigan Argus