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Crop Prospects

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The Chicago Times oí August ül prmts coinprehensive reports as to tho condición of the spring wheat erop in the Northwest. ín Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Nebraska nearly all reports agree that tíÜB will be a year of plenty. The wheat has mostly been cut and stacked ; the quantity is far above tho average, and tlio xuality never excelled. There will be at least one-fourth more wheat exported from tiloso states than ín auy previous year. Iowa will probably average as large a erop as heretofore, some oounties íalling below and others exeeediug the yield of íormer years. All reports from Kansas agree that a more bountiful harvest has never been garnerod in that State than that of tho present season. In Illinois but little spring wheat is grown. As far as reports go, it would appear that there is no reason for complaint ; that the erop vïïl bc fully up to the average of former yeílrs, if it does not exceed it. Taken all in all, the prospect is decidedly eneouraging. There is every reason to expect a full return for the labor of the year in all directions. Returns to tho Agricultura! Bureau. From tho erop returns collected at the Agricultura! Departineiit, Washington, during tho month of Jnly, and in comparing them, it is found that tho number of acres of corn planted this year exceeds last by eight per cent. The conditions of the erop is about 96 per cent. of an average. The average condition of wheat of both kinds for the entire country is 82. The oats erop promises a large yield. Except New York 94, Pennsylvania 98, all the large producing States are above the average. In the States producing ryo on a large scale, excopting Wisconsin 100, the condition is reportcd considerably below tho average. The condition of the barley erop in California is winter 82, spring 80 ; Oregon 99 and 110 ; New York 97 ; Pennsylvania 94 and 89 ; Ohio 72 and 100 ; Michigan 108 and 102 ; Illinois 94; Wisconsin 97 and 88 ; Iowa 102 ; Minnesota 107. The potato returns show an increase over last year of 4 per cent. in the acreage. The wool-clip shows a considerable increase, especially in the South and West, and on the Pacific coast. Maryland's clip is cqual to last year's. Wluit tlio Ileports of the Cinclnnatl FrlceCurrent Show. The Cincinnati Pricc-Current of Aug. 20 contaius a full and comprehensivo presentation of Western erop reports, comprising about 350 special returns from nearly as many couuties in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Michigan and Kentucky, together with some other States. They relate chiefly to wheat, oats, corn and hogs. Of wheat the reports indícate in Ohio and Indiana a full average acreage, with the yiold somewhat short ; large losses by rain and very inferior qnality. The Illinois erop is below an average condition, and is of bad quality. The Iowa acreage is about as usual ; generally harvested in good condition ; some datuago by blight and othr causes ; yield large, but in mauy places the erop is not a full average ; quality inferior. In Missouri the erop is considerably short and is materially damaged. In Kentucky the yield is tho average amount, but is largely and badly damaged. Michigan has a faii erop. Wisconsin has a very good erop. Oats - Thero has been large destmetion and damage in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Illinois, and portions of Missouri, whilo the acreage was increased, and Michigan, Wisconsin and Iowa show a largo produetion. Corn - Largely increased average, aud very proiaisiug outside of portions of the Ohio valley, and if the erop matures north and nortliwest it will be much greater than usual. Cattle and hogs aro generally in better condition than a year ago, and ín many portions the stock is feeding irpon the damaged gr.iin. Much iniormatkm v„ also givon relativo to other crops. Potatoos promise an unusually largo erop throughout nearly all these sections.


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